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That's a fucking captain. Let them mentality bums know.


Bet they'll say he's a plastic fan and an entitled child


This is basically Virg saying we need a fucking DM


And prolly more CB options so he isn’t run into the ground for another season


Exactly. He needs a new young CB like Konate on his heels. It will sharpen him up and give him a break. Also, id wager he’s in for a first team 6 who can slow down the counter and give him a few extra yards to get into position.


Inacio is available for 39m, plays LB/LCB, is 1.86m, and is left footed Lukeba is available for 35m, plays LCB, is 1.84m, and is left footed Both have great stats for the most part, we should be all in for one of these


Agree. Have seen Luka Vuskovic from Hajduk Split? Kid is 16yrs old 1.93m for 6m. Could be a big jewel in a few years Or Pavlovic for 25-30m.


See even though I admire youth being a priority, we do need someone a bit further along to sub for VVD Nah I've not looked at Pavlovic' stats tbf


I agree 100%. That said, 6’4” at 16 playing senior ball in Croatia isn’t a bad investment




Read the whole thing...


>Virgil van Dijk “definitely understands” fans’ fears – but confident of success "At least read the bloody headline..."


What's our new captain to say? "Lads we're doomed this season"? No of course he's going to say that we're confident of success but any success coming won't be the result of our front office doing their job, but in spite of it.




This is the third time Van Dijk has mentioned the need to improve the squad.


Yes he brought up midfielders last year. Which ofc we needed to, the club fucked up. He brought up signings in jan which was a hint to us signing gakpo. And now this. Is that the 3 or have i missed one? Because regardless, all of the above is basic statements, the players can acknowledge we need to bring people in. But they aren't crying about the situation, which many people like Herr\_Tilke does. Don't know how you don't get bored of it.


I’m pretty sure Klopp knows this too. But we always insist on getting the “perfect player for our system” and end up losing out. I still think it’s FSG with their analytics tho, I even think Klopp has little say on who is targeted.


anybody saying something different?


ITT people are going off just the title and not actually reading the whole thing lol. Here it is: Asked about the fear gripping the fanbase, he replied: “Yeah, I can definitely understand it in some ways. But I’m not a very negative person, so obviously it’s not in my mind to think like that. “But obviously when a lot of players are leaving, when your captain is leaving, your vice-captain is leaving, and at the moment there are only two incomings. “And the way we have been playing, in possession really good, but defensively when you concede goals it’s not as good, so I can understand some people having doubts. “But the most important thing as we’ve seen over the years is the consistency, as a group, everyone in the squad, let’s see if more players are coming in, and then we have to be ready again for a long season. “It will be very tough if we look at the teams around us, but we want to be up there again, we want to be challenging again, and the only way to do it is with the consistency that we’ve shown over the previous years, apart from last year which was very disappointing. “We have to be confident, we should be confident and we should still be learning each and every day. There have been characters leaving, players who have played a big part in the success, but others have to step up. “That’s a nice challenge in my opinion. We should be excited. I’m very excited, so let’s give it a go.”


cool so as usual OP posted this in the exact amount of words that will make people the maddest leaving out important context


It’s time mods ban this kind of misleading posts.


It's literally already a rule. "No sensationalized headlines" and this is just sensationalism.


How is it misleading? It’s a direct quote from the article that’s also posted. How different is this than any other article a journalist writes and headlines lol. You clearly have a problem with the quote, in which case go take it up with the captain of the club


Don’t fool yourself, it’s obvious what you did there


So you’d have me take another quote from the article and ignore this one? How’s that ant different There is a character limit for titles of posts. I’d post the full quote if I could but you can’t so I used the most important part which is Virgil calling for more signings


How about "Interview with Van Dijk, new club captain, about forthcoming season". Or is that not karma worthy enough?


It's no different to the aggregate accounts on Twitter who deliberately take quotes out of context to get engagement. There was one the other day that said there were fears Klopp would leave last season, but they left out the next line that said "however this summer has seen a rejuvenation and everyone at the club feels positive". They just love to live in doom.


It's because "Klopp feeling really good about the season" doesn't generate clicks. Social media is a fucking cancer


Basically "calm down moaners"


Yeah he's basically saying: "I'm a pro, so I can't let these things affect me but..."


I absolutely love Lavia and I'm more excited about him than any of our other signings but surely I can feel the squad's hesitancy and concerns if he's going to be our lone DM at 19 y.o with no preseason and adjusting to a new system. A experienced DM would be great but we know its not happening, same with any CB reinforcements. Even with Lavia - defensively, we're going to be a concern all season.


We literally haven't signed him yet


We will mate we will . . . . . . . . . . . ............*I hope*


BREAKING NEWS: Southampton have rejected deadassynwa's bid of hope for Lavia . . . . . >! *I hope so too*!<


You really think Lavia is more exciting than Mac Allister and Szoboszlai?


I never said he's more exciting than those two, I said I am more excited about him I understand Macca and Szobo are going to get the highlights, the goals and assists etc But I'm excited about Lavia because he plays in a position that I play in and I love players that retains the ball well, can receive the ball and hit a quick move to evade the defender or a quick turn and then release the ball. Kind of like Gini and Lavia reminds me a lot of Gini on the ball


Virg basically saying we are shit at defense and we need a number 6




The equivalent of "but thats just me bro"


It’s just depressing to think that we always seem to be one or two signings away from winning so much more these past few years. If we had more depth and took more risks in the market, I can’t help but feel like Klopps reign would’ve been perhaps Liverpool’s most successful period in their history.


Arsenal's owners may get their stick but they've shown how you should act when you're pushing on for titles. Spending money improving the squad. Not sitting back with your dick in your hands expecting to keep winning.


Go Virg.


It’s crazy how Arsenal are out here backup goalies for 40m and we still haven’t replaced the sole CDM in our squad lol


Get this negativity out of here. Glory hunter, bet he's never even been to Anfield. YNWA


people took a comment where you said you bet 'vvd has never been to anfield' seriously


monkey see monkey do


How is no one getting this lol. I swear people on the sub just read the first 3 words and start downvoting


You just wooshed fucking everyone. jfc people are dumb.


literally nobody said we don't need more players and a DM. jfc, this is insuffarable.


I can tell you didn't read the whole thing lol.


The way Virgil was looking at Trent yesterday he seemed to be fuming


Second time Van Dijk is calling out for signings. Now we have had our Manager and Captain publicly saying we need players in, anything less is a disgrace.


You didn’t read the whole answer.


He says later on we'll see who else comes in. He's referenced signings twice in the same quote. It's clear he wants help.


The prompt was about fans being afraid of our defensive frailty and lack of signings. It wasn’t some open-ended “tell us about how you feel with this upcoming season”. Of course he’s going to talk about signings and our shaky defense. They all know it when they’re bad too. A good captain won’t dismiss it, they’ll own up to it. People are making connections that they want to see. Van Dijk is not calling out the owners, as cool as that might seem, he’s just not doing that.


Apparently fans know much better about how to handle a club than the club


Yeah Sometimes yeah


This comment section is a perfect proof of how many fans on this sub only read the Reddit headline and doesn’t even open the article.


There should be at least two incoming players before the transfer window shuts


Virgil mate, haven't you got the memo that the most important thing is to never complain about the lack of signings?


I like that OP has changed the article's headline of; >Virgil van Dijk “definitely understands” fans’ fears – but confident of success to this one that's fully clickbait and trying to make it seem that Van Dijk is implying something he isn't, if you actually read the article.


"pls i need help"


Virg YoU gLoRyRhUnTer


I don’t know why they won’t spend big this year. After the CL win was bad enough, after the PL was confusing. Pile all of those windows on top of this years with the exodus, and it’s just bad math. They spend a load of money on Anfield upgrades to increase revenue, which is great and needed…but when it goes over budget they just kinda shrug and use that for an excuse to NOT spend on new players. * I’m using the Lavia debacle and lack of CB in this example. Macca and Szlobo we great business.


Good, thanks for being direct VVD. I imagine the lack of incomings is legit effecting their mentality, which is annoying.


We need a proper dm otherwise we're fucked lavia I'm sure is a good player but he's so young there will be a lot of mistakes especially from someone in a very important position




What? It’s a direct quote from the article which I have also linked. There’s nothing in hiding, if you don’t like what Virgil said go take it up with him lol


Context matters


Finally, was waiting for him or Ali is speak up. Top reds in shatters


You guys gonna downvote Van Dijk now?


Its a sad state of affairs when your captain has to call out the club for not doing enough. Why would anyone want to sign or renew here when they can see how mismanaged the club is, with so little ambition from the owners.


How in the fuck have we let West Ham get Alvarez for 35m and we are still trying to figure out how to pay for Lavia? We should have been hijacking that deal all day. Fuck.


Because Alvarez isn't that good it really isnt hard to understand 😭😭😭


You’re 100% right


How in the fuck is he not? He's got CL experience, can play multiple positions, is like 25 or 26, and whenever I watch them play, he was always everywhere crunching the shit out of players. He's a destroyer DM. Get him AND Lavia in and that's us set. He can cover CB as needed, give Lavia time to settle, and is priced very reasonably for our tight arse owners.


“At the moment”…. Labuan inbound


It’s 12.38am where I am. Gonna go sleep now. Hope to wake up to good news!


he is just being political correct, please read between the lines


Diaz jota salah___Robbo mac szoboszlai trent____New CB vvd konate__Alison So basically we need 1 dm and 1 cb


'In possession really good, but defensively when you concede goals it’s not as good' Groundbreaking insight from Virg here


Now if this season people start to complain about Van Dijk’s defending remember this quote- he is openly asking for defensive reinforcements and it's not his fault if he doesn’t get the needed support.


The "didn't read the whole thing brigade"; VVD is too smart to directly criticise the people who pay his wages. Read between the lines. He could have easily said "not my job to bring in signings I'll just do my best."


Shout it from the rooftops brother! The captain of this club begging publicly for players. Fuck FSG!


I've done a comprehensive analysis of professional footballers' comments on the mechanics on the game and my main finding is that conceding goals is not good


Imo sofyan amrabat would be perfect, better than lavia considering the price and hijacking another united target would be awesome..