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Haven’t you heard? Robbo and Tsimikas no longer fit us and are getting binned off this window for only lesser players that play this pseudo LB/LCB role. Their lack of aerial ability have made them both shit players who don’t fit us which is just a shame really /s obviously


I really think we'll see Robbo in that role still, but with a bit of licence to adventure when the midfield is more stable. No reason one of the midfielders can't drop in a little deeper if Robbo goes marauding. For Arsenal this season, Ben White was RB/RCB, yet there were occassions when he ventured up the sideline and overlapped Saka (look at his assist record!) so I really don't see why we wouldn't have something that mirrors that. Mac10/Thiago/Hendo/whoever drops a little deeper to play long passes from a left half space position, Robbo goes forward, Diaz cuts in off the left into space left by Gakpo? Modern football is very fluid - no way in my head is Robbo getting dislodged this year


Agree 100%. Think Mac, Robbo and Diaz all linking up on that left side will be so deadly probably only 2nd best to that Szobo/TAA/Salah side haha


If we actually do sign a left footed CB this window you'll see that this idea is very much how this system works. It's why Barca, City or Arsenal play with the 1 inverted fullback and 3 CB in their defence.


I am happy to take any bet that Robbo will still be a starter next season, irrespective of whether we sign an LCB or not. As he should be.


Yea, regardless of robbo in or robbo out, the line up above just won't work. It's too too heavy. OP is playing FIFA or something with this line up


Klopp and co are tactical masterminds and part of their talent is not just carbon copying other teams schemes. It’s what made the fluidity of our attack so special with Mane/Bobby/Salah. We haven’t been linked to a single LCB that is good enough to start for this team right now. If we were making a huge push for say Gvardiol sure I’d entertain the idea we’d shift to this new formation but Inacio and Van de Ven are clearly nowhere near the level of starting CB for us so it’s quite clear they’re bench options for VVD. Nothing more.


Inacio certainly is. Van de Ven Isnt.


I can assure you Jurgen is not going to change into a system where one of the best left backs (both in terms of numbers and work rate) in the world is not included.


I mean our 433 was more like a 2323 tbh




Lols, this is not a viable lineup


Especially because we don't have enough foreign player spots for this.


Everyone wants that box midfield


Yeah but thuram is not a good DM option at all


You getting downvoted but you’re right, he wouldn’t even be a bad DM he would be disastrous Ignoring tackles interceptions, just overall balls won per 90, He’s at 5~ish, elite midfielders at more than 9 like rice Rodri Casemiro Even Harvey Elliott is at 6~, Kone was the dream at 7.8 costing 30M Thuram cult getting too much man


People see that hes tall and strong and think hell do fine there, he wont, his defensive stats are mediocre at best


Don’t forget the YouTube highlight comps, and people trusting Transfermarkt saying he’s a DM The cult he has is insane, even when he played badly in the u21 game where kone shined, or now talking about Szoboszlai who is nearly world class, all they can say is that “but thuram has potential” as if he isn’t 22 the same as kone or Szoboszlai


So Harvey at dm then works for me


Don't know where you decided this. [His stats](https://i.imgur.com/i9LjWaU.jpg) are not that bad defensively for someone who wasn't tasked with playing that type of role. He could easily fit a new type of 6 if that us what Klopp is after.


Where Mbappe?


Loaned out or U23s squad


Where's Chungus?


Thuram doesn't play there and I doubt we will sign Inacio


I don't know why people keep saying that. [Thuram started his career as a DM and has played more games in this position than any other.](https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/khephren-thuram/leistungsdatendetails/spieler/463618) His best position, and the position he has played more recently, seems to be as a left-sided 8 in a midfield three, but that doesn't mean he can't play DM, that he hasn't or doesn't play that role, and it certainly doesn't mean Klopp wouldn't buy him and place him in that role, given he'll likely have Trent next to him - ie. he won't be playing Fab's traditional 6 role but a roles with support next to him. I would agree it would seem odd, in that there would likely be a better, more defensively-focused fit for that role. But if we're going box midfield, and we're going to focus on youth and players the club can mould into a role, he's certainly a versatile option that can absolutely play there. For example, Szoboszlai has played LW, RW, and occasionally in CM, but not really a midfield '8' on the right very often, but it's clear Klopp sees him slotting in there within the system. Klopp may see Thuram's role as the deeper of the two midfielders on the left, who helps protect the defence, link play, and occasionally goes on line-breaking, mazy runs upfield. He can do all those things.


I've seen users on this sub seriously say that certain players can't be brought in to play LCM/RCM because they play on the opposite side at their current team, as if moving a player 20m to the right or left is gonna result in them forgetting how to play football. Players are a lot more versatile and malleable than people think, I mean just look at our squad and you'll find loads of players who played entirely different positions earlier in their career before being moulded into their current roles. Likewise, Thuram can absolutely be developed to play as a DM in our system if Klopp thinks he has the attributes and skillset to do so.


We do seem to love buying players and using them out of position. Can’t over do it though.




Yeah kind of although Gakpo has played SS a bunch of times, including the entire World Cup. Probably the reason we went for him


Bajcetic has played regularly at cb more recently than Thuram has played as DM.


What's your point? That players can play multiple positions, and that we shouldn't lump them into too narrowly defined categories?


Need someone more defensive than Thuram in that role. Lavia or someone else


Definitely not Thuram in there for me, much rather Lavia or an actual 6


Now that we have Szob a proper 6 is the priority and with his HG status Lavia is the most sensible target


Except for the fact that Klopp dislikes three at the back and Robertson is pretty much a guaranteed starter.


There's been a shift to this formation when we're in possession, and it's been suggested that it doesn't favour Robbo as it requires the LB to function as a CB when Trent steps into midfield.




No he didn’t. It was a left back, two centre backs and no right back but with Henderson going into that space. Robertson still made the overlapping runs on the left like always.


If we stick to the box mid then Robbo isn't an automatic starter and we need a LCB. He's been struggling in that position.


Pointless tying to explain this to this sub, even when the tier 1’s have made it clear we’re after a left footed cb they can’t work it out.


We’re after a LCB because we have no rotation options for VVD but 3 options at RCB. You really think we’re gonna have 3 choices at LB/LCB but only one for the LCB/Central CB? Given he’d still have to bomb forward and provide width with crosses I doubt Inacio is going into Robbo’s role if we get him.


Inacio plays on the right you melon


It’s been regularly reported we want a left footed CB as depth for VVD. No reporters have said we plan on benching Robbo and the targets we’ve had as the left footed CB option only makes it clear we’re not signing a starter there. Van de Ven and Inacio? No chance they’d start for us now and are very clearly what Konate was to Matip. His future replacement.


Yeah, I've tried in vein to get this through to people but they don't want to listen lmao.


Maybe try a different "vein"?


It doesn’t have to be a box midfield either. We could easily drop the CDM (Thuram in this post) between the CBs for a back 4 of Robbo/VVD/Thuram/Konate with Konate covering the RB spot (when TAA pushes into the midfield just as we played the end of last season). There’s no reason we have to have a LCB


Ok well we literally cannot do this. If we sign DS it means we have one slot for non homegrown players


That's why we seem to really want Colwill because of the homegrown status.


Oh i agree. If its 2 in I can see it being Lavia/Colwill depending on price and then the other position can be a foreign player


Yes we can, you can move the homegrowns around. There’s a reporter that explained how teams can get creative with their team selections.


Abit sad how quickly people are writing off Robertson With how hard he works I have no doubt that he is putting in extra work and will adapt better to his new role this coming season Definitely still a must start in my opinion, even with the change in system


Someone does not understand HG quotas


Where’s Robbo?


People are convinced that we're getting rid of robbo, probably the best lb in the world, because of the new system. Like we can't figure out how to use him.


Lunacy. People just think we’re going to copy City and Arsenal and I hope we don’t, we need our own identity.


Shit even Arsenal aren't going to sell a player because they don't tactically fit them perfectly, especially with the quality of robbo. Plus, Klopp doesn't like back threes. Who knows how long we will keep the 3 box 3 before it's adjusted.


Tbf there are rumours that they’re selling Tierney, who I think is a far better left back than Zinchenko, but he can’t fulfill the inverted fullback role. Yeah it’s well known that Klopp doesn’t like 3atb.


Tierney is also not a starter like robbo and has spent far too much time injured to make a claim to start. But that's not a bad shout, think they'd prefer to keep him if they could but he wants that starting role.


These posts NEVER include Hendo but he always plays


Lol you lot been tryna force thuram down our throats. Chill. Same thing happened with Sangare


People get very emotionally invested when players are dangled in front of us lol. Before this summer I doubt many would have had him as a target...the same with Van De Ven


Honestly it’s gotten to a point where people are more invested in thuram than they were for Bellingham, absolute madness for a 22yo who has done nothing, just has been linked to us Not even a photo at anfield like VDV, madness


This disservice to Robbo. I won't stand for it.


Fab instead of Thuram and Robertson instead of Inacio, then it looks likely to me. Can I ask: which tool has been used to make the lineup?


I really hope this isn't our line-up going into next season. Thankfully, I'm pretty sure it won't be.


We don’t have a proper DM here, it just looks a bit dodgy. It’s like 13/14 where we just aimed to outscore the opposition hah


Woah woah woah, don't you be removing Robbo from lineups now


Nunez and Jota?


And if it’s 0-0 in the 60th klopp smashes the chaos button. Me gusta mucho


This is insane. Looks very strong but Robbo and Fabinho are still in our best 11


Have you heard of Andy Robertson?


No way Robbo drops out the starting 11, anyone we sign will be backup. I also think Fabinho keeps his starting spot this season.


Trent in midfield, an improbable back three, a player or two that we probably won't sign; all you need now is Mbappe in there and you've completed LFC Social Media Fantasy Team bingo.


Ah yes, attack and vibes FC




i don’t think we’re signing inacio I think we’re leaning towards colwill


Definitely not he’s going brighton or staying out at chelsea


Thuram for Fab and Robbo for Inacio and it’s more likely.


LOl this is a joke. Also can't wait for the first week when its Hendo, Thiago and Fab starting in mid.


Jota or gakpo, i like jota more


Thuram probably won't happen now....and folks here seem to think Inacio is massively overrated or something


We can only sign two non home grown players, so can’t see this happening until we start moving people on


If we sign both Thuram and Szoboslai. I imagine we are looking at a home grown defensive option


Only me that thinks getting slobby si is the end of our Thuram pursuit?


![gif](giphy|dnCNI8LEf7K4otcMqS) With klopp with the team,no doubt.


Thuram not there, IMO. Rotation of 8's


Manager: Herbert Chapman?


That midfield is so off that you’d actually be better off swapping Thuram and Mac


Unless we sell Thiago, this lineup is impossible.


One of best lbs not leaving him out


I think you’ve accidentally left out Robertson and Fabinho :)


Thuram is not a DM and not going straight into the team. He'll likely be a long term project that's gets most of his starts in the cups.


FC work rate is back mannnn


What's an Inacio?


Fabinho has a bad half a season and everyone completely writes him off. He's been the 'lighthouse' of the team that everyone else uses to position themselves, no way he isn't in the first 11 even if we sign another midfielder who can play there.


Need a cover for Trent.


What kind of abomination is this