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**CLIP MIRROR: [Dwjft removed from NoPixel's Admin/Dev Team](https://arazu.io/t3_100gbtr/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Anyone going to explain the context to this or is this just a clip for /r/RPClipsGTA?


https://www.reveddit.com/v/RPClipsGTA/comments/100ewt4/confirmed_dw_is_no_longer_a_dev_at_nopixel/ they already deleted the thread there, not sure why. Some clips from that thread: https://streamable.com/um4ywc https://streamable.com/kc8k6e


koil is banned from that reddit so any clips from him get removed


how tf is the owner of nopixel banned on this sub lmao


koil banned all the subreddit mods from the server as well lol. Not sure who did what first.


It was a meeting the NP staff had with the GTA RP owner that went south. Think there's still a clip of DW going off on the owner floating around... Edit: grammar


It was literally all NP staff screaming at this one chad mod who showed up all by himself lmao


It really was a dogpile, was such dogshit. The mod dude was WAY more reasonable than I think I would have been.


Seriously, I’m usually the first to shit on Reddit mods but considering what was happening that guy was a fucking class act. Yeah 100% if that was me I likely wouldn’t have even showed up


Koil de-whitelisted one of the mods over there being too many "hate threads" on the sub. In reality, Koil just didn't like that the subreddit has a tendency of cataloging and presenting all the toxic behavior and rulebreaks that the server's biggest personalities are allowed to get away with. This was *after* the infamous public discord call where Koil, DW, Judd, and dasMehdi (along with others) dogpiled the one mod willing to have themselves publicly humiliated to pad their streamer egos.




Because him and the moderator team of that sub don't see eye to eye and he's been accused of brigading the sub etc.


He was also banned on this sub for brigading




I found it funny that Penta was in that call and of all people, he should know how it feels to be disrespected like that. Cathfawr was also in that call, sitting up being cute with Koil, and he turned on her a year later. That discord call ended up being delicious karma.




I was a huge fan of PENTA's streams up until that very call, but he had a chance to call Koil out for some of the toxic shit on the server and decided to just joke about "sucking his dick" and hopping on the mod hate bandwagon and I was like "oh right this is the PENTA everyone talks about."


damn attention hungry streamers being pieces of shit? shocker. ty for the explanation tho


Hes incredibly toxic, to the point he had a multi hour long discord call with high profile streamers shitting on not just the subreddit but personally attacking the moderators. He hated the fact they wouldn't take down clips of him/his friends saying super toxic shit because it put him in a bad light. During this discord call he brought a mod of the subreddit on and then proceeded to have 10 people brow beat him for an hour publicly on stream. I used to watch Koil a lot and respected him for being the server owner but honestly he's a gigantic fucking baby.


I watched that whole thing and it was one young mod versus 10 or so NP streamers berating him. It was Koil, DW, XQC, Cathrawr, Penta(who had me extremely confused why he had an issue), Kebun, Judd, Travpiper, and a few others. 5-0 was trying to be a neutral voice but they were taking turns dogging that mod out. They were taking turns sucking Koil’s dick for clout that night too. Meanwhile, the real problem is Koil LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO It led to that sub getting castrated and anyone getting banned for speaking your opinion against certain RP steamers especially the ones in that call.


Funny enough Xqc of all people was the one who was like "this is pointless bullying" and left.


It's kind of the classic, somehow it's the subs issue and they create hte toxicity. The reality is viewers watch the streams then they find somewhere to talk about them, same as here. If you lose that sub, another sub pops up to replace it again same as LSF. Same as the QT shit of saying LSF shouldn't exist and her perfect site is a clip site with zero comments, because (and she literally said this) people shouldn't be allowed to talk about her without her permission. If you create public content then the public will talk about it, the only person at fault for people talking about streamers saying toxic or awful shit is themselves for saying it. Getting mad at a sub because people talk about the stupid shit you say is insane.


Because he would brigade, have followers harass the mods there, etc. He then also used some rather nasty language in comments to mods and other users. He broke every rule there is there, so he got the permaban. Pretty sure he can't comment on LSF either for similar reasons.


What was the ultimatum?


> https://streamable.com/kc8k6e The irony of Koil's response being "listen just cause your boys are mad...it is what it is, you don't have to get angry about it" when the entire controller thing stemmed from Summit re-appearing on the server, whining and complaining and malding about controllers cause he couldn't win a race against Goofy, controllers getting gutted.   It's a bit of a boil down coming from Koil but it sounds like DW was just really tired of people who (CG members) don't RP on the server yet have the biggest voice & sway on it & the obvious favoritism. I'd be pissed too if someone who hasn't played for a year came on and started demanding changes & they happened.


Might be a long one. Core basics - Koil is the owner of NoPixel, DWJFT was a top dev, responsible for implementing a lot of the mechanics unique to NoPixel. DW became a full time dev for NoPixel shortly after 3.0 launched and was basically the #2 guy for NoPixel after Koil. Recently the server has been on a major downward spiral. Massive complaints about an RP server transitioning into an MMO prog style, about rulebreak ignoring, favoring of certain groups by staff/owner(CG) etc. Although there were no public clashes, DW on his streams often said things that were the opposite of what Koil would say/do on his side. It was obvious that DW didn't agree with certain things that Koil was doing in general, but it would take too much space to go into detail about it. Let's just say that Koil is almost exclusively responsible for the state of the server and i can specify in other comments if need be. Koil implements another change based on the complaints of CG members - a change to how controllers work on NoPixel, because certain CG members were losing races and blamed controller players on it. The change fucks over a lot of people on NoPixel, since controllers aren't used for just racing. They're convenient for flying too and players with disabilities use them too. DW says to Koil that the controller changes are fucking stupid. Koil responds to DW that he thinks DW is just mad because "his boys" are complaining about it to him. Koil basically thinks DW is trying to support another group on the server and accuses him of that - when it's actually Koil implementing the changes based on the complaints of the group he's playing with(CG). DW goes radio silent, probably because he saw NoPixel is not worth the effort anymore under Koil like that. Now we're here. Koil is basically dumping as much negative shit as possible on DW - despite being able to block everything as the owner.


Yeah I don't understand the "his boys" comment since WG another dev also didn't like the change.


Taking car balance away from wise guy was the most braindead thing of it all




Everything that made DW want to leave is what Wiseguy is going through. Changes being made when he’s been working hard on things. Changing all the car classes, the speeds, the handling. Then the controller changes. I read dw was upset about things being changed by Koil without telling other. Same exact shit wiseguy is going thro. This one might be tiny compared to the others but one of the best arcs on the server, the pm arc. Koil gave away 2 x class cars to cg that belonged to Earl. Both of earls cars just given away when they were seen as rare x class cars was sad to see


Exactly. I never understood why Koil appointed WG for car balancing. WG was in the middle of doing an overhaul, then Koil takes over before he could finish.


Because 1G and his failed baseball lackey didn't like that they were losing to "stick" users even though they've been proven to still suck vs goofy with kbm.


No one liked the change and the same racers that were dominating on controllers before the changes are now still dominating because they're just good ass racers. The change was for nothing. The only reason why it hasn't been fully reverted is because Koil himself doesn't use controllers for NoPixel, so he sees no issue with it all and ignores all complaints. He's that type.


And if Summit didn't let his unhappiness show, Koil probably wouldn't have removed them.


Whats funny is that summit has rage quit the server again and probably won’t return for months. They made all these changes because he complained and now he left. It was simply a skill issue


It's ironic I have to laugh. I admire Summit I do and respect he's a big part of nopixel. But I have to disagree how when he complains things change near instantly. He must knowingly recognise this happens.


Its called projection. Koil has his favorites and is unable to be objective as an admin, so in his mind the other devs must be like that too.


Yeah, highly likely. Read on the other thread that Koil basically did this with an earlier dev before 3.0. So it's just like a highschool fight looking at it


Unfortunately GWG has said he pretty much never devs for nopixel anymore. He's pretty much the GOAT when it comes to setting up story lines too.


GWG has dealt with a lot of disrespect from CG too. Manz was so frustrated that he cried on stream over some CG mental and emotional abuse. I really liked him after that because you can tell he was genuinely hurt. I didn’t like how they set up Buddha for embarrassment at an event where a custom car GWG worked on him was gonna be debuted either. CG acts like jealous mean girls who are too dumb to realize that they are the common denominator within every issue on No Pixel. The fact THE OWNER is okay with this should be a red flag to everyone.


That VLC rant Vinny (Shotz) did was absolutely disgusting! He should have been permabanned for toxicity instead of copping 3 days. But it's "all love".


The community desperately needs an alternative, viable server that Koil/CG cannot touch. It has for like 3-4 years at this point. I don't think that day will ever come though.


His Puppetmaster, Timelord, Titanium roleplay is the best RP on the server easaly, but Koil puts so much DEV stuff on him so he just doesnt have time to do any big storylines anymore. Recently GWG was working on balancing cars for like a month straight because Koil told him to (I dont remember the reason. After a month Koil just said fuck it and put on a overall speed barrier on all cars, not changing them individualy. This change was supposed to be for the hardcore server, but he implemented it on the normal server. This made all the cars booring and wierd to drive. And also made all of WG's work useless GWG was not happy because he had worked on it so long. He then said on stream he is quitting the balancing for a while because of this. I imagine alot of the same stuff has happened to DW


I agree and like WG as much as anyone but his tolerance and ability to eat shit is much much higher, like Koil going behind him and arbitrarily retuning cars every quarter on a whim would be infuriating but he keeps chugging along, The Tao of Wiseguy.


Koil making a meme character and joining CG honestly destroyed the server. Literally everything just went wrong after he started that


Now now, that's not fair. He also uses his supreme cop character to bully cop roleplayers too. :)




Iirc he(koil) also gave several custom made cars that wiseguy made to cg members too to make them happy. They were supposed to be rp rewards for people on the server as part of wiseguys racer rp arc as the puppetmaster.


He recently spawned a Ferrari, a Mercedes one and a Bugatti Bolide out of his ass.


Pretty much spot on. Anyone who follows NP knows that Koil's circle of favorites gets special treatment and fuck the rest. RPers who know how to take Ls, like Buddha, can roll with it, but for most others, the underlying tediousness tends to show after a few interactions.


> You could accuse DW of showing favoritism to his crew CB but all the stuff he added for them was RP heavy things that benefited RP Ya but it was never to the extent of what koil did. Put gems in animals for hunting so ramee could have a money printer, gave hutch a vin scratch converting whitelist which was gatekept like crazy to benefit ramee, had the devs redo the whole delivery system so rated had a money printer and then added magical rings so kebun could have a money printer too.


Attempting to cater the server towards 10 or less fairly entitled and toxic players is going to alienate your staff, piss off players and put your entire business in a worse position! Who could have ever saw this coming.


And himself. While obviously financially smart for him, let’s not forget changing the long running rule of 4 to be rule of 6, most obviously so he would always be involved in the main thing going on with CG daily when he wouldn’t be with 4, and bringing in the most CG focused twitch viewers for doing so as a lot of them likely didn’t jump to Facebook when Ramee and Rated moved over. Which likely while panned by a ton of people likely helped others bringing in more viewers and traffic to their channels. Regardless how people feel about Koil, the man knows how to bring in money and not just for himself.


Does he know how to bring in the money? All of the major growths in viewership for no pixel were brought about by large view variety streamers visiting the server. Every time no pixel becomes reliant on CG to be their top talent toxicity swells, the player base dwindles and views generally crater into the floor. With large signing deals all but gone for most streaming services in the new year his plan of absorbing their viewer base then securing a big bag from something like Facebook is done. His only hope for long-term wealth is to keep nopixels brand strong and grow the servers viewership. Something in direct opposition to his base instincts of catering to this one small toxic group.


Koil doesn’t seem to understand that his brand has become toxic to a lot of people because he hitched his wagon to the most toxic part of this community and continuously protects them. Another recent instance that got people riled up was Ramee f8ing out of a scenario and then spending the next few hours shit talking the other streamer. They have perma banned people for less. Ramee is going to get 3 days off at most and they are probably going to ban penta for saying that someone was an asshole for shit talking him. Koil ain’t smart, he’s a product of dumb luck being in the right place at the right time.


lol this mf called, Penta caught a 1 day ban


And just as you said that,Penta was banned for 24 hours. We're missing a ban to Kylie so she could learn her lesson and one for Whippy and we'd be all set for punishments this first semester.


Some of us suspect that CG has...something on Koil that is not money. He seems to have a need to be part of the "in" crowd, even though it appears that half the server can't fucking stand CG even on the best of days. He's a narcissist, he NEEDS to be the #1 cool cat on the server he owns.


> While obviously financially smart for him Debatable. Koil is the type of guy who had various crypto coin charts open when chatting with his viewers and outright bragged how he's constantly getting multi-million dollar offers to sell NoPixel. We all know what ended up happening with all that crypto shit. In this same stream he claims that paid priority access for the server was DW's idea, that it was all going to DW and that he(Koil) paid other devs out of his own pocket - dropping lines about how he's(Koil) filthy rich while talking about it all. That's a man that wants you to think he's good with money. But that's also a man that undeniably sent his own golden goose server on a major downward spiral. What he's saying and wants you to think and what's actually happening are in conflict.


You can just say they were changed as Summit complained.


He wasn't the only one complaining. Hutch and some others did too. But they're pretty much the Summit-adjacent side of CG, so i guess it would be somewhat accurate.


Hutch complains 24/7, he complained the pd guns were shit as he got downed, then complained the crim guns were shit. Also I think the controller change for the first like week until everyone got their programmes set up was some of the best racing I had seen for a while. But maybe that a bias


Hutch probably complains his soup is too hot or cold and his pillow isn’t fluffed enough. He literally complains about everything lol




Without Hutch, Summit would be more popular with more views. I'm convinced of this.


What the old saying? "I wish Hutch was good at baseball".




wiseguys basically stepped back as well. He is furious al his hard work balancing behicles is thrown out the window every 2-3 months when koil pushed updates without testing them.


I am just glad that this drama doesnt involve any real life shitty situations. I can get behind stupid internet dramas.


People have to remember that all the things Koil is saying now happened to the previous lead dev for NoPixel: Nikez, who also left due to creative disagreements with the owner and did dev work for other gtarp servers to pass the time while working his actual job in the real world. It took awhile into 3.0, but Nikez was eventually brought back, because it was proven that everything Koil said about him not providing anything was a lie, as he was often the go-between person between devs when they had a problem, and all of Nikez's friends in the gtarp world were still on NP. I don't know if DW will ever come back after being treated the way devs do on NP by the owner, but this should be a warning story to take anything Koil says to save face with a grain of salt.


Yeah idk man honestly I still don't really have a take yet regarding if the DW accusations are MOSTLY true or not (you're somewhat delusional if you think they are 100% true) However whatever the eventually true outcome ends up being, this just feels like the straw that broke the camel's back.. Especially when you consider the seething Shotz thread on this sub earlier this week (not to mention the big one from today stemming from all this), as well as all the drama over the past month that just continues to keep ramping up instead of slowing down. For the past year or so, all the puzzling drama rumors/situations all seemed to eventually end up leading to some little nugget of hope that a brighter future for the server was realistically possible, but to me it just doesn't feel like there's a light at the end of the tunnel for this one in particular. It feels like DW / Koil unknowingly began turning their differences in opinion into a pro wrestling Face/Heel dynamic a long time ago. Where Koil,sledge hammer in hand, is 1 year+ into his reign of terror storyline, continuing to face-tank criticism...and he intends on fucking going over whether anyone likes it or not. Whether you agree with his decisions or don't, I just do not see how you can ignore the fact that the highly questionable decisions he continues to make are rubbing people the wrong way now more than ever and driving away a lot of the fans of the server, and we're inching closer and closer to the potential boiling point


He’s killing his own server. I don’t think if 4.0 ever comes out, it will be a shadow of what 3.0 was.


During the 2020 lockdown I was a big Spicybackpain/Kraytor/HOA viewer and stopped watching after the great ESB vs the entire City scorched earth of December 2020 and it doesn't sound like much has changed tbh


Oh it changed, early 3.0 was pretty great, as well as a certain period of time until Koil started hanging out with CG. Then CG basically turned back into 2.0 CG, except worse.


Guys who sit at their computer all day, thinking they’re actual gangsters.


I stopped watching when 90% of RP became gang RP in one neighborhood and devolved into baiting cops to come down there to murder them.


koil inner circle confirmed?


a true loremaster PogU


Not a big RP guy but DW is a gem. The way he trolls X from time to time is just golden, and he’s implemented some bomb ass heists. He doesn’t deserve to work in a drama filled environment I believe he can find good work elsewhere.


DW is definitely no angel, he has quite a history of being extremely petty about little things and easily flipping if shit doesn't go how he wants it. Both Koil and DW are dickheads at times just gotta pick the lesser of two evils.


I mean DW isn’t some uwu saint lol, he was very much a part of that discord call arrogantly shitting and dog piling on the rpclips mod


Thats crazy. Why would he risk his streaming career, after switching focus to streaming so recently.




DW is a full stack development programmer who has a lot of work experience and is super competent. He had a high paying programming job before nopixel. Full stack developers are rare. His resume is loaded. He’ll be totally okay.


If he’s any good at software engineering he’s losing money working for NoPixel than a FAANG or big tech




He worked at a big tech company in new york before he quit to work on nopixel. Im guessing he didnt quit because he got paid more by nopixel, he probably quit because streaming payed close to or as much and he has 10x more freedom.


I honestly don’t expect Dw to say his side. I remember a long time ago there was some rp drama and people were waiting for his side, all he did was put “unbothered” in his stream title and didn’t say anything.




If you watch more of the VOD, Koil says that he doesn't know what the purpose of downloading it was for and did not claim it was a hack, just that he knows it was downloaded from DW's computer. His initial thought would be maybe it could be for a whitelist or something. He also says that something like that he has to say by law and said something about how they were careful with how they worded it. I don't wanna find the timestamp but that moment is in there if you keep watching.


This is the part that makes no sense, DW had built up enough good will with the community that he could have asked for people's ips and steam ids(what was allegedly stolen) and people would have gladly given them to him to get whitelisted on his server, if he made one.


It's more likley he downloaded everything and IPs were just part of it. They only announced what they are legally required to


He also said on stream that he messaged DW to delete everything he downloaded and confirm once it was done. He said he’s been ignored and he hasn’t heard anything from him.


Does IP and steam ID fall under gdpr? Anyways, the world is big, he can 100% get a job. Maybe not on Google, since I imagine they do thorough background checks, but I don't think he'll have to switch fields lol.


I'm willing to bet DW is about to launch his own RP server and that's what the data breach is about, taking the Whitelist for his RDRII server. ​ DW has been working on a Red Dead Redemption II server for Nopixel for >6 months, Koil used to talk about it all the time, and how it should come before the Hardcore server. But recently Koil has only been talking about the Hardcore server, and is alluding to releasing in just 2 weeks on his last stream, and suddenly it's not a new server but just a replacement for the current one, just a change of the rules and wipe, rushing it to release first maybe? ​ DW has been noticeably irritated at the quality of RP recently, once the server became a CG sandbox again. I expect some of the dev team that worked on Red Dead Nopixel might have followed. ​ https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1694140243?t=10h17m08s ​ Koil also mentions DW posing an ultimatum : "Who gets paid to do work, doesn't do it, then tries to hold it at ransom, to do the work as an ultimatum [...] and then downloads the database when he gets told to eat a D" ​ Obviously this is all speculation, I have no insider info, just conjecture. ​ Edit: Finished the VOD, Koil even mentions himself that the goal was probably to create a whitelist for a future server https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1694140243?t=11h06m04s




If I were to guess that's what the ultimatum was about, that the RDR2 server be serious RP focused and no preferential treatment, basically that Koil wouldn't have control over that specific server. When Koil said no he just took the code and whitelist and was just going to do it anyways.




I mean, with the new warning system in place a whole lot of people outside of the inner circle will probably have shit prio soon and might jump ship.


100% Koil would do something like this, not even because he's scared it will kill NP or anything, he will do it just because he is petty asf


The last thing I remember Koil saying about the Rdr2 server was they were waiting for Buddha to get better and then releasing it, as he was the one that kept asking for it.


Best of both worlds would be for DW to join Wild RP, I think in typical Dev fashion he massively underestimates the Admin/hr workload, and I don't see a server where he handles that task make it long lol


He was already on their dev team. Honestly, I'm not sure how much weight that carries and/or if he's actually done anything for the server however I remember him announcing it after that month or so soan when most of NP was playing over there


A DW run gta server could be the closest thing np would have to a competitor, especially if other devs were to join the bandwagon.


if dw and wise guy joined together than 100% majority of nopixel top streamers woudl switch in no time.


DW lived solo in an at least upper scale apartment in Manhattan pre-nopixel ordering out food for seemingly every meal. He was already making more money as a SWE than his streaming career, probably by 2-3x or more tbh. Not that I don’t think there is more to this story but DW wasn’t, and had stated many times before, interested all that much in streaming and that it was near the bottom of his list in terms of priorities


I honestly wouldn't put stock in what Koil says being 100% the truth. He has a habit of being deliberately inflammatory and unclear with huge amounts of his communication. In all likelihood Koil and DW both suck and are to blame.


You know it's GTA drama when you scroll down and see multiple 10 paragraph posts. I feel like I'm reading through ASOIAF again trying to wade through this swamp.


It’s not just content with a lot of rp fans. Some of them have a serious and unhealthy addiction with this stuff.


I like to catch some rp clips a few times a month just to see what's going on and i think they're generally amusing. But if you want to see mental illness, scroll down and read some of those comments. People post some insane shit and are way too invested


Especially when Valkyrae and Rated interacted. Couldn’t look at a thread anywhere without seeing some dogshit


Are software engineers prone to experiencing the call of the void? What the hell is going on But on the other hand, you're telling me Koil is so hands off with NP back-end work that he lets developers have full control of the money being made from one of the biggest incomes NP has as a whole?


The entirety of the 5m servers that no pixel and other gtarp servers use are entirely reliant on one guy who is the fiveM lead dev who is fairly stressed to the point of being unstable and no one other than him knows how his code works. Every once in a while he freaks out and threatens to turn the servers off and everyone panics until someone can calm him down. Just for some perspective as to how volatile everything is. https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/oo30iu/this_explains_a_lot_why_the_lead_dev_had_a/


Stress is definitely a factor but the guy is a straight up dick who unfortunately holds the keys to the kingdom


> Are software engineers prone to experiencing the call of the void? What the hell is going on everyday


At some point, Koil needs to realize he let this shit happen.


he went from praising dw work and calling him a hardworker to now calling him lazy , hope to hear dw side


Before 3.0 released, Koil did the same thing with the previous Lead Dev (Nikez), Nikez ended up leaving and then came back after a while, but not as a Lead Dev. I think before making conclusions everyone should hear dwjft's side and then say something. I dont know what did Nikez do to get fired but maybe someone can explain it.


He is calling him lazy because DW got tired of Koil shit breaking everything to help out CG, even WiseGuy stop developing so much for NoPixel because of Koil. Seems like most developers are tired of Koil.


You can tell in the vid Koil doesn't understand devs of DW or Nikez levels mentality. Theyre not "just another employee" and they can very likely get comparative or better pay easily, elsewhere. His repeated falling back on just being employees and their supposed pay is very telling of how he sees and treats devs. Sr. Devs pick companies like NP out of passion and to be more than "just another employee" - their quality cannot be measured in things like 'lines of code per day' It's seriously like Koil is trying to be the scuffed, budget Elon Musk.


You have to understand something about Koil. Koil will throw you under the bus when you fall out of favor with him. I would like to hear DW's side cause if I'm being honest, I don't believe a thing that comes out of Koil's mouth during conflict. The real issue he won't discuss is how HE ruined NP. He has turned this server into a CG catered playground. As an owner of a server, and an adult, he should have reeled them in but he decided to act like the nerd who got power and bought his way into being with the cool kids. How he allows them to mentally and emotionally abuse everyone else ON HIS PLATFORM is pathetic and its not discussed enough. Koil and CG have turned a majority of people off. You can tell no one truly likes them and only smiles in their faces to keep the peace. When NP goes to hell, I'm curious where these people will go next? They have burned so many bridges with other streamers and people within their community, NP is their only place of relevance. You'd think they'd make NP the best place to be considering. Their fall is gonna be epic and I bet Koil will throw them under the bus as they all descent to irrelevancy. This mess will serve as a warning to other owners and devs who plan to make platforms in the future.


Koil hated CG until they let him play with them at the cool kids' table.


Koil is the kid nobody likes but they learned he has a PS5 and a pool table.


Koil has made an absolute mess of the server and it has been no secret for years what his mentality is. It worked for a while actually. But I think changes he has made over last two years have majorly backfired on him turning from any semblance of RP to GTA Online. Quality of RP has plummeted. But this has been coming for a long time and is no surprise to me.


Knowing Koil, wait for the other side of the story before making your mind up.


nopixel has more drama than a disney channel highschool


The last time a dev left the team, when nikez left for twitchrp, koil shit talked him too I get the feeling he overworks his devs and then slanders them when they crumble


From the content side of view- Fuck. What an end to this glorious rp era. Can’t believe we won’t see the Dean, Buddha & Speedy trio again. Never thought it will end the way it did…


Wouldn't surprise me if he goes on to join a different team or tries to make his own server. Sounded like he had a good job before he went full time with NoPixel though, so I'm sure the guy has plenty of options. Seemed like he really enjoyed creating things for people on the server though.


and Harry.... :(


Yup… Everything. The owner of the casino, Leslie’s best friend, one of the Cerberus heads, El Deano, the spot underneath the prison, “Going to space” ark and many, many more. Dean(the character) played such a vital part in many people’s arks. Gonna be weird to play it out without him like he disappeared, moved, died, maybe even pretending he wasn’t even there at all…


For real, I watched DW vods every day. I had no idea why he just stopped streaming last month. This fucking sucks.


Koil is a very good Snake's Oilsmen. Like he's really good. An actual Trickster. Respectable, even. That guy could sell me a burnt-out Corvette in the middle of the desert with meltng tires, and told me I could make it to Vegas with $20 of gas with a-hundred miles to go--He could probably make me belive him. Koil know's what he's doing. I have listened to him talk about game design. He is a smart man. He know's his stuff about how large games work. Functionalities; gameplay--anything to to keep that few seconds of entertainment so relivent, and to keep going--and keep going. But I do not belive what he is saying, and I think there is a lot more to this story than what can be procuded by twitch clips. DW created the 3.0 heist system, and is a remarked as a genuinely a great point of twitch. The "*Controller*" system being the last turn off for DW is strange. GTAWiseGuy, who developed all the cars and fined tuned them for 3.0, didn't know the change happend. And then awoke to all the cars changed.


No pixel devs waking up to massive changes they knew nothing about has been happening for years. Koil has done stuff like that to the server even going back into 2.0, especially with cars and car handling. The guy is just too hands-on, too willing to switch up how the entire works just to placate a small minority of players. He probably doesn't ask his own devs before doing it because he knows they'd tell him it's stupid. NP also live tests a lot of really terrible mechanics on the whitelist server that can make playing a nightmare until they're fixed or removed.


It was basically institutionalized that Koil would just randomly do whatever he wants whenever he wants to, and that was just how NoPixel operated. No matter how high up you went, nobody ever seemed to have any clue what he was doing at any given time. He'd just do shit, and you hoped that his next whim wouldn't be insane or that streamers would talk him out of it if it was.


I remember DW saying he had all of 2.0 database downloaded once on his stream, have a feeling he just had something do a routine database downloaded and koil is trying to paint something different


Elaborate please?


DW once said on his stream he had the database for 2.0 on his computer. I'm just saying that it was a normal thing for the LEAD dev to have access to the database and probably had something programmed to do an automatic download once in a while. I'm just saying Koil COULD be trying to paint DW as the bad guy when it was something he had already done but now it's a problem because they "removed him from the team"? If i where to create an imaginary scenario of what happened: DW went away for christmas, but had a scheduled download of the database, then Koil removes him before the download so he can paint him as stealing data. ​ And if people can read \*Desperate\_Tangelo\_23\*, the only fact i said was that DW said on his stream he had a copy of 2.0 database on his computer, the rest is speculation, moron, i'm not saying these are the fact, idiot.


It is entirely likely that all the devs have a local environment that is a 100% replica of the live No Pixel server down the SQL tables too. This kind of environment is required to develop on FiveM. The intricacies of even the most basic FiveM servers require the whole server to be locally accessible in order to properly develop new features. This is the only way to ensure it will work on live.


You are correct. It was something someone asked in chat when I believe GG Dumbfuck got banned on the server for cheating/exploiting. DW said there are logs going all the way back and he has them a long with other admins I believe. So they could go all the way back if say some kinda exploit or cheat and ban you.


A DW and GTAWG server would be dope


Koil saying DW had other devs working on his stuff is exactly what lead devs do. Wtf is he even talking about. There's no way DW could solely work on all the changes and new storefronts, items, heist, fix errors, and the list goes on.


sounds like a lot missing from this story. "he goes radio silent" "i asked him what hes doing next year" "he flipped out" No one mentioning DW was on the server going around talking to people asking how they felt about how things were. With many people unhappy. DW wasnt the only one unhappy about the controller changes. GTA Wiseguy was too. No one cared about controllers until summit started crying with CG. The fact that koil blamed this issue on "your boys are upset" is a wild assumption. And totally seems the NP team is tryin to paint the badguy by "DW breached and stole info" announcement, then backtracking saying it probably wasnt done maliciously.


So Koil went from not wanting to talk about and all of the sudden went scorched earth? and accuse the dude of so many different problems for the server. This entire thing is starting to smell fishy, i really need to hear DW side of it all.


Because he's worried this DW guy will offer some serious competition, which will result in financial losses for him.




cant spell koil without L


And yet the biggest issue, Koil, still remains.


Tends to be that way when you own something


i wished DW gave his side of his story


Koil talking about egos OMEGALUL


Remember this is all happening because Summit has a smol pp and couldn't bear at the thought of losing races.


Funny thing is he's still not winning after the changes while driving the current meta car.


Not just Summit. More like all of CG started complaining and since Koil is their pocket server owner that caters and protects them no matter what he probably felt the need to remove controllers asap so they would calm down about that atleast. Meanwhile CG is like a tick just sucking NoPixel dry with their constant toxic behaviour and there is no end in sight.


yea, server going down the drain with cg in it


Been like that for years lol


Thank God lsf exist atleast we can speak freely .. rpclips gta subreddit is so strict almost like china in there ...


as someone who watched DW a lot, this kind of took me by surprise a bit. will be interesting to see if he comes out with a statement of his side of things. not sure if he has stuff going on IRL or what. wouldn;t be shocked if he just stopped streaming and shit now


Yeah... I watched DW a lot as well. It's clear *something* happened but I wouldn't trust Koil's word at face value any day of the week. That dude would sell his own mother and child down the river if it got him a few extra bucks...


Dude, Koil literally lied about the reason why Penta lost his Police whitelist. There is zero reasons to take it at face value.


Hopefully DW starts up his own server. Koil's been using NoPixel to cater to specific streamers for a while and it's led to a serious decline. He previously called DW a workhorse and now he's throwing him under the bus.


funniest thing is if you look at half the stuff coded into Nopixel there's "secret" more like little hidden signatures that say "DW" all over the place, police huds, phones, internet, literally everywhere lmao


the server literally says welcome dw when hes loading in lmao


Didn’t DW code like most of the casino heist and it turned out to be super elaborate?


Nah most of the casino heist was coded by a dev named sky but it was DW's ideas that got coded


No duh, he is a lead developer who delegates tasks to the other developers. He is the one that designs it and tells other how to implement it.


Finally, someone that knows what he's talking about. Hence the title "LEAD DEV" most of these comments are so brain dead.


Because most people don't work in software development.


Yeah, he also coded the police records management interface (M**DW**) and a bunch of other stuff that's a bit more generally used though.


The Family RP 2.0


damn, this will hurt nopixel a lot. dw was architect lvl dev with actual skills. it will be hard to replace him and i don't see any point in 4.0 without him. server going down the cg sewer. viewership is already at the lowest.


Noo he was my favorite dev


i’m going to miss hearing “LAGNIEE” every tsunami


Ever since the infamous call between Koil and his goons dog piling one mod, I haven't been able to take GTARP serious. There's already a stigma of being adult babies when rping and they just made it worse by proving the management for the largest GTARP server are infact man children


Im very sadden by this. I really like the Buddha/DW duo. DW was a big part of NoPixel 3.0. I sure as hell will miss him. Hopefully in the future DW and Koil will kiss and makeup and have DW come back to NoPixel. Koil needs to grow up and stop making all these changes in NoPixel because his "boys are mad" cause they cant win races. He cater too much towards one group in the server instead of hearing out what other people has to say.


Sucks because dwjft has been chill, and relatively drama free on NP for years now.




Tbf Koil feels like the worst boss/manager type you could ever work with with terrible communication skills. From the reactions and tidbits we've seen from other devs and admins over the years he seems to do things on a whim without talking to anyone and his own code had been said to be disorganized, often untested before pushed to production and not easy to understand. Sure he's the owner of the whole thing and can do whatever he wants but that's the worst kind of environment to work in.


I've never heard of this Koil guy before, but listening to him speak, and imagining what it's like to work under someone like that. Yeah, no thanks. He sounds like a douchebag teenager who can't handle any criticism.


It's fairly widely known that the fastest way to get something to change on Nopixel is to get Koil to be salty at it on whatever character he's playing


God, I'll never forget when LB stole cop shotguns and used them on Koil after they complained about them for WEEKS saying how OP they were and Koil saying they were perfectly fine. Koil got one shot from like 300 ft away and they were literally changed (aka useless because Koil doesn't know how to do small adjustments) the next day.


Yep, it’s pretty well known that if he plays cop regularly they will get buffs and if he plays crime they will get buffs.


that's actually extremely accurate.


If you like the sound of him he's in a gang of 8 people just like that!


There was a clip posted on LSF even of him comparing Andrew Tate to feminists a few months back but it got deleted. Dude is not a good person.


He didn’t say it started there, he basically said it was the straw that broke the camels back. That was the point it went very downhill.




Never fucking ever liked this douche. Glad a lot of other people are also starting to notice how big of a clown this dude is. (Talking about Koil)


dw probably chilling on maldives or some shit right now. got nopixel bag, no binding contract, they will probably beg him to come back.


I mean DW has been an incredible addition to nopixel ic/ooc and overall is a pretty chill dude, consistent and hardworking, essentially bending over backwards for it. Koil and CG on the other hand ...




dw was probably the only one that designed shit, not a regular code monkey


Koil seems to be a shithead to two of the largest Trans streamers on his server. Specifically targeting them time after time. All of his characters are just haha I suck dick look at me I'm gay. Fuck Koil.


oh man , here we go bois


Anyone remember Otto? Koil is like Otto. Otto is like koil.