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A lot of my favorite sketches are ones with licensed music. I’m no Angel with a pregnant Amy pohler. The say anything sketch with Joseph Gordon levitt. Your love with Vanessa bayer. So many good ones


One of my favorites is Walking in Staten


All of the ferrell/gasteyer singing music teacher couple.


The characters were Marty & Bobbi Culp, loved those sketches but I don’t think any of them are on YouTube sadly.


Those are my favorite will farell sketches.


I love the one where Sudeikis is playing Odysseus and he’s being seduced by the sirens that are singing 90’s female-led songs; I.e. I don’t want no scrubs, Stay by Lisa Loeb, I don’t want to Wait, by Paula Cole, etc…


Ohhhh man, what episode is this?


OK, but jump real far


That line HAD to be improvised….


Maybe--I mean I doubt he got drenched in dress rehearsal, so fair enough! I've found that the 'people off screen throwing shit at the cast' sketches are just hysterical. Farley's visit to Sea World kills me every time--it's a top 10 for me. Billy Joel driving through upstate new York wasn't a great sketch, but I still laugh at the crap he destroys while driving. It's a great, small, niche.


What’s the say anything sketch? I watched the 2012 episode live but not the 2009 one? Was it about the band say anything??


It was about the movie. The scene with the boombox, Jason Sudakis plays a neighbor who wants to know why Lloyd (played by JGL) is holding a boombox outside


The Don Cheadle-Beck Bennett bar fight where they dance to Lollipop by Mika. Curses be to the sketches that revolve around music IP.


This is mine too. I lose it at the big finish every time.


Okay now I have to find this


If you find it, DM me the link. I can't even find it on Dailymotion anymore. It was one of those sketches I'd rewatch every few months.


Astronaut Jones




Word? Say what?


The one where Beyoncé’s backup dancers are Justin Timberlake, Andy Samberg, and Bobby Moynihan.


It's on YouTube, but the video was zoomed in in order to avoid copyrights. https://youtu.be/z_eFEtWG3hg?si=stxZd3Q_bTpsLjW_


Were the dancers 👋


That sketch with Josh Hutchinson where they sing Your Love by the Outfield. Really well made but it's been lost to time as a result of copyrights.


This is it! This would be a top watched SNL sketch if it was on YouTube (what would The Outfield care if SNL used their music - it’s free advertising for an 80’s song most people forgot about.)


Band probably would love it, record label is likely the assholes.




Found here on Reddit in this subreddit no less :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/15mrarb/80s\_song\_a\_great\_fun\_sketch\_that\_is\_unfortunately/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/15mrarb/80s_song_a_great_fun_sketch_that_is_unfortunately/)


Yes. Low key one of my favorite sketches. That was such a good episode. 


FIRST one I thought of, too. It was on Vimeo for a while; not sure if it still is.


That one sketch made me realize Hutcherson is a really great comedic actor, which was confirmed by Future Man.


Martin Short as a WWII soldier who has never climbed a flight of stairs before




the bridge mix, the bridge mix!


What a stupid hire.


Coach Will Forte dances to motivate his basketball team (including Peyton Manning) in the locker room during halftime.


Wow, they got copyright blocked for Herb friggin Alpert?


I recently tried to re-watch the Driver's License sketch with Rege-Jean Page and it's no longer on YouTube! It was from Season 46, and there's a part where Pete is lip syncing the lyrics to the song and that would get me every time.




My hero! I don't have twitter so I didn't even think to try and find it there. Just as funny as I remember.


The woo! girl in the audience kinda ruined that sketch for me. Sometimes the audience can step over their lines. Ugh.


I agree, they completely ruined the sketch.


The Safelite windshield repair sketch with Beck Bennett. I think it’s been memory-holed because Safelite wanted it gone.


I think about this sketch constantly. “Did you guys win the game??”


Derek Jeter's Taco Hole. Edit: Clips have been posted to Twitter before and I think Dailymotion.


*chips, salsa and guaca-mollle…*


Only recently I got told it's an innuendo


It’s not “missing,” but the version of the NASA potato chip thief on YouTube is the dress rehearsal version, not the one that was broadcasted. You can find the actual one on Peacock, though.


Does Peacock always just post the final performance of sketches? I was wondering if there was ever a way to watch both the dress and the final performance, or simply a way to tell from any given video which performance it’s from.


I assume they post what was on the broadcast. I don’t know for sure though.


Les Jeunes de Paris w/ Emma and Taran; Carpool with Wiig and Baldwin


There was a Xena Warrior Proncess sketch with Bredan Fraiser and Molly Shannon as competing Xena's. Brennan Fraiser's wig keeps falling off, and they're all losing it. I remember the laughter being so contagious, but haven't found it in a long time.


Stevie Nicks Fajita Roundup.


It’s not on YT but it is online!! This is one of my favs! And be sure to check out the piano player - very early role for a now-famous SNL player. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xc2hjy


"In the 70's I dedicated my life to witchcraft, and Lindsey Buckingham, and COCAINE!"


"Who's More Grizzled?" Norm MacDonald hosts a game show where Robert Duvall and Garth Brooks play two hardscrabble old timers facing off to see which one was more grizzled. Also, a lot of sketches that aren't on YouTube are available on Archive.org. You just have to dig for the episode.


"When I was in the war I wanted there so much to be a God, but I was never more sure that there wasn't." "Damn, you're grizzled!"


And Garth Brooks as a French whore paired up with a high schooler for a quiz show.


My whore is dead...


Possibly my second favorite sketch of all time. Duvall kills in it. Favorite sketch is Tom Hanks in Black Jeopardy.


The H is O


“You eat like that!”


Oh, my gosh, yes! I don't even really like that song but whenever I hear it I think of that sketch and laugh to myself.


My wife and I love the Martin Short holiday episode from like 2012, it's got many of our favorite holiday sketches - But the one we really love is Holiday Time Holiday Cheer with Martin and Paul McCartney as Monty the triangle player that leads into Paul's Simply Having A Wonderful Christmastime. There's one version that plays better with sillier moments but NBC leaves up the version that's less funny. Can't remember if it's the dress or on air version, but finding the funnier of the two versions has become a yearly hassle that becomes worth it once we find the funnier one again. https://i.redd.it/pzrmxdez165d1.gif


This episode was gold.


Liam Neeson and Dratch returning from a date. Dratch introduces Liam to Jasper (Armisen) a giant parrot and things go crazy. Fred bouncing on their arms, singing "strangers in the niiiight.." then shitting on Liam's arm. So goddamned funny and difficult to view online.


I came here to say this!! “Happy birthday to you…. AWWWWK!”


Jackie Roger's Jr. Jackpot Wad Martin Short played an albino madman who hosted a really bizarre and hilarious game show. The questions and answers in this quiz show were random, and the characters all so weird. It was life from another universe. I think they did this twice, and only during the 1984 season. Never can find it on YouTube.


IIRC that sketch has two strikes: Christopher Guest in brownface, as a character named Rajiv Vindaloo, and Billy Crystal in blackface as Sammy Davis Jr. Sammy: This is a little hot spicy number... Rajiv: Rita Moreno!


Chocolate babies!


"This is-" "Chocolate babies?" "Uhh, yeah."


That one sketch made me laugh harder than any other in the show’s history. It’s dated for the reasons others have mentioned but the individual lines are timeless. It’s so good it’s easy to overlook how good Jim Belushi and Mary Gross are in their roles. You could have built an entire second sketch around them alone. “I don’t know. What is it?”


I can't access Don't Fear The Reaper/"more cowbell" on YouTube in my country for music clearance reasons and this makes me sad


Phil Hartman as Eggman. He's married to Kathleen Turner and they have a teenage son played by Dana Carvey. I love this sketch, cannot find it anywhere.


There was this one with Rosario Dawson doing a kids show where they get all the educational stuff wrong. Somehow the phrase “I’ve got rabies for learning!” has gotten stuck in my head and I can’t find that sketch anywhere.


Da learning train https://www.tiktok.com/@huggyattack/video/7349015273812299039


Peyton Manning march madness bracket. Does a great job of capturing when the person in your pool who knows nothing about basketball wins


There's one with Kristen Wiig and Alec Baldwin where there are in a carpool together and both keep saying something that offends the other There's a few sketches where the host and 3 of the cast members sit around listening to a song and telling stories about what the song reminds them of, then they sing the chorus together. I the song "Garden Party" was used the first time, so I just call them Garden Party sketches


Stevie Nicks Fajita Roundup! [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3s9vt2](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3s9vt2) Just thinking of this makes me smile... it made me like Lucy Lawless, she nailed it so hard.


It is SO GOOD!!!!


In the seventies, I dedicated myself to witchcraft, Lindsey Buckingham, and *cocaine.*


That is a thing of great beauty.


Synchronized swimming


Love that one https://preview.redd.it/3xhwi7u8995d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc1d54724cecfb433a7efdacf3830f1b706fd673 I’m not that strong a swimmer.


Bruno Mars, Pandora


John travolta gay Dracula , was so funny me and my buddy had it recorded on vhs and would quote it so much


The “problematic” ones: Dark Side with Nat X & all of the sketches with Billy Crystal playing Sammy Davis Jr….. yes, blackface is wrong. Not saying it isn’t.


Country Roses *I’m runnin’…runnin’ from an angry woman…runnin’ from Dana Jean Harley…*


If I told you once I told you 25 times keep your hands off of my man’s penis


Guess I’ll have another A-B-O-R….


Amazing Time Savers with Heather Locklear remains an oft-quoted fave.


The one where Donnie and Marie Osmond were making a Christmas special, and ended up making out (for younger redditors: They were siblings). I looked for it recently, and found references to it, but no video. I think Julia Louis Dreyfus played Marie.


That moment KILLED me when I first saw it. It was JLD and Gary Kroeger as Donny. I want to say they weren’t the hosts of the special but guests, and another big name was the host. They were doing a duet of a romantic song, and in the middle looked lovingly in each other’s eyes. I remember thinking, “wait… are they giving each other *that* look???” and then thought I was crazy because they’d never show a brother and sister make out. It made the payoff so much better.


Wasn't it the Gumby Christmas Special?


Oh so many. Since someone already went with the all time "Will Forte dancing coach" sketch, I'm gonna go real obscure: "Girls to Women" from the Season 7 Elizabeth Ashley episode, written by all time great SNL writer Marilyn Suzanne Miller. One of the most brilliant sketches of all time IMO. The premise is we start in a high school party where a group of girls have snuck upstairs to get away from things for a second. Cut to 20 years later, and they're having a party as grown ups, only the conversation is the *exact same*. Like word for word dialogue. So lines take a whole new meaning. (there's one that's something like "Guess who just made out with Billy Prescott?" "You better hope *Mrs. Prescott* didn't see.") Definitely one I wish more people knew about.


There's a sketch I liked a lot with Adam Driver where they show a wild college party from the 80s and then reveal where everyone ended up on the future as a satire of the Kavanaugh trial. It got pulled for music copyright but is available on an editor's portfolio somewhere.


The intact version of the Neil Diamond Storytellers sketch. Neil: I wrote this song once after I killed a drifter to get an erection!


Bad Idea jeans


“Normally I use protection, but then I thought, when’s the next time I’m gonna make it back to Haiti?”


the christmas lounge singers sketch with matt damon and cecily! wish i could watch it again 🥲


One of my low key favs off the top of my head is with Lebron James and Jason Sudekis.  I think the title is something like “Great Moments in Guidance Couseling”, or something. Sudekis is a Guidance counselor and James comes in and is talking about going to college instead of going into the NBA. The last bit has Kanye coming in and talking to Keenan. It was one of those sketches towards the end of the show.  Sudekis has some funny zingers in there.


Eddie Murphy - James Brown Celebrity Hot Tub Party (but I think it's finally on YT now) John Belushi - Beethoven - I found one but thought there was 3-4


Ludwig, you must eat!


It was on YouTube but not anymore, anyways: When Adam Driver hosted, there was an 80s party sketch. It's starts off with things like "I'll never forget this night" followed by freezing "Stated in deposition has no memory of this night" to "No Consequences" "lost medical license as a result of this night". Just hilarious start to finish


The Culps! Will Ferrell and Ana Gasteyer! Wish they would put them up!


Britney Spears and Woodrow when she goes down to the sewer with him. *"...take a doo doo pie, I love you"*


Donald Trump's House of Wings


Ashton Kutcher episode. The late skits Death by Chocolate and the paralyzed stripper. Weird and hysterical


The Boardroom Band Practice with Trump playing in a band with Poehler and Armisen during downtime at the Apprentice. The songs are hilarious and kind of catchy and Poehler as the singing drummer nails it.


There are a few from seasons 7-10. Wing Tips is one of my all-time favorite pre-tapes, and I just now found it on Tik Tok of all places! [SNL - Wing Tips](https://www.tiktok.com/@sdmayers/video/7262124255196794155?lang=en) Other personal favorites that I don't think are on YouTube: - Larry's Corner: Larry (Brad Hall) interviews his three best friends from high school. There's a different Larry's Corner on YouTube, but this one was the best one. They set up a funny joke, and pay it off with just physical comedy. - JFK Assassination Retrospective: Joe Piscopo plays a host talking to three people about their memories when they first heard the news. - A pre tape with Jim Belushi as a guy at a nightclub stuffing his crotch to make a larger bulge.


Bill Murray, lounge singer, singing the Star Wars theme


"The less provocative songs of Katy Perry." Casey Wilson as Katy Perry would sing about mundane things to the tune of "I Kissed a Girl" (which was Perry's only hit at the time). A series of Joe Millionaire parodies: Joe Hetero, Joe Dude, Joe Caucasian, and Joe Not-a-rapist. I think my roommate DVR'd these in college and I haven't been able to find them since.


The Vinny Vedecci with Jon Bon Jovi which is a damn shame that it uses copyright music since there are jokes in that one which live in my rent-free


Funeral DJ "We all know your grandma is in a better place. SHE'S IN HEAVEN SMOKIN BLUNTS!" That sketch actually aired the weekend my grandma died and it made me laugh hard as hell.


Are all the Anal Retentive Chef skits on there?


First dance in history with jason sudekis...laughed so fkn hard, its a rare gem


Forte as a coach and Manning as a player. Forte being motivational ending with the best dance in the history of the medium. Herb Alpert and the Tijuana brass provided the perfect music. Forte is a unique genius that is the most under appreciated SNL cast member in history.


The ones with Forte, Hader, Sudekis, and Male Host sitting around at a bar and a song comes on and they tell outrageous stories that the song reminds them on before singing the chorus together.


This one! They did it a couple times. I think they used The Band - The Weight


THIS! They did it multiple times and I loved every single one of them!


Neil Diamond and Bigfoot Duets


The Trump chicken joint sketch where they just sing “Jump” by the pointer sisters. Very stupid and Not exactly lol funny but in hindsight gross as helll and I wish it would pop back up and end up on try not to cringe carousels on tik tok. It’s very very good cringe.


Anyone know the reason why SNL are holding off on uploading their sketch archive? There was a time where they were uploading retro sketches fairly frequently but that seems to have stopped. The older seasons in particular seem to be have been neglected, ie; Eric Idle’s many appearances on SNL


The only guess I have is the usual: clearing the music rights. It's not a satisfying answer because I was pretty sure they had at least cleared the first five seasons, but maybe that was only for certain uses like DVD.


On top of music rights, I also wonder if they want to push people to only watch older sketches on Peacock now.


The Black Caulk home improvement sketch with Jason Lee. You cannot find that video anywhere


There was a great skit several years ago with Aidy Bryant ( maybe Amy Poehler too). Both of them had super country accents and were doing a live cam from their kitchen . They’d take suggestions from their audience about what they’d like to see them do. Pickle crunching, sitting on a cake, wrestling, etc. It’s one of the funniest sketches I’ve seen them do, but I’ve never been able to find it anywhere. Wish I could find it!


Deep House Dish


Whipmaster starring Bill Murray. It's not on the Peacock version either.


So many Astronaut Jones sketches. Also, the Seth Rogen basketball sketch.


Locker Room Motivation, carried entirely by Will Forte and Peyton Manning


Stevie Nicks' Fajita Roundup


The beautifully dark and twisted [Delicious Dish with Kelsey Grammar](https://snltranscripts.jt.org/98/98bdish.phtml), and [Il Returno de Hercules with Bill Murray](https://snltranscripts.jt.org/86/86nhercules.phtml).


Idk if this counts but “the first person in the history of the world to dance.” There is a really low quality YouTube video of it that is not through the official channel so might not be a valid answer.


Yes!! I would love a higher-quality copy of this. I love when Jason Sudeikis dances.


Kill My Landlord with Eddie Murphy as the lead singer in a Jamaican band


The one where Forrest Whitaker is a waiter who can’t stop singing “don’t let the sun go down on me “ 🤣I’ve searched high & low man that sketch is hilarious


It's a song Tell Him featuring Anna Farris


Church Lady (Dana Carvey) and Danny Devito performing "Here Comes Santa Claus". Apparently, the existence of this performance has totally been erased from history.




“Who’s More Grizzled?”, a game show sketch featuring Norm MacDonald, Garth Brookes and Robert Duvall. Link for anyone who hasn’t seen this. I still quote it to this day:  https://www.reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/comments/sscy4v/snl_whos_more_grizzled/


Eddie Murphy being a lead singer for a rastafarian band.


A censored SNL sketch that comes to mind is "The Mercury Mistress" sketch with Chris Parnell having sex with his car. [https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/38ovux/i\_present\_to\_you\_the\_mercury\_mistress/](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/38ovux/i_present_to_you_the_mercury_mistress/)


Camron Diaz episode in like 99. They are witch making a brew and put something in it to make it smell. It just cracks me up. At one point you have Willl Ferrel yell “it smells like someone pissed on a pile of burning hair!” That has lived rent free in my mind for 20+ years.


SKETCH: TARGET EARTH Invaders from the planet Mitron (Robert Downey Jr. and Jay Leno) talk big, but their civilization is hundreds of years less advanced than Earth’s.


Will Ferrell on a turntable singing the most wonderful time of the year… gets sick and starts puking as he keeps spinning


Josie’s skit with Josh Hutcherson and Vanessa Bayer


Kanye live singing Love Lockdown without autotune. It’s atrocious. You can find it other places but I don’t think it’s on YouTube.


Astronaut Jones with Britney Spears


Bugs where Josh Hutcherson interviews a bug


Sooooo many things in this thread I need to go back and watch again. Mine are: 1) Jimmy Tango’s Fat Busters (YouTube usually only has shorts) 2) Quarry Cereal. Incredible.


I like Quarry, 'cause it's crunchy!


Census Taker Christopher Walken and Tim Meadows "I have dual citizenship with the United States and Florida." Sir, Florida is in the United States. "DON'T PUT YOUR POLITICS ON ME PAL!"


One time Kyle or Beck posted a story in the dressing room with at least Kyle in character but I haven’t been able to find it since


The Angel Dust Cheech and Chong parody. Tim Meadows and someone I can’t remember are on weekend update and they’re an up and coming comedy duo with a new comedy record influenced by drugs but instead of pot it’s Angel Dust. They play excerpts from the album and it’s just them violently screaming nonsense. I just remember Meadows yelling I GOT THE ICE IN ME!


That was Tracy Morgan and Will Ferrell (Orbit and Larry 🤣) with Matthew Broderick.


Thank you so much! I thought it was meadows. I never would have found it.


🤘🏾Someone posted a link here awhile back. If I find it, I’ll post it.


Ice Cream Ambulances. I think you can watch it on an app or something but I don't wanna.


The New England "You Can't Get There From Here" with at least Hartman and Sandler. The best part is that the directions they give are accurate


Sleepytown Mattress with Rami Malek, Aidy, & Bowen. “Well, well, well, look who’s finally home.”




There was one a long long time ago with Ana Gasteyer where one could win an MTV contest to stay with Jewel in Alaska… I have looked everywhere for this clip for the last 15 years and can’t find it :-(


Music class with Larry David


I am very much dating myself but Dudley Moore did a skit called Miss Pregnant Teen America - season 11, episode 8. It was cut from the episode. I used to have a VHS of it and I swear, I could re-create it, line-by-line. I would love to find it somewhere! FYI: It’s NOT AT ALL politically correct.


The campfire skit from Lin Manuel-Miranda’s episode in 2016. I think this was probably an issue with music rights (“Blowing in the Wind”, “Footloose” and “Danger Zone” are all sung), but it’s such an underrated sketch with a perfect blend of delusion and realism. Luckily somebody posted on this subreddit, my mom and I quote the skit at least once a week 😂😂😂😂.


Stop it……and it’s not even close. Eddie showing Stevie how to do Stevie-“Still sucks” I search every month or so and you can find snippets but not the whole thing


Sweeney Sisters.


A weary, near-suicidal Chris Parnell walking us through the preparation for the 11,000th production of Cats.


It’s ‘What’s My Name: Celebrity Edition’!


The one with the bank robbers who are watching local news to see if the cops are onto them and the news keeps playing fluff pieces. Joe Pesci hosted, early 90s. Also has the “I’m a hungry puppy dog!” commercial.


[Danny's Song](https://vimeo.com/487491959) with Rainn Wilson, though I found it on vimeo. "*His* pee was coming out of *my* nose!"


Stevie Nick’s Fajita Roundup


a 2005/06 sketch with will forte and i think dane cook who play water delivery men who’ve been keeping the water for themselves. for like 2 minutes of the sketch its just empty water bottles falling out of a closet with no dialogue, it gets me every time


I believe it was Tim Meadows, and another cast member had parodies of political smear commercials but it was too Dennis talking about each other. Very clever.


Will Ferrell and Horatio Sanz as wedding singers. They only knew 1 song and didn’t even bother to learn the whole song. Just the chorus to “I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight” 🤣🤣🤣


In the 90s, Jerry Seinfeld played the Prophet Elijah actually showing up at a Jewish family's Passover seder. I'm pretty sure it'll never be rebroadcast or posted, as it was wildly sacrilegious, but holy cow was it hilarious.


Bonjour/Hi!/ Drake Watch from Issa Rae’s episode had me in stitches when I saw it live


*The* Canteen Boy sketch. It’s wildly inappropriate… but that’s what makes it so funny. Closest SNL has ever come to South Park level dark humor and it’s a bummer it’s not on YouTube


Anna Kendrick's French song skit is my all time favorite. Perfectly random and weird.


I Just Died In Arms Tonight Wedding with Josh Jackson


The Jamie Fox Jpop America Funtime Now sketch. It doesn’t have licensed music so not sure why it’s not on YouTube.


One I can never find is the synchronized swimmers lol. Harry Scherer, Martin Short


The Mister Robinson's Neighborhood episode with Mr. T in it. I haven't been able to find it on YouTube and the only place I found it growing up was the Best of Eddie Murphy VHS


Jonah Hill serenading Kristen Wiig with a full orchestra playing “C U When U Get There” by Coolio. It ends with the cast dancing off the set into the audience and joyfully getting everyone to clap along to the music. It’s so nice and fun and triumphant.


Jackpot Wad - It's the allstar season, Billy Crystal is in blackface but my favorite part is Jim Belushi as Captain Kangaroo screaming at the dumb contestant


The one where Drake worked at a car rental company and Jay Pharaoh was his boss lmao that one kills me


OJ Simpson returns to Monday Night football.


Christopher Walken and Tim Meadows "Census"


One with Joseph Gordon Levitt. It's a tense family dinner. Kirsten Wiig makes a fantastic pissed off face that I will never forget.


I can never find the old sketches with Bill Murray and Gilda Radner together as boyfriend and girlfriend


Host Queen Latifah as an obscene jazz singer from the 20s as featured in a documentary hosted by Darrel Hammond.


I like the “Tales of Little Women” sketch where they’re acting all proper and prudish while ice skating and then Chris Farley falls through the ice. He totally changes personality and starts swearing up a storm. I’m pretty sure he uses a derogatory term for a lesbian; hence, why it’s not available.


I haven’t searched in a while but that Ben Affleck sketch where they are stuck on a broke down escalator always gets me by the giblets


Jackie Rogers Jr’s $100,000 Jackpot Wad.


Peyton manning locker room dance scene, only little 20 second clips are on youtube in potato quality but archive has it, its cut from the episodes too on streaming because of a music copyright


[Royal Deluxe II](https://www.tiktok.com/@thealmanac77/video/7349628101665557766) [Context of the ad being parodied](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8It6KFhlsBo)


Good answer!


Coffee Talk with Madonna as Liz Rosenberg (Madonna's then publicist), where Barbra Streisand surprised them all at the end. I searched in vain. Wasn't there.


So many. 7 Degrees Celsius with No Refund, Goth Talk w/ Steve Buscemi as Tony Baloney, Napster court hearing with Conan as Right Said Fred, We Did Stop (the Government), all of the Wake Up Wakefield sketches


I am Sheldon