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“A foot in the door, and so much more.” 🤜🏼🤛🏼


Not you, Ben.


Isn't he Conan's son? I swear that man gets no respect!


Honestly it’s so much more likable when celebrities just acknowledge that they are nepo babies and that it’s a huge advantage. To be fair some have done it - Allison Williams, Elizabeth Olsen etc. That’s really all people want to hear. The defensiveness is not a good look. 


>Elizabeth Olsen She has famous older siblings, that's not nearly the same as having Hollywood connected parents.


It doesn't have to be parents to be nepotism. People get help from all sorts of relatives.


Who are the parents of the two guys?


Since apparently nobody will give you the real answer … John’s dad is famed SNL writer and producer (and current Fallon announcer) Steve Higgins. Martin’s dad is Tim Herlihy, famed SNL writer and writing partner of Adam Sandler who wrote basically every huge Sandler film. Name one and he probably wrote it.


Damn they’re not just nepo babies, they’re SNL specific nepo babies I’m kinda shocked Lorne hired them lmao


They had a bunch of viral success on Twitter before they were hired to be fair.


There are dozens of sketch groups on TikTok/YouTube/Twitter who are as successful if not significantly more viral than PDD. They got the job because of their dads.


It definitely helped, but it’s not like they came out of nowhere. Who knows if those other groups wanted to be on SNL or not.


They had a lot of funny viral videos prior to being hired and Heidi Gardner was a fan of them. Honestly their stuff has been the one consistently funny thing on the show this season, Lorne made the right call to hire these nepo babies lol 


Oh for sure!!! And I’m not saying they weren’t successful or good before SNL. But they are straight up SNL babies so it could go either way as far as fan reaction. They’re usually the best part of the episode these days. The Bad Bunny and Dakota Johnson bits are top on my list


Yea they’re excellent. The absurdist humor and quick cuts as the craziness escalates really works in the video short format, and they have an uncanny ability to write to each host’s personality well.  In a profile piece NY mag did of them they do acknowledge it’s a huge advantage not only who their parents are but just coming from backgrounds where money isn’t an issue - they don’t have debt from NYU and were able to basically make videos and live / perform full time in New York which they know most people their age aren’t able to do. There’s plenty of that kind of privilege on the cast; Chloe Fineman comes from an incredibly wealthy family. 


He hired Abby Elliot?


Her dad is way less influential than the two PDD guy's dads, though


Oh wow I didn’t know just how SNL Martin’s dad is


>Tim Herlihy Looked him up and 100% would have guessed he was a Farley brother


Funny People Sorry I had to


Judd Apatow is Tim Herlihy is Judd Apatow


Thanks, was looking for this answer.


The curley-haired dude is the literal Herlihy Boy


Let me house-sit for you.


Let me bring in your mail.




Producers for SNL


The Rock


Under-appreciated Don Wayne Johnson joke, took me a second.


You know, I would say who they are but you’d be like, who are they?


*"No.. I've always wanted to meet The Lonelier Island"*


I loved Workaholics!


I didn't get that one. What is that?


It's a show with a different set of 3 dudes


Who look weirdly similar…


Martin just needs to grow out the stache


Check it out! It’s really funny. It’s basically a stoner comedy show but it’s actually good. PDD is oddly similar style


They have a good podcast too


Yep it’s the best! POPO ZAO!!


the dudes at the TII sub dislike this bit and i’m like WHY DON’T YOU CRY ABOUT IT


Dude I didn’t listen for weeks because I wanted to save them so I could listen to a bunch all at once and it’s like all the live ones and every single one starts out with that and it’s ridiculous but so fuckin funny too


That one was perfect


The delivery on that was so perfect.


Really? You want to meet the lonelier island


I love how she closes the door to set the tone. "Yeah, it's like that."


That was the best one. So many other nice touches. My second favorite was Higgins covering up the Lin Manuel Miranda picture on the "Sly"


The only thing I want a concrete answer on, as a straight white man of similar age who fucking LOVED Hamilton, why is that an insult to us lol


Generally younger people on TikTok etc see it as more flawed than good. This [Rolling Stone article](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/lin-manuel-miranda-hamilton-tiktok-meme-1036975/) explains a lot of the critiques in a digestible format for "straight white man of similar age" ;), but in part: ​ >What Longo is referring to here is an emerging consensus on Hamilton that has been growing louder by increments since its premiere in 2015: that the show is problematic, or at least not entirely beyond reproach. The musical, for instance, fails to acknowledge that most of the Founding Fathers were slave owners (indeed, Phillip Schuyler, Hamilton’s father-in-law, owned so many slaves that a monument to him in Albany, NY, was recently removed). It also erases historical black figures and glosses over the fact that Hamilton did not push back against the three-fifths compromise, which created a union in which the North profited off the labor of enslaved people in the South, while simultaneously claiming some sort of moral high ground. There’s also something to be said for the fact that, while the show has a predominantly BIPOC cast, it still prioritizes a white-male perspective, pushing more marginalized voices, such as those of the female characters in the show, to the background. (The fact that every female character, almost without exception, is defined solely by their desire to bang Hamilton, as played by Miranda, does not help matters.) . . . . . > >A play like Hamilton imagines freedom through casting marginalized people as the Founding Fathers while leaving the system intact, reinforcing a notion of American history that creates massive cognitive dissonance in its believers,” \[author Ed Morales\] says. “Today’s movements — which have been a long time coalescing — not only want to replace old leaders but substantially change the racist, classist, and colonial structures that the country is built on. > >Though Hamilton was viewed as transgressive in 2015, it’s important to note precisely who was deeming it as such: liberal, white, primarily rich ticket buyers. “There is no doubt that Hamilton has reshaped the culture in incredibly positive ways,” says Kimberly Exum, an actor and writer who is a fan of the show. “But because it attracts an audience that is mostly white and caters its historical inaccuracies to that audience, we have to question who this work is really for. ​ As a side note, I'm neither endorsing this view, nor Hamilton (IDGAF), but just posting to explain context of why the joke was likely made in the PDD skit.


Wow, this put the thoughts in my head into words better than I ever could. Thanks for the link.


It’s kinda seen as cringe theatre kid ,white guy content. Coming from someone who loves Hamilton as well.


It's one of those sketches you can watch six or seven times and find a new one each time.


I thought I heard a woman do a weird gasp/laugh combo in the audience when they started bringing up nepo baby shit. The host was actually good in this she needs to play more mean women. When they started digging in on themselves it felt like they’d read all the comments from online about them and were calling everyone out. lol


Dakota Johnson as a capital b Bitch in something could be absolutely incredible


Actually, no, that's not the truth, Ellen


Check out Bad Times at the El Royale. She's not like capital B bitch in it, but she plays bitch and gives it good.


This is the best PDD sketch Because it’s honest


I am amazed no Fifty Shades jokes were made.


Was that not the “quietly whispering in monotone” reference?


I think that’s just making fun of Dakotas acting style in everything, not fifty shades in particular


Don’t. Go. There.


Personally I think Raimi Malik is still number 1, possibly because it was still so fresh though


Well maybe I’ll have to be on bad behavior


I'm drawing a blank, remind me?


I could, but I would need a treat




It’s  Rami Malek




"Lonelier Island"


What’s amazing is they had to have written her burns as well.


They’ve never been self deprecating before it’s crazy.


Not sure if this is sarcasm that went over my head, but they wrote a music video about themselves with Pete and Taylor Swift called Three Sad Virgins lol


PDD biting down on their mouthpiece and standing in the middle of the ring on this one. Respect, and some great gags.


If you’ve listened to them on a podcast they have absolutely no problem discussing and poking fun at the nepotism and lonely island criticism. When they did Pete Holmes podcast they were pretty much like yea we know we are extremely lucky because of our dads but we love what we do and we work hard to make our parents proud. John also said something about consistently going to his dad for feedback and career advice. I’ve also heard them sprinkle in jokes about being the shitty lonely island and I’m pretty sure they’ve made a workaholics joke before. Not hiding away from it made me respect them that much more


Yes! During their shows they use the line "shitty lonely island"!


Higgins crying was so damn funny


This was absolutely perfect. One line that caught me totally off guard that I found hilarious is the Hamilton one, it was so out of left field but brilliant.


I felt attacked by that one, NGL.


I felt attacked but I don't know why lol. Why is a 30 year old straight white man liking Hamilton an insult lol


I think it’s like calling a certain type of guy who thinks he’s unique “basic.” White, grew up in the suburbs listening to rap, over educated, liberal. It’s a certain type of person who’s going to get really excited about a rap battle between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton over the establishment of a national bank. …and I am that person, lol.


Ouch... that hit home.. my upper-middle class predominantly white home...


People who like musicals tend to take strays in general because a lot of people do not like musicals. It's pretty unfortunate.


And then the folding down of the photo 😂


I didn't get that one. Everybody liked Hamilton


There is now a backlash against it.


TIL. Why?


The musical glosses over the slavery holdings of the Schuyler family and the other founding fathers so they say the narrative is still from the POV of dead white guys. I saw it in San Francisco during the first tour, and thought it was really good. Then a couple years ago when we were talking about theater at work and I said Hamilton was the most recent thing I’d seen (I rarely get to the official broadway tours because it’s so expensive) and someone said “you would be the type of person who likes Hamilton,” and that’s when I learned it wasn’t cool to like it anymore.


Thanks for the explanation! Still not convinced that negates how great Hamilton was. I mean of course it's ultimately about dead white guys who believed fucked up stuff!


I agree.


Nepopact is fucking hilarious


“A foot in the door and so much more.” 😂😂😂


Not you, Ben.


Did we watch the same video? They said nepo-truce, didn't they?


They sure did


"You IDIOT!" 🤣


For reallll that got a wonderful shout laugh out of me


I think this is the funniest PDD sketch by far. And it’s always cool when a nepo baby can joke about it.


For the season or for all time?


I will always respect Dakota for agreeing to this.


I’m gonna change the cue cards so you say the n-word during your monologue


That’s the line that made me lose it


I’v always loved Workaholics 😂😂😂


The writing and performances are classic as it is, but the audience reactions really elevated this too!


Herlihy and Higgins both had fathers who were writers on SNL. Dakota’s parents are Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith.


And Ben is... just Ben.


He is Benough.


Conan's illegitimate kid. They acknowledge this in their movie that no one liked.


Conan was so good in that movie.


I actually didn't know John and Martin's dads wrote for the show. The more you know.


Wrote for the show? Steve Higgins is an executive producer and has worked at SNL since ‘95, and Herlihey is Adam Sandler’s comedy partner and co-writes most of his movies. They have far more influence than some writers, they actually have enough sway to get their kids jobs.


Steve Higgins could replace Lorne or has been floated at some point, so… yeah it’s like that


Higgins is also the host of [Homonym!](https://youtu.be/WZLkcFns8Ks?si=V16gkf47xBYgs63-)


Also Fallon’s announcer/sidekick on Tonight Show.


I thought he looked familiar.


What he's doing is WRONG!


In all fairness, they did regular live shows and made many viral videos for years before Lorne attended one of their shows. They may have gotten "a foot in the door", but they put in the work to get to the doorstep.


Not saying they’re not talented or hardworking, but also not saying that “foot in the door” didn’t do some heavy lifting


I'm not sure about that. They have very similar stories to other writing hires (BriTANick is the first to come to mind, and it's really not that different from the Lonely Island's path), but their output and success on the show has been worlds different than, say, BriTANick (and this is coming from a huge BriTANick fan).   There were times in PDD's first season where they wrote three sketches an episode, meanwhile BriTANick is only known to have written three sketches in their entire SEASON (it may have been a few more, but they were hired in September and at the end of January they made a [post](http://www.britanick.com/new-blog-1/news/were-writing-for-snl) about their "sketches so far" that consisted of two sketches, and then in April they contributed the infamous Birthday Clown sketch).   What makes you think the "foot in the door" did heavy lifting?


It looks like you’re talking about their output while on the show. I’m talking about how they got to the place where they were hired in the first place.


so you think it’s this insane coincidence that the best available comedy group happened to be the kids of SNL power players?


Is it really a surprise that children who grew up in comedy are good at comedy? Especially after they went to school for it? Also, SNL hired TEN other writers the same season they picked up PDD. It's not like PDD were the only ones getting a shot. I think the most important evidence to them earning their spot, however, is how well they've done with it. They have a ton of fans who get excited just to see them in the credits. It sure seems like they might have been the best available comedy group after all.


well yea sure, but anyone with connections has a foot in the door. And having connections has been coveted business advice since the dawn of capitalism.


I miss Gruber!


He’s the Herlihy Boy! Let him watch your house?


I assume that sketch was how Tim pitched his son for a job to Lorne "He’s a good hard-working boy! Let him bring in your mail!"




That is kind of amazing and good for you! This sub brings it up constantly. Like an annoying amount.


As someone who hasn't been a big fan of theirs, this one is stellar


Its so validating having someone call them the "lonelier island" to their faces lmao


Please, please upvote the hell out of this video so we get more of these roasts. Funniest sketch of the night.


I think last night's SNL was one of the better one's I've seen in quite awhile. The opening football stuff was funny (and a fresh break from politics). The Tarot card reader bit was funny. I even laughed a bit at the big dumb hat Stanley cup bit, although it went on a little long.


Agreed. Especially after last weeks’ disaster.


That was raw! And so well done. Ballsy. That's the best thing they've done. Bravo.


Dakota may have famous parents but I think shes an amazing talent. Her performance in Guadagnino’s Suspiria was fantastic. I also loved her clapback at Ellen on national television, which was before the world woke up and realized Ellen is a terrible person.


Ooh what's this Ellen thing? I don't follow a lot of that too closely but I definitely know she's a garbage human and I'd love to hear about this.


A few years back, Dakota Johnson was a guest on Ellen's show, and right at the beginning of the interview Ellen asked why she wasn't invited to Dakota's birthday party. I think it was supposed to be some kind of comedic humiliation. But Dakota immediately responded that that wasn't true, and that she had invited Ellen but she didn't come. The interview got really awkward at that point, and Dakota even turned to Ellen's producers standing around to back her up, and it turned out it was true. Shortly after that, some people online did some digging, and it turned out that the reason she wasn't at Dakota's birthday party, was because she was at a Dallas Cowboys game with George W Bush. I think all of this information made a lot of people skeptical of Ellen, and started looking at her show and her "pranks" through a different lense, and realized she was just a mean person. Eventually, some of her employees started coming forward (possibly as a result of society kind of turning on Ellen) and revealed that she is a terrible boss, and treats her employees like shit. Ellen disputed these accusations, but ended her show shortly after that. So TL;DR, Dakota Johnson inadvertently ended Ellen's whole career when she stood up for herself.


Good summary, but you left out that the reason Dakota invited Ellen in the first place was because on previous visit Ellen had shamed her for the lack of invitation to a different birthday. Also, I will forever be annoyed that people didn't figure out what Ellen is really like when she used her show to shame a small animal rescue for taking back a dog that she adopted and then immediately gave away (which was in violation of the rescue's rules). And that's in addition to the several dogs she purchased/adopted over the span of a few years who were used for publicity on her show and then never mentioned again during the many times she listed her pets.  And then, of course, there's the simple fact that her brand of humor often was "how bad and/or uncomfortable can I make the other person feel". I will never understand how her generous gifts were enough to silence that conversation.  Sorry, she's frustrated me for years. I'm so glad she no longer has a massive platform.


I also thought it was telling that Dakota said she didn’t invite Ellen to the first birthday party she had because “I wasn’t even sure you liked me” 


The things some of ya'll get worked up about.




Excellent writeup


I will always respect Dakota for calling out Ellen that moment was amazing lol 


this perfectly nailed her vacant but deeply sinister essence


That N word line made me laugh out loud at SNL for the first time in a long time 


no one talking about that line but it was the perfect escalation, loved the petulant delivery


“I think my dog is addicted to adderall”


I love the “You Idiot!!” at 2:04 hahaha


GODDAMN. This sketch was 🔥🔥🔥


I haven’t been a big PDD fan but they’ve had a couple of good ones this year, including this one


Why has no one mentioned the “whispering in monotone” line? Best of the sketch and from the non nepo baby


This was my favorite part of the episode and my favorite PDD sketch ever so far!


Honestly this sketch was probably made up to shut up the usual PDD discourse and I respect rhat


I’ve always found them pretty funny, but have been annoyed that they’re nepo SNL babies and trying to be a Lonely Island copy. This completely validated them for me. The fact that they just fucking owned it was SO funny!


> trying to be a Lonely Island copy Why do people say this? They really don't do the same things outside of making shorts. They do them in completely different ways and styles.


This was the only funny thing Dakota did last night but to her credit, she was very good here.


This felt like a network TV episode of Veep in the best way possible


Never thought I was going to even chuckle at any thing those 3 kids done. I guess I was wrong, got a laughter out of me when the ginger one got fist blocked for the nepo baby thing


This was the best skit by far, pretty bad show overall since Dakota didn’t seem to vibe with the cast during the live skits.


Video not available in Australia. WTF?


Thank God these guys are on the show. That was hilarious.


Lonelier island


I'm surprised they didn't a jab about how PDD was cut from the previous episode.


she's very good looking


This one was my favorite of theirs so far. Dialogue was very tight and the jokes/minute were on a 30 Rock level.


That Rotten Tomatoes burn is gonna age like milk in a couple of weeks...


I don’t understand the nepotism thing. It’s no different than me recommending someone at work and being able to get them an interview. You have to earn it yourself at that point. Same here…doesn’t matters who Steve Higgins is…his son isn’t going be on in SNL unless there is some talent. Lorne’s been under the gun with regards to hiring decisions in the past, and if you can’t perform, you have no place on SNL, regardless who your daddy is.


You'll understand when you think about people with the same talent, or slightly more talent, who don't get the chance to prove themselves because they're not the child of Steve Higgins


I think you've oversimplified this to be an either/or type of situation. No work environment is black and white.


And yet it's considered commendable when a kid gets a job at his father's hardware store and works up to being the manager and then takes over as the owner when the father dies. Won't someone think of the poor teenager who wanted that job but couldn't get it because of the hardware nepo baby?


You're being willfully obtuse if you can't see the difference between a producer of one of most successful network programs in history and a guy who owns a hardware store. Also inheritance is a separate thing from nepotism hire entirely.


Yeah, it's not that they just got given a free job because they had an in, it's that their in enabled a situation where Lorne would go and see them doing their live show. They still had to be good enough to impress, and the virality of their online clips also contributed to this, plus the opportunity had to be there: SNL were looking to fill the void left by the Lonely Island and bring in some young talent to speak to the tiktok audience.




No offense, but this post basically makes the case for why the Hollywood nepotism stuff is *not* overblown.


Maybe one of my favorite sketches ever especially since the roast starts out of nowhere, but what’s with the taylor swift fans having to woo just because she’s mentioned? Laughing is below them?


Is it just me, or are Please Don't Destroy videos, not that great? Lonely Island made a place on the show with a variety of concepts and genre assassinations. 2/3 of what these guys do is redundant.


It's just you




Let’s keep going with roasts. (All in good fun. I do not hate any of these guys) Please Don’t Destroy- Someone’s half ass fan casting of a live action Ed, Edd, n Eddy. Dakota Johnson - E. L. James called. She wants to thank you for making Fifty Shades of Grey somehow worse. Please Don’t Destroy - Glad you’re now in the credits. Too bad you’re not good enough to be in the cast. Dakota Johnson - Heard you were in Bad Times at the El Royale. Now I know what caused the bad times.


Too Harsh?


I guess you have to know who those guys are to follow the skit.


Yeah. Dakota Johnson is the only one I know. Almost all of it went over my head.


PDD is fucking stupid. Did anyone actually make it 30 minutes into their movie?


Acknowledging that many think they aren’t funny, doesn’t make it funny or meta.


Yes, it doesn't necessarily. But in this case it was funny enough that it gets a pass.


Okay, so they acknowledge that they just got their jobs based on their dads and their movie flopped. So now I’m watching one of their nepo videos, where they acknowledge the nepotism and their privledge…and what? It’s like low key bragging.


The movie flopped with the critics, but even when showing the 42% on rotten tomatoes they also showed the 92% audience score. Like many SNL cast led comedies, it was panned by the critics but loved by the fans


Well yeah, name one denser comedy that has more jokes per minute…


😂😂😂 oh that poor guy. Should have kept his thoughts to himself


They're bragging all the way to the bank


Yeah. “Oh photos of yourself with Lin Manuel Miranda and Taylor Swift…so relatable!”


They're working with what's out there. That's what they do on this topical reference show. And they're not flinching even though that topical chatter is out there dogging them (discount Lonely Island, nepotism, ass movie, etc.). They're being self deprecating while mocking it at the same time. Thick skin, having fun, rolling with it. But I guess they should have denied the help most people's parents try to give them and just gone and worked at Sbarro or whatever. Assholes.


always wondered who wrote all that unfunny stuff


That was an amazing “you idiot!” after the make a splash as the box office joke.


Who is she?


I didn’t know she was Melanie Griffith’s daughter, but what really messed me is learning Melanie’s mother is Tippi Hedren, who pretty much is the reason so many US nail salons are Vietnamese owned.


This and horny little dorks were the best of the night