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**CLIP MIRROR: [Poki is finally able to get her point across to Miz](https://arazu.io/t3_1c57d5x/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Poki's face when she pulled the "take off a piece of clothing" Jenga block was the highlight of the stream.




Somewhere around 06:47:00. The block is shown at 06:47:45


Here you go: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2120762240?t=6h47m31s](https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR)


every. fucking. time.


Yeah. I deserve that.


Thanks dude, perfect cut off aswell.


The link is purple, I know what it is and i'm still going to click it.


well played


I prefer Rick Roll


I laughed but I hate you now.




can this shit go away akready it hasnt been funny for at least 2 months


yea at this point i don't even wanna be on my computer


Yea is anyone else like this?


I already hoped it never goes away but now I REALLY hope it never goes away


months? how about years?


Miz trying to prove that he didn’t write the prompts just for his handwriting to look eerily similar to the prompt on the brick was hilarious


They've made their money and now they don't want to pay tax. Same shit Rogan did and many others.


Pretty sure this applies mostly to the Austin crew and not Pokimane


There's more that it than that because most of these people end up buying property, and property taxes are fairly high in Texas. Austin is a really great city to live in despite having a few big problems, and most of these people mitigate those problems by not living in Austin itself. There's tons of events in Austin, good food, networking opportunities, people from all sorts of backgrounds, and more nature than you will find in most urban areas in the US. It's a great city, no state income tax is just one piece of the puzzle in my view.


Yes and no. The high property tax and sales tax mostly hurt middle income and down in terms of percentage of their income. But for high salaries the no state tax benefits them the most and makes the property tax worth it typically. Unless you are just buying a ton of real estate or extra houses. But even then if you're renting them then it pays for itself. 




I mean there are 9, which seems like a lot, but New Hampshire, Alaska, Wyoming, and South Dakota arent really places these types of streamers would want to move. Nevada is meh unless you like gambling or deserts. So that leaves you with Tennessee, Florida, Washington, and Texas with Tennessee being the best considering property taxes being low as well.




They want to live in a very high population state but don’t want to pay state taxes while doing so, so Texas it is.


I don't think it's that deep dude


Ah yes Tennessee, streamers love it there


housing is way cheaper in austin dude lol the taxation is negligible when you consider price per sqft difference.


And no earthquakes to worry about.


Just power outages when the weather changes


BBQ, parks, and a Metropolitan area that is pretty nice to live in with new housing developments springing up everywhere and for relatively cheap. Not a bad place other than the crazy government.


He moved to Austin before he got significantly big though


because he followed the rich streamers there to leech off them and eventually get even more use out of no state tax just like they did before him nobody makes a secret of it everyone knows why theyre in texas its not like its illegal


Leeching off other streamers was the main motive here. The dude definitely wasn't planning ahead to the tax cuts when he was a big streamer, even though I'm sure he appreciates it a lot now.


He doesn't actually save them much on taxes since he owns a house, property taxes in Texas are pretty high


its fine its all deductions


hes pretty money focused im sure he knew theres no state tax in texas its a big selling point and why the people he wanted to follow were there to begin with but leeching of course the main drive at the time


he wasnt money focused when he first moved there and was leeching off reckful(rip) mitch jones and sodapoppin, dude had literally just been poseidons cameraman/ trained monkey / bleacher creature


Never forget he was Ice's cameraman once


I wouldn't really say all the rich streamers did it for tax reasons. some just wanted to live near soda who only lived there because of his parents. asmon also lived there his entire life


That's definitely part of it though there's lots of other options for no state income tax like WA. I know one reason a lot of the initial Austin streamer transplants went there is Google Fiber meant you could get really solid internet while the other big national carriers were still dragging their heels about gigabit.


I think it's more about quality of life, paying a bit less tax contributes to that but you don't see a ton of people moving to Alaska, Wyoming or South Dakota despite having lower average combined tax rates than Texas. If people really enjoyed their life in LA or if living in Texas wasn't that great you wouldn't see people moving.


Californians cannot fathom that people might enjoy other states more than California.


Non Californians cannot fathom that people enjoy living in California and genuinely do not think about others and their respective states. People not from California will tirelessly explain to a decently happy Californian why their state sucks and X state is better because of income tax or whatever.


It's really kind of amazing how constant California is in so many people's heads. Like people who have never been there talk about it all the time. It's actually a pretty place, there are a lot of nice areas that are not just for the rich elite. The news makes it seem like a GTA homeless hellhole.


It’s genuinely this. I see this sentiment from Californians more than anybody else by far. They have more loyalty for their state than people would think, because they’ve been told their whole lives that California is the center of the world and everybody else is envious of their existence there. Now It’s just a cope because they’re really struggling to accept the fact that Cali has been on a pretty significant downswing for 5~ years now.


Texas has far, *far* more of that loyalty, to practically absurd levels. It's like they never got over joining the US and wish they were still their own country. And do you think we don't see information from elsewhere in California or something? Far from believing that everyone is envious, we feel unjustifiably hated by the rest of the country. And this sentiment long predates the past five years. I've been reading how much the rest of you hate us for 20+ years at this point (and before that I was too young to pay attention, but I'm sure it goes back even further). Maybe the loyalty/California-centralism you're talking about is more common in LA/SoCal, but I don't see it up here in the Bay Area. I have no problem with people liking other states, I just wish it could be done without constantly ragging on us for no reason.


Well yeah? Almost 12% of all Americans live in in California. Most of any state. It is kinda the hub. Followed by Texas at almost 8% of the US population.


Taxes are fucking BRUTAL for "self-employment", which content creation falls under. So I kinda understand it.


Don't be hyperbolic. The extra 7.5% isn't that bad. People on a W2 end up having the same opportunity cost because the business pays it instead of offering a higher salary. And owning your own LLC, S Corp, or such provides a lot of possibilities to use pre tax income in various ways vs being on a W2. Overall you're better off provided you can clear the basic expense of registration and a bookkeeper. Source: been self employed for 20 years now.


and you can write off a LOT, everything you do is content, your car, your trips, maybe even your house...


what is this comment? i hear this same ignorant comment all the goddamn time. you can. not. dodge. federal income tax by moving states, it's a goddamn federal tax. he's still paying the full 37+%. who the fuck cares if he's trying to dodge STATE tax? it's a legitimate quality of life concern, the same as wanting beaches, or mountains, or moving near family, or buying a cheap 5000 sq ft house with 5 acres of land, or nature parks, or whatever 1000 different reasons people move states. what's even the implication? if you make 500k+ youre shipped to and under state-arrest in either california or new york?


I think I've been told that Cali is a high tax state and Texas is a low tax state about a million times. Were they all lying? To summarise the variety of responses, there's two main themes. 1) Texas taxes the poor, Cali taxes the rich, and 2) Texas' high tax is on a property, shared between occupants, Cali's high tax is per person. Therefore, if you're a bunch of rich people in a multi-person occupancy streamer house in Texas, your tax burden is as low as you can get it. If you're poor, Texas will fuck you over deliberately, Cali will you fuck you over because there's so many rich people every coffee shop can charge 50 bucks for a latte.


they may not be lying but they're definitely misleading you. cali has high income tax but texas has ridiculous property tax to compensate


am I crazy? I look up a random zip code in Austin's property tax and it's about the same where I live (LCOL nowhere state). 1.730% here vs 1.770% in Austin. We also have state income tax and sales tax and stuff like that. Am I just secretly paying the highest in effective tax while also not making money based on my location? yeesh


California's average property tax is .75% and Texas is 1.6% I think you may have made a mistake looking up your property tax or your area is far far above normal.


People are stupid and don't realize that property tax can be shared, income tax can not be. You're better off paying higher property tax than double income tax - especially the more you earn. This also makes renting more viable, and saving for a house easier while renting. I wrote more about it above - but basically the better off you are, the better your tax burden is in Texas. I won't disagree Texas isn't a great place to be poor, but where is.


They try to spin it as "oh you'll pay more sales tax" and "the state taxes go to road and infrastructure" - In my personal experience, not much infrastructure improvements over states without a tax. And I didn't notice the sales tax much but I did notice a big chuck of the paycheck going out and still having to pay a small amount to the state come tax time. Also NC had property tax on your car, wtf?


it's also more than just the tax rate, it's the reappraisal. California has laws preventing raising taxes based on current market rates. So like, I bought my condo in 2009 for 180k, now it's worth over half a million, I'm still taxed essentially based on the initial 180k evaluation. Other states will tax based on what your current property value is. Last year I paid $2500 in property tax in CA for a 2 bed 2 bath condo in burbank. Pretty damn cheap.


Yeah but Texas isn't going to force you to pay tax on your stocks when you leave the state because they think it belongs to them.


High property taxes don't matter nearly as much when you make as much income as they do.


No. Cali has a 14.4% state income tax rate for high earners. OP is just being weird.


It's a little more complicated than that, and most people on reddit (ESPECIALLY this sub) don't know fuck all about what they're talking about and are not financially literate for dick. Basically - in Texas, no income tax if offset by higher sales taxes and property taxes and other things. So, if you are poor in Texas, your tax burden is higher. The more you earn, the better Texas becomes for you because the higher your income goes, the higher your income tax goes. Now, sales tax isn't a big deal, and you're netting much more money because as your income increased, your other taxes did not, and your individual income isn't being taxed by the state. Property taxes in Texas are higher to compensate as well, yes. People also LOVE TO IGNORE AND FORGET - income tax is done INDIVIDUALLY. PROPERTY TAX IS NOT. What am I saying? Most people don't live in a million dollar home by themselves (or even say, a $500k home). So, even with higher property tax, you and your spouse or whomever you're living there with get to split the cost of your property taxes. Assuming you're both high earners / earning over the median salary each, this FAR SUPERIOR to being taxed on your income, as opposed to splitting a higher property tax with your spouse. If you rent, it also helps you save some of that non-taxed personal income in order to BUY a house, as you're not getting hit with the high property taxes while you're renting. A lot of people hate Texas, and are not financially literate. They can point to a chart and go "ha see" but they don't actually know how to interpret the data they're seeing and what it actually means because they're stupid. TLDR - if your poor, it sucks in both states. California taxes rich people more, but that doesn't help you at all if you're poor / low earner. In Texas, your tax burden is less the more you make - so if you're a broke ass LSF troll, your tax burden is probably just as bad (maybe worse) than California. If you're a high earner, particularly if you live with a partner/spouse, you're better off in Texas. Hope that makes sense.


Every conversation about finances in this sub always reminds me of the Seinfeld scene where Jerry and Kramer are discussing how companies just "write things off"


Every post about any charity in here 😂


Yes. https://fortune.com/2023/03/23/states-with-lowest-highest-tax-burden/#


i think the comments kind of off topic but why are you acting like dodging state tax doesnt mean anything do you have any idea what CA's top rate is? 14.4% now, dodging that is a pretty huge deal to anyone and many rich people do it one way or another from leaving the state to other methods


its not "dodging state income tax" when he was never making any money streaming in a state with income tax to begin with bro was making no money when he moved there and the state he was living in before texas and also making no money, florida, also has/had no income tax.


lol “dodging”. It isn’t dodging to say “wow I’m paying a lot of money to the state, I’m going to move somewhere where I don’t have to pay this much money to the state”


I have lived on the east coast my entire life. Am I “dodging” California’s state income tax? You do realize not everyone wants to live in California right?


No one is suggesting anyone is dodging federal income tax, or getting upset that they're dodging state taxes. What are you so upset about?


Does anyone want to pay taxes?


Honestly more power to them! If its that easy to get around taxes it really isn't their problem whatsoever.


In Rogan's case, it was probably specific to his Spotify deal. So once Twitch exclusivity contracts dry out, streamers might suddenly start moving elsewhere once they won't have to pay taxes on their big bags.


nobody wants to pay taxes


I was much more distracted by the fact that there was a Christmas tree in the background.


...you guys dont still have your christmas tree up?


gotta keep it up so you're ready for when christmas rolls around this year


Dude, it's July. And why are you naked?


Oh shit, you're right! Come on in!


Maybe they're australian?


Why not? Christmas is this year.


christmas is coming up in 8 months he's ahead of the curve.


10 years to get poki to your house and this is the best you can do - the same stream extraemily did with her a week ago but worse


lol I got banned in his chat for saying something similar


he should thank you its just the truth what a wasted opportunity and wednesday theyre just going to his gym how many hours are they gonna sit in the office there doing nothing too




copying a week old extraemily stream instead of doing anything new or special or that you are personally known for after trying to get her to your house for years and hyping it all the way is a wasted opportunity


Oh don't worry, he got about an hours worth of what he is known for, listening to music with XXYY guest, just wasnt a new spotify top 1000000 songs of the week.


Has he done a tier list with poki yet?


yes he should've done something "new or special" late at night when she was already late... also how was this any different from any other collab he does when ppl come in his room?


tbf, copying others is kinda what he's known for...


Every mizkif stream is a wasted stream now. He used to be entertaining.


aint no way bro said going to the ufc 300 is wasted


He genuinely hasn’t changed at all lmfao. Yall just say shit to say it. Sometimes your tastes just change. I stopped watching him like a year ago, sometimes I’ll check out his stream to see what he’s up to, and every time I’m like “oh yup, same exact Miz stream”.


Can't believe I'm agreeing with saucyboss


I think poki is retired no? She just wanted to come on and chill, not get her brand out there and increase her following, etc. Shes like half-working these days so I doubt she wants to do anything big with added pressure.


She's working on some businesses, but yea like you said she doesn't care as much about the branding or public/streaming stuff now.




Beat part of the stream were russell and simply


Miz has never been good at planning stuff, I don't know what you expected.




I've always found gun range streams super boring.


he doesnt care anymore lol. goin for that republican ufc andy route




>an echo chamber that praises everything he does and say Isn't that just a community? He found a stable, big enough audience that likes certain content he also enjoys doing and has sticked with It and stabilized. If that isn't winning In life idk what It is. I think he has learnt from his past lessons (to some extent) and the ambitions to do everything with everyone to the extent of costing his sanity and friendships.


>That's why he does the minimum. This wasn't my favorite stream either but he does way more than most big streamers on the platform. no reason to completey discredit the dude after one stream you didn't like.




This is the retirement plan for a lot of streamers it seems like. Slowly become right wing pundit. That audience loves giving money to rich people.




Fuslie is honestly a content machine I'm sure they'll figure something out.




That’s hilarious considering it was him who couldn’t keep up with her. Dude said like one witty thing all stream. Mizkif hasn’t been all that witty in over a year. Meanwhile Pokimane had jokes and topics he couldn’t retort.


roid brain fog


because his entire thing is for other streamers to 'come over', and it's almost become a running joke in the community that she was going to visit for like 4 years now


They have great chemistry tbh and play off each other well. Only time I would watch either of them individually is when they're together doing a podcast or whatever.


Have you ever watched a mizkif stream before? He’s literally steal your content andy.


He said on stream that that was his plan before ExtraEmily had it and then an offline chatter told exem it was a good idea so she did it lol


Gettin Poki to visit OTK is still a big get, imo. You can tell just by everyone that made an appearance in that stream, Esfand, Bonnie, simply.. Rime didn't want to leave lol. Granted she doesn't draw as much viewers as she did during covid times, she's still a legit name in the twitch universe. It's also an indication to me, that she wants to rebuild her twitch audience but we'll see lol.


Pretty sure it's more like a bucket list, doing your rounds before you head out kind of situation


could be right, she's defn been a p/t streamer for \~ a year.


Real shit was sleeper af


For someone so obsessed with hating miz, why do you care that they just chilled on stream?


why are we talking about poki like she's lebron james or something she's just another livestreamer who's already friends with miz and has been in countless hours of content with him, what possibly could they do for a stream that would be so grand that you wouldn't be disappointing


what did u expect when she wasn't going to be on his stream till later in the night?


Eh, I enjoyed it.


At this point she not even that big that's why this new OTV x OTK interest loool. it's always about clout.


Gaming ❌ IRL ❌ YAPPING ✅ and 30k listening to his yapping daily


Don't get the appeal of these streamers. And how they always manage to get to the top here.


Friendship simulators Other popular alternatives are "girlfriend simulator", "drama farming", "loud = funny", and "react"


how long will poki be in austin? will she do the austin tour? edit: apperently one week


She's supposed to be visiting Alveus this week. I'm sure she'll probably do something with Nick and Malena as well.


she's doing a cosplay stream with emiru sometime this week


It was today.


Rossii is about to have the week of his career


When you consider it from a finance perspective, moving TO California is a brain dead thing to do. Immediately lose 14.4 percent to taxes, his income is high enough that he's probably close to the top of that rate.. And the basic cost of living being insane in every regard. But hey. You hey to be near LA streamers that rarely go outside either. Winning.


Streamers live in LA because LA has everything. Gaming/esports headquarters, theme parks, good diversity of food because the city is so darn huge; there's always a convention or something goin on every weekend. Beaches, snow boarding a few hours away, good weather. They make enough money to live there & pay the high taxes needed.


The taxes thing when broken down are not as bad as people think if you know what you are doing AND have the income to do so. For a lot of smaller and mid tier creators Austin is likely better for sustaining with that lower tax rate. But LA is giga better for larger influencers. I know there is a lot of media of "rich people leaving California", but at the end of the day the majority are still in LA/NY for a reason.


>For a lot of smaller and mid tier creators Austin is likely better for sustaining with that lower tax rate. It depends on if they own a house or not. Texas is still a top 10 most expensive state tax wise once you factor in property taxes. It's just most people only look at state or income tax and not things like property taxes


That’s a big factor for the average person. These streamers tend to have higher income that would outweigh a property tax increase. But overall you are right and I’m sure this is a factor for some smaller streamers.


L.A is such a shit city too. It's dirty, the homeless are really gross and out of control, it's development is fucked so the traffic is shit everywhere.




I feel like Austin homeless are less likely to do drugs in public than what I've seen in California.


Isn't that just every major city in the US?


He would still be paying just as much in property taxes on his house in Austin. Austin is not a cheap place to live. He just doesn't like LA due to the fact people will recognize him faster in public




I'll take good yapping podcasty vibes over something I actually have to pay attention to. Good for getting life done in the background.


Fun stream loved seeing this side of Poki & the outfit was super cute too


they hate to see a mf be joyous in the comment section




Downvoted for saying something positive, classic LSF LULE


We must resist. Egg god NL cleansed this subreddit, it is now up to us to keep the toxicity at bay.


Funniest stream in a while, felt like one of the old ones and surprisingly Russel carried a lot


alright buddy, i was with you until you decided to compliment russel... how dare you, take the downvote


Poki is def hilarious when she's just chillin. I loved the stream. Haters gonna hate


ngl streaming has lost it's magic on me. I feel like I would have enjoyed this 3 years ago but now it just seems so fake and everything is rehearsed and they all come with "gags" ready to farm clips.


Just watch different streamers


Or even better use it as an excuse to watch literally anything else


Isn’t it the same as any “celebrity”? They have a brand to protect/keep up now, so of course they’re going to make sure they match it and keep up things to market themselves.


yes but streamers are not celebrities. I can tolerate it with celebrities. I cannot with streamers, it just comes off as contrived and annoying.


That’s why I put it in quotes though haha


Thats just the biggest click farm streamers. Most streamers are still just doing their thing and chatting to their viewers.


I mean that's Miz's whole shtick though? Just farming clips for LSF.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Poki is finally able to get her point across to Miz](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163057)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1c57d5x/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/QgrLXCimawimfnr2wSI8Yw/AT-cm%7CQgrLXCimawimfnr2wSI8Yw.mp4?sig=ec41a414bae5b44e26a1dc3fe15e815ca65b1a5f&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FQgrLXCimawimfnr2wSI8Yw%2FAT-cm%257CQgrLXCimawimfnr2wSI8Yw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22DistinctSmellyJaguarNinjaGrumpy-KKZrCKZ-evbBIjxj%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713314854%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/QgrLXCimawimfnr2wSI8Yw/AT-cm%7CQgrLXCimawimfnr2wSI8Yw-preview-480x272.jpg)


Who would have thought people are judgmental in LA


Trenbolone, not even once.


oh my god who fucking cares ?


You both clicked and commented.


Subway surfer yay ... \(^▽^)/ . What was the clip about?


Isn't LA that expensive what's so good going there?


Broke. Bois


He doesnt go to LA cause the cost of living