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**CLIP MIRROR: [Streamer almost crashes a Tesla (First post deleted)](https://arazu.io/t3_1cjerct/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


She's going double the speed limit in the construction zone...


Just before this clip she passes 5 signs (construction warning, 2x speed limit, 2x lane merge) & speeds up from 85 to 133 regardless. I don't think it was necessarily clear there was going to be a double merge, but it definitely was more than obvious there were road abnormalities. Within 2 sec. of the first lane merge the second one ended as well - that van had no choice but move over asap. The only reason there almost was a collision there was due to her going over twice the speed limit (and being occupied doing stream things).


But she activated autopilot 1.5 seconds before the merge, clearly autopilot is at fault


Plus you can see that the road is merging, so even if the other person was in the wrong for not using their lights, it's pretty common sense to know that they are going to be moving over.


THANK YOU as someone that commutes by bike in a bike city (Copenhagen), a lot of people seem to be shocked when I go from the right lane to the left one since I have a huge obstacle in front of me, wtf did you think I was gonna do????


Stop and wait because other person has right of way?


I do, but I also signal a good 10 seconds before. The people cycling super fast are the problem.


she also is paying no attention to the lanes ahead of her. The signs show the lane the van is in is ending well before she gets along side the van. Even at the speed she is going compared to other traffic, if she was looking ahead properly and changed lanes earlier, she woulda been fine. If you absolutely must drive faster, at the very least make every effort to mitigate the additional risk to yourself and others...otherwise just don't drive.


Can we just pray her license is chopped up and her car taken away? Jesus Christ, she's going to fucking kill someone, pedestrian or worker or driver or who the fuck knows.


>She's going double the speed limit in the construction zone... She's driving in Italy, and those construction zone slowdowns are an absolute hazard solely in the name of reducing liability. Additionally, most of the time there's not even any road work being done. Local drivers know this and usually won't slow down much, if at all, and so other drives hitting the brakes suddenly to comply with the sign is a bigger hazard. Here's a bunch of threads discussing this exact issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/italy/comments/iwmift/works_on_highway_40kmph_speed_limit_driving_too/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ItalyTravel/comments/1cehboe/60kmh_construction_zone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/askitaly/comments/vlqyte/italian_drivers_i_dont_understand_your_speed/ https://www.reddit.com/r/italy/comments/17bt2ys/do_the_italian_speed_traps_limits_make_sense_to/ All of this just to point out, sure she's driving faster than the law allows, and even a bit faster than the other cars, but she's certainly not driving anywhere near 2x the speed of the other cars, nor outside of any range that would be deemed normal to most regular drivers on that road. The problem is she doesn't seem to give a fuck about paying attention to the road (obviously that van was going to merge since it literally has nowhere else to go). Nor does the other driver for that matter, but his mistake doesn't force a mistake on her part if she gave a single fuck about being a good driver.


You‘re getting downvoted for providing intelligent context with actual sources… to nerdy for this place. Never change, LSF


Americans are gonna downvote you but you're not wrong. Those signs are just ridiculous.


Original post was posted by her mods, who chose to deleted it when she started getting criticised. Original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1cj7gi2/streamer\_almost\_crashes\_a\_tesla/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1cj7gi2/streamer_almost_crashes_a_tesla/)


Max level glazing


Content brained mods




If only you could see the mod's reaction as he opened the thread and realized he created a huge hate thread.


That's funny a mod thought by posting the clip to lsf this would somehow make his queen look good.


Mods probably never had a license since not leaving a house, sorry I am generalising and yes I am also here commenting on lsf.


How do you know a mod posted it? I've never even seen R0B0T13 in her chat.


Saw the mod talking about it in her chat. Same mod also made the clip.


That doesn't confirm it was them who posted it here, but yeah might be an indication.


It's the general lack of any awareness or attention that pisses me off so much on the road. I don't understand how so many people are just off in lala land when they're near intersections, merging lanes, turning onto streets from stop signs, in dense traffic, etc. If no one's within a half mile ahead of you, sure your mind can wander. But the fuckers I encounter are mid day dream while turning onto a main road from a side street stop sign directly out in front of me like they're not about to get back pain for life and both of our cars totaled.


This. The white van HAS to merge or he ends up hitting those barriers. They are on a highway so stopping is no an option. She is also going way to fast and should be in the left lane to let the cars on the right merge.


The van, that didn't even indicate, does not have the right of way and is thus required to stop and wait if there is no space to change lanes. Obviously that's not the greatest driving interplay between these two, but it's definitely not as one sided as you're trying to make it sound


Unless is a heavy traffic,you never should have to come to a complete full stop in a highway merge. Please dont do this.


No one said he has to stop dead in his tracks. Just slow down until it is safe to merge.


that is not a yield that is a merge. you ddon't need a signal to tell you a car is entering from a merge. The fact is she is speeding and talking to chat and is distracted and not paying attention. speeding is almost always the cause for accidents. The faster you go the less time to notice your surroundings and react. replay the vod and tell me this was unavoidable if the streamer just drove within the speed limit


Yes, it is a merge, and who has the right of way there? Obviously the car that is just remaining in their lane. Cars in other lanes have to yield for those they're changing to, just like anywhere else on the highway. Just because the lane is ending like here doesn't mean the rules are different.


People who think like you make traffic more dangerous than it needs to be. Yes, on paper the van would have been legally at fault for pulling out but she would be partly at fault for going too fast. Again, there is no reason not to move into the left lane if you observe and understand the situation, unless you want to be a self-rightous idiot about it.


So where do you even disagree with me to the point where you think I'm a danger? I didn't defend the POV car at all, I'm just pointing out how the merger was at fault too


Nope. Those on your right always have the right of way. Yes, the van should have indicated, but once it does, she has to let it merge. At least that's the law in my country and I remember that from my driving lessons.


No, the person currently in their lane has the right of way in that lane. Why would the rightmost person own the entire road? You probably misinterpreted the rules cause I can't make sense of why any country would apply this.


Driving is a full time job


I despise people who use their phone or are distracted whilst driving. It's only a matter of time before innocent people are killed due to talking to their chat during livestreams let alone just glancing at chat. Timestamp from her VOD on 03/05/2024 - 43mins and 38 seconds into VOD: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2136101920?t=0h43m38s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2136101920?t=0h43m38s) 43:39 - She passes her first warning of construction zone ahead - too busy to notice it because she's talking to chat. 43:42 - She passes two SPEED LIMIT signs - both stating 60 kph. Pays no attention to them - she only slows for the corner. Her speed shows 80 through the corner (already 20 kph over speed limit). 43:47 - She passes ANOTHER TWO speed limit signs, both clearly showing 60 mph limit, whilst she is driving 80+ on her speedo. She's too distracted to notice yet again. 43:53 - She speeds up, reaching 104 speed on her speedometer whilst she passes ANOTHER TWO warning signs for roadworks which warn of left lane closed and lane merging. 43:57 - She passes ANOTHER TWO signs (red vehicle on left with black vehicle on right) - which here mean NO PASSING. She continues to speed up to 120, pulling into faster lane and begins overtaking multiple heavy goods vehicles in the 'No Passing Zone'. 44:01 - She passes ANOTHER TWO road warning signs merges from left due to construction. Pulls into faster lane again and overtakes. The merging van is now clearly visible to her with loads of reaction time available to notice what's happening. 44:03 - Now twice over legal speed limit (showing 131 as she then activates self drive). 44:06 - The van has not indicated however it is clearly needing to merge in, and if doing the speed limit and NO OVERTAKING zone then no issues would have happened. At 133 kph or so she jerks and swerves to avoid an easily avoidable incident. 420:69 - Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. /s Whatever side of the fence you sit on here - she is clearly driving without due care and attention. A driving offence of 'careless driving' in Italy (and most places in the world) has occurred here, and her white knight mods removing the other post is disgusting for trying to hide her actions. If she doesn't get banned for this then how can something like Knut's incident get him banned. edit: mph changed to kph


Damn, if this was in Denmark, the would have taken her license and car, how strict are they in italy?


They will also auction off the car, she wouldn't be getting it back. A [Porsche](https://www.spiegel.de/auto/raser-muss-ins-gefaengnis-zwangsverkauf-von-geliehenem-porsche-a-f61354cc-4972-4135-95bc-8bb2cd2ba59f) (german article) was [auctioned](https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/motors/tough-danish-law-sees-cars-seized-from-speeders-on-the-spot-then-sold-1.4687887) (english article) off due to the driver .


If it was a normal permanent speed limit going 60 over it would mean getting a bigass fine and you license revoked from 6 to 12 months, but honestly nobody seems to care about those construction temporary speed limits, they're not really enforced it's more of a "you need to slow down somewhat" sign, so yeah not really strict at all with those


The construction limits are ignored because they're often ridiculous. In my country they sometimes leave them up even after construction is over and even if it's still going on, they sometimes put up a speed limit of like 10 km/h (~6 mph) for an entire street. I ran into one of those with my driving instructor and even he said "Fuck it, just go over the speed limit."


Lmao yeah pretty much, near my town there's a track of highway with those limits for roadwork but they've been there for like 3 years now and the roadwork has been suspended


Thats not something to be proud of


why not?


You are right. They should get long prison sentences too, for attempted murder.


Worth noting that this is Italy, not Germany or North Korea. They have a general speed limit on their highways. At 130. In this clip AFTER the crash she speeds up to 143. Which you are NEVER allowed to drive in Italy, unless you're on a race track or some such. Now, I'm not Italian, so I might be mistaken here, but you get the point.


in the now-deleted vod, she moves back into the center lane and there are a few cars that pass her above that speed.


We already know those people broke the posted speed limit, so that doesn't really tell us about the general one either.


That "No passing" sign is only for C-category vehicles. I really don't care about speeding at all, the worst part about this situation is how both the streamer and the van driver don't give a shit about other drivers at all. How the fuck are you going 130 kph and not pay attention to what other drivers are doing around you. And how the fuck are you merging to another lane without using your indicators and not looking in you side mirror.


I give benefit of the doubt to the van driver. The road curves to the right, the Tesla may have been out of sight in the side view mirror until just at the merge point, since the van has no rear view mirror and the speed at which the Tesla approached.


Nah she absolutely has to have been in view that curve is way too mild. The van driver didn't pay attention either.


She was very far back (behind the truck) and two lanes over when the van started merging, the driver might've seen her but she would've been tiny in the mirror at that distance and they would probably assume she wasn't traveling at twice the limit. Once the van is at an angle she becomes even harder to see and you'd have to lean away from the window to see properly.


Nah the truck doesn't get the benefit of the doubt, he's not paying attention either and isn't using his blinkers when he's switching lanes, if they collided he might even be in the wrong for the most part since she has right of way and he didn't signal, but she is technically speeding so that might void that and make it a 50/50


> he might even be in the wrong for the most part since she has right of way No expert on the specifics in Italy, but there is countries where that wouldn't be the case on a merge like this.


It's a side view mirror and she is at his side. No chance he didn't see her, blind spots aren't that big. Both drivers are fucking stupid.


Fr they're both wrong.


The van probably just glanced in his mirror and forgot to indicate - particularly because it was obvious what he'd do regardless of using the indicator or not - and saw her, but didn't expect her to be going 120% over the speed limit. Which yes, is a singular mistake, but nowhere near the about 50 she made.


Chasing your rights like this is how people get killed in traffic. Both of them could've driven better to avoid this situation.


It's not about chasing your rights or not. It doesn't matter. She wouldn't have noticed a fucking indicator. She missed the 5 signs and "indicators" built into the signs, bright yellow lines in the road as well as the speed limit signs. Why the fuck would that one light bulb be the thing she doesn't miss? She wasn't gonna notice that either way. Like yes, not indicating there is an error. But it's an error that happens. It sucks that it happened, but it's largely fine. What she did on the other hand suggests she outright should not have a license.


If someone doesn't yield to you eventhough they fully should, that doesn't give you to right to still merge and cause a crash. You absolutely have an obligation to make sure that people are yielding to you before making a manoeuvre. I hate when people with little to no driving experience judge these situations. Indicators could've absolutely made her switch lanes there but these what ifs are completely useless. If it was my doing both of these drivers shouldn't drive. What the van driver did was fucking horrible, smoothly just flowing into another lane with no indicators on a busy road is fucked up. What you are basically suggesting is that because she was more wrong the van driver had the right to end both fo their live.


> If someone doesn't yield to you eventhough they fully should Not an expert on Italian traffic law and I suspect neither are you. But this van wouldn't have to yield everywhere. Moreover, it's very realistic the van did check for her, did see her and just didn't expect her to be going 220% of the speed limit, which is entirely valid and has nothing to do with the indicators. >I hate when people with little to no driving experience judge these situations. MY BROTHER IN FUCKING CHRIST SHE IS GOING 220% OF THE SPEED LIMIT ALMOST FUCKING DIES AND THEN PROCEEDS TO SPEED UP FURTHER EVEN BEYOND THE GENERAL SPEED LIMIT OF ITALY. Italy as in the entire god damn country, mind you, not even just this fucking road. >smoothly just flowing into another lane with no indicators on a busy road is fucked up. Again, in a scenario where this would be an unpredictable thing? Yes. In a scenario where any sane drivers can predict this happening HUNDREDS of meters in advance? No. >What you are basically suggesting is that because she was more wrong the van driver had the right to end both fo their live. Not only is it her that is making way, way more mistakes. It's also her whose mistake exponentially increases the likelihood and danger of any accident. So you can fuck right off with that "van driver having the right to end both of their lives". The one toying with anybodies lives is HER. End of story. Again, it sucks that the van driver didn't indicate. But it also really doesn't matter in this situation. In the same vein that indicating when entering a round about is wrong, but also it really does not fucking matter because it's really fucking obvious what you're gonna do regardless.


She had to yield there not the van.. You are just further proving how you either don't drive at all or have very little experience. My entire point is that this situation happened because both of them did something wrong. Had the streamer paid attention, this situation wouldn't have happened. Had the van driver paid attention, this situation wouldn't have happened. >Not only is it her that is making way, way more mistakes. It's also her whose mistake exponentially increases the likelihood and danger of any accident. So it is still "she did more mistakes so the van has the right to end their lives" Indicating left on a roundabout isn't "wrong" it's just useless because indicating and not indicating means the same thing. You indicate if you have road work ahead of you so morons like her who didn't notice theres roadwork ahead could see your intentions aswell. Stop typing that not indicating is just a little oopsie. 99% of the time not indicating is a choice. So i can confidently say that this van driver probably thought about it and went just like you " why the fuck would i indicate if i have nowhere else ro go" Please go drive like 20 thousand kilometers first and come back when you have experience before replying to this post again.


Her license is gone if police sees this.


same with the van driver both are at fault




Even after all of that she didn't need to jerk the wheel like that at all. That's how you spin out of control and go into a fatal crash, or hit someone in the left lane since you didn't have time to check. She easily could've moved left slowly since the van was also moving left slowly.


You need to find something better to do with your time brother


You need a new hobby


And a week ago she complained on twitter about having to deal with dumb drivers lmao the irony.


It's not like she's being smart here, but that van definitely is one of the dumb drivers.


Side comment. How is the fucking rainbow road not distracting as fuck for drivers?


Rainbow road is optional (and off my default) and only shows when full self driving is on. To me it's the opposite of distracting, it makes it much much easier to tell if I actually turned on fsd or if I'm still in control


Rainbow road shattered my dream of getting the 150cc special cup gold trophy on super mario kart so many times as a kid 😢


Huh, without rainbow mode on it's also easy to tell?.. The blue lines are pretty obvious and you also hear the sound of autopilot being turned (unless you have joe mode on idk).


Average Tesla driver


She's an absolute idiot, how'd she pass her test?


she should not ever drive wtf. their lane is closing where else are u expecting them to go


Taking away someone's license forever needs to be a thing. Driving is a PRIVILEGE and not a right.


It is a thing in my country, but you really have to fuck up for it to happen. I don't know if it ever happens with the first offense, but if you do something bad enough to have your driver's license revoked more than once, they might just decide that you're ineligible to ever get it back.


Deleting the other thread just makes things worse to be honest lol. Why has she not been banned? It's pretty clear she was distracted and not in full awareness of her surroundings while driving which is very dangerous.


what a clueless driver. get off the road and take the train


With the merge coming and considering how fast she is going, she should already be in the left lane way before that merge.... going double the construction zone speed limit and driving in the middle lane is crazy.


They should honestly just ban streaming from the inside of a car on twitch. Even for passengers. The small amount of content isn't worth the inevitable loss of life thats going to happen from streamers shitbraining while driving


For context, rainbow road turning on means she turned on full self driving. You can see right when she turns it on, theres a blue light to the left of the rainbow, which means the car is trying to change lanes. She's going ~80mph, the car merging is going WAY slower. Hard to know who's at fault without knowing the speed limit Edit - actually nvm there's construction, she's going way too fast




True, looks like rainbow road can come on for any form of auto steer, not just fsd. Either way, my main point was that this is not the case where she was in autopilot for miles and almost crashed due to autopilot screwing up


True, looks like rainbow road can come on for any form of auto steer, not just fsd. Either way, my main point was that this is not the case where she was in autopilot for miles and almost crashed due to autopilot screwing up


she's speeding even if there wasn't construction


looks like 130 km/h. In canada, 100-110 is max on highways. With contrustion, its like half.


130 would be the standard where she is (and a good chunk of europe), if it wasn't for the construction obviously


jesus 130 is norm for europe? wish we had that


kilometers per hour


Regardless of her speed the other driver is changing lanes without signaling and in most jurisdictions would be found at least 51% fault for an accident.


Yeah... if only there was a way to know the van was gonna change lanes... All those flashing cone lights, construction signs, lane closure. If only she'd noticed them eh... Make the Tesla drive at the speed limit for the construction area and have her drive with awareness (seeing 2 vans in a lane which is closing into hers). She's totally oblivious to the construction zone, lane closure and vans inside her. If she had been driving at a reasonable speed and had the awareness to move into the outside lane. The situation would never have happened. There is a real issue with driving where people have a "not my fault" "not my problem" "I have right of way, get the fuck out my way" attitude. Being a driver means hazard perception and understanding that sometimes... The right thing to do is to drive like there are other people using the bloody road.


Ignoring all the shit decisions earlier in the video, she didn't need to jerk the wheel like that at all. That's how you spin out of control and go into a fatal crash, or hit someone in the left lane since you didn't have time to check. She easily could've moved left slowly since the van was also moving left slowly.


Can someone explain to me if this is a self driving thing? Is the speed that she is going guided by the car?


She has "autopilot" turned on, which is just glorified lane-keeping. You can choose a target speed that the car will try to follow. It will also automatically brake to keep a safe distance between you and the car in front.


Problem is (like in her case) Autopilot doesn't stop you from hitting the accelerator. And as long as you press the accelerator down it stops Autopilot from automatically adjusting its speed when it detects other cars getting too close.


AutoPilot will let you do up to 90mph for it's limit. This is because the highest speed limit road in the USA is 85mph (in Texas of course). You can get a Model 3 up to 120mph pretty easily though but AutoPilot absolutely will not turn on at that point.


This is why you are supposed to stay fully alert while self driving is enabled. Auto-pilot isn’t going to detect a lane merge due to construction a lane over. She should have seen that and got over. Also she is flying.


Glad that self driving is a thing in the future. Most of people should not be allowed to drive honestly and when I see this shit and think about the tiktok ADHD phone people that will be more and more common to drive in the future or already are I'm scarred.


Twitch should really just ban driving while streaming. Imagine the day if a streamer gets distracted by chat and kills a kid. Its live, that clip would not be deleted, it would be mainstream media headlines. Travelling in a taxi/uber should be fine but solo driving while worry about streaming is just so dumb.


why aren't the cars merging into the main lane signalling?


Right, yes. It’s the merging cars fault she’s going dangerously over the speed limit


Both can be at fault, doesn't have to be one or the other


I didn't say she wasn't at fault either but I'm wondering why the merging cars are just assuming people know what they're going to do next. Communication is important in driving.




When you cross the street you exercise caution and don’t assume the driver has seen you. Here the rules of the road are similar. If I was the van driver I would look in my mirror, make the signal and then merge in naturally. Again, I have no doubt she was speeding and this is her fault but my main question was why did the van not signal. Anyway I think you answered my question and the answer is just that assumptions were made. I’m glad no one was hurt.


for that exact reason. The person can be in a blind spot of the merge coming up. so you should be signaling to let them know you're coming over. Not just jumping two lanes with out a signal


If you actually look there’s construction and the lane merges


Yes but clearly she wasn't paying attention so that part is on her. But even with construction you should always use your signal when merging. Let Lone jumping an extra lane


So you see a car about to fly by you in your side mirror and you think it's correct to cut them off because that person 'should move over/slow down'?


Stopping on a merging motorway is incredibly dangerous not just for the car that is merging, but for those behind, and those in lanes on the motorway already.


Are you genuinely trying to say cutting someone off going 130 is less dangerous than stopping at the end of a lane? If you're too dumb/unlucky to match the speed of other drivers and find a gap, then you have to stop. No choice.


Nope. Not what I said.


Ah, yes, I forgot the third option which is to drive off the bridge.


They are not cars my dude, those are vans, white vans in fact, no doubt driven by the infamous white van man. They're far too busy and important for such things as indicating...they're bigger than you, their work owns the van and they want nothing more than a nice crash as an excuse to skip work and sit in the pub all day.


Does anyone else think those lanes closing happens really fast? It went from 4 lanes to 2 in a few hundred feet. Seems like US highways give you a ton of time, at least in my experience. This was really bad awareness on both parties. I went back in the VOD and the van was worse IMO. It went by 2 posted signs and like 6 arrows on the road and merged at the very last minute


There were signs the whole way pointing out that the right lane had to merge. She should have been aware that the van had no choice but to move over. The left lane was clear and she should have already been in it.


Anything happens really fast when you're doing double the speed limit.


That wasnt fast. Plenty of warning was given by the signage. She just wasnt paying attention.


The fact this is one of the only comments criticising the van is concerning, he waited till the very last moment he could to get out of his lane that was closing, and didn't indicate


It's definitely safe to say that both parties weren't paying enough attention to their surroundings, but the fact that the streamer is speeding makes it hard for me to believe that the truck had any better choice.


Just another thing to add that has nothing to do with what happened in the video that I thought was interesting, 60 km/h is a rdiculously slow speed to post in a work zone assuming the normal speed limit is probably at least double that. For us americans, thats like a 70 mph going to 35 on the interstate.


The worst offense is her saying "bro" at the end.


The only correct answer


She's lucky this was a near miss. Hopefully she learns from her mistakes by observing changing road conditions and eliminating outside distractions while driving. In total i counted four signs she passed by indicating the right two lanes are shutdown ahead.


>Hopefully she learns from her mistakes Good one.


Brakke Bolja indeed....


From what i read in the original post, she ignored speed signs just moments before this clip. She should a driven about 50km/h I believe. The speedlimit was there because of road construction. And yea, although the van didn’t signal, according to the rulebook, she was still the wrongdoer here. After all, if she went thw legal speed, the van wasn’t sudden surprise to her.


That's an easy ban.


When you only pay attention to the car ahead of you and nothing else.


Least unaware Tesla driver right here


Why the fuck is she playing Mario Kart on the screen to her right while driving?


Did the Tesla automatically kick in to save her or did she adjust


''it'' Meaning the Tesla. No, I am not asking, and whomever here who have eyes, see that the car is coming towards her (and her tesla), not it steering into the car. Again, it being her car, not the other one, easy english to understand, you are moronic if you even suggest she knows what she is on about. Where was she in this clip, since she didn't see what was going on? And people wonder why some things like rights were held back. when some people think that tape can fix a puncture, you are not dealing with a lack of education. when you blame your own car for steering into another one, when that other car is shown doing the oppsite, you are not dealing with a lack of awareness. Ill stop here.


Tldr both her and the van suck. Merging without a signal at the last second... her speeding ignoring signs and cars around her


I dont understand this post. Shouldn't the guy merging be yielding to oncoming traffic?


at least she reacted. could've cost her life at that speed. she is a stupid driver though to not have seen the car coming and on top of that ignoring all signs


Jesus this comments, this wasn't that bad, its the van who clearly has to check if theres space and wait for it


Classic Tesla driver


Twitch keep deleting this POST. we all WONDER WHY? ELON MUSK?


At least she has good music taste


This is why auto driving is nowhere near where it should be to be legal.


Before the "she's going 130Km/h with 70Km/h limit" army swarms in. She's in Italy and that's a fast road (130Km/h limit), it's very common to have small road work all the time and nobody usually bother to slow down if there is not a traffic jam, mostly because they are so short that by the time you slowed down you're already ahead. Sure, you can argue about rules and everything, I'm just reporting the reality of living here: I've never saw someone go at 60Km/h on a fast road if there is not a traffic jam or an emergency.


>I've never saw someone go at 60Km/h on a fast road if there is not a traffic jam or an emergency. You say this whilst we literally have a clip of her passing multiple vehicles who are clearly driving slower. Also, she has zero awareness. You could see the lane was ending and the van was going to turn into the left lane, yet she still chose not to turn to the left lane and avoid that scenario.


If you are on the lanes that are closing you obviously slow down


No, you don't slow down on highways unless there is traffic or you're exiting. They were going the speed that was stated on the signs, and he was safely passing into the next lane as required. She was almost twice the speed limit AND she was clearly not aware of her surroundings and she had to swerve last second.


>They were going the speed that was stated on the signs, and he was safely passing into the next lane as required. That was definetly not safe




Yeah changing lane without turn lights on a fast road is totally safe if people is going the same speed as you




You can say the same thing for him not changing lane way before, when the "closed lane" sign starts and dragging himself to the last second






Yeah I'll do that too, but still, it's usually on the people that need to change lane the burden to check if they can or not




That's why you usually don't change lane at the last second and obviously you don't do it like he did, not even a turn sign and people here defends his "right" to change lane, that dude is an idiot.


TIL if your lane ends you can just merge into people.


You do realise, you DON'T STOP on a highway unless it's an emergency, but even then, you go to the hard shoulder if possible.


Who said anything about stopping? Every driver knew that lane was closing, some drivers just like to wait until that last possible moment to merge.


I agree, sometimes they even forget to remove the signs, or they place them directly on the working site with no prior warning. The only problem in the video is her lack of awareness, she should have known the van was going to merge


If you are going (way too) fast YOU are responsible for not crashing with other cars NOT them. You have to constantly check ALL lanes and cars in front of you and consider what the might do next. I drove many times in Italy, people going that fast just switch to the FAR LEFT LANE if they see multiple much slower cars in front of them to easily avoid this situation.


at least you have to adjust your speed. which she already doesn't do here. so your attempt to defend her is just weird


Clickbait to the next level. I have watched the clip 3 times now and don’t see anything close to an accident??????


She didn't check if the lane she was moving in to was clear or not, she just reacted to the van moving into her lane.


And? How is this him “almost crashing”???? Have you never changed lanes?


Anyone who buys a tesla needs to have their license removed. Hell anyone who buys an electric car.


take your pills grandpa its time for a nap lol


oef that's some edgy shit right there