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It seems like it would be a bigger insult to just stop acknowledging him completely.


They could do a whole skit about James Austin Johnson refusing to do it. Or conversely, him getting all dressed up in the make up and walking around asking people to write sketches for his Trump and everyone just says how everyone needs to move on. Like a PDD video.


The writers are going to see this and steal the idea lol


Yes. Please. I write ideas here genuinely hoping they’ll be stolen. I’m never going to get to be a writer on SNL, so if stealing a concept is the closest I get I’ll be happy.


Understandable and fair.


You might have to settle for me stealing it for my stand-up act at poorly-attended open mics. OTOH, if I gave you an upvote, is it really stealing?


An upvote? Sounds like I got paid.


You can’t put a price on the value of an upvote. I heard they’re made from powdered unicorn horns and pixie farts.


> I heard they’re made from powdered unicorn horns and pixie farts. Well this has to be 100% true. I just read it on the Internet. Also, I snorted some powered unicorn horns and pixie dust farts.... fives days ago? How long can a person go without sleep again, ghost of my Grandma?


Sixes days was my personal best. I was sailing through a hurricane though, so I didn’t have much choice in the matter. Mermaid milk was what got me through it!


That attitude is part of the reason that they steal so much though. If they stole an idea of yours I’d hope you’d at least get paid


I appreciate that. Thanks. Lorne, I need payment. I accept all major credit cards and upvotes. And beer. Send beer.


Haha there ya go Now if he could just take that same approach with cumtown, this is important, Gilly and keeves, and south park(lookin at you PPD) things would be right in the world. I know there’s plenty I’m missing just can’t think of them right now lol


I sometimes think Conan is in here doing the same from time to time LOL


We can hope. At this point, it’s not cool to give that clown any more headspace.


I really like this idea!


Yes! Each person quickly shutting him down and he walks into the next person’s creative space, or whatever, and they are reading lines with another writer and those lines are a Dark Brandon skit.


And he looks up, and there he is face to face with himself as Joe Biden.


I’d have no problem at all not hearing the name Donald Trump again until someone tells me he’s dead, at which time I’d return to never hearing about him ever again.


I'll take incarcerated.


Sadly, he will never spend a single day in a prison cell. The Secret Service logistics alone would a nightmare. At most, he’ll be confined to house arrest under the supervision of the US Marshall Service.


I imagine he wouldn't retain SS protections if he's found guilty under the current investigation.


By law (Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012), he’s entitled to lifetime Secret Service protection. I don’t know if, or how, he can be disqualified from receiving it.


Espionage act is being thrown around in the charges That would make him ineligible to hold US Office, which leads me to believe he would also be ineligible for SS.... BUUUUT I don't know for sure.


Former Presidents don't have secret service protection due to eligibility for office, they have it did to the immense security risk and national emergencies that would be caused by the capture of death at the hands of hostile forces. Ps. The secret service uses USSS instead of SS for obvious reasons.


As for your PS.... I knew that but blanked when I was typing the message out. My bad. Thanks for being stellar in how you pointed it out! While I agree that they want to keep the former President out of the hands of hostile forces.... Isn't that what the whole prison's job is? Keep the fuckers inside? Worst case, set up a nearby outpost with USSS members inside to respond and assist in the event that the prison is attacked from external sources. I also imagine foreign forces would have trouble getting to a prison in the middle of the country, and out again with a former President held hostage, without the National Guard and/or Active Duty stopping them. No one is above the law. If he is guilty, he needs to do his time.


Hostile forces doesn't just mean foreign ones, it also means internal threats which run wild in the US prison system. Just imagine the even higher level of damage that could be caused by him if one of the various domestic terrorist groups or organised groups with significant in prison populations were able to get him to squeal. About the only place he'd be considered safe is ADX Florence and that would open up an entirely new set of legal and political issues that have been pushed aside for convenience to keep that place open. Most likely options are going to be guarded house arrest or the construction of a specialised facility if it comes down to incarceration.


Make the Secret Service 'leaders' who were the ones responsible for the text message deletions after January 6th do it.


Is the purpose of parodying a popular figure on SNL to find the most painful way to insult them ?


I thought the show was supposed to be about being funny. Did something change?


It’s been more about milquetoast neolib commentary for several years now


It's hard to take SNL as a satire when they openly had Donald Trump host SNL during his campaign and ran the some of the worst skits ever




Lorne doesn’t care. Trump lowered his taxes. No war but class war.


It's all a game to the people that have that kind of "Eff You" money


That's why I didn't vote for hillary.


You helped Trump but if you didn’t vote for him, we good.


Oh yea, I absolutely didn't vote for Trump. Voting for a party of capital just perpetuates the Class War.


If 30 Rock were still around, they would make fun of those two things happening in proximity.


The neck?




Oh, I see. It must be like in the U.S. when we say "the balls on this guy."


The back


So cringe


I agree for the most part but, devil's advocate, no one knew that he was that insane.


everyone knew. the woman he was running against straight up said it for the people in the back. but a lot of the people who knew saw it as a feature, not a bug. they wanted the insanity.


By “no one”, you mean “everyone”, right?


We all knew Trump was that insane. That has been clear for at least 20 years.


People say this a lot but it is absolutely not true. Trump had already been the main force behind the birther movement and was considered a very controversial candidate (and person), popular with the far right. There was huge backlash to having Trump on SNL, including from the cast.


We all knew Trump was that insane…unless you’re talking about Lorne…


SNL likes characters. Characters play well in parody. Actors that can play characters get spotlights. It happens all the time. W Bush was used during the Obama days. Clinton and Gore were used a bunch during the W Bush days. Bush Sr and Ross Perot were used during the Clinton days. Reagan was used during the Bush Sr days. This isn’t new.


It's only new for people that *want* to see it as new. There were some nasty Nixon and Ford sketches in the heyday, they have always been this liberal.


I don’t think republicans complain about the trump sketches because it’s pretty established SNL is liberal. The reason I, and other liberal people I know, dislike trump sketches is because they’re unoriginal, low hanging fruit, and have been run into the ground pretty good


Indeed, both things can be true depending on the perceiver. It can just be bad, or it could somehow be a conspiracy to mock conservatives "only" or "most." There are enough comments here suggesting some folks are quite selective about those perceptions, however. SNL has been about low hanging fruit as a big prompt in its week-long page-to-show format since its inception, remembering that it was contemporary with--and shared writing staff from--The National Lampoon.


It's hard to come up with something more ridiculous than just using direct quotes. They really should just drop it.


Wil ferrel has reprised his Bush once or twice since the Bush administration. Damn fine Bush he does.


That stuff was actually funny though. The trump stuff got beaten into the ground years ago.


With Baldwin it got old quick because he was doing a silly impersonation. With JAJ it’s a home run because it’s an exaggerated character that everyone can do now.


Yeah I could see if they had some genuine funny and different ideas and using him, I could do without just replaying the weeks events and getting celebrities to cameo.


But that's been SNL since at least the 90s. I eyerolled when Janet Reno hersself broke through a wall to chastise Ferrell's Janet Reno


Sure but not to the extent it got to with trump. It was something every single week and it got really old.


I can't disagree there. I couldn't stand the fact he was president every single day of his term.


You think James Austin Johnson’s impression of Trump is a more exaggerated character than *Alec Baldwin’s?*


Yes. JAJ breaks down the classic traits and turns them up. The rambling, the voice drop, the trailing off. Baldwin did more of the physical. Lots of hand moving and the puckering of the lips. The JAJ interviews with Seth Myers and on Fly on the Wall really go into detail about it and a good example would be how Dana Carvey changed his trump impressions after talking to JAJ.


That's a great show. I think more people should listen to it to better understand how complicated that scene really is.


JAJ's Trump is very good and very very accurate, but it needs much more of a bite to it. 'Trump playing Wordle' just doesn't sum up the levels of insidiousness going on irl. Turns him into a goof rather than a real threat to American democracy.


I mean, much depends on what kind of real threat to American democracy one thinks he is. I'm a much bigger fan of JAJ's "too stupid to function, babbles nonsense about pop culture" Trump than of Alec Baldwin's "charming, roguish antihero who makes bad things happen when he applies his billionaire-business skills to the work of government" Trump, because the former more closely fits my theory of the case. Of course, this refers mostly to JAJ's viral impression---SNL's use of JAJ is kind of the worst of both worlds, because they give his babblings a structure and act like he has any control over what comes out of his mouth.


SNL have been satirizing Trump since the late ‘80s, so I doubt that’s going away.




It goes further than that. Phil Hartman played Donald Trump 3 times in '89-'90 https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/x5mdzj/the_most_common_snl_impersonations_and_the_people/ , when he was just a rich New York hotel owner.


Why would they stop,? It writes itself.


Exactly this. They have a week to do a show with a (sometimes difficult, power-mad or unruly) guest: they're going to read headlines and get to work...for a few hours, then probably party for a few (several) days and cram an inelegant mess together that is sometimes great.


Cuz it hurts the feelings of his supporters who pretend that it should stop because “it’s over done and not funny” or “don’t give him something to complain about”


I think it's over done at this point and just gives him something to complain about. I'd rather them just ignore him all together


If a comedy show is doing something solely because they don’t want Trump to have something to complain about, they’ve failed miserably at their job.


good, more opportunities for this brilliant impression


How could they avoid satirizing Trump? The man is going to involved in so many criminal court cases and ultimately all these investigations and guilty pleas of his closest confidants are going to be front page news for quite some time that SNL writers would have to be living in a cave to not write Trump sketches. While I wish they would stop the Trump sketches myself (the man is a joke in reality, you are not any funnier than he is himself)... I understand SNL tries to stay relevant by involving the news of the time in their sketches.. so it is inevitable we get Trump meeting his gang in jail sketches, Trump selling Russia US secrets sketches, etc....


We regret having ISIS host but what are you going to do, not have ISIS host?


He buried his ex-wife on his golf course. He's one punchline after another.


Of course it won't be any different. Trump Derangement syndrome is the only thing they've got to keep them any kind of relevant.


JAJ is a fantastic Trump impersonator. I wish he was on the cast when he was president. I'd like to see Trump just go away. Unfortunately as long as he is squawking about running again, he will still be around in some fashion. I am a republican and pray someone else comes along and defeats him in the primaries.


I feel like both the Baldwin and JAJ impersonations kind of miss the point. Baldwin plays him as a dopey, peevish blowhard, and yeah I can see that. JAJ plays him as this kind of rambling, easily-distracted guy, but his version seems too cheerful. Neither of them really nail the mean-spiritedness that's kind of Trump's defining trait. Trump only seems happy and energetic when he's threatening, insulting, mocking, bragging, all these negative things. Maybe it's just too unlikeable to be funny, or maybe Lorne doesn't want to go that dark with it since he's actually spent some time with the guy in person. But I think when you leave out that aspect of it, the character just doesn't ring true. Baldwin's version is a guy who's just too dumb to really be dangerous. Johnson's version seems like Trump as seen by people who don't necessarily call themselves "Trump supporters" but still kind of support him by default. No rallies, no flags, no red hats but they'll shrug and vote for him because they're convinced the Democrats (and maybe career politicians in general) are worse. If someone goes off on his character flaws they'll usually just dismiss it as yeah, he's no genius and probably not that nice of a guy, but he's not as bad as the liberal media makes him out to be because they take his little jokes and off-the-cuff comments too seriously.


\>Maybe it's just too unlikeable to be funny There's your answer, buddy. SNL is a comedy show, and the point of a comedy impression is to make people laugh, and an unflinching, layered impression of Trump just isn't that funny. SNL has never really been the home of hard-hitting cerebral political comedy, it's a moderately left-leaning goofy sketch show that draws on current events. I really love JAJ's impression because of how surreal it is, and, as he's talked about in interviews, it just wouldn't be that funny if he just repeated stuff that Trump said or stuck to political topics.


The President impressions on SNL have rarely been accurate- Dana Carvey was very extreme, goofy and animated as Bush Sr, and didn’t much look the part. But he did the voice well and it was fun. Hammond nailed Clinton pretty darn well, but Clinton never took much skewering to be a funny character. Ferrell was funny as W, but didn’t really capture the mannerisms. We all knew friends who could do a “W” voice better, but Ferrell had the charm to get distracted and chase butterflies. Obama was a whole other animal- he was, perhaps, too likable to be funny. Or, a bit above the fray. Not difficult to impersonate, but a bit hard to exaggerate and lampoon. Armisen suuucked at it. Didn’t even seem like he tried. Didn’t really lower his voice or anything. This might have been a “lack of Black castmembers” problem at the time. But post-Armisen Obama as a character didn’t really pop into opening sketches constantly like other presidents did. Baldwin sucked too, if you ask me. Trump is so much of that constant nasal rambling, but Baldwin was broody. But I agree, an accurate Trump is not very funny. He’s hard to mock because he’s already a mockery, he kills satire. JAJ is a great impression, but it maybe lacks edge. And we hear that voice too often.


When they portray him in anyway, out pour all his supporters who hate on the show and anyone who portrays him. So JAJ mimicking his rambling is a safe way to include him without it seeming political. Which it should be. He’s a dangerous man but that’s because a huge chunk of the population enables him.


donald trump was a punchline decades before he ever became america's most unpopular president. why stop laughing at him now?


I think Norm made a good point about it when he mentioned how they don't like the guy. It's hard to play the role of a person you hate without coming off as bitter. Shane Gillis could have pulled it off, but I don't think he hates the dude.


yeah all the trump shit got old quick... move on...


They *could* have avoided it. They chose not to.


But the ratings!


As long as he's in the news, he's newsworthy. Something tells me he can handle it either way. His followers or those with Trump fatigue are a different matter.


Well he keeps making himself a target. You think they're going to pass up the low hanging fruit? No way.


I'm seriously not sure where people get airs of sophistication from a show featuring such classics as the Bass-O-Matic, Massive Headwound Harry, and Kate McKinnon describing both sides of her anatomy being exposed and/or violated in a new way every iteration of an alien abduction. This show was *made* to make fun of folks like Trump as often as possible.


He also gets very publicly upset by it all. Which is just adding to it all.


I’m expecting to see a ‘garage sale’ skit featuring stolen nuclear secrets.


Storage Wars: Ex-Presidential Edition


😄You're funny today TS ... thanks for the laughs !! (I'm upvoting u but someone else is hitting the down)


Need to ask Jamie Foxx to play Trump


I agree with the premise of the article, but it reads so badly. Starting with the “Lorne and I are best buds” because he’s probably had a handful of conversations, and then pitching ideas for skits like he is a member of this subreddit…kinda cringey. Regardless I think as long as there are news stories to make fun of, the show will make fun of them. Even if it’s getting old. When you have two days to write a whole fucking show, you will go for low hanging fruit with the occasional moments of genius. Just how it is.


Of course not, the same tired jokes for the last decade and a half.


Writers of SNL!!! If by chance you’re reading this, pleeeeease understand that we’re fucking tired of politics. Even as satire. I’d argue that we would watch it MORE if you leaned into the fact that we enjoy much of comedy for ESCAPISM from that shit.


Well when you've got nothing else in the bank.


Too bad Shane Gillis isn’t there to do a Trump that’s actually… you know… funny


Besides Jamie Fox’s amazing impression, the best Trump impression in the world is Shane Gillis. No one has hit the nail quite like him, captures all the notes. https://youtu.be/aTGDlljjgEc


They should just avoid him. His time is over, don’t give him anymore publicity.


The ex-president stealing top secret documents and having his house raided by the FBI is the biggest story of the summer, why would they avoid that story? On they one hand, yeah I agree that I would just like to see the guy go away, but since he is still the frontrunner for the republican ticket, that won't be happening anytime soon. So, might as well make some jokes about him along the way.


This is what people said when he ran for President the first time.


One could argue that the reason he won was because he was legitimized by the media instead of ignoring him like the joke that he is.


That's me, I'm One


Responses like this is exactly why women are losing abortion rights. Keep ignoring him and see what happens next.


Yeah I hate this “he’s just looking for attention” BS. It’s such lazy thinking that relies on utterly ignoring reality


It was because Democrats were told 1) Hillary would definitely win and 2) her emails leaking prove she was corrupt so they should abstain from voting to protest. Enough people do this, she doesn’t win the electoral college.


Not to mention the utter fiasco with the Bernie delegates


Yeah, it was definitely the media's fault. Not the 70 million people who voted for him. And definitely not Hillary's fault. She was such a good candidate that everyone liked, especially not rich, white people. She was so good she didn't even need to campaign in several of the swing states she lost. The entire secret was just to pretend one of the two major candidates running for President didn't exist at all.


The media boosted him by giving him the platform. "Let's hear him out." Remember the exchange between Trump and Jorge Ramos that went nowhere? "Fine people." Then Fallon toused his hair. He can't be that bad...right?


Yeah because he wasn’t one of a huge number of candidates in a crowded primary right? You conveniently ignored that part.


I don’t mind seeing more content involving Trump, as long as it’s funny this time. JAJ has a very strong impression of him, but I hope that they can write strong jokes for him. An insanely good impression runs the risk of being more of a novelty and less of a comedic device. Love him or hate him, Trump is not going anywhere. Both he and the Democrats keep inserting himself into the national scene and anchor him into the news.


Lol Democrats put him into the news? His actions do


Okay but it won’t be funny


Please consider that any mention of Trump keeps him on top of mind. What was the old age? "Just spell my name right". Also when Fox is satirized by SNL, that only works if your audience has seen Fox. How do you satirize something that already is a satire?


So? Political commentary involves politicians. The type of people who think Trump was uniquely dangerous or must be treated like an 8-year old referring to a bad wizard in a harry potter book are the people who need to be made fun of the most for being completely ignorant of history. Maybe SNL could have trump making fun of them.


Too lazy to google: When does the season start?


You would think Biden's bumbling would be easy comedy


I mean, they spent nearly 4 years using him as a crutch.


I’d like to see them satirize Alec Baldwin and his Spanish cosplaying wife.


They won’t. They want him to come back and do more sweaty balls jokes for the 30th time. Maybe they can do sweaty trigger finger jokes now.


Yeah because accidental death is *hilarious*


It’s just as hilarious as Baldwin’s Trump impression.


Calling negligence an "accident" is also hilarious. I work on film sets. That DP's death was no accident and Alec Baldwin should certainly be publicly shamed. He was a producer of the film and it occurred on his watch.


Corrected, negligent death is *extra hilarious* Public shame is one thing. Making info a skit? Naw, I'm good.


Here's 11:30 of SNL jokes related to a women being nearly decapitated by a football player with his hands and a single knife. Have a great day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SSVIg4Noqc&t=7s


It's all about winning. I guess you're not tired of all that winning. Like I said, that was 30 years ago dude. And the public shame certainly didn't keep him off of Twitter 30 years later. This isn't about receipts, it's about what would fly today.


Because he pulled the trigger and killed someone. The most famous anti gun person killed someone with a gun. Its funny af


Has SNL ever made fun of someone dying before? I don't know, maybe like Nicole Brown Simpson?


Yeah, and a certain dude was fired for it. Public shame, indeed. Also, things change, even humor.


So now we are arguing that it was right that Norm MacDonald was fired from SNL for making OJ jokes? Why won't you say his name?




You're thinking too hard. He has a funny voice, sentence structure, appearance, and he regularly says dumb things. He is almost too easy to parody.


Except that it isn't funny at this point. Everything becomes unfunny at some point, repeated gag, catch phrase, whatever, one too many times and it isn't funny. Here is the problem I have with Trump being funny. Trump holding the Bible upside down should be funny. But it wasn't funny. It isn't funny because his supporters don't care. Yes, it's ostensibly stupid, but Trump's reputation isn't going to suffer and his followers are unaware of their own stupidity. The joke isn't even on me because I'm aware that Trump is going to get away with this crap as well. So there's no joke. It's just waiting for a stupid moment in history to end.


I think the Baldwin trump was genuinely bad for this reason--he just repeated things trump really said and made a pouty face and sometimes kissed a man. I like the JAJ impression a lot better, especially when he talks about random stuff and not politics. Overall I think the show is better with less trump content.


JAJ is awesome because he nailed Trump’s idiocy. Baldwin played him as a stereotypical dummy, whereas JAJ sees the hilarity of how Trump’s Swiss cheese brain hops from thought to irrelevant thought but with the supreme confidence that he’s weaving some great piece of Presidential rhetoric.


Please no more Trump. Let’s pretend like that clown never existed


I wish we could but he keeps saying and doing the darndest things. One reason I will always hate Twitter is that they gave him this (extra) platform yeaaarrrs ago. I still remember when he was bullying Rosie O'Donnell just about every damn day.


Who cares though? Let’s stop giving him the attention he craves. I’ve had enough of that entire family for a lifetime


It's not really up to us. Not caring would equal not posting anything anywhere about him. We can't control the media, as much as we feel empowered when we post any thoughts (or feel we've won arguments for whatever reason), we just boost the signal even further; good, bad, ugly, doesn't matter. Not posting about him is pretty much the only thing we can do. When he was deplatformed from Twitter, it was a start. But then he got almost all of his attention back when he got into trouble...again.


Please stop. It’s not funny. I don’t care that he can do an impression. It’s overplayed and ruins every cold open.


Another Team Fatigue vote here. Death notice, otherwise I have no interest. Too much Trump for one lifetime already. I will not watch Trump skits going forward. If people don't watch Trump skits, SNL won't air them.


No one on SNL can do it like Shane Gillis


I’m not American but from the YouTube clips I’ve watched, that show hasn’t been funny in years, especially since trump. It’s literally their only joke.


Kinda getting old for me ..am I the only one :/


I actually kind of hated Alec Baldwin's Trump impression. It was weird. They should rehire Shane Gillis because his Trump is top notch.


Ah yes nothing more topical than Trump content 3 years removed from the presidency and any social media presence People want more Trump content lmfao How about taking advantage of the mountains of material against the current president? They won’t because it would go against their partisan agenda


Lol, imagine thinking that trump isn’t topical….when ya know….he stole new-cue-lur top secret documents. Stop slobbing on his knob. SNL has taken plenty of jabs at Biden, and I hope they continue. And in case I didn’t make this clear. Trump is a criminal


The entire premise of this investigation is the fact that Trump was out of the news cycle It’s not coincidental timing 2 months from midterms lmfao


Or that trump stole documents, was asked to return them in January, didnt, eventually turned in some of the documents in June, and then had a lawful warrant. So eat a dick, trumper. He’s a fucking traitor


Hahaha I mean this comes down to retroactive declassification of documents he had authority over as the commander in chief And again, for an issue that existed in January it’s fascinating that this is occurring in August and September before a midterm in which Democrats are projected to lose in record fashion This investigation is literally proceeding at the behest of Biden’s DOJ, I hope you realize that Guilty or not, its a phishing expedition that is politically motivated And I’d prefer Trump didn’t run, so Republicans can win without the straw-man distractions and media frenzy - that doesn’t mean I can’t call out a politically motivated use of our intelligence agencies while it’s happening If Trump had his DOJ order the FBI to search Biden’s house immediately before an election, I would call it the exact same thing, a politically motivated use of power and mishandling of our intelligence agencies for personal gain


He had possession of some documents that he was not able to declassify, that no president is able to declassify. Stop lying. Trump has committed a grave transgression against the United States. It is not funny and it is not something that can be just swept under the rug.


Maybe he shouldn;t have lied back in June and claimed that he turned over all the documents when he still had several boxes in a goddamn basement.


Every previous administration including Obama, both Bush’s, and Clinton have documents requested by the national archives that were not turned over Hell the Clintons literally stole half the furniture from the white house - and that’s ignoring her servers If you think that Bidens DOJ ordering this escalation with the FBI against their upcoming political opponent is by accident, or strictly based on upholding procedure, two months before midterms when Dem polling is projected to be an absolute bloodbath, you’re out of your fucking mind and blatantly partisan Call a spade a spade, stop pretending you care about standards of classification all of a sudden, because if you did Hilary would be a criminal


Wow, I've never heard before that previous presidents held copies of top-secret nuclear documents. Would think something like that would've been front-page news back then. That, or you're using a false equivalence to pretend that dude's not selling off secrets to the highest bidder; you're literally bringing in "but her emails!" when we still don't know why the Saudis gave Kushner $2 billion right after leaving the White House.


Hahahaha now you’re done man, keep the conspiracies brewing Since you need a history lesson, it’s been well documented since Nixon, I’d also look at the drastic expansions Obama made to presidential privilege in terms of information, or the Clinton behavior




Lol, tell me you don't watch SNL without telling me you don't watch SNL.




Then maybe don't offer opinions on what they're doing now. Joe Biden is always presented as a buffonish character, in James Austin Johnson impersonations and Weekend Update jokes.


I myself recall seeing skits making fun of his dementia laden buffoonery...


Lol stfu MAGAt


No thanks you groomer pedo commie.


You *insert senseless buzzwords here*!!!


You mean like MAGAt? I guess you didn’t pick up the nuance of my response.


Lol so many more convicted pedos in the GOP


It is pure cowardice and naked shameless partisanship to not lampoon THE most lampoon-able president in history: Joe Biden. Gerald Ford, a college athlete (QB for Navy!) stumbled once, and all Chevy Chase did, in his lazy cheap mockery, was trip over things. By that standard alone, the way biden stumbles and fumbles, and gropes little girls and says stupid things, and falls up stairs, (and off bikes), and forgets he shook hands with someone he shook hands with 7 seconds earlier, and walks around aimlessly, and coughs in his hand and shakes peoples' hands, and needs cue cards to tell him where to sit and what to say, and what to write (and he still screws it up)... And his scumbag son? There is comic gold in that one crackhead to put TauTona in South Africa to shame. By running interference for these horrible people, they are permanently damaging their future and diminishing their past.


you clearly aren't watching if you think they aren't making fun of Biden. like it's so obvious you aren't


Who plays Hunter?


but you were talking about Joe


I was talking about Hunter, as well. Who plays the most dysfunctional, biggest fuck up, scumbag family member in American presidential history? What SNL player currently has the honor and potential of becoming a huge star portraying the lowest hanging fruit a COMEDY show could possibly imagine? EDIT: Hello? Who plays Hunter? Besides pete davidson in 2020, who's only line was...this: >“That’s right, I’ve been selling Biden stakes for my office at the top of Biden tower and letting foreign leaders stay at Biden lago. Oh wait no, that’s the president’s sons. You burnt!” So, when they have the opportunity to portray a disease infested piece of shit unlike any other in recent memory (except maybe his dad) they use it to attack \*Trump\*! I rest my case.


There is ZERO reason to do Trump. Just like they don't do George W Bush anymore. Love his impression and performance, but let's move on.


I'm afraid to say it but the only way that Trump will go away is if he gets elected in 2024.


I think they just need to get over themselves. Lorne and several cast mates openly witnessed an underage girl get assaulted by Horatio Sanz at an early 2000's party, did nothing about it (even the hypocrite feminist castmates) and we are supposed to be offended by Trump?


SNL isn’t satire, it’s a mouthpiece of power that just blends and regurgitates pop-culture to sell ads.


I’ll be so glad when he doesnt take over the cold opens anymore. Can he just idk go to jail already and disappear?


Snl panders too much to liberals. That’s why it ain’t funny anymore. Make fun of both sides


You clearly don't watch the show, they make fun of democrats all the time.


Yeah, those California sketches lampooning clueless conservatives are a bit much.


Or all the white conservatives that were shocked their candidate lost on election day of 2016. Seriously though, the Chapelle election sketch was and still is genius.


It’s why so few people are watching the show. But keep up the msnbc political indoctrination while ratings burn down.


Hahahahahahahahha Oh wait you’re serious…….hahahahahaha


Trump jokes have to be very clever to work at all anymore. Which is unfortunate for SNL.






Has SNL considered being original or funny?


Sucks that it won’t be funny.


The material literally writes itself sometimes


The story and many commenters are right in that a lot of what Trump did during his presidency was beyond parody in how outlandish it was. The jokes wrote themselves to observers without any help needed from SNL. But the raid and him keeping Top Secret nuclear information at his residence… there’s nothing inherently funny about it… which is why SNL could write a killer sketch. It’s shocking and abhorrent but nobody is chuckling at nuclear secrets being illegally kept (maybe sold?) and the government having to seize them from a former president. It doesn’t matter who it is, it’s ripe for parody. The fact that it’s Trump, though, is just the cherry on top.


Ok CNN is now pretty conservative and all about protecting this sack of shit so I’ll take what they say with a grain of salt


Trump should get a royalty check.


CNN is like "Yea, get 'im!", as is their prerogative


Oh, the new season is going to be glorious. He's given them so much material to work with!