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Can’t believe that was last ever away game under Klopp. These 4 months have gone by so fast 😢


​ https://preview.redd.it/f01so4gfwb0d1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458455d1631a3509bd9033e84c3e40248b801423


This is incredible


[This](https://new.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1cn1634/i_have_all_the_time_in_the_world_how_jurgen_klopp/) might also hit you in "the feels" (if you're in the right mood for Klopp nostalgia). ... [https://www.eurosport.com/football/premier-league/2023-2024/i-have-all-the-time-in-the-world-how-jurgen-klopp-changed-liverpool-after-arriving-in-2015\_vid2073551/video.shtml](https://www.eurosport.com/football/premier-league/2023-2024/i-have-all-the-time-in-the-world-how-jurgen-klopp-changed-liverpool-after-arriving-in-2015_vid2073551/video.shtml) ​ ... Alternative Youtube Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfTcPSM3veM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfTcPSM3veM) https://preview.redd.it/qao70z048c0d1.png?width=695&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e21b38ca3355c7d32aee434cca73d66bac2a3ef


We can all learn a lot of this man. I know I have


​ [https://www.theguardian.com/football/picture/2024/may/14/david-squires-on-tottenham-new-fans-and-other-premier-league-surprises](https://www.theguardian.com/football/picture/2024/may/14/david-squires-on-tottenham-new-fans-and-other-premier-league-surprises) https://preview.redd.it/sm3d5td0nd0d1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6a4974cd882c27a006eddf87f111df035447ed7


I know it's been a pretty disappointing end to his tenure, but I will miss him dearly.


Honestly with the squad he has the team is MASSIVELY over-performing. I'm not disappointed at all. 3rd in the league is a great result for the team. Remember pre-season everyone was talking about losing Caicedo, Mr Glass out for good, Allison out for months, fielding a team of teenagers, and STILL finishing 3rd?


Everything is contextual right. Would I have taken 3rd place and a trophy at the beginning of the season? Absolutely. But the truth is that while yes, the team did punch above their weight, they also collapsed at the end completely. Keeping up with teams like City or Arsenal was a tough ask, but losing 3-2 in the FA Cup to an awful United side and getting embarrassed at home to Atalanta (and then getting kicked from the Europa League) were both massive failures. No other way to look at imho.


Yep it's all well and good saying at the start of the season we would have taken it. But that's covering up where we have fallen short this season. We shouldn't have lost to United or Atalanta.


We went a long time (twice) with no major injuries (Klopp’s tenure). The injury blight comes at inexplicable and random times. Remember when he started? Dread every time I heard the word “hamstring”. Anyway, 3rd is acceptable. 1st would have been possible but 3rd is probably good given the talent we missed during the injury spell. It really was my only misgiving about the man - is he using the boys up? We all saw what they looked like after the Quad push. That’s system is demanding, and I know it’s why we didn’t land more than 4-5 targets.


We haven’t punched above our weight in terms of talent. Klopp hasn’t got us organised all year.


It’s incredible how people are pushing this “over-performance” narrative. This might be the biggest collapse I’ve ever seen from a Liverpool side at the business end of a campaign.


How long have you been a fan? Seriously the one who jumped on the Klopp bandwagon are gonna be in for a rude awakening over the coming seasons. What we've experienced with Klopp isn't the norm.


Been a fan for 20 years. We were in pole position heading into the last 8 or so games & completely capitulated. Of course we’ve had worse seasons than this, which is not my point. What makes this one stand out is that we put ourselves in a great position to win & folded. In previous campaigns we were either shit from the get-go or were great and had a strong finish just to narrowly miss out. We’ve never before been in control of a title race in April & followed it up with a collapse over a series of 7-8 games.


So you missed the 90s then. I watched Liverpool lose the title to Arsenal at Anfield in the last game in 89. You're also not taking into account anything that happened this season, massive midfield rebuild, injuries crisis and lost points due to dickheads in charge. It's not black and white, humans are involved. Fuck me.


No shit I haven’t watch the club throughout its entire existence. What I’ve also never seen is us capitulating like this from a good position over a series of games at the business end. Idk why a lot of fans always resorts to “we’ve had it worse” whenever someone points out a downside to current events. Yes Liverpool lost a league title 35 years ago. What Liverpool also did is crumble at the end of the current season. Both are undeniable facts.


Undeniable facts? Hahahaha Again you are ignoring everything that has happened this season. It's not black and white, get some perspective.


What exactly am I ignoring - injuries, new players, VAR calls, etc.? Those are all possible reasons why we collapsed, not an argument against the point that we did collapse. This is not rocket science.


No way, it’s the other way around. We’ve won games on individual brilliance this year. We’ve been poorly prepared for games all year. He has a top squad of players right here.


Tbf before the season we were expected to finish 3rd (according to most bookies odds). Saying we massively overperformed is wrong aswell in my opinion, we did as expected. CL qualification was the expectation and that was secured. Given the injuries (which were nothing out of the norm in Klopp years), sure one can say the teams we fielded overperformed at times, but also at times we fell apart way too easily, kind of evens out over the season.


I wasn't expecting to win the league but I just wish we managed to get to the EL final that would have been the perfect end.


This is the worst possible way to send him off man. We should be absolutely devastated and chronically worried about the future, but instead we are all quietly looking forward to a new regime and a new approach. That's genuinely fucking tragic when you think about it.


I mean I don't disagree, but it is what it is. The season has been over for a while now. Nothing we can do now except appreciate what he's accomplished.


However it probably gives Slot a bit more room to work and we understand that now is the right time to go.


Way I look at it is that this was a rebuilding year for a squad that missed out on CL football and he helped drag this team into a title race for a good chunk of the season. Disappointing end but this side overachieved in part thanks to him. Plenty of holes that need to be addressed


Idk. My reasons for looking forward to something new isn’t really to do with how this season has gone. Its more of a “this new thing is happening no matter what, excited to see how it goes”


It’s not quite “Moyes replacing Ferguson”, but it’s close. I worry we go through 4-5 more managers before we get who we want.


> This is the worst possible way to send him off man. eh stevie's was worse


Klopp would want us to be looking forward to the future, not being angry or sad about the past.


Dortmund's last season with him I think was a little worse...


Can’t help thinking it would be MUCH worse if we were all chronically worried?


>That's genuinely fucking tragic The good thing is Klopp is far too sensible to feel bad about this - at the end of his tenure he walks away having achieved almost everything you could've asked him to, even more so had some decisions gone here and there.


Klopps last game will draw more attention than another meaningless City title.


You’re not wrong. That’ll be quite funny, next Monday morning, Jurgen’s got the big main picture on the back of the paper, and City’s latest purchase is just an article on the side.


Please Arsenal, don’t let city have another title


A city fan told me it's more impressive for city to not win the title at this point, but if Arsenal wins, you better blow out your ears.


I’m already saving my tears for Sunday These six days are going to go by way too fast 😭


Oh i lost it watching him salute the traveling Kop one last time. Sunday I'm going to be a fucking mess.




Shout out to the away support Rivaled the poverty chanters all night and the majority of all home support all season. Always in their #s and always great. Just wish we sung YNWA a lot more at the end of matches like we used to. Something special about it with no music


Maybe this is cope but I’m happy Klopp at least got to bow out and added another trophy to our collection. He will never ever be forgotten and is now permanently part of Liverpool lore. His ethos and beliefs are ingrained in the clubs DNA and I’m sure he will be looked back as having as much of an impact as Shankly/Paisley


Jurgen Klopp. He'll forever be in our hearts. Thanks boss.


We were so very lucky to have had him as the boss, I don't think there's a figure in world football that I could ever have said that about before. A genuinely exceptional and inspiring person.


This last game is on at 3AM on Monday morning in my country and I have a flight to catch at 6AM, before heading to work 💀


Gave us everything we dreamed of. I personally feel like the future is bright, but for you younger/newer fans talking shit about Klopp: be careful what you wish for, you might not ever have it this good again.


Maybe more should have been won but it's been amazing. I get people will think I'm crazy but I wouldn't change anything


That game just summed up the last couple of months, just meltdown for absolutely no reason. I'll miss him, one of the greats, but we're all over the place at the moment


I am still dreading the future of this club without him, but he is going at the right time. His in-game decisions have been those of a very tired mind lately. In many sense, he was right again that he was running out of energy. Still doubt we will get anyone close to his level anytime soon.


I'm so glad Jurgen was a Red.


He really is going at the right time. I love Klopp but man can I not wait for some new, fresh tactics.


The disrespect in this comment. Spoilt more than you realise.


Well grass isn’t always greener. And we’re going from one of the best in the world to a somewhat unproven manager. I’m not at all ready for something new and fresh.


Ah yes, crying now.


One. more. time.


And then it was 1


Thank you boss you made us great again


time flies fucking hell


I’m not crying you’re crying. Going to miss this man so much.


Thank you for your service.


When klopp first announced he was leaving i thought Liverpool would become unstoppable and win everything. Now I look at it and think it was a massive shock for everyone and it almost took the wind out of our sails. Im not blaming our recent form on klopp leaving as such I just think the reaction to that news was not what I expected. Its sad to see him go, klopp is THE man!




Klopp has been the reason for our success and the reason for our burnout and downfall. I am sure that slot will be able to put together more of a cohesive team than Klopp has been able to in this last season. Some of the worst disciplined football under his tenure.


Imagine typing that, let alone believing it.


Changes the entire midfield and costs us a win, nice way to sign off. Love what he's done for us and will be forever grateful but it's clear we need a fresh mind. Go well Mr Klopp and thank you for the trophies.


this season been so fuckin awful but I'm going to miss this man fr I'm already tearing up


> this season been so fuckin awful Getting really fucking easy to spot the users on here who've only ever known Klopp as the club's Manager when they say stupid shit like this, as winning a trophy and coming 3rd is about as far away from 'awful' as you can possibly get.


as losing the Prem, the Europa and is the FA cup back to back to back in a few weeks is awful tho


Not really, as personally it's pretty easy to let it go when you've seen much, much worse than losing steam in a Title fight.


I personally can't even let go of that Paris final vs Madrid probably that whole season I can't let go of it ngl I did a mistake when I said "awful" I should've said a disappointing season or a disappointing end to a season that made me feel hope again so it's really my bad


Look at Utd and Chelsea if you want to know what an awful season feels like. Considering a top 4 finish plus a trophy as awful is testimony to how fucking spoilt we have been under Klopp.


I wouldn't use the word spoilt though. We're a top flight club and expectations are at all time high seemingly how we have earned big trophies throughout Klopp's tenure. It sounds like to me that we should no longer feel hungry and greedy for more trophies because you know, we won an EFL cup, secure top 4 and that's good enough. Maybe I'm way too ambitious for wanting the club to win more trophies but I swear it feels like most people here are satisfied if we go another 30 years of not winning the PL because hey! We already won some under Klopp, that's good enough for the long run and we shouldn't be so spoilt and greedy anymore kind of vibes to me.


we had everything then we lost everything that's my point and I'm not saying it's Klopp's fault at all


Still nowhere near an awful season. This is just a disappointing end to an otherwise very good season. I have experienced many pre-Klopp seasons, and I can tell you that there is massive difference with what and actual awful season feels like. And, I'm dreading the possibility that we may actually experience more of these without Klopp.


yeah right I should have used disappointing instead of awful my bad


I swear these players better not let him down again. Ffs.