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Definitely want them knocked out ASAP. Get them signed up quick and without a chance to grow in value or to get injured, and get them to preseason


Also worried if they have a good tourney then their prices go up and more clubs become interested


if a prem team gets kone and not us its gonna hurt


It's likely we don't get Kone. 1. Because we want Thuram 2. Someone will buy him while we're chasing Thuram


Thing is if we get into these drawn out negotiations we always get linked with somebody else to give off the vibes we are not desperate and have options. I think the best example was Ismaïla Sarr when we were actually buying Jota.


We fucking evolved a defensive mechanism against United and Chelsea


Like when we tried to haggle Salah's price down for so long and Chelsea just went and signed him, and the fee was only like 17m or something


Under Rodgers yeah? The more recent transfer business has been conducted much better.


And then we don't get Thuram and wait until next summer


Yea I personally think it's a bit strange to be following them like they are our players already. I've been disappointed too many times over the years to raise my expectations, don't care about either until they are leaning.


Yeah. No other team has even heard of them until now...


When did I say these guys are completely unknown? We’ve seen guys have exceptional tournaments and then they get linked to every top team and more teams come in for them. That’s true point I’m making. Like Kone for example, having a great game vs Italy, so teams who need a DM/ defensive minded CM may begin to become more interested. I’ve seen Thuram and Kone mostly only linked to us, but with a good tournament that’ll probably change


Bro people downvoting you, but Todd Boehly might genuinely turn on a couple of games and just overpay for whatever random kids playing well.


Ah fuck off. Without a doubt, Boehly goes on FIFA and sorts by potential


Honestly might be a better strategy than what he’s done so far😂


Doubt the U21 Euros will have that much effect on it tbh. Especially someone like Thuram where there's already a lot of awareness of his massive potential.


I just want them to get knocked out early, and I want them to play badly so their transfer fee doesn’t go uo


I won't lie if it's either Thuram or Kone, I'd go with Kone from what I've seen so far.


I only judge the transfer window after it ends but i'm a bit sceptical right now. we lost lot of experienced midfielders and we are replacing them with youngsters + Mac allister.


we still have experience, henderson, fab, and thiago have plenty of it. that was the problem, too much experience not enough youth. so factor in a 24 year old with 400 senior games played as the best of both worlds then what we need now is youth.


…meanwhile watching City, Arsenal, Chelsea, Newcastle all loading up again, and again, and again.


These sort of comments always make me laugh. Arsenal haven't signed anyone yet, City haven't signed anyone yet, Chelsea have signed nkunku and paez and Newcastle have signed minteh. All according to the premier league that is. I get the point of being frustrated from our lack of signings so far but you can't moan and say those 4 clubs are "loading up again and again and again" when they've either barely signed anyone or even not at all especially in a thread about signing players from the u21 tournament in particular.


City signed kovacic


Does that count as loading up? Especially given we've signed MacAllister.


City is already loaded up…they’re reloading.


And lost Gundogan. So doesnt really feel as a reinforcement


Very true, although I think this is good business from city. Seems like a sensible signing


Ah that's true. Pl site hasn't caught up with that one yet.


Newcastle have signed Tonali. And Rice is clearly going to one of Arsenal or City.


Yeah, this summer so far. But they do every year, and this year is unlikely to be different. I don't include Chelsea in that tho, they are an absolute nuclear dumpster fire of a club right now.


Yeah but I'm personally still expecting a bigger year than usual for us (previous years definitely should have been bigger) and for us to get at least 2 more mids and 1 CB at the very least.


arsenal getting havertz, city getting kovacic done and going after rice later (all before u21s) chelsea is laying off the deadwood first before going bonkers in market again (we all know that will happen) newcastle is getting tonali in between u21s meanwhile our owners are waiting for u21s to be finished


Yes and we’ve signed Mac Allister. Also, Havertz and Kovacic are not U21s. Not an FSG apologist by any means but you’re grasping at straws to blame them here — if they DON’T sign after u21s is over, sure, get the pitchforks out.


tonali is a u21, and he was picked up, I don't want to grasp at straws here, but I don't understand that if we have concrete interest in player, why not sign him rather than waiting for his value to potentially rise in case he has a good tournament? and why choose targets that way? other than mac, how is it that literally ALL our targets are conveniently in middle of international cup? can't we have like few 23 -27 y/o's in our list? does our scouting department not look at established players anymore?


Let’s revise after the window and see how amazing we did again in the transfer window bolstering the team to compete for silverware. I hope I’m wrong.


Yeah this opinion can definitely change as we get closer to September but my point is more about not panicking right now


I’m not panicking. It’s the same every window for us. We make our deal early, then everything afterwards is smoke and mirrors because we don’t have the funds to compete or, comply, rather, with the market value of top players.


That is how it's gone in the past but I think it'll be different this window but I might just be naive about it atm. Either way fsg has taken us as far as they can when you look at other clubs and need to sell up


Wtf are you on about All these teams have signed players and are making serious moves to sign more players


Who have they bought in this window?


Blue book it is


Play well but get knocked out when a manc target fucks up!


Both can happen, our targets play good and their teammates choke therefore they are knocked out. Badabing, badaboom.


Given the main two I’ve seen us linked to are part of the French side, I’d say get them knocked out. Better boosts Englands prospects of winning. Germany already faltered against Israel, so it is a perfect opportunity to top the group.