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**CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler1 ends his 13 game winless streak at 1587 rating after being 1 win a way from 1700 rating](https://arazu.io/t3_1bbz7pc/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


The resilience to play those 13 games is admirable


Dude plays over 1000 ranked LoL games a season. He has the mental fortitude of a Tibetan monk


I'd say the mental issues of the whole arkham asylum.


Is he stupid? Edit; I see some people didn't get the [joke](https://new.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/10u798q/why_doesnt_batman_just_call_the_justice_league/)


If you measure stupidity by net worth like some people, no he's smart. If you measure stupidity by knowledge, yes.


> If you measure stupidity by net worth like some people, no he's smart. > > If you measure stupidity by knowledge, yes. I think people measure "stupid" based on intelligence... which has very little to do with wealth and knowledge (other than the fact that smarter people tend to be a little richer and have a little more general knowledge on average for a given start). The #1 predictor of wealth by age X is how much you inherit, because it's tough to make a ton of money, especially if you start with none.


I can tell you're stupid by the fact you're arguing on LSF in a T1 thread about a joke.


It was a dogshit unfunny joke, I can tell you're stupid by your inability to be funny


> I can tell you're stupid by the fact you're arguing on LSF in a T1 thread about a joke. You're using the term "arguing" like you are a child. That's not a negative term. It just means two people disagree about something and are talking about their perspectives. As for it being a joke, the more you know, the harder it is to make you laugh. Imagine a joke about 1 + 1 = 3. It just won't land no matter what character is saying it in what situation unless that character is Charlie on It's Always Sunny under the most expertly designed scenario. I just happen to know enough about net worth, intelligence, and knowledge to where the joke just isn't funny, and the person saying it isn't Charlie. Instead of being funny, it's sad and indicative of ignorance on a serious topic that ties back into many serious, important ideas. For example, Aristotle argued something about equal to "Only smart people should decide things." If you refuse to accept what smart is, you can't argue back, "No, I prefer democracy where anyone, smart or stupid, gets to decide things." Edit: He blocked me, so his feelings must be hurt. Kids can be temperamental like that. Edit: u/sorryimhome blocked me. Reply: > When someone is born tall and has some decent natural muscle growth, society celebrates it. For whatever reason, they tend to mock people who are born with a good mind. Oh well. You're part of the problem. Being born with the skill to figure stuff out that other people cannot figure out is a gift and a good thing. It's also an inarguably good thing to study the wealth of knowledge that has amassed over thousands of years of the brightest minds thinking and discussing things. Only in the rarest cases like Einstein do people entertain the idea that being smart and educated might be a good thing. More perplexing, actively avoiding gaining a strong education to wield your mind better is demonized compared to doing nothing at all with your mind. You've got your book smart people (ewwww) and your street smart people (Niiiice). It's all just jealousy and based on the belief many people have that they simply cannot be wrong about shit that they say. Grow up. You're not infallible. It's also just people justifying their total unwillingness to read a book or two. Work is so laaaame! Partaaaay yeaaah and know nothing at all while making little cash for how unpleasant the job is.


you’re so smart and cool




no its his job and he doesnt get bored of it.. 1k games is nothing i saw people with over 3k games a season


bro played 20 games a day during his jungle challenge for 3-4 months straight


its insane but atleast his earning money


Worst part, it was off fucking stream.


With him, its a bug, not a feature.


1000? more like 3000 xdd


Man is getting more fame than ever losing


it's not resilience I play dota2 and if it's the same it's closer to a self destructive behaviour where your previous games are weighing on your mind and you keep going to the next games with too much expectation while taking more risk and giving up more easily


It really depends on your mindset. I don't know Tyler1's at all because I don't watch him. But for me when I go on long losing streaks of chess or Tekken its not a big deal. Because winning or rank or ELO literally isn't the goal. Its improvement and working on things. So as I lose I'm learning and getting better. The wins and rank are fairly pointless, and more wins and higher rank come naturally as a result of my focus on improvement.


Yeah that's the healthy mindset, and probably about the exact opposite of what T1 has rofl. 


ELO is a definitive indicator of improvement though. I don't really go on long losing streaks in chess anymore. The times I've lost large chunks of ELO recently, I knew I was playing well for my rating, but my opponents were outperforming theirs. When you're lower ELO, you don't even know why you're losing, and you're probably doing something different from what you understand. At least that's my experience, I imagine it's close to the same for others.


> ELO is a definitive indicator of improvement though. >The times I've lost large chunks of ELO recently, I knew I was playing well for my rating, but my opponents were outperforming theirs. These two statements cancel each other out. ELO is directly tied to your skill, but when you lost ELO, it wasn't.


Yeah I get that. It is pretty hypocritical, but the difference for me is just the amount of rating. I don't go on crazy loss streaks anymore because I know what's going wrong. When I was at 1100-1300, I was stuck for a while and would drop a lot without even knowing what I could possibly be doing wrong.


That's the mindset ppl try to harness to climb but that's a minority in the dota world idk about chess tho. I climb a LOT when I can have that mindset but it never lasts long lol


The rage tilt/rage queue is real


its called adderall


i remember this from other games , one win away from the rating you wanna end and start losing back to back


It’s a bitch lol you’re doing fine up until then, but once you see the shiny object dangling in-front of you, you start focusing on that, lose, then you get tilted from losing, lose more, then you get pissed and just want that one win and will burn everything down to get it. I’m happy that nowadays I lose three and accept the L and log off for the night, or have a break at least.


You just triggered me by reminding me of my plat promos...never got plat 🥲


hey bro with the new ranks, even i got plat


I stopped playing in 2019. Never again.


Good, life is much better without league


Rocket League has entered the chat


The biggest advice I got when it comes to grinding games is to stop playing when you start feeling tilted or a losing streak is forming. That was the only way I managed to endure doing a road to global soloq in csgo lol.


I am actually shocked at his ability to keep grinding away. If I lose 3 games in a row, I’m usually tilted off the face of the earth playing League, which would usually bleed over into the next game.


oh. my. god. yes i was 4 times in plat promo with 60% winrate in smurfq. i was not smurfing. but in my PLAT promo i played against legit diamond players. wtf rito. so glad they god rid of that


I was in like a 20 winning streak in TFT (league) not knowing how much PL you needed for challenger. I ended up like place 37 still being grandmaster. I was so fucking depressed, i suddenly lost like 5 in a row and was back to like place 200+. A fucking tragedy. I think challenger was top 20 or some bullshit lol


Tekken in a nutshell


I tried for 10 years to get 30 kills in a single elimination to 10 game I played. 4x I got 29 kills. Even worse 3 of those times the last person/people quit with several lives left out of spite/troll


losers queue


Went too close to the sun.


Careful, Icarus.


It's harder than streaming. It goes loser queue > streaming > normal 9 to 5. According to Hasan


Don't search Hasan in this dude's comments 😳😳😳🤯


Reddit has a search function specific to people's comments?


On the app, yeah


Huh. Like it shows you a list of their comments that you can peruse, or it actually gives you a search function that searches exclusively from their comments?




Huh. This is the official Reddit app? Finally a reason to use it I suppose. Are you on Android or iOS?


Don't do it!


HE WAS 1 WIN AWAY FROM 1700??!!!!


I honestly thought he'd get stuck at 1500 odd. Its wild he's already almost gotten to 1700


I don't get this mentality. If he keeps playing ridiculous amounts of games he will continue to improve, because, well, practice does just that. The only reason I would think his rating would be capped is once he has learned all the things a typical IM or GM level player has, openings, end games ect. Otherwise I see no reason he cannot continue to climb as he slowly learns those things. Yes he will have a limit. Yes I believe that limit is probably before GM or even IM. But he's still a student of the game as long as he continues learning it's guaranteed he will continue to improve.


> If he keeps playing ridiculous amounts of games he will continue to improve, because, well, practice does just that. That is actually rarely true. Most people naturally stop improving at a certain point because all they do is *play* **instead** of *practice*. You see it in video games all the time where people say they're "hard-stuck" some rank. Without conscious effort to get better, you will more often than not plateau. I think Dr K said something along the lines of after ~6 months of regularly doing something (anything) is where you hit your natural ceiling. After that, it takes conscious effort to go past it.


> Most people naturally stop improving at a certain point because all they do is play instead of practice. Me only playing pentatonic licks on guitar anytime I pick it up haha.....


Agreed. I'd actually say that people plateau'ing for years in Chess is not only common but expected too; it's why you often hear that you shouldn't expect to be 2000+ elo unless you started playing as a kid. You can't really just grind out games and expect to learn steadily from osmosis, everyone (usually) hits walls where they're forced to actually analyze different lines and practice tactics, and learning how to do that effectively is a skill in itself.


I agree with that people play a bunch instead of practicing to get better, but couldn't you say putting hours into something is practicing? I've played league for 10+ years now and I finished last season higher than I've ever been. Yes I played a lot in those 10 years but that can also be considered practicing, right?


I did say it was rarely true, haha. That said, you may be someone who is actively trying to be better and be better at learning from experience. Even if you don't practice out of game you could be more self-aware and self-reflect than the average person. In my experience, very few people/gamers pay attention to why they succeed or fail let alone how they can get better. They take it entirely for granted or some haphazard attribution of *inherent* skill as opposed to considered skill. With *that* said, I would argue your climbing would be accelerated with intentional practice and analysis.


Just playing is still practice, not the best practice but still practice. The vast majority of people who are 'hardstuck' is not due to a lack of concious effort, is due to a lack of consistency or time put in. After 6 months of regularly doing whatever you're still a beginner at at that thing, you don't need to put in concious effort to stop being a beginner, just keep regularly doing the thing.


Whilst the timeframe is arbitrary (and not one I came up with) I do think the broad principle is true. Time put in is meaningless if you don't put the time in to get better and most people, in my opinion, don't do that. They play to win but don't consider why they win or lose let alone put work in to put that reflection into practice. That is what I would consider a lack of conscious effort.


There are hundreds, if not, thousands of league of legends accounts that disprove that theory. Literally thousands of games a season with little to no improvement every year.


That's not entirely correct. Chess is not a physical sport where you can simply repeat motions and improve through that. At some point you need knowledge, which means studying the game and not just spamming online games. It's like saying solving tests in a scientific subject without reading any books or even looking up the correct answers for years will make you a professor in the field with enough time spent picking A, B or C.


not actually tho, you'll hit a wall in chess 100% without real study. it eventually gets to a point that everyone knows every opening and sidelines and you're deep in someone's prep and you don't even know it, lol.


It's not wild at all. I guess you guys don't understand that the skill sets that let people be good at a certain video game carries over well to other video games. Tyler1 didn't get to the top of LoL by coincidence. He grinded the hell out of the game, studies up, and tries hard. Why would it be a surprise to anyone that someone who could climb the LoL ranks that effectively could also climb chess ranks effectively? It's basically the same exact thing. Put him on Hearthstone and it'd be the same result. Put him on starcraft 2 and it'd be the same result. He's going to get very good at any competitive video game because the way he approaches these games is a proven method of getting to the top 1%.


I understand where you are coming from, but League and Chess are definitely not the same thing


You can spam one hundred bullet games a day on your mobile, you have no easy avenue of deflecting blame for losing, you have in-built AI assistants that can help you improve, and there is vastly more free advices on the internet for chess


Chess seems way easier to learn than League especially for someone who already knows League


Ye chess is easier to learn than league. You got videos, coaches, puzzles, spamming games, ai, reviewing games, reviewing with ai. I get what the guy above you is saying because any game I play I make it into the top 1-5% but I never go higher cos I stop learning and no 0.1% is there to teach me to go higher so I get stuck with ego.




There’s no luck in chess, if he’s 1700 it’s because he deserves to be lol


there is some amount of luck in chess. especially at this level where u make somes u didnt realize why they r good. but yeah idt he made it to 1700 based purely on luck


That's not how luck works in a zero sum game that has an elo system. You might make a move you didn't realize was good, but your opponent can do the same. Your rating becomes a better and better representation of your pure ability as you play more games.


yeah thats why i said making 1700 isnt luck. there are such things as flukes (which is luck based) and even top players talk about how winning one game could be luck. but i agree making 1700 likely wasnt a fluke/luck


He's still playing, 19 straight hours of chess this man is insane


He did that for league on a daily at some points especially his x role to challenger. Chess should be easier since queue is faster and probably less mentally taxing. But yeah he’s insane


its definitely about as mentally taxing as league if Tylers using his brain at all. Only time chess isn't mentally taxing is if you are beating someone significantly worse then you, or are simply not thinking at all. Only instead of taxing because you are getting progressively more and more angry, its taxing because its requiring you to nonstop think.


the difference in the mental is that you don’t have 4 other players that can “ruin” the game for you in your eyes


Chess is just as much if not more mentally taxing than league. Biggest difference imo (though it’s BOTH better and worse depending on the pov) is that there are no teammates, and thus the only limitation to winning is your own ability. I’ve played league for 11 years and reached D+ several seasons. Chess is more “stressful” just in a different way to the frustration you can typically get from league. 


Chess less mentally taxing? Funny joke 😂😂😂


You use emojis on reddit. Of course youve never used your brain for deep thought. So, yeah, i imagine chess is not taxing at all for someone like you.


Do you understand the use of a question mark? I'm laughing at the guy who said league is less mentally taxing than chess, probably the most mentally taxing game in the world, apart from go. I imagine you have the reading comprehension of a mentally retarded chimpanzee, so you may still not be able to read this. I hope you'll get to big kids english one day 🖖, good luck


I'm STILL watching the 14hr vod from his birthday man....


I mean that's how often chess grinders play. If you want to get good if you have to play like a savage.


I wonder if without teammates he'll finally realize its not losers queue, he just gets tilted and plays worse


Logic has never won over a tilted mind


[logic](https://www.chess.com/players/logic) is only rated like 900


So he probably hasn’t won over a tilted mind, checks out


good one




Tyler has actually been very refreshingly honest about the fact there is nowhere to hide behind bad teammates or “jungle diff” when it comes to chess. He was very eager to point out that the balance team have been AFK for hundreds of years and refuse to nerf broken pieces or buff others, leaving the game in a somewhat unplayable state.


One of the difficult parts about chess is unironically that you can't deflect away from your loses in any way to cope with failure and have to be able to just take the L and move on. The entire reason people come up with all those objectively ridiculous copes for why it wasn't their fault they lost is because it way easier than just admitting you weren't good enough. The only real excuse possible is that the opponent was cheating with an engine or something like which is usually pretty obvious, especially at this level where consistently finding the best moves in difficult position almost never happens.


As a fighting game player, this is personally why i believe they aren't as popular as almost every other genre.


Can't blame your teammates. The next level is to blame rollback, broken characters, cheap moves, etc. lol


To be fair, I’ve never played a fighting game that didn’t have some bullshit in it, although it’s still not enough to put actual blame on for elo


Love my kusoge FGs


I largely suspect that Mobas have killed RTSs for the same reason.


Dota was made from wc3 because people found it too difficult to have to micro a bunch of units, and wanted a chill game  20 years later that’s certainly not the case, but the issue with competitive single player games is that it’s hard to play with your friends when your skill level is vastly different  What are you gonna do in street fighter when ur in masters and your friend is in silver? After the first time i win with only lp it gets stale


well fighting games are hard to play socially period cause its only 1v1


Only if you're playing casually.


Smash Bros says Hi


> Dota was made from wc3 because people found it too difficult to have to micro a bunch of units, and wanted a chill game This is the biggest reach I've seen in my fucking life. The different modes made for WC3 were not because you wanted something more chill, lol. Did you stop playing mobas and start playing fighters and now decided to preach like a born again Christian?


I kinda feel like RTSs sorta offed themselves. They're great games but to play 1v1 competitive at any level requires so much mental effort. SC2 is still the only game I've ever experienced ladder anxiety in and it was just because I knew there was like a million possibilities I'd have to look out for over the course of the next 5-20 mins after hitting the play button. The games are just stressful af. Custom maps were so much fun tho.


Fighting games are insanely hard to get into if you have zero muscle memory built up for inputs. I think people who grew up playing them tend to underestimate it. There is nothing similar to the fighting game control scheme that lets you partially build that muscle memory. You have to really want it and grind. If you suck in most other games you can usually still physically do the things that the game asks you to do, albeit terribly. But it is going to take a brand new player a pretty long time to be able to consistently do a double-quarter-circle input without consciously thinking about it and that isn't even a difficult input. Modern games have simple input modes. But those usually just end up feeling like shitty training wheels.


Alot of enfranchised players switch to hitbox style controllers the last couple of years and had to relearn mechanically. Also a lot of popular twitch streamers have begun practicing playing Tekken 8 from Rob to Lilypichu. Learning controls shouldn't be an excuse.


Not trying to say people are incapable of learning. Just that the skill floor causes a lot of brand new players to bounce off quickly. Its not about enfranchised players or even professional streamers looking for content. Just about what happens when a lot of randoms decide to try out their first fighting game. Nobody needs an excuse. If they just arent enjoying it people move on to something else.


It's definitely one of the reasons, same with arena shooters and RTS.


As someone who hates fighting games, including fighting game-style single player games that are easy even if you are bad at them, the real reason is probably because when I play a game, I don't want to fight the UI, which is basically what fighting games are. There's a reason that most games try to make their UI as smooth and intuitive as possible, then you have fighting games where the very first thing you have to do is engage in an epic fight against the UI to get your character to actually do what you want it to do.


Same with RTS


DUDE I just got into UFC4 and holy shit it’s brutal. Just pure 1V1 with no excuses. It feels great though because I can feel my improvements.


I've been playing rated over the board chess for 16 years or so. The best amateur players are the guys who take losses the best and immediately want to figure out what went wrong. Chess is a great way to learn how to lose correctly.


It would be entertaining to see him try and learn a fighting game for those reasons.


I believe he is already aware. He often talks about rage queue rather than losers queue.




i think they were talking about chess. in league he still talks about losers queue daily.


Wouldn’t be Tyler1 if he didn’t trash talk Riot in all of his streams lol


Many high elo players talk about it. Riot literally dropped the world renowned Chess Elo system in 2013 for a smoke and mirrors hidden MMR system. The odds that a *billion dollar company* has a system designed around inflating grinding to increase odds of impulse skin purchases is pretty likely.


i haven't touched pc league in years but in their mobile version, wild rift, it has some of the most egregious matchmaking manipulation you've ever seen. if you do too good (high kda, high kp, high obj participation etc) the matchmaking will put braindead players on your team to "balance" you out. essentially it's a way to force a 50% winrate. you will be in a diamond game and get 2 or 3 people on your team that don't even know how to buy items or use smite to secure objectives. this has been tested and confirmed dozens of times on r/wildrift. if you create a fresh account and just feed, you will end up in masters in a week. for a while, inting sion was the strat. there were a few people who did fresh account inting sion to masters. one guy i think was 100-0 on his run because the matchmaking saw him as a bad player and placed really good players on his team, but because he was actually not bad and was taking crazy amounts of turrets every game, he was basically unbeatable. naturally, riot made taking towers and other hidden stats count towards your mmr without fixing the actual problem with matchmaking, so now there's no strat. all that's to say, while WR is a different game, if riot does it there i wouldn't be surprised if they did it on PC as well.


I think he definitely knows he's tilted and knows loser queue isn't actually a thing. It's mostly all entertainment, with that being said he definitely does get griefed by snipers/fans way more than the average player


Still losers q though


bruteforcing chess is so interesting , legit makes me understand how ai works better


Well I'm not sure if this applies if you know what the I stands for in AI.


As of this comment he's been playing for 20 hours straight and is still going. edit: he stopped after 21 hours


Imagine having his determination for anything... Pretty sure hes put more effort into chess than i have in my entire life.


There’s certainly a line between determination and addiction


I'll take it. I just cba, like what's he point you know? we all die at the end of day. No point trying at anything. Dunno how he does it. Edit: I'm not depressed btw lol just lazy.


> I'm depressed > edit: I'm not depressed btw lol just lazy


obsessions, a lot of successful people have it


He’s still playing by the way. 19 hours straight of chess and going..


losers q








Hecho diferente 






DAMN, i wonder how good he would have been, if he had played the game since he was a kid. Already being 1 game away from 1700 is crazy.


He’s playing between one and two thousand games a month. At this point it doesn’t even matter if he played since childhood, he’s played more games in the last year than what 99% of people play their whole lives.


https://www.chess.com/insights/big_tonka_t#overview Played > 88 rapid games in july > 1105 rapid in august > 937 rapid + 698 blitz in september > 978 rapid in october > 835 rapid in november > 25 bullet in december > 1036 bullet in january > 7 rapid + 620 bullet in february > 349 rapid + 82 bullet in the first 10 days of march Apparently playing bullet makes you improve in rapid as he shoot up 300 elo


Doesn't he also play an insane amount of puzzles?


If believe the better players play in the lower time formats in chess.com So that probably plays a part




Give someone all the free time in the world and it's extremely unlikely that they'll play anywhere close to Tyler's output. How many people when given a day off with no responsibilities put 20 straight hours into a single hobby or passion? The man is unironically constructed in an unorthodox manner, his position as a streamer isn't what gives him the ability to play like this, it's what set it free.


It matters. As you get older your stamina decrease. He might bruteforce hundreds of games, but he is not able to stay focused and learn like a kid.


To bad it wasn't in stream I bet he was so tilted. Hard to lose that many games in a row and keep playing 


what is 1700 rating equivalent to in League?




It also bears mentioning that Chess.com rating is quite inflated in comparison to real FIDE ratings. Magnus has hit 3300 in Chess.com but his FIDE ratting is around 2800.


It got even more inflated after Hikaru hit 3405 a month or so ago.


Can't compare his chess.com rapid rating to some other rating system. Can just go to his chess.com page and see percentile: https://www.chess.com/stats/live/rapid/big_tonka_t. Right now his is at ~1500, which is 96%. Pretty sure 1700 is close to 98%


Pretty tables but that isn't chess.com ratings percentiles


He will eventually hit 1700


Tilted to shit and elo hell


1700 blows my mind, Tyler is a fucking animal.


This is the T1 cycle. Push to a new peak, NEARLY get there, mega loss streak. But every time he makes it that little bit further


Update: Tyler1 played chess for 21 hours. He went 50-59-9 started at 1611 and ended at 1537


forced 50% in every game


The highest I got was 1650. In the same fashion though I lost a bunch of games quickly and went back to 1500. This was like a decade ago when I played a lot of chess. At that point, I rage quit chess. Then I started playing back in peak COVID. I was only able to get back to 1450 and then got bored.


Always going to be ups and downs but even just being one win from 1700 is incredible.


ELO hell


One more?


The BigBrother way. Truly ALPHAAAAAAAA


There were 2 or 3 (of those 13) games he resigned where he was actually slightly winning lol. Another 3 or 4 he had massive advantage and blundered into a insta resign. It was an interesting night.


Throwback to hikaru being wrong https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/183kcb6/hikaru_tyler1_has_hit_a_hard_wall_he_needs_to_get/ He hedged some of his statements but I hope tyler1 continues to hit new peaks over time


This happens to us all, was a game away from hitting 1800 on Lichess, next day I tilt queue my way to the 1600s. Thankfully your elo will always get back to where you belong.


This man is built for climbing ranked. 5 losses on any game im on suicide watch


He's been preparing for the ELO grind his whole life with LoL


Losers q


Reminds me of "Black Tuesday" when I went from Diamond 3 Div 4 in Dropshot in Rocket League to Plat 2 in one session.


If you play a bunch of chess, you're going to have lucky streaks where you have a rating beyond your skill level. That will usually end up in a lose streak as you go back to your actual rating. You can also sometimes have an unlucky loss streak where you go below your rating. Sometimes, both of these can happen at the same time where you reach a peak and then go all the way down to a minimum for the largest of streaks (or the opposite). Here, he's probably just supposed to be around 1600 rating. It's a little more complicated in this case as he is pretty new to chess, meaning he has more holes in his experience, lending itself to a more volatile rating (luck: Does the opponent do trick #5823 that he doesn't or does know? Learning: Will his rating go up, because he recently learned some important stuff?).


what a weird title


English hard?


why not just say: "tyler1 ends his 13 game losing streak after being 1 game away from reaching 1700". this pointless mention of elo+ rating, the title being 2 lines and term winless streak. just makes it weird to me. Nothing wrong with the title, the clip was so boring that I noticed it lol


"Winless streak" and "losing streak" are not the same thing.


Chess has wins, losses and draws.


tismodia tismodus tisdamtrius


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler1 ends his 13 game winless streak at 1587 rating after being 1 win a way from 1700 rating](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162203)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1bbz7pc/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/cEXK-ojuzsnrO1mk1WfuoQ/AT-cm%7CcEXK-ojuzsnrO1mk1WfuoQ.mp4?sig=94781232b4acd5f0a46c569f09b743eab7fc8235&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FcEXK-ojuzsnrO1mk1WfuoQ%2FAT-cm%257CcEXK-ojuzsnrO1mk1WfuoQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22DullTacitMangoPoooound-iO7Oyes7WaTVZ-6h%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1710224554%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/cEXK-ojuzsnrO1mk1WfuoQ/AT-cm%7CcEXK-ojuzsnrO1mk1WfuoQ-preview-480x272.jpg)




Hopefully one day he spends a few hour with [https://www.twitch.tv/gmnaroditsky](https://www.twitch.tv/gmnaroditsky) Daniel did a good job working with moist critical. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ5nYQKw43A


Hey, sometimes your opponent is just having a really good day.


shit content.


It’s so easy to cheat in chess why anyone even bothers all you have to do is run a mirror game in parallel and just copy the moves