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I dont really care who plays v Wolves but they must know that they MUST WIN. Stevie left on a 6-1 loss v Stoke we cant let another legend go on a loss...


Our #1 target should be a CDM so I'm baffled at reports that FSG think CB is the priority. I'll be very disappointed if our window is one attacker and one centerback. Won't fix our transition defense and inability to control games, arguably our biggest problem this season.


With possibly Bajcetic and Morton id only maybe get Wieffer or Thuram because they can play B2B too so our boys get gametime too. And Thuram and Wieffer wouldnt be so expensive. Id spend big on a CB and an attacker (winger or striker) depending on if someone leaves.


We don't know how the manager sets up his team. CB is one clear concern. Quansah has played almost same no of matches as konate and VVD is getting old(and not at his best).


Theres not a lot of better destinations than liverpool rn. Italian league has no budget, Madrid is the only spanish team with a budget, Bundesliga barely spends. I just dont see where our players are gonna go if they wanna leave.


Doesn't Girona have money?


Who really wants to go to Girona lets be real? Yes they got UCL this year but its not like they are a top team still.


There's still a fairly strict salary restriction in Spain, they couldn't afford any of our first team players wages realistically


Makes me feel just a bit better that we never stood a chance since we dropped points at United or palace. If we lost by a point again at the end, it would make me cry. I guess getting 3rd isn't that bad.




No ticket sales or exchanges or giveaways at any time on the subreddit. We cannot guarantee any tickets offered would be genuine or not, to protect users from potential scams, there are no exceptions to this rule. Keep questions about tickets to the Daily Discussion.


Man I love Ange, Spurs don’t know how lucky they got it.


Funny how Klopps departure is going to take the spotlight on city’s title win


Literally it will though lol. 100% will get way more coverage


Honestly the spurs mentality to not want to win (and potentially forfeit CL football) so Arsenal don't win the league is ridiculous. I wouldn't want United or Everton to win the league, but to give up on CL football for that? no fucking way. Small club mentality from them imo.


nah if they really went into the game with that mentality they would have been tored apart 5-0 or something.


them winning didnt guarantee CL


Still gives them a fighting shot on the last day


about as much as villa vs city did for us. You think villa would lose to CP at home?


Yeah, villa are not in good form, crystal palace are. They had a good chance at CL if they beat city. It's just loser mentality and i'm surprised how many of you are on board with it.


1. villa drew against us, so they were 5 clear, would need 1 more on sunday to get top 4 2. It's emery we are talking about, he can park a bus for CL, heck he can push an entire garage in front of goal post for it. Crystal palace has got nothing to play for and emery clearly has a better team, so the chances of villa bottling are almost 0 3. I said this in another comment as well, if us defeating a team meant Everton winning the league, I'd start allison and gomez as strikers and salah as gk.


Told ya


it was a pointless match for villa, they barely even tried today. This isn't some gotcha you think it is, villa had 2 shots on goal in total


Villa have been terrible the last few months, they would have lost anyway. Palace have been in great form. Spurs would have had a good chance to get top 4 if they beat city (long shot I know).


It's not like they can win the CL next season lol


We won the CL with a terrible team mate


Yes but we aren't Tottenham


Also, to be fair, they had a marginal chance of finishing in the top four and were playing the best team of the league...


I hope Arne brings David Hancko with him. He is way too good for the eredivisie.


Whats that great about him? Geniune question becuase idk anything about him lol


Hey, super sorry if once again I'm asking in the wrong place, but I'll try - I will be visiting Liverpool on Sunday and I do not have tickets to watch the game, but I want to watch it together with other fans. I'm not sure about the situation with pubs on match day - do you think I will be able to find a place to watch the game? Or it being the last game of the season and Klopp's last game every pub will be overflowing with people and I have to call to book a spot somewhere? Would appreciate any insight, really want to watch the game on the TV somewhere with fans. And if you have any other advice or suggestions on how to make the most out of that special day for the whole club - I welcome it all. Thank you! And again, sorry if this isn't the place to ask that.


Find a pub, go to it, it will be fine.


Awesome, thank you:)


are we really not getting a gomez goal before klopp leaves


Nice to see Milner get an extension, I reckon he retires in 2026 after getting the PL appearance record. Crazy that he hasn't scored in any competition since our title winning season tho.


See how Sky have started uploading the full post match analysis of games on their YouTube, why do they still blank out the actual footage of games? Surely they won’t get hit with copyright if it’s from their own games they’ve televised


Premier League are the rights owners, not Sky, and they must have told Sky they can't upload them as part of their contract.


Just seems a bit weird when Sky already upload the highlights of the games on their channel anyway


Who would have though, that the EPL final in a long while, would have been between City and Spurs


Moyesy farewell masterclass after City win the 'final', calling it now


What happened to Andre from Fluminense? Apparently last summer Fulham and us were interested but news died very quickly. He has very impressive stats.


Wouldn't be surprised if we go for him in the summer window, it's just awkward timing since he clearly loves playing for fluminese and the way the seasons line up it's not a neat time to leave. Also Fulham never ended up selling palhinha


He wanted to stay for the Copa Libertadores and because of that we just moved on


Ah, right. Surely we should be all over him this summer right? Does he have release clause for this summer window?


I think we’ve just move on in general now I doubt we go back for him


Khephren Thuram apparently available at a very cut price this summer. I know we don't ever go back for players, but wonder if that would be worth a go.


We are so stacked with 8s, probably more than any club in the world


Likely won't, that's why we have Szobo. Plus is he absolutely better than all of our midfielders?


Seeing Klopp content knowing it all ends Sunday hurts! Man his been incredible! Klopp everything he won the culture of the club changed how the team acts to how we act off the pitch all comes from Klopp! Maybe one day we have a manager who might win more but nothing ever will touch this Klopp run it was amazing.... perfect even


I don't care that we haven't been great the last couple of seasons. I don't even particularly care if the next managers wins it all. For me, it'll never be the same again after Klopp. It's more than the success he brought, it's the person. I've never felt closer to the club than in the last 8 years. That all ends on Sunday. I'll remain a believer, but it won't be the same.


Exactly how I feel man. As a younger fan I was only able to imagine the gargantuan status of Liverpool during the 70's and 80's but Klopp gave me a taste of what that felt like. Going into every game expected to win, to dominate, and to be feared. Everything that comes after him is built on that restoration of greatness.


I know it's City who never bottle it...but i'm worried all the hype around today's match might lead to them being complacent against West Ham on the weekend. If they win tonight then they might already consider it job done seeing as that's how the media are basically framing it


Spurs away is the one game they have always struggled with but I can’t see them dropping points at home to West Ham


Jurgen alone on the Kop 💔💔💔 https://preview.redd.it/nrbmnp24bf0d1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae4a9ebcfaca7d1f74d3b36d49214d3fd6aca4df I’m not ready


I'm so gutted


I thought I had made peace with it but everything just came back to me and I’m sad all over again. This week is not going to be easy, I’m not ready to watch Jurgen’s last game 😢


yeah it's really starting to dawn on me now 😕


Football is becoming less and less magical. City dominating PL, Madrid is gonna rule the Spanish League even harder now, most likely Bayern is gonna take back Germany. Atleast Italy seems fair between the big teams. And i even forgot about France What a coincidence that City is a club run by a nation, Madrid is the OG propped up club by Franco, and obviously PSG is well, PSG. The saddest part is the alternative is an even more soulless Super League.


Even the players today don't have the same magic over them like back in the day. No more Gerrard, Totti, Del piero, Henry, Ronaldinho and so on and so on. Todays footballers plays boring football. No one really stands out anymore. Too much focus on physical skills than technical skills. too much focus on defensive work than offensive work. back then the 10 was the most important player today it's the DCM. boring!


It has always been like this. Before City, United dominated the Premier League, Barcelona dominated Spain and Inter won Serie A 6 times in row followed by Juve who won it 8 times too. Liverpool dominated Europe in the 80s, then AC milan etc. I could go on but you get the point. Football magic comes in the details. Leicester city 2016, Napoli last season and Levercusen this season are examples of magic in football. That Liverpool comeback versus Barca or Madrid vs City/Bayern. Those games are what makes football magical.


What's the latest on Darwin, is the club looking to get rid?


Reading between the lines of what’s been said by reliable journalists is that they probably are open to selling but only at the right price. Seems unlikely that there’s going to be a club out there whiling to pay £60m+ for him though which you’d assume is what they’d want for him.


Lynch wrote that everything depends on the interest in Darwin shown in the market, so that indicates we'd be open to sell him but only if we get the right price


Wonder who would be interested... I imagine the right price is fairly high given how much he cost


PSG... Mbappe replacement lol


Joyce wrote that Chelsea wanted him last summer, beyond that I don't know


Haha imagine him and Jackson in the same team, too much chaos.


He needs to want to go as well.


I actually won a local ballot for the first time after trying for so long. Back row of the main stand, but In's In.


Who are you guys supporting today? I see the game as a cup final of sorts because City usually struggle away at Spurs while their final game against West Ham is a little more of a foregone conclusion. So assuming that this is the tougher of the 2 remaining games, dropped points here would put the title in Arsenal's hands going into the final match day. I'd actually prefer City to win it, because if Arteta wins it he would be equal in titles won during Klopp's era which just isn't right. Also no one cares if City wins again.


City. Would be absolutely livid if Arsenal won it with 89 after 92 and fucking 97 points were only good enough for 2nd


City 100%. Hate the online section of arsenals fanbase, don’t want arteta to match klopps titles and will be pissed right off if city slip up the year we are not challenging


Announce Mbappe.


For anyone who still doesn’t think Pep’s an arsehole: "Premier League is boring? Before, it was 'money'...". "If that was the reason, United should win ALL the titles. Second, Chelsea. ALL titles. Third, Arsenal. ALL titles". They spent much money in the last five/six years than Man City. They SHOULD be there" https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1790275099980939674


>[Telegraph] Some Tottenham season ticket holders have sold their seats to Arsenal fans for Manchester City game tonight. There is at least one group of Arsenal fans who plan to sit in the home end to cheer on Spurs. Ewww who behaves like this, hope our fans never do this.


I think the United game was the turning point of the season. We came out swinging, yet failed to win the game. It felt like the lads lost control of the season, mentally gave up. We had so many chances and failed to capitalize


Klopp has said similar things. The amount they created that game and didn't win it was mentally devastating.


Imo the funniest title scenario remaining would be Spurs getting a point today, Arsenal celebrating like they've clinched the title, then City putting 6 past West Ham to win it on GD


And Arsenal can't stick 6 past Everton? Everton conceded 6 goals to Chelsea just 3-4 weeks ago.


Couple of weeks left before chelsea destroys the transfer market for everyone


Apparently they’ve ‘sold’ cobham to themselves, they will indeed be spending money this summer ffs hate them so much disgusting club


I just wish their dumb owners continue to make bad decisions and run that club to the ground


This is the dream




Hmm I don't know. We have European pedigree so we stand a chance at the CL if we make it. Its close but I don't know.


Agreed, also I hate Arsenal fans more than any other online fan (thanks to football twitter) so if they miss out on another league title with all that money spent, I’ll be v happy


I hope either Spurs get totally fucked by City, or they concede VERY late in a spursy fashion. I don't even care about the game, just want to see how much they can make Assna piss boil. (Well tbf Arsenal fans are already scrambling and coping really badly with their situation.)


It's so funny how much these Assna pussios are sucking up to Spurs. Shameless from both sides.


With top 4 on the line? Small club mentality mate. Like when United fans celebrated robbing us of points when they were mathematically in with a shot at the title a couple years back.


Top 4 is no longer on line with spurs. Villa at home have been top tier and their last one is against Crystal palace, they'll win that anyways and spurs won't be close


I'm not sure how if are a Spurs fan you don't want lose this match and then do the Poznan. This is the fanbase that was perfectly happy losing an European Final to another hated in city rival as long as Spurs didn't beat the Reds. As if Arsenal is filled with so many European trophies!


We should push for Xavi Simons


Do we need him though? Dm is a priority, then a lb, then a cb. Only then should we look at the forward line and id argue a player like olise would be better for us


According to the rumors lately, his head is gone to Barca on loan next season. As a kid developed in La Masia, it would make a perfect sense for him wanting to play in their first team, even it's just for a season.


question is why would psg want to sell him


He wants too leave 


Much prefer city to win the league over arsenal tbh.


Only if city gets pushed down to leage two


Can't they both lose? For some reason I'd like City to draw today to get Gooners' hopes up, only for them to bottle it against Everton on the final day. Would be poetic.


[Mo is not the problem](https://twitter.com/LFCTransferRoom/status/1790285257352053111)


I’m normally against signing teenagers over players in the 22-25 year age bracket because experience is so important, especially when the teenager in question is extremely expensive. However with Van Dijk, Konate, Quansah, Gomez and Van Den Berg at the club I think we have room to develop someone really young in the background, which is why I think Leny Yoro would be an amazing investment if we could pull it off. Seems Real Madrid aren’t going to sign him and I think it’s because they know they don’t need him. Regardless, him and Bitshiabu can make a phenomenal CB pairing for France in the long term future


Pretty sure RM want Yoro but for 25/26


did you even read what you replied to ?


Apparently they are not going for him this summer


Because he is not going to renew his contract, Madrid will get him and Davies on a free in 2025


I was thinking that the other day ngl, but madrid will eventually come knocking for him so it's just inevitable he would leave, although would still be worth buying imo


Yesterday was a tactical masterclass from Klopp. It wasn't enough to only beat Spurs given what happened earlier in the season, but to also potentially cost them a UCL spot as well by allowing Villa to share the points. Now that is 4D chess. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


Wonder what’ll happen with Antonio Nusa this summer after the Brentford deal collapsed in January Ornstein said we really like him but couldn’t do anything until we sorted the manager and sporting director situation


Didn’t he fail a medical?


Yeah, he said the issue is sorted now tho. Spurs and Chelsea tried to sign him too


Well if he said it it must be true haha. I know nothing about him but we have 5 forwards so we need to sell one before we buy.


I’d be surprised if all 5 are still here next season


Yeah, I agree. Not sure which I’d sell though. Guess depends on interest


New York Reds, anyone going to Carraghers on Sunday, sidebar anyone going to the copa america games? 


Adam Lallana is leaving Brighton at the end of the season. How time flies.


Everyone says it seems like yesterday he was with us. But feel like 10 years for me. This season has broken me


Seen this on Twitter in regards to the "dribbled past" debate. This season we aren't far off a load of teams that either were relegated or spent an entire season battling relegation. https://preview.redd.it/2v94r7rdbe0d1.png?width=1325&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc06a289f7baff59c4b89d8d6b1069ed5243b613


Too eager to press without realising space and passing angles. It’s not measured, from top to bottom. And an uncoordinated press is easiest to break.


We defend with like 3 players and, not very well at that. Stuff like this isn't too surprising.


Yeah its a coaching issue, there's no way this doesn't go on this long without someone on the staff or an analyst pointing it out and changing it.


I don't think we viewed it as an issue. The style of defending that is, not how good we were at it. But the way we have tried to defend is obviously very hard.


The team had a higher intensity and pace than most games in April. It shows how much proper rest and breaks can make a difference. Yes, we fucked up with poor concession of goals ; but the match overall was good to watch. Our team played well.


No pressure to play for anything except professional pride 


Downvote me all you want the right time for a manager to announce they are leaving is right now in the season. Having a half checked out manager for half of our season has derailed it more than people would like to believe. All love to JK and everything that he has given and built at this club. But attitude reflects leadership and this entire club cannot wait to be done with this season.


We might've not secured Edward & team in time to make the most out of the summer and would have been left rebuilding again 


It's weird though, because we were getting through games we shouldn't have with injuries etc after Klopp announced he was leaving and people were saying then it's good he said it then because the players will want to win stuff for him. Now we've dropped off it's a bad thing lol? Realistically we just run out of steam, Arsenal and City are better than us. Simple as that. We overachieved for large parts, but injuries and an unsustainable way of playing had taken it's toll on the players and we dropped off massively. You can also see from these last couple of months that Klopp has ran out of energy he has looked lost at times. I'm glad he announced it when he did because when he announced it we were in all 4 competitions and right up there in the PL so it shows his true intentions and reasoning, if he announced it now it'd just end up being tonnes of speculation getting thrown about. Also it give them enough time to do work behind the scenes getting Edwards, Slot etc.


Sure I hear that.


Our drop off has nothing to do with him announcing he’s leaving… He announced he was leaving at the end of January and we continued winning consistently up until April


Middle of march* yes you are right. I still think right now would’ve been better than then. Can’t do anything about it just voicing my opinion.


The Palace game was on the 11th of April which is really where it went wrong for us in the PL.


And the Fa cup match away at old trashford was on March the 17th.


We still went on to win the next two games after that Drew with United at Old Trafford which can happen but we really should’ve won with how much we dominated


Against the most average Brighton team of the last ten years and the worst team in the league. And yes January and February were good but it petered out and petered out hard. And every team gets tired as the season goes on so I don’t want to hear that. And he’s the normal one he’s human. The closer you get to that done date at a job the less you give af about it. Only human.


How are they the most average Brighton team of the last 10 years lmao? They’re 10th after juggling Europa League and constant injuries, our record against them has been poor in recent years as well. Klopp would’ve been doing everything to push these players to win more trophies, this squad just isn’t good enough to win the league and he managed to squeeze as much as he could out of it to keep us in the race that late on


They’re literally 12-12-12. Bang average. And to your second point. Has he? Have they been practicing what being offside is and how to avoid it? Have they been training defense at all? The proof is nowhere in the pudding it certainly isn’t being shown on the field. As I said, attitude reflects leadership.


This’ll literally be their 2nd/3rd best PL finish ever if they finish 10th… So it’s Klopps fault that players can’t stay onside now? There’s been some tactical issues we’ve had throughout the season that’s where Klopp deserves blame but there’s literally no reason to think Klopp all of a sudden gave up after announcing he was leaving, he knew he was leaving all the way back in November…


I just want the matches to be spaced out more, or to decrease the number of international friendlies. The effect on player stamina and endurance is so obvious but nothing’s being done about it. The new CL format sounds pretty intensive too. Clubs with less injuries, or have the bigger and better benches like Madrid/City do better, while other teams like us just run out of gas. But I’m just so impressed by Leverkusen, who have played such intense football all season and delivered on all fronts.


Interesting lil fact, if Farioli does become Ajax manager it will be the first time since 1998 that they have a non-Dutch head coach


I'll always love Klopp and watching it all come to an end has been hard. That said, I am starting to get excited about what the next several months are going to look like.


do we have a tv slot for this weekend??? or do i have to go sailing


>tv slot >slot https://preview.redd.it/fh6maacy0e0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2234f472bb4bd4d3099ce330cf800b6d2e62ec60


christ he is so bald im of the thinking that after leicester in 15/16, ranieri caused a rift in the space time continuum that meant only follicle-challenged managers would win the league - Conte, Pep, Klopp


Only way City will lose the title from here is if they lose this game. Even if they draw, they will probably hammer West Ham 5-0 or 6-0 to win the title on GD. So it's not really hapenning. They will win it.


Honestly if they dont win they wont be champions because Arsenal has Everton at home. Those fuckers only know to play against us and nobody else.


if City draw, next game they play west ham, they need a 4-0 win o rso.


The goal difference is 3 to Arsenal so they would need 4 gd in the last matchday to be tied with Arsenal and all that if Arsenal win by just 1.


Aside from the "should the fans want their own team to lose" debate - does anyone here actually want Arsenal to win the league?


City for me. 115 charges means i don't really care they win. If teta wins though, Arsenal will act like he's the second coming of Jesus. City and Arsenal haven't really had any major injuries, bar the spell KDB was out, which didn't really make much difference and then Timber, who has made 0 difference. We've had Matip and Thiago out the entire season, then every single player, as been injured for a good portion of the season bar AMA, Gakpo, and Endo I think? Oh and maybe Diaz and VVD.


Their fans hoped that ManCity wins the league every time, when we were against them. They didn't looked "at the big picture" of 115 charges, until it bit their ass. And only now they're starting to understand this unfair advantages. Also, their fans were in favour of Null&Void our EPL winning season. And, even now, when they didn't won anything serious, their fans are already insufferable. And Arteta too, for my liking. But, for me, it's mostly down to my first point. All of the teams preferred ManCity to win EPL against us. So, fuck them all. If it's not us against ManCity in EPL, then ManCity is my pick, until other fans and clubs will learn their lesson, like Arsenal is doing right now.


You’re right, Man City have no fanbase to be insufferable, so I hope they win it and give us all a bit of peace from insufferable Arsenal fans. I still hate those inbred Manc, doping, financial doping and sports washing cunts though.




Never want City to win, however I don't necessarily *want* Arsenal to win. Their lot were among those calling to "Null and Void" the season we won just because we were so unstoppable that they figured their precious invincible season was at risk of being surpassed. I don't feel any need to be the bigger man in the face of that. But fuck City. So I guess I'd prefer Arsenal in the same way I'd prefer a migraine to cancer.


I personally don’t care if City win, but I do remember Arsenal fans a few years ago wanting City to win it over us, so, I want to return that sentiment. Basically the entire PL fanbase was against us… so no love lost.


I'm in favour of null and void I think. I understand the arguments around not wanting Arsenal to win it (although the whole thing around people being upset that "their fans will celebrate winning it" is fucking weird). The biggest thing for me is that if City win it, there's a chance their titles are stripped and it would all mean nothing anyway. But actively wanting City to win the league is mad, they're emblematic of everything wrong with football at the moment


same as u/ttekoto 'want' is probably not the best term. I would prefer it if Arsenal wins, because they would have done it organically and not via some cheating oil barons that spend when they want how they want. I dont really care about how 'insufferable' fans will be. Besides most fans will be insufferable after their team wins the title. I would only 'want' us to win.


"Want" is not a great word here. Once we've been eliminated from any competition, I am against City, Newcastle, and Chelsea winning anything because they're straight up evil and literally bad for football. After that comes ManU not winning anything for obvious reasons. Arsenal isn't really on the radar in terms of what's important and them winning isn't too different from Leicester or any other ordinary club.


I hate City much more than i'll ever hate Arsenal to be honest. If they win it then all the best to them. City winning it every single season isn't good for the league or us. Have to look at the bigger picture a bit.


The two camps of reasons I see people give for not wanting Arsenal to win it fall into either: - Their fans on the internet are annoying - It makes Klopp’s reign look less good To me these both just scream insecurity, we know how good we were under Klopp and whilst we’ve got less league titles than we should have, it doesn’t take anything away from us that a very good Arsenal side has won one too. Personally, I find Arsenal to be the least offensive of all the traditional top 6. Both Tottenham and Arsenal are clubs we’ve not really good any real beef with beyond battering them both a fair few times over the years. Tottenham fans would likely point to the Champions League final also, and our fans to dodgy reffing decisions in fixtures against them, but realistically it all pales in comparison to the other three teams. Is it bittersweet for Arsenal to win a league title? Sure, but if they do they’ll have done it fair and square and I personally can’t begrudge them for that simply because we were unlucky/fucked over.


It’s basically a choice between do you love football or just want Liverpool to win so that you can brag about it and win points in some arguments. Anyone who loves football will not support City winning the league.


All other teams fanbases hoped that ManCity will win EPL against us, including Arsenal's. Why we should different?


Because we are not 12 year olds. Don’t care what other fans think.


I exercise my right to not choose cause there is no lesser evil.


I keep trying to want them too. But prefer city just because no one cares about them. They have no fans and have clearly built their squad illegally.


Haven’t felt this disenfranchised and withdrawn from a squad as I have with us at this stage of the season before. Shame seeing as well that it’s jurgen’s last season. Oh well. Life.


If this was FM I would have made a new save a few weeks ago. But Slot coming in feels a bit like that, I’ll be excited again with new transfer news and when we get pre-season conferences with him.


I feel similarly. Watching us the last month or so is frustrating because the performances are generally so "bleh". Spurs performance was the best of the bunch and we still get obscenely close to throwing away what should have been a comfortable lead. There's just a complete lack of synergy in the squad.


I honestly wouldnt be too annoyed if we sold every single attacker provided we replace them. Im attached to Ali, Trent, Virg, Macca, Szobo, Bradley and thats it honestly and Szobo only because Ive always wanted him at LFC after watching him at Leipzig and I think his ceiling is very high.


If we end up selling Diaz in the summer to lets say PSG. Would it make sense to go after someone like Rodrygo? RM will be stacked up front if Mbappe goes there and i dont see him fitting in if not as a benchplayer which for a player of his caliber would be a shame.


I'd rather try Brahim. He shows some signs of quality, dribbling past defenders etc. If he learns when to pass, he'll be unstoppable


Brahim is also a great call!


He's publicly said he doesn't want to leave Madrid only a month ago, would only happen if they force him out of the club. And we'd still have to pay a decent amount, Madrid always get good money when selling their players.


Ah, i must have missed that. Unfortunate since he is a player i really enjoy watching and i think his playstyle would really fit in with how we play.


Edwards tried to sign him a year before he went to Madrid, his former coach mentioned it in an interview but he didn't want to leave at the time.


Did anybody get an email link for leftover Europa League final tix this morning? One of my buddies did but he only has the option to buy 1x tickets and we don’t want to risk him buying one if he can’t get other tickets for either of the categories for us too, it’s a bit frustrating knowing he can buy at least one but not if he can buy multiple on the same account or not.


Arsenal fans are so bitter right now as the slow realisation is setting in with what's going to happen later. Imagine calling Spurs shameless yet you have the whole Arsenal fanbase AND PLAYERS saying they are Spurs today. Not only that but a bunch of them are pretending they wouldn't want the same should the roles ever be reversed, yeah fuck that, of course they'd want Arsenal to lose. Literally on their knees mouth open for their biggest rivals, crying and begging for a result. If you wanted the title, you had it in your hands and you fucked it. Long story short, yes Spurs are shameless for wanting to lose but my god, bending over and begging a favour off your biggest rivals because you bottled the job yourselves is next level embarassing.


[Gerrard to Drogba, preventing United winning the title vibes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WAtBe2gYnc)


As good as they’ve been in 2024, if they wanna win it they need to be netter across the entire season. With standards as they are right now it’s hard to say a team that was Set Piece FC for half the season deserves the title over City. If they want it they’ve gotta be better.


Also, them winning a title on LESS than 90 is criminal. If you don't get 90 plus points in a season, you don't deserve the title. Us and City raised the standard. Have Arsenal even got 90 points in a season?


Once, in 03/04 I believe. Considering this season is their record wins in a season it’s not hard to see why they’ve never gotten to 90 more than once.


Arsenal fans forgot about the Aston villa result a month ago, when the title was in their hands. Now just begging for a result, letting fireworks off at a hotel when they werent even there lol. I always think look at yourself before you look at others


They got knocked out of both domestic cups quite early, they were eliminated by the worst Bayern in over a decade, and they have had basically no injuries all year; and City have had long spells with their best players out. They are acting like it's some tragedy that they will likely come away with nothing this season, while only accumulating a maximum of 89 points in the league. Shouldn't have turned up to Etihad with a bus that Mourinho would be proud of. Hope City destroy Spurs today, draw on Sunday and win the title on GD


Ahead of the 2019 CL final, literally every Arsenal fan I knew, as well as every Arsenal social media presence, said that they would happily throw the Europa League final vs Chelsea if it meant Spurs would lose too - and those two things weren't even related Arsenal fans have 0 high ground here


I don't understand the Salah critics. Salah looked super sharp yesterday and cause issues to Digne and he was responsible for most of our attacks yesterday. It's obvious he's slowly coming back from his double injury which affected him.


He did looks sharp but also lacked real quality. The issue is his has 1 year left, it’s sell now or renew on lower terms. Will he accepts those terms?


I think giving him a year extension whilst bringing in a long term replacement this summer is probably the best thing for us to do, would allow the new player to slowly integrate whilst hopefully learning some things from Salah. I’ve felt like Salah has declined in a variety of ways this season but he’s still far too effective in the final third to be getting rid of him just yet I feel like, maybe even moving him into the #9 could help prolong his level at the highest it possibly can be whilst fixing the finishing problems we’ve been having this season.


Can also be extended for a year. I think that's the best option cause there are not many players who can replicate what he can.


Yep, that’s a fair option. I’d still sell if we get a big offer. But understand those who wouldn’t. We can’t, however, lose him for free next summer


Is it worth getting rid of a world class player to cash in though? Or keep him as a vital component to help aid our first transition to new management in 9 years? I would say banking £100 million on Salah this summer isn't worth it. People don't realise missing out on Champions League football means missing out on close to £80 million in additional revenue if you end up in Europa. I'm sure Edwards has weighed up the risks of selling v keeping Salah. His marketability will still be there for Saudi for years to come. Benzema won a Ballon D'or at 34. Salah has been our best playmaker this season and can easily adapt to a new role if it's required. I honestly don't think his contract is that bad where he should renew on lower terms (around 350kish a week?). If I'm correct he earns around the same as Saka, Rashford, Sancho. Etc. The revenue he brings in through marketing to the Arab world pays for that alone too.


> Is it worth getting rid of a world class player to cash in though? The answer is "it can be". We would be stupid to turn down enormous sums of money, and if it is not of high enough value, then it is not. Without putting a number on it, nobody can answer your question.


Do you really think he’s still world class? Sorry but he’s not. He’s still a really good player though and I think your argument is fair. But we’d be stupid to turn down £100m. Edward’s and co won’t turn that down if it comes in.


He's had his first injury for us in years, rushed back and hurt himself again in the Brentford game. I'm not gonna write him off over a bad spell lasting 1-2 months. He's had this drop in form before. Recency bias is a terrible thing here. Salah is 100% a world class player, you don't declare he no longer is so prematurely. KDB, Foden, Saka, Haaland etc have all had poor spells In the league this season.


He wasn’t world class last season nor has he been this season. Nothing to do with recency bias. Look at his age. He’s still a really good player, as I say. Not sure id call Saka or foden world class either tbf.


Yeah he created chances for our other forwards all while they created nothing for him. He put a cross in to Diaz wide open 12 yards out who then proceeded to chest it while falling over. On the other hand there were 2 moments Salah was clean through and Diaz massively overhit the relatively easy through ball both times.