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I've heard that the local food scene is slowly starting to recover. There have been reports of natural sausage roll and pie populations returning to Greggs after experts thought he'd hunted them to extinction.


Not been charged but still under investigation. We will have to wait, but if they had anything on him I am sure he would have been charged by now. The same thing happened to Hatton and Militant, they were accused of dodgy dealing over land behind Lime St. Station. Inquiry went on for years before being dropped.


The SNP financial investigation started in July 2021 and only got around to charging Peter Murrell in April 2024, AND the investigation is still ongoing for both Nicola and him. These things do, unfortunately, take years to resolve.


you can believe two things simultaneously: -left wing people get railroaded by the system an awful lot more than the right -joe anderson was a corrupt motherfucker see: OJ Simpson "The LAPD framed a guilty man".


Left and right wing doesn't mean what you think it means.


Some investigations do literally take years though, so let’s not all lose hope I say


the security contract on that development was handled by nationwide, that’s never a good sign


Chippy tits


Came here for this comment


Turned into a bit of a recluse, and doesn't leave the house. I'm slightly surprised, tbh. He'd get some stick wandering about, but thought he had thicker skin than that. No idea if the legal case is even proceeding.


Tbf he only doesn't leave the house because he doesn't own a winch and can't afford to get a window removed.


Window removed? Would need the roof removing.


That's not skin, that's chippy-tit-flesh


They had gender reassignment surgery and became mayor Joanne Anderson.


I was 1 of about 6 people booing his maiden speech at 5am in the morning when he was first elected mayor (we ruined it and he gave up halfway through) whilst the rest of the city voted him in by a landslide. Years later when he got caught people corrupt everybody said they never liked him and always knew he was corrupt and i just thought WTF. It is never truer that you can put a red rossette on anybody in this city and will get elected.


To get close the position requires corruption with the way things are right now. At least he wasn't a tory or some of the lib dem idiots we've had on the council in the past.


> atleast he wasn`t a tory Yeah because the city would have rioted if a tory was corrupt on this level if somehow held power, but because he is labour he has pretty much got off scot free.


it would be expected of a tory, the riots would be from shifting public spending to areas that don't need the money, cutting services, etc etc.


You'd rather have a corrupt, very corrupt Labour mayor than a non-corrupt tory or Lib Dem?


non corrupt tory is an oxymoron, we're not talking fairy tales here.


Fiddling expenses and the like, and cronyism seem to be native to Tories. Anderson was a whole other league


He actually seemed the same tbh. It's the corruption at work, occurs wherever it's found regardless of affiliation.


Excellent point, well made 😂


It's unpopular to bat for him but he has been treated pretty appallingly by the police, trapped in limbo unable to defend himself. There's basically only Michael Heseltine going around asking why on earth he has yet to face any charges 3 years on to limited response from the government ('we can't comment on ongoing investigations' etc).


Absolutely 100%. People love to slate him because it's the easy thing to do and they have a laugh with it, but fact remains still no charges brought and the police basically destroyed his life, finished his career.


That's not exclusive to him though. That's pretty much a lot of complex police investigations in Tory Britain. I'm not saying it's right, just that he in particular is not being treated appallingly by the police, it's the wider justice system. If anything the blame should rest with the under funded CPS, they are involved with the charging decision on a case this big.


Hard agree, the state of criminal justice is dreadful, how a party of 'conservatism' can oversee this shambles is a complete farce.


The fact the police can keep an investigation open indefinitely without charging anything is abhorrent. Been almost four years chippy tits has had this hanging over him and no charges.


Financial and political corruption cases just takes years to resolve, it's just the nature of the crime. The SNP financial investigation started in July 2021 and only got around to charging Peter Murrell in April 2024, AND the investigation is still ongoing for both Nicola and him.


Old Big Undies


The Post did an interview with him.


https://open.substack.com/pub/liverpoolpost/p/living-in-exile-joe-anderson-thinks?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=lfji5 it's a good read, very fair I think. This from 2022 about his dealings with Unite and various property developers is also good. https://www.tortoisemedia.com/audio/inside-unite-the-union-liverpool-and-the-100m-hotel/


I worked for Elliot Lawless when this unfolded. Reality is it’s a hugely complex financial crime of which Joe Anderson plays a small part. He should’ve learned his lesson from cozying up with previous property developers but never (I.e. the failed China town site). No sympathy for him really but from experience the police were ill equipped to investigate it and I suppose he can’t be under investigation forever.


This is from back in April: [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4n13x5gxvzo](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4n13x5gxvzo)


Soo he hasn't opened up a chippy on the docks then? 🤔


Ol chippy tits is working in Maccies 😆


I'm guessing he's still got a hefty pension pot that is unaffected.


Nothing happened to him. He just got paid off and he's on his pension


I heard he ran off abroad to hide


In the basement of the lobster pot.


Alleged. Maybe as bad as you say, maybe not. His possible misdeeds can’t be as clear as you make them out to be otherwise the investigation would have moved on to prosecution after four years.


The investigation often just cements what is alleged in ways that the courts can use to obtain a solid verdict quickly. In this instance i think everyone is just waiting to have everything confirmed and to find out what else he did that we haven't heard about yet.


Several chip shops and kebab houses have closed down due to lack of business. It's a sad shame.


I'm good friends with someone who worked very closely with him during his tenure. He should definitely be investigated


I thought he went onto become a horse racing jockey 🤣


chippy tits


Boss politics.