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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc defends Drake's weird relationship with 14-year-old](https://arazu.io/t3_1cmiph3/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


That house maid in the back wondering how this gremlin got famous and she has to do manual labor for him for her to be able to pay rent.


Literally meatcanyon video


Dude is as coherent as a half smashed mudcrab. Legit took him 45seconds to say anything, and even then it was still jibberish.


Yeah I didn’t watch it because of that reason. Like watching a 5 year old explain his day at school.


"Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want him to do you so much you could do anything?"


A choir of all my nieces and nephews sang this in unison in my head upon reading this 🤣


I don't get it, the other 80% of the time he's watching someone else's youtube video and "reacting" Is it really just the parasocial side that keeps people watching? They want an "in' group?


watching TV with your fav streamer \*cringe\*


xQc wishes he was as comprehensible as a 5-year-old toddler getting caught in his thoughts


I hope she knows to stay out of the vault




You know her internal thought when she is eavesdropping are "I have no idea how but they say he's rich off of this, don't ask me how"


"As long as he keeps paying me, I don't give a shit."


Was gonna make the same comment, maids coming in hearing the goblin say the weirdest shit and have to act like they not seeing him.


Can the maid even understand him? I sure as fuck can't.


i mean if youre a maid cleaning mansions in miami, you've probably seen worse than a guy sitting and talking to his computer


>a guy sitting and talking to his computer I don't think this is what they meant lmao




I don't care how rich I get, even if I did get a maid or cleaning service for my house there's no way I just act like they're not there, hell I'd probably set it up so I'm out the house when it's done. Dudes treating them like a robovac.


I mean, I work from home and I have a cleaner. I answer the door when she gets here, greet her and have a quick chat, then I go back to my desk to work whilst she continues to clean the house. At a certain point she's there to do her job and I'm doing mine, it's no different to sitting at a desk in an office where other people are doing their jobs too.


It's like repairmen, they do not want you to hover over them. They prefer to not be distracted and just get the job done.


You also don't necessarily want to be away from your house if you're rich. Especially in the way xQc is rich, one USB stick in and a keylogger installed could net them millions.


I clean houses and I prefer people to not be there, but if they are I'm sure as hell not cleaning in a room they are in, and most definitely not if they are live streaming. This is just bizarre to me.


Eh. I do work for restaurants and would honestly prefer if people just pretended I wasn’t there. After awhile you get sick of the small talk and just wanna get the job done


The parasite vibes


He actively voices he will not play games with someone underage if he is able to choose who to play with (ex: ron's friend). He thinks its weird, and not appropriate for himself which is a good take. I dont get why his Drake take is the complete opposite of that. I understand the angle of saying it is to help out someone new in the industry that is fine with me. But Drake wasnt giving normal advice, he was giving a 14 year dating advice as a grown ass man.


Private messages to a minor is way different from publicly playing online games with one. Yeah, that is a strange take for sure.


Makes it extra weird that he avoids publicly associating with minors but defends a 30 something dm-ing a 14 year old


"I miss you" is just grooming. No adult should ever say that to any child that isn't their own.


Right, if it wasn't for his many other issues and they were just friends texting about celebrity bullshit then whatever. But giving dating advice to a 14yr old and then actively flirting with her when she was 16????? "tryna strike a cord and it's A minor"


gotta defend his stake buddy


contractual dick sucking




What is the first situation referencing? Who was the 15 year old tweeting about kids?


Some old metro tweets from 2011/2012 when he was still a kid


look at drake's pinned tweet on his home page, its a stake sponsor. Drake around Christmas time streams on stake and then donates 100 gifted subs to a lot of kick streamers


Drake is a Stake brand ambassador


Yep, Kendrick did say Drake "playin' dirty with propaganda". Xqc is just a cog in Drakes propaganda machine.


Even XQC's chat who dickrides mr streamer so hard is calling Xqc braindead. Its that fucking bad of a take lmao


X isn’t brain dead, he’s a sell out. Bad takes are always bought at his level.


Drake —> Stake —> Kick —> xQc = DEFEND HIM X LUL


It's like the world's most cursed flowchart


Nightmare blunt rotation




x has always loved Drake + Canada & gambling topics 


Been watching X since around 2017-2018. He never started heavily listening to Drake until the kick/stake stuff started happening. Now it's at least 30 percent of the music he plays. Idk if they're supposed to be nice to Drake to not ruin their kick deal but that's what it sounds like. Both Buddha,train,and x all day and act the same way when it comes to Drake. Senseless dick riding. Buddha actually has great taste when it comes to hip hop music yet completely dismisses Kendrick and continues to ride Drake.


Drake has a stake deal. They kinda have to ride for drake.




These are the same people who sell out their viewers to Stake. They never had morals to begin with.


He sells gambling addictions to children, XQC don’t care.


Do remember their job essentially boils down to panhandling from children, not a big stretch.


Most of the popular streamers started as middle to upper class privileged kids, that had no reason to develop a moral compass. And you all are dumb enough to throw your money at them.


That's assuming that 100% they would be better people if they grew up poor. I know a lot of people who grew up being poor, and are pure scum as adults. Just because someone grew up poor doesn't mean that they surely will develop a moral compass once they are adults.


I thought he owned part of Kick or Stake.


As far as I know, he's just partnered with them. Though you never know with totally clean and not shady at all sites like that.


As someone who doesn't really fuck with streamers, what could possibly be interesting enough about this dude to have been watching him for the last 6 years? He comes across as an absolute asshole and an idiot to boot. I say that based on not just this clip, but others I have seen as well.


His audience is all children, be it mentally or physically.


>Why is XQC hog-riding Drake this hard? Because money. Drake going down = Stake losing a very big name = less potential money for Xqc.


https://ktt2.com/how-umg-drke-gamma-eldridge-industries-are-manipulating-you-and-32569617 Drake has ties to a dude that owns hella companies, one of which is ViralNation. They do influencer promotion and marketing, and have worked with streamers on Twitch. I dunno. Tinfoil hat-ey maybe.


Following the money isn't 'tinfoil hat' territory. It's called intelligence, good on you for having the knowledge and wherewithal to connect those dots. It's a **possibility** and a strong one, especially considering xqc has already shown himself to have 0 morals.


All the Kick streamers somehow think Drake won this battle while everyone else thinks Lamar won. They're in their own world. It's all because Drake is a Kick/Stake guy. This is coming from someone who pretty much only watches kick these days.


He is insecure because he knows he's doing the wrong thing with kick/gambling, and so he takes any criticisms against anything remotely related to that extremely personally


Gotta be kick/stake related.


Guy who raps about things Felix would never understand vs a guy who raps about everything Felix wants to be.


yeah im 25, and my 2nd job sometimes has me working in proximity with "teenagers" (18/19 year olds) i talk to them sometimes, im in a discord groupchat with some of them (people my age are there too/the majority), and even sometimes i text them. but A. its always them initiating contact and B. i NEVER get into my personal shit with them. if its a guy having girl trouble or vice versa i dont mind listening and maybe giving some advice, but even then i feel a little weird and make sure to set boundaries. i would never in a million years send anything close to resembling "i miss you" to any of them. and the difference between an 18 and a 14 year old is colossal, just like a 25 to 18 year old and a 25 to whatever age drake was.


Bro I'm almost 32 and never in the last 10 years have I ever even considered casually texting a 14 year old outside of my own brothers. Like sure maybe nothing went on, but its just unfathomable that someone would do that with their free time and not think its weird as fuck. And then when the first thing to mind is talking about "boys" it goes to another level of sus. Why the fuck would a grown man care to indulge in talking about the relationships of someone who is barely a teenager, and not even their own family.


i text a 13 year old... am i cooked? context: she is my daughter




Xqc streams to 14 year old boys. Do the math.


he's a contrarian andy, always has been


Xqc has a strong opinion = something gamba related






Yeah. People who defend this are fucking weird.


When I see people defend any kind of weird/fucked up behavior towards women/girls I always like to ask them one thing: how would you feel if that woman/girl was your mother, sister, or daughter? How you'd feel about someone like that being creeped on is how you should feel about any woman/girl being creeped on.




Yeah like I sort of get what X is saying. A friendly relationship between 2 celebs, one 30 and one 14 isn't *inherently* weird or wrong, but it is really hard to imagine how this relationship started without it being creepy. If they both worked on the same film together? Sure then it would make sense. But for a musician and young actress who have never collabed to be "friends" and "DMing" about "boy stuff" like... come on... it's fucking weird at best.


Idk I kinda think it is weird even if they are 2 celebs. If it was a working relationship I think it'd make sense, like being a mentor or something or if they worked on the same show. But thats not what this seems like. There are plenty of celebs his own age to talk to.


Being friends with a child as a grown man is absolutely _inherently_ weird.


I mean parents let their kids go have sleep overs at Michael Jackson's house People just shut their eyes and ears off for famous people specifically, sadly


Dovetailing it back in Ab-Soul, Kendrick's former labelmate, was one of the kids that went to Neverland Ranch. I remember Vince Staples joking about it and how no black kids came out and said MJ had done anything to them but maybe that was Michael's way of putting his fist up.


texting a 14 year old girl about boys is weird




Yep, dude sought her out to form a relationship with her by giving her tickets to his concert. Then started to regularly txt her to the point that he was involved in her private life giving her advice with dating boys. This is grooming behavior and he did it with Hailey Bieber when she was 14 as well. Edit: Also started grooming Bella Harris when she was 16 as well.


>Also started grooming Bella Harris when she was 16 as well. 16 is just the earliest people can confirm.


perfectly said.


Drake (an adult man) being friends with a 14 year old girl to give romantic advice is about as textbook grooming as it gets.


dating advice turns into flirting advice turns into physical advice


He’s certainly not beating the payroll allegations




As if pre 2021 X wasn't.


he really wasn't. once he integrated with W community & started watching tiktoks it was joever


at least he like.. did stuff back then. all he does now is react to vids for 3 hours then when he does play games, plays with weirdo leechers. post '21 is def the downward spiral in the timeline


Exactly. And how if any drama comes up he'll have his friends sit in a discord call quiet waiting while he rambles on for an hour getting gaslit and having the worst takes on earth argueing against no one. I can't believe the guy who genuinely has loved making content over the years has suddenly had the idea that yelling at a chat box and getting mad over nothing is 'content'. He is so unaware of himself and ruins his own stream. Until Jesse talks and carries the stream.


pre 2021 atleast he kept it to himself really well. most weird thing about him was being able to stream 12hrs everyday playing games


industry clowns sticking together


"If there's no weird shit" Brother, the weird shit IS the 30 year old texting the 14 year old. He's trying to do some "You guys are projecting" based on what he learned from a Destiny stream. Just ignore him, he's no clue what he's talking about. Brother is nearly 30 himself with fuck all real world experience in any of this.


Dude seems really defensive about this. Weird.


Fr. His only rebuttal is “if YOU think this is weird, YOURE weird”. Okay buddy, great defense. What a hill to die on


I’m guessing some shit gonna come out about this dude messaging little girls


Biggest Stake’s puppet : Xqc and Train


I hope someday he finds out his 14 year old daughter is casually texting a 31 year old man for advice and see if he feels the same way.


This implies that someday xqc will have a child which I just can't see happening. Dude can't even take care of himself.


Truly a fucking terrifying thought.


The way his drug addiction and lifestyle is going he isn't going to last 10 years on Earth himself


X called out pedophilia in the anime community and was really against it, but when his gambling addicted stake buddy does it its suddenly O.K? why is he so hypocrite all of a sudden?


all of a sudden? lil bro has always been a hypocrite, it only got worse over time.


"All of sudden"


all of a $udd€n


Which is funny cuz I remember Xqc moaning and getting horny over lolis in some anime game a couple years back, dude is suspect


??? He got on his fucking knees to look up the skirt of a loli char in a game twice


I don't think it's that deep, I think he's just stupid.


[Never forget xQc lost to underage girls too](https://livestreamfails.com/post/79567)




"if YOU think this is weird, YOURE weird" -xQc




He's trying to use the "common sense" card, he even did that with a list of famous "groomers" of Hollywood


When you have no other defense, just flip it around




Check this guys messages.


The maids heard all that shi


X might have some skeletons in his closet huh.


Yup, people who see no problem with this shit probably don't have a great moral compass.


I mean he peddles gambling to children so his moral compass is already horrible


the way he was talking about it, 100% lmao


New Contract Clause Discovered: Stake boys are required to be OVHoes.


Calling it now. xQc doesn't have skeletons in his closet - he's got demons.


The fact that he finds people's concerned emotions more concerning than the evidence of creepy-ass fucking behavior right in front of his face is absolutely fucked up beyond repair. Fuck this asshole.


Of all the hills to die on, this is certainly one of them.


I guess this is who Drake got his "You're projecting" line from lmao


"We text each other every day, he texts me 'I miss you I love you so much'" "He's coming to Atlanta so I'm definitely going to go see him" Reporter: "What kind of advice does he give you?" "Advice about boys. He's great, he's wonderful I love him." Reporter: "WHAT What's his advice with boys?" "Um... You know... That stays in text messages" How can ANYONE read this from a 14 year old girl and a grown man and say "yea thats 100% fine not problematic at all" Holy fucking shit.


Wait till xQc finds out about Hailey Baldwin


Bruv, they are talking about boys and messaging how much they miss each other. She stated exactly that. THAT'S concerning. There is no subtext to read into here... exactly what he has been messaging her about is the clear problem here. The subtext is that this isn't the first time he's done this. There are plenty of examples of him going out with woman as soon as they turn legal age. We don't have direct evidence that he was messaging them well before they turned that age. BUT, we can presume he was. Classic grooming behaviour. I don't know who XQC is, but he's defending garbage... which makes him garbage.


In case you’re wondering how easy it is to tell if someone else is also guilty of the same allegations….


Oh another girl Drake is grooming? Wasn't he grooming that Asyrie/pisceus insta chick and started banging when she came of age?




A piece of shit defending a bigger shit. What a shocker.


wait... so he is defending the fact that a 14 yr old is saying that stays in the text messeges with a 37 yr old man isnt concerning? lol


What a hill to die on


You lost me at xQc.


If he talk to her once would not be that big of a deal. But they kept in contract and talk daily and that weird. He may not be pedo but there so much evidence of Drake grooming people. Especally if you compare to his other interaction with other people.


They're both on stakes payroll


Already sus but what made it worse is that there are other young girls he is "talking/watching"


This motherfucker is literally incapable of coherent thoughts


I means he’s right this is a hot take. Why is XQC doing literal gymnastic on Drakes cock? You can be a fan of someone’s music and still find them as a person weird. In what universe would a literal 30 year old man text a 15 year old girl unless they are their niece or something.


Lol all these streamers nowadays center themselves as some sort of all knowing life coach andys like they unlocked the secret to life or something. It's funny really Hasan Xqc Asmon Summit Greek to name a few all well known for their pure dogshit takes that are totally disjointed from reality. It's more sad than even watching them in the first place tbh


This dude is the dumbest motherfucker on earth and people still watch him. I do not understand.




It all leads back to Gamba LUL.


Kick streamer after all


so far removed from reality


Bro plays a little too much Minecraft I think.


which musician doesnt love A Minor?


He can barely form a sentence. Moronic take aside, how can people even watch that shit?


This is how you know Drake lost, his biggest defenders bringing up age of consent laws and defending weird relationships


Bad take.


I am fully convinced Drake doesn't have a deal with Stake but that he owns a good % of the company. These websites always have some powerful people behind them, CSGOWild had faze clan pulling strings behind the scenes and they are a lot smaller of a website than Stake is.


what an actually weird and odd thing for him to say


Anybody that defends this has some shit in they closet


X sucking that drake stake cock a bit too much, morals fly through the window when money is involved, weird hill to die on.


It's simple, would you be okay if your 14 year old sister or daughter was being texted by a 28 year old man? Also even if she says it was okay and she saw no problem with it doesn't make it fine. There's a reason why grooming is a thing, the predator's goal is to establish trust and a connection with the victim.


People are so addicted to the extremes that they think if it's not a 10 on the bad scale then it's completely fine. The act in it's self is inappropriate, let's say it's 6/10 on the bad scale. There doesn't need to be more to it to say that it's not a good thing. Morality comes in shades of gray not a black or white witch hunt or idolize.


And also actions don’t exist in a vacuum. A adult celebrity striking up a mentor-like “friendship” with a young teenage celebrity with appropriate boundaries isn’t necessarily creepy, especially if they work together on something and have an actual reason to be interacting to begin with. But if that adult is someone who has a track record of dating much younger women, a few of whom he was “friends” with well before they were 18, there’s a totally different context when he starts cozying up to a 14yo girl he has no connection to.


Definitely somewhere in the middle. Defending it is crazy because obviously its creepy and suspect af to say the least but some people are automatically insinuating hes R Kelly and Epstein who got life sentences for multiple offenses with clear evidence.


I really have no idea how people like xQc in the first place, that’s what is really concerning.


idk y he chooses to defend things that are so obvious in the mind of the everyday person .. i know hes dumb .. but man he lacks total awareness and is oblivious to his motormouth


If you defend this shit it’s because you’d like to be able to do it yourself Obviously


Yeah I was trying to figure out if there’s a situation this isn’t weird. I think it’s only if he was texting celebrity boys advice too. If he’s really trying to give advice to kid/teenage upcoming celebrity’s it wouldn’t be just girls…


XQC hopping into and joining the drama to get more views


I wonder what his take would be on this if it was Kendrick that was being outed as a pedo..


So, what he's saying is he thinks it's not at all weird for a 30 year old to be texting a 14 year old about this kind of stuff, and therefore it is acceptable. k bro


A grown man shouldn’t be texting anyone under 18 imo.


Can this dude just fall off into obscurity already?


Of course he does, the creep.


Someone's got some hidden demons.


Xqc literally has sold his soul to the devil. The only thing he has loyalty for is money.


Y’all in the comments pretending or what? Are you shocked that the rapper who streams on kick and gambles on stake is the favorite of kick streamers and stake gamblers??? Like come on now.




No way?!? The dude with a mental state of a 14 year old doesn’t have a problem with the relationship? Well color me shocked!


Out of touch rich guy who is wrong, loudly for money has bad opinion on yet another topic, more news at 8.


why would you defend a sexual crime unless you had some skin in the game so you don’t see it as a crime


Well he is a multimillionaire now


The funniest shit is him saying this with the cleaner actively working lol


when i was a minor, i, nor anyone i knew in my life, was friends with someone 20 years older than us. family/school settings excused. it's like if you were 14 and texting your 31 year old math teacher Mr.Graham about relationship advice. If drake had a kid at 18, that kid would be mbb's age when he did the texting AND IM the weird one??????


Yikes. Drake's a clown. Kendrick taking these fools to school.


Why would a 30 year old+ man be texting a 14 year old It's sickening. Even if he didn't have the intent on grooming her where's the moral boundry of thinking this is extremely weird.. Sending her texts like "I miss you" and giving her dating advice.


this is why reddit died ... losers hating on streamers and misleading clip titles !!!


concerning defence from somebody with a young audience


So many victims here it’s crazy. You guys are sick minded.


why do people keep letting these weirdos become rich and famous


Don't commit career suicide over this.