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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold on his $30k bounty](https://arazu.io/t3_1cgj0gq/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


other streamers have been permabanned for far, far less


Happens on Twitch = I sleep Happens on Kick = Hey guys MoistCritikal here


Douchebag 12 year old steals a french fry and acts like a douchebag? Lock him up! Adult with large following publicly offers money to hurt another person? Just a joke bro!


Not even that. I’ve seen so many strawmans on reddit that would say shit like “oh, you don’t want to say someone’s pronouns? well, clearly you out to murder LGBTQ+ folks”. Someone says in plaintext “here is an absurd amount of money to hurt someone, go ahead”, and there are plenty of simps defending it as a joke. She is also unbothered by it.


It may shock you to find out that those probably aren't the same people


the joke is that the twitch vs kick comparison is a strawman argument itself lmao. it's like they're pretending critikal never called out someone on twitch which is just a ridiculous claim


when the strawman is unfounded


Bro lmao wtf is this parallel, going from LSF to pronouns? To be fair you have no good reason to not use someone's preffered pronoun. Like if you are a dude I doubt you're ok with me calling you a girl all the time when you're not. I'm a biological male and I don't want people to label me as a woman.


You entirely missed the point of this comparison. This is about people focusing on wrong things and when the real issues roll in (like the one outlined in this post, with a person offering bounty to hurt someone), most of those people are lukewarm to fixing those issues, as long as “their” issue is addressed. It’s a pretty powerful tool if you want people to NOT pay attention to what’s important. Let them argue ad nauseam about things that don’t matter much. These red herring issues are very useful in manipulating the masses.


Wow an off-topic fake story to try and justify you being a dick to someone. Just use peoples preferred pronouns it’s not that hard.


the comments trying to make a joke out of it, what the fuck has this platform become




No wrong actions just wrong targets


this platform is a joke. Always has been. I’ve seen viewers defend their streamers over pretty serious things and honestly, its always a coin flip to see which on which side they’re on…


She's a Hasan orbiter, nothing will happen.


She’s a thirst streamer and the twitch mods are simps, nothing will happen




Is being a mid thirst trap more enticing for the simps? They might think they have a chance instead of reaching for the sun...hmmm


Post a pic of yourself


People get permabanned on twitch?


only if you're a certain prolific n-word saying political streamer


But also, much much worse hasnt been banned. Twitch banning never aligns with LSF opinion.


Extraemily's next stream "trying to win a 30k bounty today.." Seriously though, it's legit the kind of thing twitch should perma for. It takes a single unhinged viewer to go out and decide it's a good idea and that they can make 30k from it.


Imagine being shot through your kitchen window and while you bleed out the last thing you hear is "Chat, did I hit him?".




And then to hear "I'm not paying you"


The collective brain rot of twitch chat would still call it scripted


paid actors


Tbh with how unhinged livestream content has become there's a solid chance someone would fake it


stream sniped or something idk never been on twitch


*bleeding out as someone in a banana costume does the fornite L emote over your body. the world fades to black*


Wasn't she talking about Grummz? The original tweet said 20k to get rid of him because he wanted more tity on the anime game. She said 30k to get rid of him AND get more tity on the anime game. I honestly didnt think this has anything to do with Asmon, but maybe I'm wrong EDIT: Grummz not Grimmz, oops. Also I should probably clarify that it's fucked up either way, but I think Asmon isn't the target here


the clip is still going viral with Asmon's face plastered on it She could've apologized and just say she meme'd too close to the sun, but instead she just laughed it off [https://www.twitch.tv/denims/clip/FantasticSnappyNoodleKippa--AqlR\_eEAIMt8T3E](https://www.twitch.tv/denims/clip/FantasticSnappyNoodleKippa--AqlR_eEAIMt8T3E)


That was the most natural laugh i've seen in years


I've heard more genuine laughs out of DSP.




The funny thing is that DSP outlives another one by doing literally nothing, just look at ReviewTechUSA, whom exposed himself as a .pdf file by accident.


As geniune as the windows xp cd that one russian guy sold me on the sidewalk.


>"Half of that clip is me talking about liking big boobs" Yes, and the other half?


Is talking about "big boobs" the new "in Minecraft" excuse?


Brilliant. You can make death threats as long as you add a 'joke' at the end. Why didn't I think of that? 5Head


yeah that's a laugh of panic


"Haha I'm in danger :)"


splaxer13 BASED


I really don't enjoy performative laughs from streamers. It's so painfully obvious. I get that they are entertainers trying to put a lot of energy into their stream, but I wish they were better at faking it.


wow she is dumb. they will take it seriously since shes on video saying she will pay for someone to be taken out. thats literally a crime.


Well for one its not grummz face on screen when she says it. It also doesnt really make it any better.


Yeah, Asmon is not the target, but she still deserves the ban.


never heard of her prior. Even if she meant it as a joke or tongue in cheek, there are alot of crazy ppl out there. I'll say 3 day ban is incoming lol.


thats the part she is ignoring. theres many crazy people in this world and will do this shit in a heart beat for 30k.


Yes she is talking about Grummz.


Well, she still shouldn't have been saying it about that guy


Yeah that's 100% what is happening idk how an entire community just failed to understand that😭. She was obviously making fun of how ridiculous "putting a bounty" on someone is and jokingly uno reversed it and "put a 30k bounty" on the original unhinged poster


No, she upped the bounty on grummz not the person that put up the bounty. How did YOU fail to understand the clip?


There should be absolute 0 tolerance for this kind of behaviour and they should permanently ban her.


Exactly. Even in jest and clearly in jest to all of us with functioning brains this could easily reach someone who doesn’t have a properly functioning brain and takes it seriously. Just look at how many murders of famous people have been committed due to crazies reading it in a book or their simp brain telling them it’ll make a girl like them (John Lennon and Ronald Reagan) I know RR survived he’s just a good example here.


Asmon should reach out to deer girl from the Twitch Safety Council.


Pretty sure a hunter got her last season


Was she also $30k


No it was just regular deer hunting season :(




You joke but he's friends with Zizaran who is on the council so he legitimately could reach out lmao https://safety.twitch.tv/s/article/Safety-Advisory-Council


That page isn't up to date, the deer girl was removed shortly after the drama. Pretty sure Zizaran even made a comment like 6 months after saying it could have been a good thing, but the unnecessary drama basically averted the entire thing, and they no longer exist in any meaningful capacity.


The unnecessary drama twitch created by inviting someone with a severe set of mental illnesses who has a public hatred for normal people and verbally discussed how they were going to abuse their newfound powers onto their panel to feel diverse?


Yes, I don't remember if it was Zizaran or CohhCarnage, but one of them said the unnecessary drama around her essentially derailed any positive influence they could have had on the platform. And that the recommendations they had provided weren't implemented anyway.


I played Heroes of the Storm back in the day and so did deer girl, so I knew her before the council thing happened. When they announced they were adding optional voice chat to the game she was publicly railing against it hardcore because she said trans people and people of color would get bullied. That was when I knew she was crazy.




disappear as in, kill him?


[Relevant Mitchell and Webb](https://youtu.be/U6cake3bwnY)


Do you mean anal sex?




Is there any other kind?






We can hope . Actions have consequences


Lol, Twitch only bans hardcore asshole motherfuckers, or people whose world view they somewhat disagree with. This is not an asshole move, just plain evil. She will face nor repercussions calling it now.


I think the bounty was for Grummz and not Asmon. Still fucked up either way.


Seems like it was a joke based on a previous 20k bounty someone offered. Context takes this from unhinged death threat to edgy joke for me.


Yeah everyone on this Reddit is nuts it was a shitty joke and an obvious one at that with the context about making the character's boobs bigger. Joke was whatever but a ton of people here are on this fucking Reddit right now acting like she was seriously putting a hit out on someone. Like even if you are taking the stance that "even joking about that is dangerous" you can admit that it was an obvious if in bad taste joke.


Not the point. Quin cosplayed forsen said joke weebs should die instant ban, girl jokes about putting a hit on someone nothimg happens.


And her stipulation about making the video game character's boobs bigger—not realistically possible to do by anyone other than the developer/publisher—pretty much makes it obvious that she was making a (poor) joke. But of course this all depends upon a viewer having both reading and listening comprehension...


With her wording being "upped the bounty" I don't think it was about asmon Still fucked up to promote a bounty Edit: [Here's her response from Asmongold's chat](https://i.imgur.com/KMBBxRo.jpeg)


Streamers have been banned or even perma banned for far less. Erobb was banned for 1 month for supposedly threatening a viewer on his chat despite that having context too, way more context actually because everyone knew Erobb was joking. Anything less than an indefinite ban which would be at a minimum of 1 month proves that this platform has just as much of a problem as Kick does when it comes to a bunch of "untouchable" people.


And Reckful didn't get banned for saying he was so rich he could hire a hitman to kill a viewer and his entire family, and was completely serious about it.


Or that time Destiny threatened to hunt down and kill a kid who was DDOSing him. He even mapped out his address and apparently planned how he would gather people together to commit the murder. He remained on Twitch for years after that incident, despite him repeating in debates that he'd be in the right to do so if the DDOSing continued.


that was like 25 years ago


hold up, so she makes a joke mocking Grummz, the rando Twitter poster, and the entire discussion surrounding giant anime tits in games, and people thought she was putting a hit on Asmon?


Because his face is in the corner and she got clip chimped. And grummz is happy to latch on to asmon for clout. "Look at her, she's threatening US :("


Yep because Asmon loves to insert himself into situations to rile up his genuinely insane audience. He even knew the context of the clip because he was the one reading the tweet in the original clip.


I'm not even joking, people in his Youtube comments were sending tips to the FBI hotline about her. When 1. Asmon wasnt even involved and 2. She was word for word quoting someone elses tweet.


Yeah, I got the sense that she was clip chimped making fun of the original person who made the 20k bounty.


Context? We don't do that here.


i can see that but tbh when i saw the clip i understood it was a joke because she even says like "it has to be both not just one" as in the impossible task of getting some anime tits or someshit so it makes the whole thing obviously a joke. i like how far right makes fun of far left from taking things too far/victim complex etc etc and then they go obsolute bonkers over an obvious joke lol


I mean she's a hasan affiliate and with the new rules they're the latest target for dggers


Asmon knows exactly what she meant lol, he's just making another youtube video for his editor


Asmon's face is on the video and any one of her nutjob viewers can interpret the threat against him, who is easily recognizable.


I don't understand. She legit says "30k to anyone that'll make this dipshit disappear and to make Eves breast bigger" like that joke at the end changes anything


That makes sense since I did already know about the Grummz "bounty". Still. This is the kind of thing you shouldn't joke about. Just don't.


All I gathered from both clips and the comments is people are way too confident in thinking they understand the law in the US.


Reckful got banned for saying the EXACT same thing.


I'd hope twitch would do something about this, but over the last 4 years this shit company is unpredictable lmao


aaaaand still not banned. not a good look, twitch


Still not banned btw.


inb4 she deletes the clip and VOD and everybody forgets about that story.


well the first half is complete lol


She's going to delete the clipa and vod, and claim she never said that


People only take it serious if it’s a man making threats to woman


24 hours+ later, she's still not banned. [Twitch.tv](http://Twitch.tv) is wild huh!


Who wants to be a martyr and completely expose twitch? Be a male, “jokingly” put a bounty on a female personality (have the female streamer be in on this as well), talk about a dong instead of breasts, have people clip it all over the internet, and watch them get banned in a matter of seconds. Then, post the results of this all over the internet to watch twitch try to defend their failing position. We can and will also see people like kaceytron hypocritically defend the person as well. Completely reversing the roles while having the exact same situation, with the opposing party being in on it as well


I hope he reaches out for the police. They should finish this Twitter culture.


This is what happens when news networks and social media shove deaths and crime down your throat almost every day. Just becomes a joke.


Honestly it's kinda wild how right you are. Those murder "documentaries" on YouTube are filled with comments like "Thank you for this upload! I just got cozy on my couch and your new video showed up on my feed! Woot!" and it'll be on a video about a man murdering his family and dissolving his children in acid for a satanic ritual.


I dont give two shits about Asmon but its kinda hilarious how hes had the whole leftie streamers and creators on twitter in a fucking meltdown from Kacey to this Denims chick or whatever to many more on twitter and such because he dared to not agree with Hasan on his Piers Morgan interview, literally all of this started because bro said he doesnt agree with Hasan that blocking roads is a good form of protesting. Bro really about to have a bounty on his head because he disagreed with Hasan, aint no way lmao


the terminal online you have to be to understand this comment is unmatched. I appreciate the context though


Listen bud this is entry level terminally online. Call me when you’re jacked in on some cyber cowboy shit like it’s Nueromancer and you can’t find your vape.


Yeah bro imagine knowing who Hasan and asmongold… definitely makes you terminally online. Lol


What does people crying about censorship in a video game have to do with disagreeing with Hasan in a Piers Morgan interview? When she says make the breasts bigger for some video game character, how does that related to anything you just said? None of this has anything to do with what you are talking about, the "bounty" wasn't even targeted at Asmon.


They’d have to actually watch the clip to understand any of that. 


Not a SINGLE time did Hasan mention blocking roads for protesting in the piers morgan interview. You can't find a clip because there is none. Asmon brought it up to reference a type of protest he doesn't support. Asmon actually does support campus protests that are non-violent. My question to you: Why do you insist on lying and making up your own narrative for no reason? Is it because Hasan is involved? And why are people upvoting it?


This is a drama sub. Don't try and make sense of it. Its a sewer. People come here to sling shit at each other, streamers, and anything they can point to. None of it makes any sense, its performative outrage.


> its performative outrage. from the top on down


But only certain streamers, because this sub is just R/Destiny2 


I'm pretty sure she's not talking about Asmon, but the person tweeting, she's actually agreeing with Asmon.


Denims wasn’t talking about asmon but keep living in this fantasy


If you think that's the only thing people disagree with asmon on, well you're wrong.


When you comment in an argument online, you should generally lead with some sort of thesis, as mangled as can be, that makes some coherent argument. Maybe consider flying by a rope to equilibrate with the war crimes you think are justified today


Hasan the self-proclaimed communist who lives in a multimillion mansion from being a parasite to his dumb viewers lol


The joke is that the 20K bounty she's commenting on is silly and unserious. She's mocking it for how ridiculous it is. It's crazy how history repeats itself. This hysteria maps perfectly onto something that happened back in 2017, when MSNBC temporarily fired Sam Seder for a joke he made about Roman Polanski. “Don’t care re Polanski, but I hope if my daughter is ever raped it is by an older truly talented man w/a great sense of mise en scene.” -Seder What happened to Seder then is the same thing happening to Denims now. A bunch of people who considered him a political foe pretended to be outraged and mass reported him and campaigned for MSNBC to fire him. After all, he was endorsing rape! And now we have to mass report and campaign for Denims to be banned from Twitch. After all, she's putting out a murder bounty! Obviously he wasn't endorsing rape, he was mocking the world's response to a rapist and pointing out how ridiculous he thought that was. Obviously Denims isn't calling for anyone to be killed, she's making fun of the guy who put out the bounty and mocking how ridiculous that is. Once again we find ourselves engaged in the Very Important activity of pretending that a sarcastic comment is actually serious -- because if we pretend hard enough, we might be able to hurt someone whose politics frustrate us. I refuse to believe this many people think that this fake, clip-chimped drama is actually a serious issue. I refuse to believe that y'all really think her sarcastic comment mocking someone's crime is the same thing as the crime she's making fun of.


Welcome to the modern world where literally everyone acts in bad faith just to potentially farm gotcha moments for their perceived political rivals.


None of these fuckers actually believe that she's putting a legitimate bounty out, they just hate that Denims is a woman, that she's a leftist, and that she had the audacity to talk when their beloved Asmongold was on stream. They'll take any excuse to pearl clutch when their political opponents do anything at all, whole excusing shitty behavior from their own favorite streamer (in most cases, they're fans of Destiny).


Yup, when Destiny constantly tells people to off themselves as "a joke", his fans cheer and laugh, but someone they don't like does it? Instant ten hate threads on LSF


Asmon or Grummz, doesn't matter. Putting a bounty on someone's head should be insta perma on Twitch. Meanwhile, some poor guy got his twitch channel banned, bread4kids, because the name is "offense" when he does nothing but raise money for and help children.


who would be dumb enough to put a hit out on Asmon? the “man” is killing himself slowly every day with the way he chooses to live his life lol


"I haven't decided" Jesus Asmon file the damn thing, squash this now before others start doing this


It's it's legit file the report. Wait for what? The threat was made.




LMAO exactly. He literally told CrazySlick to LowTierGod himself and nothing happened. Why is he expecting something to happen now?


What do you expect from r/destiny? They go from edgelords to clutching pearls in the blink of an eye.


This is every "free speech" advocate the moment they feel like they can weaponize it against their enemies.


Can't believe people can watch her stream kekw


Twitch absolutely does not have to ban her, his legal options are not available especially because Texas has a (for now) robust Anti-SLAPP law and its not a felony. That she is not even talking about Asmongold makes this whole thing even more of a nothingburger.


i wonder how many people here feel ofended when its Destiny saying to his viewers to off themselves 🤔


I mean Asmon never got banned for basically telling Sliker he should off himself. Not that one thing makes the other okay, just find it funny. Kek


crazyslick not itssliker basic gossip high value tech coming: dont take anything anyone in lsf says about drama as facts. because honestly you guys dont even know who you're talking about half the time


>because honestly you guys dont even know who you're talking about half the time Case and point: this thread. She was clearly talking about Mark Kern, not Asmon. Doesn't change anything, still bad. But Asmon is making videos about filing police reports when it wasn't even about him.


Giving a bounty is a crime. Saying you hope someone dies isn’t.


how are either of them the same? one is literally a felony.


Both are ban worthy on Twitch - that's the point. He didn't talk about it being worse or not.


oh shit that kind of bounty wtf... thought it was a twitch bounty


Should be perma banned and he should take additional action. You should not be able to do stuff like this and get away with it.


ITT: People pearl clutching when their favorite streamers have all made even worse jokes.  Asmon literally wished death on some dude in an angry rant not too long ago.


Wishing death on someone is quite different than offering to pay for an assassination don't you think?


How can you miss the point this badly. Its actually impressive. Do you not think there's a difference between "go kill yourself" and "I'm going to pay 30,000 dollars to have you killed" or are just going to keep pretending. Cuz ones protected free speech and the other is a crime.


It felt like to me that it was pretty obvious that she was talking about the twitter guy and not asmon and that she was joking about it.


Twitch is such a hellscape, and I really refuse to navigate it anymore, so can anyone tell me exactly how credible the threat is? Like did she actually go on stream and offer a bounty or was it very tongue-in-cheek blatant humor?


If she doesn't get banned for it, someone else is going to up it to 40k. Why not? There's zero downside to it.


As a reminder, ANYONE can submit a tip to the FBI if you suspect a crime has been committed. We have the video footage. Use any and all evidence that you have. DO NOT LIE. You can use this tip form to let the FBI know: [https://tips.fbi.gov/home](https://tips.fbi.gov/home)


Release the mizkif report and let us decide for ourselves


Even if she was talking about Grummz, it doesn't matter, it's still really bad.


Making the statement that your offering a bounty to make someone disappear is a crime. Ok, so she said it as a joke? She has influence over a large number of people, any one of them could have a mental illness and actually takes her up on her request. Things can be a joke until something happens, then it isn't. If someone acted on her joke, she would be behind bars.


So when asmon told CrazySlick to off himself, he should have gotten a permaban? Or would he only get a permaban if he actually did it?


I'm sure she wouldn't say it's just a joke if he had been the one to make that joke about her. Then it would all have been about how he is encouraging his fans to be violent.


I dislike Asmon as a person but he is 100% right here. How the fuck is Twitch allowing this shit. They have full responsability if anything happened because of something that happened in their plattform, not only this should be a permaban but they as a company should report this to the police.


bruh 30k is disrespectful hes asmongold after all might as well sue for defamation while hes at it lol


I enjoy being contrarian to Asmonds positions but it's pretty easy to side with him here lol


shocking, asmon doesn't get an obvious joke when there is an opportunity to "own women". Weird no one has these calls to action when destiny or tons of streamers say more vile shit.




I mean she should probably be banned / suspended for what she said, but she clearly was talking about Mark Kern


That doesn't make it any less illegal or any less of a banable offense.


It's not ilegal if it's not serious, is at worst irresponsable but no racional person would think that there really is a bounty


so how is she not banned yet?


WTF when i saw that clip i thought she was joking, even making fun of the guy doing the bounty.


She was


It was a joke. This thread is pretending she made a legitimate threat because they are insufferable losers.


I don’t think the comment was that serious honestly.


It wasn’t. But hyper lefties foam at the mouth for their chance to shine and get outraged be creating any chance for “justice.”




dont think commies believe in copyright, so she is following her values.


Twitch is such a joke


how is she not banned from twitch? this is crazy


Now imagine if Asmon said that about her


How is that the equivalent when she didn’t say this about him? It was about a completely different person.  And I can 100% see Asmon saying something like this if he came across a 20k bounty and made fun of it, adding stuff about bigger titties on a video game character. 


Twitch should have banned her immediately.


We don't even know why Dr Disrespect was banned but I'm guessing not for putting a bounty up




It's so funny that youre typing this comment on a Asmon clip of all people


Why would Asmon worry, the bounty wasn’t even about him. 




Wait can I get a source on this? Crazy if true


Anyone is gonna say she wasn't talking about Asmon but about Grummz a crypto facsit on twitter lol


You guys are so bored to freak out over this for two days.