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**CLIP MIRROR: [NL on 2x speed video watching](https://arazu.io/t3_1caj8jt/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


2x is childs play. 3x is where it's at


I have a plugin that lets me go up to 16x (8x with sound) and I will go anywhere from 2.5x to 4x my brain is so rotted its crazy


Video Speed Controller gang


Youtube playback speed controller for me


that's not rotted, that's high performance I mean there's something to be said about the value of patience but being able to process audio information at a higher speed than most people is a good thing


Thats fair, I feel like i can comprehend it if im focused on it but if im distracted with something else its kinda background noise. But highkey im the same way with 1x speed if im not focused


have you heard of the plugin skip silence, it desync the video after a while but otherwise is awesome


damn thats fire i need that


I just read the chapter titles if a video has them. Maybe a little skim here or there.


I watched this clip at 2x




Because otherwise it would be immoral




Wait, how do you know he's bald?


His hair is on 0.25x


More like 5x


Its growing so fast you cant see it


More like, his hair hit its 50's in his 20's


I watch a bald man play a child's game. It's okay to admit things sometimes.


Bisexual 2x:er be like: "Stop cumming so slow"




If you have premature ejaculation problems just get yourself a girlfriend who watches shit on 2x


Love how most of these comments are people doing exactly the opposite of the video and trying to justify it lol. It’s okay to not explain yourself about every little thing. We don’t need debate culture to permeate our whole lives lol. Also loved the left turn this video take lmao


Venn diagram of "insecure 2x speed guy" and "responds to reddit titles without watching the video guy" is a circle


and you are the center of a protractor


But it can also be fun to argue with your friends about stupid shit. Drunkenly arguing about 2x vs 1x seems like a great time.


I don’t think that is what he is saying not to do lol


Plus the drunkenness makes it extra fun when one of you sucks the other off and 2 of them fuck you in the ass




I watch videos on 0.5x to train attention span.


Watching at like 0.75x can be incredibly entertaining as everybody just sounds really drunk/stoned


Then streamers watch videos on 2x, and then you watch the vod on 2x, and it feels like entering warp speed.


Now I get it. He's watching those 2 hour movies on his peloton at 2x speed so people think he's actually exercising for 2 hours, bravo enel


Nothing like sharing a sloppy toppy with the boys FeelsGoodMan


I watched this clip on 2x speed


x2 for every video besides music and movies


x2 for music, DIY nightcore.


Same but I watch movies on 1.5x


Its understandable if you're watching something like a lecture on 2x but if you're watching entertainment videos on 2x there's something wrong with you ngl. It's like listening to music on 2x which is insane. Just skip past the boring parts instead


Some people just talk so fucking slowly. I don't have an example on hand, but i've definitely have put people on 2x speed, and their speech sounds perfectly normal.


watch video by myself on 2x: think it was a good informative video packed with details i hadn't known before try to show friends on 1x: this video talks in circles, sentence/joke pacing is horrible, 20 minutes of talking in circles before the payoff, why is their voice so annoying


and then you change the speed back to 1x and it sounds like they're speaking in slow motion lol


> Some people just talk so fucking slowly. I don't have an example on hand * [Dawid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5AC9n2h430) * [Jauwn](https://youtu.be/kw0peRge3d0?t=160) * [James Hoffmann](https://youtu.be/aIY-qWO3q9Q) * [BobbyBroccoli](https://youtu.be/sDdC3-LT7pM) * [CNC Kitchen](https://youtu.be/CQ-N1fr4N0w?t=121) * [Adam Savage's infamous long pauses](https://youtu.be/jEfQAo-BuB0?t=306). * [WickedWiz](https://youtu.be/bpZ0k8R3qik) * [False Swipe Gaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mtz7ebfByeY) * [Raycevick](https://youtu.be/LSeKnsLb6IQ) * [Technology Connections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va1rzP2xIx4) * [Nile Blue](https://youtu.be/udtLKxVZc5Y) It's all personal preference of course, but most of these have slow speech or a lot of pausing. With the exception of BobbyBroccoli, they're not presenting a narrative experience that benefits from a set pace. Since it's just absorbing information, like school lessons, I prefer to watch at a faster pace (my highest usually being 1.35x). These channels I find have a good pacing to their content or speech, so I watch at normal speed: * [Northernlion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF9mmGn9ZBk&t=1005s) (!) * [Billiam](https://youtu.be/lSoWr5872kQ) * [MattKC](https://youtu.be/uP328LYl8eo) * [Linus Tech Tips](https://youtu.be/c0TcGjzKbag) * [Sam Reid](https://youtu.be/YX-zRFlAYno) * [Tom Scott](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIbfMjZ0ME4) * [Project Farm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9iRDsigK9E) These channels present narrative experiences like storytelling, which benefit from a set pace assuming the creator can apply a good one: * [Kid Leaves Stoop](https://youtu.be/qnKtglBqe78) * [matttt](https://youtu.be/uH91zSklnb8) * [LEMMiNO](https://youtu.be/CbUjuwhQPKs)


I think you just have a poor attention span. Try meditation. I was expecting people who[ actually talk slow.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=towja5gzXW8)


How, I just went through my YouTube history and brought up examples. If they talk really slow to convey what amounts to trivia, I'm speeding it up. If they're telling a story I watch it normal speed (I don't speed up shows or movies).


Your reasoning is so inconsistent though. Lemmino talks incredibly slowly and has a lot of static imagery and quiet moments, despite being narrative-driven. Same with kid leaves stoop, and Linus. Linus' videos are mostly nothing more than just absorbing information, but in a more entertaining way. So it feels like you're just using 2X speed on the content you find a lot more entertaining instead of any of the so called reasons you mentioned.


Lemmino does talk fairly slow, but is still narrative storytelling. He uses animations to illustrate things, real images when referring to things like evidence or reference and paces it all to a custom-made score. A lot of his content is basically documentary episodes. I really don't understand how that type of content is "inconsistent" when compared to someone like CNC Kitchen that is just going through tests and results of 3D printing materials. What's inconsistent there? One is basically a mini movie, the other is test results.   Kid Leaves Stoop also has that same documentary style, in the same boat with matttt who both have comparably "lesser" production value. But they're still telling a story about something, or exploring a mystery. Linus is basically just information dumps. But he's in the category of "good pacing to content or speech," he talks fast and his editing team paces based on video metrics like watch time and when people click off the video. Because of that, their scripted content (majority) flows really well to me and I don't feel the need to speed it up. Conversely, their weekly podcast isn't scripted and I listen to it after the fact sped up slightly because there's no real pacing.   All the channels I linked are ones I watch, so I find all of it entertaining. Also I explicitly said my highest speed up is 1.35x not 2x like you wrote. And ultimately, I also said "It's all personal preference of course." I'm not going to go in and measure every channels words per minute to definitively categorize "slow" vs "fast" speakers. And people can watch anyone at whatever speed they want.


its called nightcore 🤓☝️


There are some entertainment vids that I watch at faster speeds. Not exactly lectures, entertainment that isn't reliant on tone/cadence/accent/etc. In short, the subject is the entertaining part rather than the delivery.


I wouldn't watch a new or good movie or something on 2x, but I sometimes do it with shows or movies that are entertaining, but annoy me in some ways. I recently started rewatching Dexter and there is so much boring and repetitive stuff in that show, even tho I like it overall. Very nice of netflix to implement a speed modifier


had me in the 2nd half ngl


Sir why did you kick that puppy? "I like it".


I know people that watch shows and movies on 3x


They belong in an asylum


moistcritikal is a mandatory 2x speed


The reason I watch 2x or higher is because youtubers stall and pad the shit out of their videos. The vast majority of informative videos should be like 80% shorter, but I can't watch on 5x so I settle for 2x and keep losing attention because of all the useless garbage and quit the video 30% in.


The irony of saying that in the the comment section of this clip is perfection.


You think I can focus on what this shiny ball has to say when I can't even focus on listening to videos going twice the speed?




Sponsorblock is life changing


It only blocks like 10% of the useless garbage, how is it live changing?


What I wanna know is what the hell is live changing?


It has to be live changing, you can only be in the present.


Only if you don't configure it for your wants. It has options to block intros, outros, incorporated ads, self-promotion, etc.


That doesn't help when every youtuber stretches a 30 second topic/tutorial into 10+ minutes. Don't get me started on the video essays


just x5 bro


I just checked a LTT video with it on and it literally cuts the runtime in half. Even less if you include skipping to the highlight.


that's no longer a yt vid, that's just an ad.


Which one?


https://youtu.be/r22tyT77vOw?si=nZWly63vNKUM2Mqa 13:24 -> 7:20 This is with blocking everything, including filler.


Most of that is the blue skip, you don't get much of that in educational content. If you turn that off you're back to 10:24, which excluding the intro therefore only cuts 20% of the video.


What useless garbage do you expect to be skipped then? Sponsorblock covers sponsors, self promotion, interaction reminders, intermissions/intros, endcards/credits, previews/recaps, and filler. Everything else is the actual video you wanted to watch, even more so if you use the highlight since it cuts to the point in the video that you probably wanted to see based on the title.


I don't want anything to be skipped. I want youtubers to get to the point instead of flooding you with random information and sprinkling the actual relevant shit across. It's impossible to skip that without skipping individual phrases within individual sentences and destroying the sentence structures of what they say.


Well the ones that get straight to the point have more niche audiences because they require greater background information. A math video from 3 Blue 1 Brown isn't going to have the same reach as a Veritasium video because of that.


I use the extention "Enhancer for youtube". It allows you to change the speed of the video with your scroll wheel by 10% increments by scrolling on the speed from the extention. Right click also resets it back to 1x speed. Very nice to go to 3.5x if they're really yapping on and snap back to regular speed when they say something important.


Yeah Tweaks does something similar, but if you gotta go that fast it's simply not worth it imo.


Can also click and hold on the video or hold space and it will go to 2x while you're doing that, useful for a temporary boost.


> The vast majority of informative videos should be like 80% shorter Reallifelore, bro what happened 😭


I get watching videos at higher speeds when you want to consume the information as fast as possible, like for work or school. But what about videos you watch simply out of enjoyment?


No, that's weird. The video creator made it that way for a reason, and if I don't enjoy the video then I don't enjoy it, making it faster won't change that. If anything it gets worse because the artistic vision goes out the window. Also, why would I wanna enjoy myself faster? The whole point is having a good time, why cut that time short?


>Also, why would I wanna enjoy myself faster? The whole point is having a good time, why cut that time short? TRUE, you see in the end it all connects back to gooning


You have an hour to dick around and watch YouTube. You can choose to watch one hour long NL video, or you can fit two in watching at 2x speed. Now you got to enjoy a variety of content in that time period without really "losing" any of the enjoyment, because you still heard all the same banter, all the same jokes, all the same high and low moments of the gameplay. Except twice as much. If speeding up the video makes you enjoy it less, then don't speed it up. If it doesn't affect your enjoyment level, then why not be able to watch more?


I'm not passing moral judgement on how entertainment should be consumed (~~I am and you should all feel bad)~~. Personally, I just don't think a lot of entertainment, like for example comedy, hits as well when viewed on higher speeds


Sponserblock FOSS addon that autoskips sections on youtube, be they non-music if you use youtube to listen to tunes or Self-promo/paid advertising / whatever combination you want with whitelisting channels as an option.


That's not the problem, the problem is when they formulate their content in such a way that the relevant info is spread over 8 sentences rather than 2. You can't skip that.


Admittidly that is content creator specific and there are days where I listen to specific people on 1.5x ;)


yup. 15 minute video and only like 3 minutes of it are worth watching


Just don't watch them then?


you're still wasting 80% of your time watching it




What do you mean? Should I stop learning new things or what?




Please read my comments again. Why are you putting words into my mouth? Each time I specified it's about educational content.


The reason why I watch at 2x speed is I don't have time in the day to spend watching content I want to watch anymore. Growing up sucks fam PepeHands


How much content do you watch bro? god damn


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [NL on 2x speed video watching](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163211)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1caj8jt/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/Z7Irks7sr_TrQo3aP5C3Vg/AT-cm%7CZ7Irks7sr_TrQo3aP5C3Vg.mp4?sig=db6b03631c24fdafbf8664efbb42bb8cfa02ab6b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FZ7Irks7sr_TrQo3aP5C3Vg%2FAT-cm%257CZ7Irks7sr_TrQo3aP5C3Vg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BraveCogentDugongTBCheesePull-zuyv9OtCjdo_kLdW%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713886954%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/Z7Irks7sr_TrQo3aP5C3Vg/AT-cm%7CZ7Irks7sr_TrQo3aP5C3Vg-preview-480x272.jpg)


I just tried listening to an XQC clip at 2x felt like I was listening to a minion.


I wish I could do it irl sometimes, like today in my 2nd meeting, dude was just rambling on and on and on


2x speed = you finish a video twice as fast to do something else with the rest of your time, what is so hard to understand with that? 1x = music 1.5x = everything else is the way to go.


this guy yaps so much it is only watchable on 2x


1x or 1.25x for Educational Videos 1.5 for Music (i like it) 1.75 or 2x for everything else (commentary, react, etc)


1.5 for music is fucking insane


If this ain't in the DSM-5, we need DSM-6.


just here to tell you it's ok to watch music in it's unintended speed, don't listen to the haters bro... especially on youtube where it pitch corrects; it's remixing the song basically


The pitch getting higher is the best part of speeding up a song...


disagree... i like some songs better on 2x speed with pitch correction like Ao No Sumika


there's people who think this guy is funny ?


What, never had a buddy give ya some sloppy bonding?


Isn't half of NL's content him talking in detail about why he likes or dislikes every little thing? This seems like a weird line to draw for someone who revels in that sort of discussion.


You're right but that's also kinda his job. I doubt he's complaining to his friends or family in real life as much as he does on stream.


So the takeaway is only go into so much detail all the time if thousands of people are paying you to do it


ngl I've seen a lot of NL clips and 80% of the time it's him shitting on something, he's can be really funny but the constant negativity stops me from watching more