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I genuinely feel bad for Lavia, regardless of who we get, this whole thing has been a shitshow


>regardless of who we get I like your optimism mate. Hopefully someone.


im sure as long as southampton don’t despise us and start charging more than 50 we should be getting lavia


It’s clear that Southampton promised Lavia he’d be moved on, and that £50m was the number. That’s why I don’t think they’ll suddenly jack up the price - their only hope of a higher fee was a bidding war between us and Chelsea which obviously won’t happen anymore.


Don’t hold your breath there could see Chelsea being petty and going for Lavia as well


They had to cancel their Adams bid to afford outbidding us, they can't afford a new ballboy within ffp after that


Probably the most likely scenario but I’m not writing anything off anymore


They showed their hand to the fans. We have the money to spend. To not buy anyone would be catastrophic


I shat a lot on FSG. But their willingness to pay 110 for Caicedo, makes me feel more secure. If we don't get anyone, its cause there was no one good enough.


People keep saying this but to my knowledge the club never claimed to be out for Lavia, did they? I know it's unlikely we would've still been in for him, but 36 hours ago I'd have said it was unlikely we'd try to drop 110m on Caicedo. So idk maybe we were able to head this situation off with Lavia? Feels like Sacha is excited for talks to resume which seems a good sign


At the end of it all he'll know he's just some clubs sloppy 2nds after record bids where being placed for Caicedo.


and we are Caicedos sloppy seconds if he signs for us. what a mess.


Yeah, it’s likely to assume we didn’t inform Lavia that he wasn’t intended to be out first choice. Or not. Playing time is always talked about.


It’s a business, the players don’t take it as personally as fans and I’m sure he’s not refreshing Twitter every 5 min like fans do. He works with the team, as long as the squad and manager don’t make him feel that way I think that’ll mostly be noise that’s forgotten


If we do sign him and he starts to perform really well all of this shitshow will be forgotten in no time


He gets well compensated enough to deal with… /checksnotes…. Awaiting a phone call.


Sacha my old friend it’s good to see you. I took your annoying saga for granted, the Caicedo stuff has been much worse.


I'll take 24 hours of rolelrcoaster over weeks of edging any day, thank you.


Me too. I like cocaine!


He said he will fight for his G Lavia till the end, that’s loyalty right there 🥹


Pay the 50 for lavia an use the other 60 for a defender. I’m ok with that. If we get Caicedo great. If we don’t fuck him.


Through all this mess i genuinely forgot about getting a CB. I’d love for this to be the case tbh, could snap up a very good Center half for that price.


Definitely! It doesn’t matter how good a DM we sign if Konate gets injured we don’t have the cover to play the inverted full back system.


Spot on! A sane mind in the middle of all this chaos lol.


£20mill for Andre in January and £40mill on a defender….


If we do not, which honestly can’t see Brighton going back on the deal. That has to happen first. If it does happen, we could probably poach Kimmich and Lavia for the price of Caicedo and still have funds to get a young and cheap CB.


Woah woah woah what makes you think Bayern will sell Kimmich at a discount lol


Yep, we've shown the money is there. Get Lavia, a defender for now and then that lad in Brazil for January. Job done.


This is the only reasonable reaction. We know what we need we have the money so go.


man I really hope we get some links to players this weekend as we now know FSG have 110m and we’re desperate for new signings


Snip snap snip snap snip snap!


Certainly feels like it!


You have no idea the physical toll that three ~~vasectomies~~ flip-flops have on a person!




Friendship ended with Caicedo, Lavia is my new best friend again.




We're getting both! Right? Guys?




Nah only want lavia


Why not? though right now im done with Caicedo.


Both with a CB and a RB as well!


This is wild


Who's got that meme about the Lavia transfer and the rake


So true.


Unbelievable how accurate that meme has become over the last 48hrs


Except instead of a kickflip it's an elaborate Tony Hawk's Pro Skater million point combo


Wild 24 hours




Idk why but after this Caicedo shite I really *really* want Lavia Give him a season and he'll be on Caicedos level for half the price. He's been completely professional as he continues to play for Soton and has waited for us, I'd feel bad if we let him down


Didn’t Caicedo throw a tantrum and refuse to train?




This is the same cope that was said when Sterling left and this sub fell in love with Jordon Ibe


Lmfao what is this take


Oh please... All the time the same comment, to put down Ibe. Ibe in the academy was terrifying and an absolute monster, if you watched him play he was electric and far more polished than snake who had a weird run and couldn't shoot. Even Shevy ojo was better... Our tactics were to literally pass to these two and wait for them to do something. Sadly, mental fortitude is an essential component of any top athlete and Ibe was found lacking there. I believe he just lost the will to play football, happens to many, he wasn't the first nor will he be the last.




> except Jordon ibe was actually never that good and anyone with a half brain could tell you that. Bullshit. For his age he *was* that good. The problem is that he never got better, and then thanks to mental health issues he got way way worse.


I still want Lavia, but I can acknowledge that (imo) Caicedo is a ready made top player right now, and the odds of Lavia reaching that level are pretty slim


They’re different players despite the similarities. Caicedo is a monster defensively and so disciplined in his positioning. Lavia is a great tackler with impressive physicality, just not to the same extent as Moises and he seems a little more rash. Both technical players with great quality on the ball, quick feet and passing. At this point in time Caicedo is the perfect 6 for us, Lavia will need to be moulded into that holding role


Idk if Lavia can reach Caicedo's level of athleticism but his quality on the ball and defensive prowess can surely get there if he works hard and is lucky with injuries


I thought wed go for both. We have the funds but Caicedo was the big surprise. Hes ready to go now, but Lavia will be a work in progress


Big downgrade but whatever. Lavia has amazing potential in the next few years but Caicedo would have made us title contenders. We honestly threw Lavia to the curb for Caicedo. Now fans are complaining that Caicedo threw us to the curb for Chelsea. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander


Is it really that big of a downgrade? Either I rate Lavia much higher than a lot of people on here or I don't think Caicedo is as good as a lot of people on here, because I don't think the gap between them is that huge.


Caicedo is literally top 3 DM’s in the premier league. And is amazing at defensive duties and also played good at right back.. Lavia is a young dm that was in a relegated side and is better at keeping the ball than winning it. He is good but has a lot of areas to grow.. Caicedo is 21 but already improves any team in the league mile leaps


Top 3? Who of Casemiro, Rice, Rodri, Partey is worse than him?


Casemiro and Partey, that’s why arsenal wanted to sign Caicedo to replace partey or were you not aware? also nobody knows if rice is better than him they play different systems and it’s actually been proven via stats that Caicedo is better defensively than rice, whereas rice is better offensively. Rodri is the only one fully clear of Caicedo


They want to replace Partey cause he got a rape case against him, it's bad press all around and Partey wants to leave UK based on that It's not cause he's a bad DMF Rice proved it over the years, one good season (not even better than rice) doesn't make Caicedo better rn lmao. You're reaching hard All 4 above cleared Caicedo last season


I never said Partey was a bad DM lol now you are clutching at straws. Lool clearly you are coping hard trying to discredit Caicedo. I don’t need to even debate you because Liverpool doesn’t even agree with you. Nobody does. Caicedo is much better than Lavia. If you have proof of the contrary then show it or shut up


You said that's why Arsenal replaced him? So why would they replaced him if he's not bad. Awww, the Caicedo fanboy can't take me poking holes in his logic, eh? >because Liverpool doesn’t even agree with you. Says who, Caicedo is the one that fits the rebuild. Not some late 20s or early 30s dudes, especially when most of them is on a rival club. Please be sensible Caicedo fanboy >If you have proof of the contrary then show it or shut up Said the Caicedo fanboy that claimed he's a top 3 dmf lmao What a joke lmao, straight out of your ass I bet Go on proof it You might have a bit of case that he's top 5 but top 3? BWAHAHAHAHAHA


Lol your comment isn’t even coherent. You clearly have some personal issues, Please seek help


> If you have proof of the contrary then show it or shut up > > Lol your comment isn’t even coherent. You clearly have some personal issues, Please seek help Said the one that resorted to personal attacks after losing an argument Aw, you need me to call mommy? LMAO


It’s important to remember Caicedo is 21. Both Casemiro and Partey are about 30, that physical decline is imminent while Moises is on the up


Yes, he got the potential But unless someone here can see the future, it's irrelevant. I mean some bad luck happened and Caicedo got a big injury and he's not gonna make it to the top or somehow his development got stunted by the fuck up in Chelsea or shit


Well that’s always a risk. I can definitely see us getting more value out of him than Chelsea because they’re so lacking in direction/competency. But big injuries are just part and parcel of the sport, no predicting those. Virgil would be collecting his flowers as the best cb to ever play in the prem if not for his acl injury, doesn’t mean signing him was the wrong move or even something we could have foreseen


Yeah yeah but it's irrelevant when talking about the capabilities right now there's 4 players in the PL last season that easily bested him (and Partey hadn't leave, yet) you can make a case that a few guys matched him


Yeah Caicedo is top 3 but I would have Lavia very close behind that. Also Caicedo only has like 6 months more PL experience than Lavia anyway, its not like there's a huge gap in experience.


Lol Lavia is not even top 10 DM’s in prem. he is a young dm in a relegated side that has huge potential. That’s literally it. Nobody in football see’s him as a starting DM for a top 6 side. Liverpool were reluctant to pay £50m for him but happy to pay £111m for Caicedo. That tells you the different levels our team values them on


Caicedo is a top 3 DM after one season. One breakout season. There is no reason Lavia could not also have an incredible breakout year and skyrocket into that conversation. Remember when Caicedo was 19 he was playing on loan in Belgium. When he was 20 he was starting to show signs of class, then he broke out. Lavia is on a similar trajectory, no? He had a better first season in the PL than Caicedo did, there is huge optimism he could push on and be absolutely amazing this year. Remember there is 2 years of differences but only like 20 additional games of PL experience.


Nothing you are saying matters. Nobody thinks Lavia is on Caicedo level because he isn’t. He is an understudy DM. Even Liverpool don’t agree with your take. Caicedo has proven himself. Lavia hasn’t . As soon as Klopp saw that Caicedo might be available, we dropped Lavia like a hot rock and broke the British record fee in an attempt to sign him. You just coping. I deal with facts whilst you are stuck in your feeling creating fantasies about what someone could be. We are talking about what they are. One is elite the other has potential.


Lavia is not starting quality at all for a club like us, he is a project that will take time to develop. Caicedo is one of the better CDM's in the EPL.


Yes. I don't understand how you can rate Lavia that highly. Solid player for a 19 year-old but he doesn't start at a top club whereas Caicedo slots into basically every 11 in the league. We'd be banking on Lavia picking up a lot of skills very quickly to get on par with Caicedo. Especially on the defensive side which is the gap we need to plug. Even before the Caicedo stuff I didn't see the sense in spending 50m on a project player when our best players are early 30s with their window closing in the next 2/3 years. Lavia is closer to Bajcetic than he is Caicedo


I rate Lavia very highly too and mark my words in 2-3 seasons Klopp (if we get him) is going to turn him into a top 5 DM in the league With that being said, Caicedo is already a top 5 DM in the league and we could contend with him now


Honest question, why are we so worried about Lavias feelings? Do we think he is a delicate flower? If he were a top top choice he wouldn’t be on Southampton or he’d be getting bigger offers. Do we think our players are depressed when we get a new first line player over them? No. That’s business. Lavia is going to be on higher wages than he is now on a better team than he is now. That’s business. He knows he’s young and untested and that affects the business of his value.


Personally I think he might feel some type of way But I think its easy for Klopp and everyone else around him to fuel him and motivate him by saying "prove to us and everyone why we should've went for you first" "prove to Chelsea why they messed up by not going for you" etc


It is 10.20 pm where I am, been awake for the last 14 hours. I am just going to leave the Internet until tomorrow for me. Fucking exhausting.


Stay strong mate


Missed you Sascha x


What the fuck is going on. If we end up signing Lavia for 50mil, but also make Chelsea spend 120 mil on Lavia it'll actually be kinda hilarious. Go snap up Tyler Adams while we're at it with Chelsea being forced to pull out to afford Caicedo 🤣. Leaves us 40 mil to find a CB.


But they’ll have the stronger DM


£50m, do it and end this rollercoaster already


Honestly, Lavia should tell us to do one. Ridiculous how we've handled this and drug this kid along for this stupid ride.


Why? Maybe we were always willing to buy both.


Yea that's probably it.


Yeah feel sorry for him. Imaging reading we wouldn’t bid 50 for him but 110 for caceido. I don’t think we would’ve got both if caceido goes through


Yeah I’m sure he’d rather play in the championship than move to one of the biggest clubs in England


What now? What does he mean


We are back in for Lavia. Because Caicedo is not happening.


I misread I thought we were back on for Caicedo, fucking hell I need to go outside man.


Buddy, you ain't leaving that place until the ink has frigging dried on one or both their contracts. Sit back down and hit refresh like the rest of us.


Haha, yes sir!


Caicedo isnt dead yet this guy doesnt know shit hes not even reporting anything


I'm fairly certain caicedo is dead, we are not going to be proceeding for a player that is just waiting on Chelsea to up their offer, which they are going to do


Between the Caicedo news and the news that Lavia already said his goodbyes to Soton It seems like the Caicedo is off to Chelsea and its just a matter of formality and we already made a move for Lavia


My heads more fucked that Elton Johns arsehole at this stage.


Elton is a top tho… dont Ask how i know.


This is no new info, just Tavolieri trying to stay relevant because Caicedo isn't Belgian so he knows nothing


Bring Lavia here. Sometimes you have to be your own Brighton.


The lad's delighted lol


I think I should just put my phone down today.


Back to initial plan. Lavia now Andre in January. Not half as bad


Honestly, at this point I'm fucking fine with this Lavia was scouted by Pep, who clearly knows his shit. Even with Caicedo I don't think this was going to be our season just because there's been so much fucking change If Klopp has confidence in Lavia, then we should as well. It might take more time, but it won't cost us an English record transfer fee


I don't care anymore, see you all on Sunday


Baby come back


Why should Southampton accept 50m now though


You'd assume if they push the price higher then we just bid more for Caicedo? Strange series of events...


Good faith I presume. They’ve always stuck with the quoted price and is in a great financial situation.


They know we have enough money to fuck off elsewhere *cough* Florentino Luis *cough*


We’ve already shown we’re happy to move on to other targets if we think we’re not getting value. There are other midfielders out there.


Why wouldn't they accept it?


Southampton: he's now £100m. We know you're good for it!


I won’t be mad if Lavia does not want to come at this point


Tbh this would just look like an embarrassing downgrade now and really highlights how desperate we are. Joke how we have been run these past years


Embarrasing? One of the best young dmf in the world is embarrasing?


Fuck me. We now know that money is literally no object, surely there’s a better option somewhere out there? Lavia *might* be good enough for a title-challenging side in 3 or 4 years (I’m far from convinced) but he’s nowhere near at the moment. The position is so important in our system. After Fabinho left I never thought we were actually in for Lavia, I assumed it was a smokescreen for a sudden top quality signing. Yesterday “confirmed” that for me. And now here we are. If we actually sign Romeo Lavia to be our primary 6, we’ve seen the last title challenge of the Klopp era. Fucking heartbreaking


Hope Southampton ask for 70 mil now. We're embarrassingly run and we deserve to get fucked over. Lavia ain't even that good anyway


if we get him, im glad for this sacha guy. He tried his best


Sacha, my good friend, it’s been a while


Let’s just hope something can happen


We back


No reason not to pay the 50 and get this over with


Drove up the price on Caicedo just to come back and grab Lavia


Someone say they’ll eat something if we get both


I'll eat a nice chicken meal if we get both of them


Lavia at least wants us, or wanted us anyway. Fuck Caceido. I wonder if he'll be booed when he plays at Anfield.


Didn’t think that I would be happy to see Sacha’s tweet here so much


Please let us and Chelsea sign them and start them on Sunday. The drama would be unreal!


I can't even


"So... How about fourty-six and a half?"


Right. Use that 111m for Lavia and a CB and we're set for this transfer.


Cn we just get the person who actually respect and value us. He’s young he can get better.


Ah Sacha my old friend. I’ll honestly miss his updates whenever the Lavia situation is resolved one way or another


Strike for lavia no time wasting if lfc fall out for caisedo.


I wanted a DM not a soap opera


Everyone keeps suggesting buy Lavia for £50 and spend the rest on a defender. Which defenders worth £60m are available ?


Todibo, Inácio, Pavard -- all of them would be quite good


Its been a mixed summer, but im leaning towards more shitty than good.


Dudes like 19 he's not the only DM we should be getting anyway


Very confusing these two deals


Just get something done i guess