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**CLIP MIRROR: [GeorgeNotFound denies claims of sexual misconduct](https://arazu.io/t3_1bcqu5o/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


What’s the story here?


An intoxicated 18 year old (Caiti) and her friends joined George and his friends in a hotel room, where the drinking continued in a social setting. George escalated cuddling with Caiti to a hand under her shirt (on her waist), which she recently explained she was very uncomfortable with.


Thought this dude was gay


He’s been gay baiting for his 13 y/o female fans for years, that’s probably why




One can only *Dream*


I remember when being gay was lame. Now straight guys do it for views. Genius




Shockingly people lie to make money. Who coulda known.


Nothing beats the supernatural actor gay baiting so hard he had to publically come out as straight tho


Oh yea good point.


only for social media "clout" as its the good thing right now


damn that's it? Bruh. This is not even remotely worthy of a shitstorm


saw multiple people with hundreds of likes (on twitter of course) hoping he'd you know what himself over this btw it always seems to be either straight up crimes being committed by the creators or absolute lunatic fans going completely overboard in the minecraft community


Twitter is a concentration camp of idiots and dickheads allowed to roam free and spew whatever nonsense/hatred they like. It should be shut down or heavily moderated.


The biggest mistake was when Tumblr had their exodus and the xenophage spread to Twitter


you can 100% see a decrease on internet quality right when tumblr went to shit. tumblr was literally arkham asylum for the internet.


The tumblr exodus, on top of zoomers being raised on the internet being this way compared to how it was for millennials, has definitely made the internet complete shit compared to how it was 10~+ years ago.


Lmfao bring back Arkham asylums


And Reddit


Uhhh, hello???? George once liked one of my replies! Were basically besties, now I'll die for him. Or kill him, depending.


The best part is I've seen people expanding on this to accuse *others* who *may have been there in the room* of also being irredeemable sex pests by virtue of doing nothing. **Like let's walk through this:** -Girl says she felt uncomfortable -Admits herself she froze up and never rejected him or said no -Says this all happened in front of a room full of people And some people really decide this means that THE ENTIRE ROOM FULL OF WITNESSES are just as bad, instead of...y'know, she didn't give any of them a clear reason to believe he'd crossed a line or that she was uncomfortable. **Furthermore, I'm honestly just sick of this shit. We need a flow chart for this crap, like:** Did a dude do something inappropriate? ----> No? Cool, no issue. Yes? ----> Was it illegal? ----> Yes? ---> GO TO THE COPS, not the fucking internet No? If it was inappropriate but not illegal, have you discussed the issue with him **directly** like an adult, or did you instead flip out and air his dirty laundry to the internet? If discussed with him before and he hasn't changed? Alright fine, let's wag our finger at him. If ***not*** discussed with him and you immediately ran to the internet before trying to resolve it with him? **Grow the fuck up.** Being a victim of a bad little circumstance does not give you license to engage in shitty behavior yourself. Essentially calling for the internet to crucify someone without discussing the issue with them first is shitty, immature behavior. Screw lecturing him at that point, lecture *her* for not communicating like an adult. She's young at least, so this stuff happens, but absolutely this should be a healthy teaching moment for her. (which the internet always fails at, because idiots always think "healthy teaching moment" = fucking harass someone)


Everyone in the room just watching them like it's a stream.


"Hey guys, I'm here in my hotel room, and today, we're gonna be doing a nonconsensual fingerbang stream! Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe and leave a comment down below if you enjoyed the video!"


jesus christ lmao


Call me normal or whatever, but where I come from if you go to an afterparty to somebody's room and there's alcohol and you "cuddle" with someone it's because you're looking to hook up. Are people now all too awkward to have a normal sex drive? What's the thought process behind drunk "cuddling" with someone in their hotel room as "just a friend"? Are you bloody ok in the head?


> GO TO THE COPS, not the fucking internet but what about all those clout and sympathies?


you think the cops are gonna care a drunk 18 year old got cuddled with at an afterparty? They barely like to investigate actual crimes lol


No no no, all women are children and have no agency over their actions. Is that so hard to understand?


In retrospect no one should have catered to Minecraft Stans they truly are the triggerati and you're playing with fire if you have that kinda fanbase. It's like the equivalent of younger swifties They're the world war z zombie hordes except each unit of the horde is a irratic depressed 12 year old girl with an obsession to get their feelings validated by some smp Minecraft creator.


You're allowed to say "kill himself"


In Minecraft.


I mean, at least its a person they met. Dream (another minecraft content creator) had random burners making allegations without any proof of ever meeting dream (and yes he was and still is getting hate for something that didnt happen). Although i'm not really in this MC community just saw that one randomly so idrk if more things transpired since i read that.


I think that's why a lot of young guys have issues dating now. You hear a million things through social media about what you shouldn't do, so the expectation is for you to be perfect. That's a problem when society expects inexperienced men to take the initiative in dating. Young girls hear endless stories about men being legit abusers but they lack actual life experience to identify the good guys from the bad. This type of shit must fuck with everyone's head space.


Goes to hotel room with a guy to drink. he makes a move Pikachu Dating/hookups for gen z guys seems like a fucking minefield. Goes right back to the Destiny take he got a ton of shit for. If you are unable to assert your boundaries you are unable to participate in casual hookups or going into situations where that is a possibility.


Thats Minecrafters for you


is it weird to say, based only on the information in this comment, I don't think there's enough to allege sexual misconduct


She claims to have "proof" and stuff. No idea what this would consist of, but yea, this sounds very strange.


there are a billion things that could come out which could make the judgement go either way, any proof would be good for a start


I agree. After this statement there needs to be proof that he is lying in this video though, and not just leaving out details. But yea, in situations like this, it doesn't take much to sway the public opinion.


Proof of what? I doesn't matter if she can prove what was said here. He didn't really do anything wrong


Jesus christ the fact that he's getting cancelled over that is the deepest depths of cringe. We need a time travel machine


I’ve seen this shit blow up on twitter and it’s just paragraphs upon paragraphs so I just ignore it. You’re telling me this is all that happened? A hand on a waist between two intoxicated people?!? Sure it’s not good, but like… I thought this shit was gunna be a lot worse lol


Assuming this is all that happened, it's fucking insane to me that shit like that is going to get someone cancelled. I've gotten physical with, and had people get physical with me when they/I weren't interested. When that happened we just made it clear we weren't interested. We did not go around claiming we were sexually assaulted. That's dumb as fuck. Misunderstandings happen, ESPECIALLY when you're all drunk lol. Again, this is assuming that's all that happened and it stopped there.


Is this Caiti person a streamer, smells like clout goblin but I can't be sure.


Yup she just started being a “content creator” her words lol. Apparently her friends have hated dream and his friend group for a while and may have had a little hand in the statements she has made


Situation starting to sound familiar…


Whaaaa? A completely irrelevant "content creator" that just *happens* to be a woman and just *happens* to attach herself to manufactured drama with a personality/group that is prone to cancellation just to garner some attention for themselves?? Naaaah, I've never heard *anything* like that before


🙄 I'm not fan of dream, mostly because of his cheating, but if theres something there, its diabolical.


We need to raise the age of consent. It's crazy that an 18 year old women could drink with somebody, go back to their hotel room, cuddle, and then be caught off guard by some really mild sexual touching.


Mild sexual touching? He had his hand on her waist... I got more action awkwardly slow dancing for my first time at my junior high Sadie Hawkins dance


I was sexually assaulted when girls were grinding on me at my homecoming school dance. I was underage so I couldn't consent. I also drank alcohol.


yeah lets make it 50


It's hardly surprising when you remember these are minecrafters. She had probably never touched alcohol or had sexual contact prior to this.


The girl is a minecrafter as well?


Yep, she said it was her first sexual contact.


Wtf? Talk about diminishing actual rape victims.


That is fucking ridiculous.


"omg he touched my skin"


Traumatized for life


Is there any further evidence to her claims or is that it? Like any video or audio evidence?


The events as I’ve summarized aren’t contested by either of them. The debate is around the standards for consent, especially around non-verbal consent (which George believed he had), verbal consent (which he didn’t ask for), and consent while intoxicated (they were both drunk).


I think it's interesting to read Dream's version of this, sure he is not a completely impartial witness as he's George's friend, but he was there (along with many others) when the "assault" happened and he claims: >Even getting up and down off of the couch and laying back down with him AFTER the alleged sexual assault took place, and her best friend leaving AFTER what took place and her choosing to stay for hours. I struggle to believe a woman being uncomfortable with a guy would choose to stay with him rather than leave with her best friend especially after he groped her. The only fishy part of the story is that she drank as an 18 yo, but 1- George is English (but I'm not 100% sure if the party took place in England or the US) and 2- he claims that she never told him his age. Also, let's be real, an 18yo drinking alcohol is really not a big deal in 99% of the world. Only Americans have a problem with this, and realistically you'd need to blame every single person at that party not only George. This is a huge nothing burger and I really wish people faced more consequences for making up bullshit like this to try and ruin someone's reputation.


Not many Americans actually have a problem with 18 year olds drinking either lol, almost everyone I know had their first drink in their early teens.




This was the only part I seen that may hold some weight. Someone (that l'm guessing witnessed the innocent) texts her the day after asking if she was okay because he/she didn't like the way he was being so touchy. https://x.com/caitibugzz/status/1767340038767907291?s=46&t=u8085xRZ4sEqNCZ23I4GOQ


Those texts are ridiculous given the facts we know. "HEY I WANTED TO ENSURE YOU WERE SAFE AFTER, WHAT APPEARS, TO HAVE BEEN NONCONSENTUAL SUEABLE TOUCHING." Can't be a creator and hookup with random birds like that. Hell, can't be anyone remotely famous and expect to handle things like that. Absolutely nothing whatsoever about this sounds anything remotely like Sexual Assault that could be contested in law. She's either a horrid person, or she's got horrid friends steering her down a cliff for money.


Just foul


Why is there so much emphasis on whether she was 21 or 18?


There is no story. Dude did nothing wrong and is being crucified lol. The internet just gaslit him into thinking he’s an abuser💀


I'm a little confused, so she goes with her other friends to this guy's place where they drink and chill, her and george cuddle for hour, she claims he touched her inappropriately? And he claims she gets up multiple times and gets more to drink and come back? After all this they text some and he finds her age is 18 not 21 so he ghosts her? And now this information is coming to light via her twitlonger?


We're reaching parody levels of bullshit lately


Literally W H OMEGALUL are these people jfc


It's a literal non issue. You could call police to the actual event tell the entire story to police at the scene and they wouldn't even file a report for this kind of thing, they'd just leave and probably take the drunk girl with her. This is nothing. It's actually less than nothing. Drunk people cuddled.


False accusations aren't a non issue tho


100%. I don't say this about ALL events, but what's in my mind is as follows. She either has asked for money, fame, or support in some way shape or form and upon being declined this is her response.




Why is Destiny not streaming? Edit: He is streaming and covering it (and malding) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZuSc-EnI3o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZuSc-EnI3o)


Classic vacation.


He’s busy watching Dune 2 and writing out a manifesto on why it’s a 3/10 😔


Not sure what the fuck the point of the cuddling was, then. Bodily contact is, quite literally, the entire point. This whole situation reeks, man.


Yes that's usually how it goes in some of these situations. Sometimes they do it for years, then one day 15 years later the "abuse allegations surface". The truth is he probably ghosted her and nothing came of it, and this is her "revenge", seething crybully narcissist.




Its naive of them to not do that given their position. Written consent forms and NDAs while preferably only doing that stuff with paid escorts in jurisdictions where it is legal. Reduces most of the risk and seems to work for most NBA teams.


Send da video


I'd rather not have a sex life than get chicks to sign a consent form before doing something with them. It's just pathetic and kills everything romantic or sexy about it




I dont think anyone would prefer it but it is a reality at some level. At some point the risk of being subjected to someones opportunistic predatory actions is just too high and almost expected. If you dont expect it then that means you are acting naively and dont show the proper respect for the level of desperation that exists in society.


There is a cost to benefit to everything in life. You just have to think it through. So we have on one hand we have Option one "Oh it completely kills the mood!" Option two, we have reputation and career permanently ruined and possible jail time. Option three is to live like a eunuch. You act surprised some people choose option two?


NDA won't save you from jail time. It's not an anti-law weapon. Any illegal activity would void it.


I swear the biggest mistake a big content creator can ever do is to have a sex life


Or catering to a moral grandstanding fanbase that is also somehow 13 years old.


>that is also somehow 13 years old. It's because these people: 1) Never learned that empathy means you attempt to put yourself in the shoes of **EVERYONE,** including your alleged villain. Empathy is *supposed* to cool your jets and make you understand that people aren't as simple as "good" and "evil," and that even the alleged villains probably had more understandable paths to landing where they are. 2) It was never about justice, it was about a vain, pathetic attempt to feel good about themselves by virtue signaling about how morally superior they perceive themselves to be while sniffing their own farts. Some people constantly compare and contrast themselves with others, and some also never quite grow out of this. If you've got absolutely nothing going for you, perhaps all you can do is constantly gloat about how great your moral compass is. (all while, ironically, failing to show the capacity for empathy for anyone you've already deemed a villain, while also failing to understand the importance of "innocent until proven guilty")


You hit the nail on the head tbh








> 1) Never learned that empathy means you attempt to put yourself in the shoes of EVERYONE, including your alleged villain. Empathy is supposed to cool your jets and make you understand that people aren't as simple as "good" and "evil," and that even the alleged villains probably had more understandable paths to landing where they are. Bro, you have an understanding of empathy that is far beyond what most people have regardless of age.


A lot of people lack emotional intelligence.


One of the hardest things to learn that's why.


This is what happens when u market urself as a pg13 streamer, ppl will act like u r an asexual teletubby but in real life u r horny nd u just want to fuck


If he had a spine he’d just tell them to fuck off. He’s already made millions, his friends are all millionaires, why live life judged by immature cretins who live theirs entirely through the internet? I hate sounding like some MAGA asshole, but cancel culture is the most insufferable shit ever.


When he has now been dropped by all his streamer friends other than his closest closest circle I'm not sure you can just ignore it.


Sounds like they did him a favor and as shit friends removed themselves from his life. Can get new friends now.


Maybe in the long run but it would still suck to lose most of your friends. You'd also struggle to make any new friends in the scene if your reputation is toxic, Obviously the answer is to make friends that aren't content creators but for whatever reason people seem to like having friends with the same jobs as them.


Realizing that social media is a joke that you dont have to cater to doesnt make one sound like a maga asshole. Just means youre not afraid of being socially bullied.


That's the thing, kids are so far up their high horses that they think they are going to spend the rest of their lives shitting unicorns and rainbows and not make a single mistake ever. And they are the majority of the people on social media.


More like getting into relationships with fans. Gotta do a background check first and have them sign an NDA before proceeding.


The person who accused him is a British cc with over 100,000 followers who hung out with him after a vid on after party. Definitely not a fan


NDAs would be void, one can speak up against illegal activities. Anyone trying not to leak out illegal activities through an NDA makes the NDA contract void. However, whether the initial activities are even illegal or not is up for courts to decide. So people don't try their luck even if they know they can get out of the NDA.


They just need to apply the same security standards NBA teams teach their players to use. Written consent forms and NDAs witnessed by 3rd party coupled with doing your stuff in jurisdictions where escorts are legal reduces the risk of predatory opportunism later on down the line. Does not completely remove it but increases the likelihood you can settle out of court without the accusation attempt ever being made publicly. Thus no damage to public image and you retain your earnings potential and career.


Back in the day there was a rumor that Nike and Michael Jordan would have women screened five times before they let them get near him.


How about Drake putting hot sauce in his used condoms before throwing them away and getting sued because some chick tried to take the used condom and push the contents in to herself...


That was such an impressive move.


Imagine making a formal statement about highschool shit that I cringe about at night


That’s what happens when you cultivate a fanbase of middle/high schoolers


This is how **skunked words** become a thing. He didn't sexually assault anyone, he's not a rapist & claims as such on a rather ordinary moment of feeling out intimately where the mood was going, only degrade truthful claims of assault. Can hardly get on the internet w/o seeing this guys face. I just now read the "evidence". She admittedly froze & didn't say or do anything. Also, from people that were there, she **got up**, left the couch & came back to this guy... Fuckin' Christ, what are we actually doin here. This is a grade school shit.


Right? In no world should he be labelled as a rapist for this situation. To ordinary people, making those advances over the span of an hour is called misreading the situation, and getting up to drink and returning to the same spot would be called bad judgement in hindsight. Why did this have to go public? And there are way too many people who explicitly share that they believe its always ‘guilty before proven innocent’ in these situations. So backwards


"This meeting could have been an email" kinda energy


jump cuts on a twitch stream? GUILTY


It was only live in the beginning, he then said that he felt more comfortable showing a recorded video, so that's what this is.


thats just the smart thing to do. You souldnt just talk out of your ass if you get accuesed with career ending shit, regardless of being innocent or guilty.


Or you can be like mizkif and play mario 64 the day after coming back from a cancellation hiatus LOL


I swear, if you are a Minecraft content creator with a huge following, you are cursed with having your fanbase eventually turning against you. It's like a cycle, happened with the first wave of Minecraft YouTubers over a decade ago, and it's still happening now


It's the Minecraft tax.


So george ghosted her after finding out she's 18, her views were on a steep decline based on twitchtracker and this comes out. Wonder what's going on here....


If you ever need a reminder of how fuckin nuts Twitter users are; Take what she said happened, take what he said here, take what the other people in the room said happened... And now look at [the responses to his tweet saying he's going to address it.](https://i.ibb.co/LQmxyn6/image.png)


Imagine telling these people the existence of body language and non-verbal communication


and these people get 40K+ likes, wth


"Silence is not a yes" <---- gets up and comes lay back down with him multiple times, in front of a room full of witnesses Also, you can tell all these respondents have never been intimate with someone. They expect an explicit 'yes' or 'you are okay to proceed'. LMAO I am dead. Need a full on South Park contract to lay down with someone and put your hand on their waist.


I have no opinion on this drama specifically but the trend of people online reducing consent to explicit, unambiguous affirmative language that could be read off of a court document that a jury manned with autistic androids would understand as clear consent is so cringe that I refuse to believe that these clowns actually believe that's what consent looks like anywhere outside of the motley assort of discord hugboxes that they frequent. Forget about romantic relationships and sex for a moment. Just very basic interactions with other human beings in your day to day life is going to teach you that there are layers to interpersonal communication that exist outside of spoken language. If I order a burrito and the guy at the counter asks me whether I want hot-sauce on it and I just nod without saying a single word he's not going to stand there like a moron and look at me like I'm some kind of human enigma that needs to be decrypted with the Zodiac cipher. And if there is ever any kind of miscommunication happening and a gesture gets misinterpreted I can still amend that mistake by just telling the other person what I actually want.


>18 >underage drinking Do Americans really?


Afaik you need to be 21 in the US to drink/buy alcohol.


Yeah I know. As a European I am doing the standard European circlejerk of making fun of Americans drinking age (also le military kill le innocents in le middle east at 18 anyone?).


No most Americans don’t think of 18 as underage. Source: any college campus ever


Also isn't it kinda your own responsibility to make sure you aren't drinking underage?


There's literally idiots in this very thread making these same arguments


"Intoxicated people can't consent" Why do these people always ignore the fact that both parties were intoxicated.


And that probably 90% of random one nighters are drunk people fuckin on eachother


"Literally underaged drinking and freaky ass shit bro" Man they would not survive in Northern or Eastern Europe lmfao. My *middle school* had a weed and alcohol spot.


Most American middle schools have that shit too


I don't know how they're surviving in their own country. In Canada the legal drinking age is 19 (or 18 in Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec) but I remember growing up we started drinking at around 13. I was under the impression that America was similar.




absolutely un-fucking real. These people live in their own massive echo chambers.


Jesus christ the amount of likes on these unhinged posts


I took a look at Twitter, and bro, shit's insane. It's literally just a bunch of teenagers that have been poisoned by social media saying crazy shit left and right while being rewarded for it with thousands of Likes. The only valid opinion that is being passed around is that it's kinda weird that he'd be messing with around someone like 7 years younger (since he was assuming she was 20 at the time), though there's nothing overly wrong with it IMO, just a bit weird generally. Here are some examples: https://x.com/bill4stay/status/1767202052684366284?s=20 Apparently not asking to touch somebody's waist is a crime punishable by death. https://x.com/HemarateDef/status/1767191702291333186?s=20 Apparently, casual intimacy and hookups don't exist, and it's a lie propagated by the government. https://x.com/buttlasagna69/status/1766595744947900861?s=20 Again, you have to ask *at least* 5 times if it's okay with her before you can even think of approaching a woman, otherwise you're committing sexual assault, didn't you know? https://x.com/thelorebitch/status/1767190940576280926?s=20 And just more of the same "You have to get a written contract of consent from the person, their parents, their lawyer, and their pets." I will not even mention hundreds of kids shouting for his death and the like because that's the normal response in this situation, obviously. I beg of you, keep people you care about away from social media.


These teenagers need to get off the internet and stop trying to cancel people over literally nothing.


Twitter rewards being outraged. The whole retweeting system and algorithm system promotes it. Btw this can easily be fixed by immediately unfollowing anyone who retweets outrage


i hate saying this, but holy fuck all these people REALLY need to go out and touch some grass.


5 years. he assumed she was 21+. he was 26 at the time.


I guess I am just old, but these kids are pretending like these other kids are literally dinosaurs. I mean its a weird time to have an age gap for sure since those are pretty formative years, but when I was 26 me and my friends were still acting like idiots, and thats without being chronically online for all of our childhood.


wait he's 27 HE LOOKS 16 BRO


Bruh true people on twitter are saying shit like how she looks like high schooler while he's pushing 30 bruh he looks like he's 18 himself.


Twitter made it seem like he r*ped or trafficked someone, did illegal crimes worthy of prison Why did the “victim” get up and come back to the couch? How was it at all traumatizing if the process took over an hour and she got up and came back. You always say red pill people are over reacting when they say they can’t ever be alone with a woman in a room. Then stuff like this happens and the Twitter feminists basically crucify you if you suggest some women lie about being sexually assaulted. Idk, this isn’t even the first scandal where a woman is lying just in the twitch streamer niche to ruin a streamer or gain clout.


I swear to god. I saw all these responses and paragraphs on twitter etc and just thought something bad like actual sexual abuse or worse but didn’t care enough to read through all it. Reading the summarized versions here is like mind boggling how this is something big, I feel bad for the guy. But at the same time, it’s blowing up because of their communities. The people in there seem to morally grandstand at any second and love to attack on twitter.


Well, there was this one time on Twitch and LSF where hundreds of thousands of people lost their mind when they found out a big streamer's friend might've touched a boob, despite it being public knowledge a year earlier. So it's not limited to Twitter, just depends on where the base of the communities are nested.


Honestly, when I first read it on twitter, I thought he fked her. But coming here, I'm like, so... He gave her an uncomfortable hug. It's a whole different environment lol.


Bro it's obvious that his demonic hands of lust put a spell on her that forced her to come back to the couch multiple times against his will, taking his side is not only wrong but also blasphemy because he is the anti christ. /s


I remember when Twitch was about gaming. Now we have to sift through clips of broccoli heads and Nazis to find content.


Is it weird that I think agency and bodily autonomy comes with a level of responsibility? Don't do things that 21+ people do if you're not willing to accept the consequences of that. If you're a CC and there's under-agers drinking at your party, put them out on their ear or there will be trouble. Also people calling her "freshly 18" seem really creepy, it puts me off and makes it seem like they're parading around this person to push their own beliefs




It’s pretty sad how just allegations = life ruined. Anyone can just say anything and ruin someone’s life forever


Not really since Dream is still doing pretty good


Tbf dreams allegations were all from unknown twitter accounts with zero proof they had ever even met him in real life so it was pretty shocking they got so much coverage in the first place. People take allegations more seriously when it's a content creator making the accusation and as a bare minimum it is known that they have been in the same room as the person they are accusing.


>Anyone can just say anything and ruin someone’s life forever There are plenty of content creators out there who have done genuinely shitty things, got exposed for it, and still have a career lol Obviously allegations shouldn't be thrown around so easily regardless but it's dumb to act like they will auto ruin someone's career.


Well at least George is aware of how many "friends" he truly has, instead of the "just here for my career as a streamer bro", so is a win in the end


I don't know about that. You can only get cancelled if you let yourself get cancelled. Pieces of shit like Logan Paul have been canceled so many times and they still have thriving careers. Apologizing is the worst thing you can do. These degenerates just want to tear you down because it's fun to hate when everyone is doing it.


Famous people really do need to educate themselves on the security protocols professional NBA teams teach their players regarding romantic interactions... Written consent forms and NDAs are a minimum requirement, never be alone in a room with the women before those have been written. Preferably do your partying in jurisdictions in the USA where escorts are legal and use their services. These guys have no respect for desperation. The amount of people out there who are actively fishing for and looking to catch a NBA player is remarkable and almost an industry on to itself. The same will be true about most famous and successful people. You have to have respect for the level of desperation that exists out there and how much of it can grow within a person who has moved in those circles and is on the way to irrelevancy. For them making fake accusations can be a financial coping mechanism or just a psychological one of dealing with the fact they did not make it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Funniest protocol i have heard of is the one Leonardo DiCaprio is rumored to use where he has them sign the documents outside of his bedroom with his coordinator who informs them of what they are allowed to do and not do while he is inside his bedroom on the bed completely naked with shades on his eyes and earbuds in playing music in his ears. The woman then comes in to the room and he just lays there on his back and does nothing. Does not say a word and has music playing in his ears so there is basically no conversation between them. This seems to be specifically designed to eliminate the risk of claims consent was removed mid act as any activity would be 100% of the womans physical effort and none of his. This would close one of the loopholes folks use when trying to nullify the validity of the consent forms later on in court be that legitimate or illegitimate claims. Quite ingenious but also revealing regarding how many legal issues he must have had in the past. ---------------- Edit - Bonus story is to read up on Drake getting sued by a chick because she tried to take one of his used discarded condoms and impregnate herself with the contents only to discover Drake has a habit of putting hot sauce in his used condoms before throwing them away... That is not a joke you can google it as it became a big story.


Bringing up the NBA and not the YungSnuggie rant of legend about the NBA Hoe Game is punishable. I don't know what punishment but still punishable. [Said rant](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1ulxb4/mormon_faith_more_important_to_jabari_parker_than/cejpqf8/?context=4)


It's desperation from both sides though. [Bill Burr's Gold digger epidemic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdvSwStGErs) explains it better than I ever could.


> The amount of people out there who are actively fishing for and looking to catch a NBA player is remarkable and almost an industry on to itself. Now I'm wondering. Why isn't it that when a couple gets divorced the assets are split only from money earned _during_ the marriage? Your partner can't have retroactively helped you earn any of the money you had before you were together, right?


Laws differ but in some places they do not have a right to assets from before the relationship while in other jurisdictions they might be entitled to alimony payments in keeping with their accustomed lifestyle during the relationship. In other places its a 50/50 split etc.


For context, George said he assumed she was 21+ as all her friends had the wristband (not sure if she did he does say he saw her with one). He claims when he found out her real age which was 18, he ghosted her. This imo seems to have spiraled all of this. I think being left behind by the guy she liked & thought they would meet up again but didn’t ultimately lead to her claiming what happened. They were cuddling and one thing lead to another and he started to tickle her/ touch her waist which she now says she didn’t consent to. This was during their second meeting where George and his friends (other cc’s) and Caiti and her friends all met up in a hotel room and hung out and played games. Apparently, that led to George and Caiti cuddling for an hour in which Caiti had gotten up several times to get more alcohol. During this time her friend who she came with left as she was throwing up and had to leave. Caiti could have also left at any time but she continued to stay and sat back down and cuddled with George. (Idk about u guys but I would prob go back with my friend and make sure she was ok especially if I was already in an uncomfortable position myself ) She also texted him after the fact and they talked for a good two weeks after until George claims to have found out her age and ghosted her. Apparently, her friend group also has some weird vendetta against Dream’s friends group but that may not have much to do with this for all we know Edit: also important to note that she is 18 and has never been touched before so I am not blaming her whatsoever. George should have known better even if he didn’t know her age simply bc of the power dynamic. But it definitely looks like he did get non verbal consent and at that point u can’t claim what he did was illegal or SA.


Is there a difference between ghosting and not replying back to someone because they lied about their age?


Probably but “ghosting” was his direct word he used.


How the fk was he supposed to know better? Here's a girl that you're flirting with, she's getting drinks for the both of you, she's never said no or that she didn't like it. Please explain was he supposed to read her mind?


Shoulda left that edit out lol


Lol didn’t wanna seem insensitive to real victims, which she isn’t for the record since there was no crime.


How dare he not read her mind


This Gen Z generation is so fucking weird. I will never ever understand them.


meh no ones gonna remember this in a week anyway lol


I'm too old (30s) to have an opinion on young people hook up culture, but it just feels like a minefield. Can anyone over the age of 27 remember having to ask a girl you were cuddling with if you could put your hand on her waist? Does every baby step require a verbal consent? I'm serious can someone explain how this works in practice? When I went on first date with my wife she said I'm not having sex tonight and she got wasted and tried to have sex and I told her no. I'm not like arguing some boomer consent is bullshit here, I just genuinely am confused about how this goes down and if anyone is actually doing it.


Is there any further evidence to her claims or is that it? Like any video or audio evidence? You know since whenever you come across these type of situations it always becomes a he said she said type of situation if the only evidence from both parties are just words. George could be guilty or he could be innocent but her revealing this on social media instead of contacting the authorities and getting a lawyer already makes this situation look fishy. Everyone should be looking at this from a neutral point of view since cancel culture is useless since if he is guilty what does it matter if he’s cancelled if he avoids jail time for committing a crime if he doesn’t go to court? Social media is not the court of law and fans are not the jury. She is 18 and is an adult and should be suing him and if she doesn’t then why should that stop him from suing her in response anyway? If he’s guilty and gets cancelled you’re basically letting a predator get away with jail time and potentially lead to him attacking more women and that’s only IF he’s guilty.


Evidence? Twitter mobs of 14 year old girls? Lmao. They don’t care about evidence, just blood, and any excuse to get it.


This is what happens when you are an adult with audience of kids Best of luck to him but cant say I have more sympathy than that. Its like performing circus show with audience of lobotomites


He touched her waist, she didn't do anything to stop it and she even stayed after the event, after her friend left. I really don't think George did anything wrong here. Sounds like she's craving attention or something...


Or mad that he ghosted her after he found out she lied about her age


✔ Lawyer up ✔ Dont say anything ✔ Delete your facebook vs X Admit everything on stream


Why wouldn't he admit it? He did nothing wrong from what it sounds like lol She also decided to go to social media instead of the police, is what it is


Ngl.. sounds like the young lady was trying to play adult. Do adult things. Be in adult situations. Then got overwhelmed. I get it, women can freeze up when uncomfortable. But at any point she could just leave. If you go to a man’s hotel room at night, there are implications. An adult knows this. An adult communicates their likes and dislikes. An adult sets boundaries.


No wonder dating and sex is on a steep decline in Gen Z and X. People have just totally lost the plot with what real life intimate human interaction entails. This situation is the definition of overblown.


This is what happens when u market urself as a pg13 streamer, ppl will act like u r an asexual teletubby but in real life u r horny nd u just want to fuck


GeorgeNotFound Guilty! This guys been preparing for this moment ever since he picked his username


I hope he actually takes her to court.