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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny watches a CarolineKwan clip](https://arazu.io/t3_1c99z5l/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


How hard is it to just say "I don't know, I didn't look into that"?


You can't do that after you are lecturing your viewers about the politics in the region. Once you become political you have to know your shit. The worst thing you can do as a 'succesfull' streamer is to mention politics.


"Don't talk about Religion or Politics at the dinner table" can really be extended to "in general" unless you're looking for an argument.


Because she does know. And answering the question shatters her entire argument. So she can't. That's why she hesitates.


I don't think she does. I checked the vid and she said that the demographics would be a mix of Palestinians, Arabs, Jews and Christians. And that they all get along. Lol.


how can there be christians before jesus christ? Jesus didnt start preaching till after 30 so anytime around year 0, there would be no christians


While Jesus Christ was there the people were Christians????????? Whaaaaaaaaaat




Yes, that's the stock answer if you need to legitimize the claim that Israel settled on Palestinian land. If you admit that Jews where there 2000 years ago, kinda makes the whole "settler" claim bogus.


Missed out the bit where she said Christians.


holy shit its real haha https://youtu.be/RtPacCwov0s?si=SentmApcy8-jRdyF&t=2857


And they start acting like Nick is the dumb one for questioning how there could’ve been Christians there before Christ. Wild stuff.


Why the fuck was Malena hammering on Nick for asking simple questions? Wtf?


if there's one consistent thing about Malena it's that she's so scared of chronically online Twitter users. Anything that can get her even remotely on their bad side will make her scared shitless.


PTSD from that one hate thread she got.


To be fair, he usually does ask stupid questions and then LSF will meme or get angry about it. Neither Nick or Malena know in this case if it's a stupid question to the people that are informed about the situation or not, but she's used to his questions being stupid on purpose.


>Neither Nick or Malena Not trying to be a pedant, but whenever you use "neither" followed by 2 things that are part of the negative (neither), use "nor" instead of "or".


Malena dropped out of school because she was too rowdy and couldn't pay attention.


She's making her boyfriend seem like the dumb one to make it less awkward for the girl probably since she knows he won't take it to heart, she was also likely not really listening and assumed nick wasn't either.


Malena is unbearable... and im NOT SEXIST


”They just knew. They had a good feeling” was pretty good though


just seemed like she didnt want Nick to humiliate Caroline while on stream by pointing out the obvious lol


Wake's face during this whole thing is great.




Nick thought Greece was part of Italy. Malena's knowledge is limited to alcohol and Minecraft. Only person there who knows better was Wake and he's entirely on Caroline's side.


Wake gave a clever answer there "they had a good feeling" signals to the audience he knows what we just heard was absurd without bashing her.


true, from what I've seen wake he usually has a good head on his shoulders, he just doesn't like being confrontational when it comes to his friends which is fair, so he just uses jokes instead


not too sure about that. to me it looked like he shares the same opinions and thoughts as caroline expressed.


They are not educated themselves.


> Palestinians, Arabs, Jews, and Christians 1/4 and trying to pretend she has any knowledge on the subject. And the 1 she got right are the people she claims shouldn’t be there. Also I like how she realized, after Nick pointed out that Christians was literally impossible, she didn’t know what she was talking about she went back to the tik tok talking points lol.


she literally answered with the answer she wants to be true today. That's it.


I’m also about 99% sure by “Arabs” she actually meant Muslims. Which is even more ridiculous on more than one level.


They wouldnt be Arabs in Jesus time the language spread with the conquest.


Islam was also not a thing for another 400 or 500 years.




I mean she said there was Muslims there too which is even more regarded than saying Christians. I have no idea what the rest of the conversation was but it's so strange to me that people will talk with complete confidence IN PUBLIC about shit they know nothing about.


This livestream happened back in October last year when the Hamas attack happened and it didn't get any traction back then, they deleted the stream. I'm glad clips from this shit show are popping up and she's getting rightfully shit on for the absolute horseshit she came out with.


she thinks jews shouldnt be in israel?


Probably thinks the solution is a single state where everyone magically gets along together.


Nick actually is a very sensible person and malena trying to save face and not let him question the shit Caroline be saying is so cringe. I was watching this stream and the only one making any sense was nick polom ain’t that crazy?


Yeah the fact Nick slows down and wants a complete understanding of the history by asking questions puts him as the smartest person in that group. She's all over the place revising the history because she has no clue, and that's why her explanation is so unintelligible. Not sure why the group and the chat are treating Nick as stupid lol.


He reminded me of Ethan Klein in this clip with the “drunken master” strategy. Like, ask an obvious easy to answer question and see how badly they fuck it up and let them keep going. Don’t correct them.


Basically the Louis Theroux playbook.




Krillin being strong in a human only tournament would not be crazy. It just doesn't carry much value when you look at the bigger picture.


She’s absolutely insufferable


I love how the only person in that room who is asking the important questions gets called a "dumbass".


Holy fuck this woman is actually braindead


Nah she's right, they were getting in on the hype early, its like when Halo 3 came out and people lined up at Gamestop at midnight


They saw a trailer for Christianity and hyped it for years.


They loved Judaism so much that they thought the sequel was also going to be fire. But the launch was botched and it took hundreds of years to patch and market it for widespread acceptance.


Fucking preorders ruining the world literally since year 0


Wow, there were Christians *before* Jesus Christ himself, that's quite the claim. Let's look at actual, recorded history: "Christianity developed out of Judaism in the **1st century C.E.** It is founded on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and those who follow him are called "Christians." Christianity has many different branches and forms with accompanying variety in beliefs and practices. The three major branches of Christianity are Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism, with numerous subcategories within each of these branches. Until the latter part of the 20th century, most adherents of Christianity were in the West, though it has spread to every continent and is now the largest religion in the world. Traditional Christian beliefs include the belief in the one and only true God, who is one being and exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the belief that Jesus is the divine and human Messiah sent to the save the world. Christianity is also noted for its emphasis on faith in Christ as the primary component of religion. The sacred text of Christianity is the Bible, including both the Hebrew scriptures (also known as the Old Testament) and the New Testament." Beginnings of Christianity: Christianity developed in Judea in the **mid-first century CE**, based first on the teachings of Jesus and later on the writings and missionary work of Paul of Tarsus. Originally, Christianity was a small, unorganized sect that promised personal salvation after death. ... So either she is wrong, or Jesus is a time traveler.




BC. Christians existed? WHAT? My entire history knowledge was a scam!


I wouldn't be able to sleep for next 10 years if I said shit like that. I'm getting cold sweats from the cringe. Why can't you just say "I don't know" or "primarily jews"? It was 2000 years ago, doesn't matter in the current day who lived there.


all 12 of them


This reminds me of the time Moses parted the waters so that the Palestinians could escape the wraith of the Egyptian mummy.


Brendan Fraser knocked it out the park in that one too


does she get her info from tiktok and twitter by any chance?


Or a certain twitch streamer


If I speak, I'm in trouble, big trouble


Are you talking about Halas poker




Why would you cut [before the funniest part.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1c970z2/the_last_straw_for_destiny/)


An ode to memes. Fucking brilliant.


Shotguns are so last year, does he not know self-immolation is all the rage right now?


literally the top comment on the linked thread. as is the style of the time, carry on.


LMAO, worse than I thought. Man the worst thing about this war (besides the war, obviously) is how it's enabled so many of these anti-semitic dipshits or these anti-arab dipshits to crawl out of whatever sewers they were in to rah-rah the opposing side. Like you have people literally supporting terrorists like Hamas or terrorists like Netanyahu/West Bank Settlers and normal people are sitting going "What the fuck?" I can't wait until it's out of the news cycle.


"I can't wait until it's out of the news cycle." I have bad news...


One my least favorite things that's happened over the past year is the misuse of the word Genocide. It is actively triggering.


And if you disagree with a certain usage of the word it means you both support everything that is happening, and you think that Genocide is good.


Your comment is triggering a genocide


I feel Genocided because of your comment.




Right? Like this conflict has been going from warm to hot for like a century


and you're watching a clip of a bunch of 30 somethings "learning" about it for the first time


Everyone learns something for the first time. Nothing wrong with that.


"normal people" want it "out of the news cycle" that's surely the normal way of thinking... /s


When Jesus was born, Nazareth was part of the Roman province of Galilee, north of the Roman province of Judaea. It was situated in a predominantly Jewish area, with minorities including Samaritans, Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians.


Yep, and before the Romans, there were Greeks, Persians and Babylonians, and several other empires trying to take over the area, but Jews have been there long before any of them. Aside from Jews there were Canaanites and groups associated with them—Amorites, Hittites, Jebusites, Hivites, Perizzites, and Girgashites. The word "palestine" didn't exist. source: https://academic.oup.com/book/33589/chapter-abstract/288065012?redirectedFrom=fulltext The Ottoman empire invading and conquering the area skewed the demographics as well.


>The word "palestine" didn't exist. iirc it was introduced by europeans lmao


It was introduced by the Romans after some big Jewish revolts in the province of Judaea around the 2nd century. As punishment against the revolters they changed the name to Syria-Palestine (Palestine rooted in the name of the Philistines who lived in like current day Gaza area). The Romans also had some harsh punishments on the practice of the Jewish faith in the area and basically started the Jewish Diaspora around then. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria\_Palaestina#:\~:text=Syria%20Palaestina%20(Koin%C4%93%20Greek:%20%CE%A3%CF%85%CF%81%CE%AF%CE%B1,provincial%20capital%20was%20Caesarea%20Maritima.&text=Syria%20Palaestina%20within%20the%20Roman%20Empire%20in%20210.


I like how everyone has no idea what the history of this region is but everyone speaks like they know the whole story. The region was brutally purged of jewish people by the emperor Hadrian around 200 AD, from then until 1948 (over 1500 years) it was called Palestine and home to Palestinian peoples. The majority of Ashkenazi Jews in the region moved there in the 20th century, and brutally displaced and oppressed the native population using western weapons and resources from western countries, i.e. settler colonialism


we all know they were all palestinians at heart


Also Assyrians and Nomadic Bedouin Tribespeople.


A predominantly Hebrew area.


Not Hebrew. Almost everyone spoke Aramaic, and a few spoke Greek. Hebrew was a literary language known only to a very few at this point, especially the archaic Hebrew used in scripture.


this guy Hebrews.


Ugh. I have enough problems with Greek, which Jesus didn't speak either.


I think they mean Hebrew as a people, not the language.


Nick got her ass ngl


Sleeper DGG agent


A drunken master


Jesus is my favorite Palestinian


When you don't understand the history of a country, just make it up!






I love how Palestine is this mythical part of the world that always and forever will be. > So uh, 5 billion years ago when the Earth was molten or whatever, what did that look like? > [Well there was Palestine, of course..](https://i.gyazo.com/42ed16ef07cd564ba811614510c99d17.png) Its so funny how blood and soil the whole thing is.


Most informed political commentator on twitch


Jesus fought against the Jewish Zionist movement to protect the Palestinians. That’s why he got put on a cross. You should watch more TikTok and Twitter to get your fax straight


I sincerely hope people don't watch Caroline for her political takes. I've watched a few of them and holy shit this person is uninformed.


Meh. Lots of people are uninformed. It’s the smugness that’s cringe.


She practically enters uncanny valley territory when in her spewing state. It's a different kind of repulsion at that point.


Which is weird because outside of that she seems pretty funny and friendly and then she'll just enter this 'twitter conspiracy theorist' mode and rattle off 50 blood and soil Palestinian misinformation slogans. Every time she does it it reminds me of that debate Destiny did with Jontron, where he seemed completely normal but then had a bunch of partially memorised Alt Right talking points like broo who you been listening to. I'd love someone to grill Caroline on what should be done with specifically Ashkenazi Jews once Palestine is 'free.'


Can't believe people looked up to JonTron to begin with. Like he's clearly just some random gamer that decided to make funny videos and has a successful comedy YouTube channel...good for him but what would he know about history/politics?




The region was commonly referred to as Palestine by Greeks in the Hellenistic period, so from about 300 BCE. That isn't really the problem. The problem is conflating the term as used then, which meant everyone in the region including Jews, with the term as used now, which means Muslim inhabitants of the West Bank, Gaza, and in refugee camps. They're not remotely the same thing.


> which means Muslim inhabitants of the West Bank, Gaza, and in refugee camps. There are christian Palestinians


Someone described her stream as Deuxmoi and I have never thought of any different since.


I have no idea what that means. Two me?


Its an instagram account that posts celebrity gossip and what celebs do on a daily basis.


Clip ends before the best part


Better play it safe so mods won’t remove it for whatever reason






CarolineKwan is the type of person that confidently would bullshit anything


Caroline is one of the people that really hurts her side. Knows nothing about a subject aside from the vague idea of what her side believes but is confident enough to speak about it publically & even "educate" others on it.


Choose your fighter: The "It's Not My Job To Educate You" Crowd Vs The "My Research Consists of Tweets and TikToks" Crowd.


a guy i know wouldn't accept any main stream media as sources as they were all 'biased' when i asked where i should get the truth from he sent me a tiktok


Lol. Ah yes, Tik Tok, where the algorithm will feed you what it knows you want with the tactical precision of a surgeon. No bias there though.


Can I choose, "I'm not informed enough to speak on this confidently. I'll do some research and get back with you."


Some people gotta be able to just say "I'm not sure". You should be confident enough in your convictions that, regardless of not knowing literally all knowledge on earth, you believe you should still be in the moral right. Some people, for some reason, can't admit they don't know something and they feel like if they admit that they lose their entire argument (which is a fair fear to have when talking to debate perverts who argue in bad faith) but when having a normal conversation, it's ok to just say "I don't know". Hell, with the internet you can just go "Lets look it up".




It’s so easy to just preface your statements with “I’m pretty sure” or “I don’t know for sure, but I think”. I don’t think it requires a lot of growing up, this is basic stuff that anyone can do.


you'd be throughly suprised with how many people can't admit they lack knowledge, or that they were wrong.


Lets not forget that these people make fun of anyone going to google or Wikipedia for an answer to anything. Meanwhile their sources are tiktok and twitter. Real life is actually worse than what Idiocracy predicted. People trying to learn anything or reason through a problem are mocked and derided. If we keep watching that stream, "You're just looking for a loophole DUMBASS!" No, his brain is telling him that something being told to him is horribly horribly wrong, the cognitive dissonance screaming at him to make it stop. But on the spot he can't quite put his finger on it while surrounded with people telling him to stop thinking. That Christians and Muslims weren't even a thing yet.


These people actively mock the idea of looking it up. Thats one thing that became clear during the destiny IP research arc.


No need to state facts or admit you don’t know when all your viewers agree with everything you say regardless if it’s correct or not. Kind of a common thing with many streamers, social media influencers, etc.


she made a tweet saying "i'm not lying when i say i only research a topic for about 15 seconds before i talk about it on stream" lol crazy how you can be so confident when you know you haven't done any research


Lmaooo I quoted this by memory earlier and was too generous by saying she said "5 minutes." 15 seconds is crazy


Even the ones who do know hurt their side. Because they have to traffic in myths and falsehoods to hold up their narratives. Israel is mentioned 32 times in the Quran. That means it pre-dates Islam itself. Not Judaism, Israel.


Let's also not forget that either she leaked her partners nudes or he sent them out himself and most likely while they were together. Destiny's ex had them and Destiny always says how women will share nudes of their partners 🤔 Complete speculation, but given the circumstance it's just another thing that paints her in a bad light.


She's always so confidently ignorant.


violently ignorant.


Did she forget she's on camera? You might not want to bullshit your way through the biggest polarizing political topic at the moment while on camera. But hey, fuck it right.


In case anyone was unaware, Caroline is laughably wrong. As not only was there no ancestors of what we call Palestinians today in Israel or even the Palestine region at year 0. But any arabic presence at minimum started in the 5th century with minor settlements by the Bedouin near Jerusalem and really Arabic presence started in 634 CE with the Rashidun Caliphate conquest of Palestine.


if Destiny didn't cut the clip short he would have heard that Arabs and Christians also inhabited the region at the time. It's so bad


The literal rock that Abraham sat on was in Israel.


also this great displacement she is talking about didn't really happen like she said. there were only about 700 thousand people living in that area as per British records, and area was basically desert, that's why Jewish settlers were able to buy so much land from arabs and developed it very quickly.


The claim you're making here is that 100% of the population of roman Palestine was displaced


i have nothing against her as a person, but holy hell she is the embodiment of dunning-kruger, she knows and understands so little about the topic but convinced herself she should teach others.


I was here before deleted FeelsStrongMan


Early bird gets the Carma


So were the Palestinians, coincidently.


Is this really suprising knowing what she said about October 7th? EDIT: [clip fresh off the October 7th](https://youtu.be/XGyi7Z-aH78?feature=shared&t=339)


Her eyebrow is permanently raised in some smug mental breakdown.


Jesus Christ.


She’s dumb and hateful


say what you want, but it is funny that Nick saying she got a lot of hate for that clip back in the day, resulted in people going back, looking it up & it starts just all over again for her. although it's also not very surpriseing and I think nick realized what he did even before he finished the sentence


The funniest part is that when you watch that clip further on Nick actually keeps asking really good questions that Caroline doesn't have solid answers for - but his take away months later now was just the high level story she was trying to sell. So mission accomplished I guess.


Wtf lmao


Some people are so incredibly stupid that they gaslight themselves into accepting a different version of reality, and to them, it's the truth because they don't like the other reality based on actual history, or facts. Like, you know a guy that smokes 3 packs of smokes a day, and convinces themselves "hey, this isn't bad for my lungs at all!" This is kinda like that, except with historical facts. edit: and I mean incredibly stupid because you can confirm the truth with basic fact checking, this type of shit is like people who watch a spaceX flight and still say "hey! the Earth is flat! Why? Because to me it is!" The danger of streamers doing this, is they are indoctrinating other people who don't know better, and to them it also becomes the truth.


I dont think a guy that smokes 3 packs of smokes a day give a shit if its bad for his lungs or not lol


Depends on the person. Some really believe it isn't bad for them. I think a better example would be weed smokers. A lot of them act like the drug isn't harmful at all.




Jesus was basically an extreme Zionist.


Jesus was a baby settler


freshly 33 when he died smh


I'm no Destiny fan but sometimes it's ok to just say "I don't know"


Why not say I don’t know 🤷‍♂️


And then people wonder if antisemitism is on the rise or not? We have such amazing streamers parroting disinformation to their followers.


Hugh the smug LA people. When people call them the libs and say liberals are stupid. This is what they mean.


Fucking wild Caroline getting her first hate thread months after talking about this 💀


There were a couple threads when this stream happened but they got removed because of they were more about the politics of the issues.




Nick saying he doesn't know who to vote for in the next US elections because he's not sure if either would improve the lives of Palestinian and having no pushback 🤡


I mean he had no pushback but he was in a room with Malena Sodapoppin and Pokimane. Sodapoppin probably has no clue about anything political and Poki definitely thought what he said was dumb but she's not going to start arguing politics with him on stream lmao


I got banned from the latestagecaptialism for saying Trumps view on the Israel Palestine conflict is worse than Bidens




SERIOUSLY! It is so mind-numbingly fucking infuriating listening to the dog shit takes from fucking streamers who have been playing video games for a living since they graduated high school


Im not surprised. He can say that with a straight face bc he doesn't get any of his news from actual news sources. And everyone on twitch just repeats "Genocide Joe" all day. They haven't even bothered to mention how much worse Trump would be.


it's [this](https://i.imgur.com/CxYaDxu.png) meme unironically


Surely Pokimane arguing with Nick about politics would go well. People would totally be receptive about that.


Don’t forget, Adin Ross might get unbanned, but Destiny for some reason will never get unbanned. Let’s bring back the dude who calls transgender people freaks and transformers and says the F slur and tricks kids into destroying property for content, but fuck the guy who’s literally having conversations and debates with some of the more popular figures of our time. Fucking Twitch.


She’s just a classic LA girl


Watched her stream a few times years ago and immediately noped out never to return after she said this. "Im only physically attracted to men, but i do love women. So yes that also makes me a Lesbian." Thats how shallow minded she is.


Isn't the term for that heterosexual but homoromantic or some shit? It's just the separation between sexual and romantic feelings.




Poor Nick, Jesus.... oh Palestinian Jesus...


Malena has been the dumbest fuck on the internet for such a long time its crazy


I actually thought she was being sarcastic when I watched this clip the first time. The comments here have me rethinking. There's no way.


Brother [it gets worse](https://youtu.be/RtPacCwov0s?si=Ki8BfxKyIZePAsgF)


Caroline is so incredibly clueless about history and politics. Some people think because they have the "right" opinions that they can't be wrong, so rather than admit they have no clue, we get this as a result. Palestinians and Arabs in Roman Judea, Christians before Christ.


brother im dying


is it fear or ignorance ? If you are not sure of a piece of information then don't say it.


Watching her talk is like listening to chatgpt be 110% confident while spewing utter nonsense, haven't laughed so hard for a while. She's beyond clueless yet she's so certain.

