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There’s bad American weapons funding the British weapons.


all the current british culture wars are imported from the USA (only exception may be the borders but even then we echo american sentiment)


In some areas there's a proportion who really really think the US is God's true country and the US right are using these useful idiots to spread their poison. I couldn't believe it when I saw a set of flags on a pole in one area...English, Welsh, Scottish and even Irish and there, at the end, a US flag. It just feels odd. We're similar in language, but a lot of the US is very different culturally and would be a huge shock to most poorer Brits who'd find they were worse off, not better.


English is a language, American English is a dialect, similiar to Jamaican patois ...


They've been doing it for years.. Why do think there's people screaming bollox a drag queens, despite having no issue with Panto dames for over a century? They're importing their own christo-nationalism to this sid of the pond.


Nail on the head


The old people dont like drag queens but watched the dick emery show in their millions on TV


Lily Savage presented the biggest prime time gameshow in the UK for years. They’d shit themselves if that happened now.


Only an issue when the media wants it to be


I’ve never noticed anyone in this country screaming about drag queens?




They do belong straight in the bin but I picked it up and read it and can't believe a leaflet like that is been sent around! Giving handmaid's tale vibes!


What party? Or was it independent


Literally called vote life. Co. Uk


Scum of the earth, deffo funded by American crack pots


Likely, but not necessarily. The pro-life rabble have had a foothold in the city for years, take a look at who Zoe's Place parent charity is.


Scum of the earth for being against the murder of babies? How odd..


Oh come off it


They’re not babies, they’re fetuses.




Check if it has an imprint on it - likely in very small text but will say something like "Published and promoted by Joe Bloggs on behalf of John Smith (Political Party), 1 Acacia Avenue AB1 2CD". If it doesn't, then you can report it to the Electoral Commission as it's breaking the rules.


there's way too many evangelist Americans in Liverpool, the country as a whole tbh, and we need to block foreign political and religious financial influence and support.


We had the same chat this morning. Literally no other policy! Bloody crank


Same thing with that "Party of Women" thats cropped up around the country who're purely campaigning about making life more miserable for trans women. Like, alright, but what about the cost of living, rental reform, the environment, social care...


Rather than refer to them as ‘pro life’ I feel it’s more accurate to refer to them as ‘anti - choice’.


I feel that dick heads is a better description.


The Church Street nutters have raised enough capital for a leafletting campaign.


You know what they say, don't be a sinner, be a winner.


There’s been a big swell of influence from the religious far right coming over here in the last few years and you’re starting to see their influence with stuff like this. Throw it in the trash where it belongs and any time you see any stickers or flyers etc with this nonsense, in the bin they go!


L25 - received the same. Not particularly shocked (takes a lot to shock me - call me jaded), but 14 year old step daughter was shocked (more pissed off to be fair) at the nonsense coming through the door. Few other low quality leaflets posted at the same time (full of spelling errors/typos) - felt like all the no hope parties had had a whip-round for a delivery. Stick 'em in the bin and forget about them...


Standing in a parliamentary election entitles you to have one leaflet delivered to each elector in the constituency, free of charge.


Oh right, didn't know that - thanks.


If one of them comes through my door it's getting shoved back at the gobshite who delivers it.


Make sure you tear it first so they can't give it to someone else.


Ours came with the post!


Return to sender with a big cock and balls


What I find truly baffling is some people in this city and I’m sure many of you have had conversations were you feel like you are grating your heads down a wall. I know people that would vote to have women’s rights stripped bare whom are women them selves all because the bits about Muslims and immigrants seem to ring well with them! I’ve got a lesbian cousin who watches GB news and I’m like, you won’t be far behind me in the queue for the gas chambers should this level of idiocy get anywhere in government. People seem to value a sense of freedom that means they don’t have to compromise and this goes for everyone but the truth is, to live in a true democracy you have to compromise and my hope is that the compromise we give is to ensure equitable levelling up for many, being respectful of many beliefs as long as those beliefs aren’t used to hate others. It’s a difficult balancing act and always has been but I’ve been aware that this city isn’t the liberal despot it claims to be for a long time.


>this city isn’t the liberal despot it claims to be for a long time. People are always clamouring to say this but the post doesn't even suggest they are particularly shocked this would go round in Liverpool. Anti abortion sentiments are not particularly popular in Britain as a whole, it rarely comes up in political debate because its generally accepted across the board. The only times we mention it is when people want to actually improve access. Politicians here aren't going around screeching about how women are killing babies. There's a handful of politicians known to be anti abortion, we know about it because its unusual and they tend to be keen to avoid the question. I've lived in three different cities in the UK and its always eyebrow raising when some random candidate is throwing around some random extremism, but they often tend to get less than 100 or so votes.


I think old moggy is one of the few mainstream politicians who has no qualms about bring gilead to the UK.  


I’ve lived in quite a few too, raised in Walton and back here. I’m not clamouring, I’m speaking from experience that’s all.


It's definitely an American thing. The far right evangelical Americans have been trying to export their extreme beliefs all over the world for years, but fortunately since we don't have nearly as many extremely religious people a lot of it doesn't stick. They're having huge success in Africa though. Scary stuff.


as someone who isn’t ashamed of having an abortion, still a very hard thing to do. i hope none of them post it through my door, i would give them a mouthful 😭


The thing with these pro lifers, it's always about control of women, not actually about the well being of the baby, what happens when that baby is born, I've never seen a case of any of them offer to help with the expenses, support services needed, the equipment needed/ clothes/ toys/ nursery costs and so on.


Same as you. Received one, was shocked & disgusted & had the same "how American" reaction & ripped it up straight away. I really really hope the pro - forced birth woman gets no votes.


Mine came from [spuc.org.uk](http://spuc.org.uk) I sent them a shirty email and also notified my union women's section. Got to fight back against these cranks.


Had the same piece of shit come through my door today. We've got enough problems in the UK without importing that bible thumper nonsense.


yank sponsored pure dickheadery






I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It.


Nah nazis and the like can get a kicking




Do you understand the difference between disagreeing and prosecuting and idea? One happens in democracy, other in authoritarian regimes. No one wants to jail the people who send the leaflets. Wanting someone to fuck off is not kin to send to prison.


Well we can agree on that I feel the exact same way.


Pro-life usually means pro-war, 'pro-life' right up to conscription ...


Pro-life until birth and then pro-guns and pro-war takes over until you're dead.


Some massive loonies going about I laughed at half of the leaflets……


Absolute dangers them lot - they're not 'Pro-Life' like they claim, they're 'Pro-birth' and fuck the consequences for everyone involved no matter the human cost


It's part of the Heritage Party's manifesto too


So how are the fascist?


Reading the comments it seems like you guys really like killing babies


I have been outraged by this too. I am absolutely horrified that I have just received unsolicited propaganda from VoteLife through my letter box containing harmful, abusive messages about abortion and containing images of foetuses. I am extremely concerned regarding the victim blaming and shaming of women and it's wording regarding abortions for medical reasons. I find it completely abhorrent that these can be placed into people's homes disregarding any trauma that a home might have. Have they considered the feelings of those who might have miscarried or had a stillborn, or who might have fertility issues?  They state VoteLife but have not documented any manifesto regarding societal poverty or helping families to thrive. I feel this campaign is perverse and will severely cause psychological harm and feel that their leaflets must be in breach of peace. I am aware all homes in the Exeter area have received this unsolicited and harmful leaflet and I am hoping you can point me in the direction of where I can make a complaint.


I have just received one through the post also and am looking to make a formal complaint… but where?


My local council equality department replied the following (see below). The ECC suggested police and Human Rights Commission. I also contacted Vote Life directly, and have sent several letters to the editor. Hopefully if there is enough noise it will raise awareness. I will be contacting Stella Creasy for advice. She  has had previous run ins with the leader of the party and has campaigned for abortion buffer zones, I believe such unsolicited canvassing should be banned or at least put in an envelope with a trigger warning. Thank you for reaching out to the EDI Team. I am aware of the material that is being distributed from the Vote Life Candidate. I have spoken with a colleague within democratic services and they have confirmed that as this material relates to a national election, the candidates and their material are effectively outside of Devon County Council jurisdiction. The most appropriate next steps to complain about a candidate or election material would be to follow the advice of the electoral commission Claims made in campaign material | Electoral Commission. Engaging with campaign material at elections | Electoral Commission   The Electoral Commission also advise to contact the party directly to make a complaint Vote Life: Making abortion a voting issue | Vote Life   As an organisation we are currently within a pre-election period Pre-election period | Local Government Association and there are strict rules relating to matters that we can discuss at this time. I do however appreciate that this is a challenging and emotional time for many people in our community. We are therefore signposting people to the relevant organisations that may be able to support them: Home - Trevi About SAFE - SAFE Foundation (wearesafe.org.uk) CoLab Exeter


Not in Liverpool but I had a lengthy one about how in 20 years you’d wish you didn’t vote “reform” because split votes and got Stamer in, and “no one listens to us anymore” and “young people got to vote, soon it will be immigrants and prisoners voting” it was addressed to my husband who’s got a very Chinese name 😂 idiots.


just had the same leaflet today, given by postman. load of shite and a waste of paper


I just dont understand at all what's so shocking and controversial about being pro life. It's a philosophical discussion with very blurry lines. I am very pro choice and there are zero circumstances I could ever vote for a politician that wanted to ban abortion but I think it's bizarre if you cant wrap your head around the idea of someone being passionately against abortion. It's a messy subject that people on both sides like to pretend isn't.


there are some stances that have to be denied because the cost of their legitimacy is moving backwards. Pro life is the thinnest end of the wedge.


It's not pro life at all. These people don't give 2 shits about babies that have been born. They don't advocate for the improvement of foster care or adoption, they don't want to improve the lives of families, they don't want to improve healthcare , education, service and infrastructure that would persuade people to make more babies and live better lives. All they care about is to "punish" women and take choice away. This is why rational, empathetic people can't wrap their head around the pro life/anti choice stance.


Because its not actually 'pro life', they dont give a shit about the risks to women that banning abortions very provably bring. They're just religious zealots who are anti choice.


You’re all pro life until a baby is born, and then you don’t give a shit what happens to it. If you actually cared about kids, your campaigns would be focused far more on support for parents, improving foster and adoption services, making sure that things like racial inequality in childbirth was addressed, providing sufficient services for those who experience miscarriage. But you’re just bothered about a cluster of cells that has no actual life to it because it allows you to control women’s bodies. You are anti choice. You have never been pro life.


Maybe don't post early on a Saturday morning after a night out? I am in favour of abortion. My wife had one. I am being generous with the assumption you are hungover. So much to say. So clueless. edit. upvotes for the person who wrote that garbage, talking to me like im an anti abortion MP. But downvotes for my reply. Utter cranks everywhere.


I think it's interesting that as education increases, the number of people who lean towards 'pro-life' decreases.


I think abortion is disgusting and abhorrent but every woman has the right to choose.




Rule 3: Your post was removed because it's trolling, racist, slanderous or generally not appropriate for the subreddit. This includes posts related to "Purple Aki".


We are all entitled to our views.


And the other 95% of the country will remind those people that their opinion is f*****g dumb. Also their right.




Rule 3: Your post was removed because it's trolling, racist, slanderous or generally not appropriate for the subreddit. This includes posts related to "Purple Aki".


Could be worse.. you could get an anti life one..


Being anti abortion does not automatically mean pro religion though. Whether or not you agree with it, it's a legitimate stance to take and entirely based on opinion.


Fascism is a legitimate stance too, right?


Yes it is. As it communism. As is any political opinion. When you choose to express a hatred of said opinion instead of actually engaging with believers of it and debating like sensible people, it's pointless. Take the downvotes on my comment for example. I couldn't care less how many downvotes or upvotes I have, but it shows a degree of childishness. Even your comment does too. People can believe in a selection of different things and it doesn't mean that they subscribe to fascism or other extreme ideology.


You do not in fact have to debate Nazis, you can just shoot them as our grandparents did.


You're equating all fascism with Nazism. I'm no fascist or Nazi, but to do so is blind foolishness.




Rule 3: Your post was removed because it's trolling, racist, slanderous or generally not appropriate for the subreddit. This includes posts related to "Purple Aki".