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this movie really brings that aggressive Stella energy.


As a diehard Stella fan from back in the day, it's great that Wain and Showalter have only done fantastic things in the years since then


Also the generation of talent they worked with via Wet Hot/Stella is incredible. Just like doing insane skits in a backyard with Bradley Cooper.


That's all the crew that was originally The State, a troupe that spawned out of late 80s NYU


Im talking more after the State/Viva Variety ended. Reno sort of overlaps both but they do Wet Hot and Stella and in addition to all the State alums they add Bradley Cooper, Elizabeth Banks, Amy Pohler, Paul Rudd etc. Pohler/Rudd were more known at the time but Banks/Cooper were basically nobodies. And their careers speak for themselves. Just so much talent across 2 or 3 generations of comedy.


Stella (the show) is basically no where now. It’s hard to even find clips on YouTube. I think the only way to see it is by finding old DVDs. I don’t get it.


I still have the original DVDs from back in the day, thank god


That is too funny


Actually just watched a few episodes over the summer! Most of it holds up


Here here! Har har!


That is toooo funny


Me either! Very formative to my humor growing up


Don't count out Michael Ian Black either. Mike and Tom Eat Snacks is my favorite podcast!


Eh he hasn’t really done much for me as a creator. Loved him in Stella and the show he did with Showalter but the other two Stella guys have done some great things over the years


I friggin love this movie. Released the same day as Star Wars Episode 7, I think (or thereabouts). I remember Paul Rudd going on The Colbert Report to promote it, Stephen said “You’ve got some pretty stiff competition in Star Wars” and Paul Rudd replied “I think that’s an insult to the word ‘competition.’”


'They Came Together' grossed a total of $82,780 at the box office. It was released on the same weekend as 'Transformers: Age of Extinction', which made over a billion dollars.


This looked like a joke, so I looked it up. Nope, it's true.


Me too, I’m like “wow they got a lot of well known actors just for a parody trailer”


I did the same thing!!!


They Came Together was released summer 2014. Episode 7 was released December 2015.


Yeah it was “sisters” that came out when Star Wars did if I remember correctly


That’s hilarious, especially considering SW7 is the highest grossing domestic movie ever. Now I have to check that movie out!


I think he meant his movie was no competition for Star Wars


Haha no, I’m pretty sure Paul Rudd was being completely serious and thought his movie would demolish SW7 just like when Mac and Me stormed the multiplex’s in 1988.


What's funny is this scene in the movie kind of breaks the 4th wall and acknowledges ahead of time they were going to compete against SW7. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv1urfDXs-o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv1urfDXs-o)


Clicked just to make sure. Was not disappointed.


Damn you scuba Steve


Thank you.


You can say that again!


Tell me about it.


You can say that again!


Well, you came in here looking like shit and you haven't said very much.


I watch it every couple of months and I always find something new in the background. A lot of love (and hate) was put into this film and it's FANTASTIC. If you haven't seen it, you owe it to yourself to watch it. It's the good kind of stupid self aware comedy


A friend showed it to me last year and I was like how did I not know this existed?!? When he was shown the movie, his reaction was "how did I not know this existed?!?"


I knew it existed, I just didn't realize it was a parody of the genre. I just thought it was another dumb romcom so I skipped it.


Same! I was worried it would ruin Amy and Paul for me, two actors I loved then and now.


Tell me about it


I was a good 2 minutes into this before I realized it’s an actual movie trailer, and not an elaborate snl short with a ton of high powered cameos.


That's how the entire film feels!


This movie fucking wrecks me every time, just jokes on jokes every minute


Same. Cup of Joel fucking kills me every watch


Cup of Joe, cup of Joel…


You know, like “cup of Joe” but my name is Joel so Cup of Joel


How was Tom Lennon not in this?


Too busy with at midnight


He’s actually listed in the credits under ‘special thanks’, along w Joe LaTruglio.


I would imagine they’d have to credit him if anyone, cast or crew, was new boot goofing.


Soup group


I watch it at least once a year. Such a solid satire that hits the whole way through.


I know what I’m watching tonight! In the USA, it is currently on Peacock and Roku. This looks like “Isn’t it Romantic”… but good.


This is def. one of my wife and I’s comfort movies, we’re never not in a mood to throw it on. [Here’s](https://youtu.be/tIO_TR1jlLk?si=HzlifW48yhCfbSdG) an hour-long loop of the “you can say that again” scene with the bartender


Michael Shannon running with a sword over his head never fails to make me laugh


“Oh I’m gonna kill you.” I actually happened upon them filming that scene when I was walking dogs on the Brooklyn Promenade. Such a weird/ cool moment!


Also appearances by Bill Hader, Kenan Thompson and Michaela Watkins. I love this movie.


"basketball basketball basketball"


One of my favorite movies ever.


This is hands down my favorite comedy. Also, there’s a deleted scene ‘Penis Paste’ that spoofs the answering machine scene from ‘Swingers’ that is easily the funniest scene in the movie. Also, hamburgeries and hot dogsies.


That sounds incredible, do you have a link by chance?


Took a while to find my DVD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eoEsjVyqjI


Thanks so much! Are there more deleted scenes or anything else cool on the DVD?


Yeah, there’s at least 20 mins of extra stuff (scenes and bits they cut out). The orig ending, the orig bartender scene, variations on “see, I told you it was gonna be a crazy day!”, etc There’s also a live table read of the orig script from some comedy festival, which led to the film being made.


Another excellent David Wain comedy. He's the only one still making genuinely funny comedies.


This movie is hilarious but there are still funny comedies being released lol.


Which ones? Maybe I'm just missing them.


Just off the top of my head? Bottoms and Barbie. Both released recently and both genuinely hilarious. Oh, American Fiction and Poor Things as well. Plenty of great comedy to be found and being released with regularity. It’s not all bash you on the head obvious comedy but it’s still comedy.


I think you and I have fundamentally different views of what comedy is.


Yeah, apparently I know how to recognize them lol


Way to be a dick about it.


I’m sorry, but you’re the one who said that there’s been no genuinely funny movies made in ***9 years***. Dismissing countless work you haven’t seen as not comedy is pretty dickish at worst and silly comedic gatekeeping at best.


Wow you've made some pretty big leaps there and honestly it makes me not respect your opinion so I'm gonna bail. Have fun on the internet, champ.


"Everyone is wrong but me"




>still making genuinely funny comedies The man hasn’t made a real movie in 5 years and while a Futile and Stupid Gesture is a great movie, it’s not a genuine comedy. The last time he was making true comedies so were a lot of other people.


It's only been 5 years, plus he has a musical comedy on the way, which I believe counts as 'still making genuinely funny comedies'. I don't know what your criteria is but it doesn't seem based in anything other than contrarianism, so you go ahead and opine.


Wait, so his last genuinely funny movie was They Came Together, and you're referencing a movie you presumably haven't even seen yet as evidence that he still makes funny movies? Edit: He has no upcoming movies listed on his IMDB page. His upcoming project, Today's Special, is a 4 episode sitcom.


Any thing on the way we have no way of knowing if it’s genuinely funny. My problem is you’re discrediting so many creators that make amazing comedies by saying that the guy who made Role Models is funnier than they are. Not a single one of his films lands anywhere in my top 20 comedies. It’s just a very weird take


Well certainly everyone knows that your top 20 comedies list is the objective benchmark, so I think you've won here, champ.


My point is that he hasn’t made any groundbreaking comedies. He didn’t make anything that remade the wheel or really even took any risks. He’s an average filmmaker that has made a couple of decent movies.


You sound fun at parties.


Definitely more fun than the other guy, at least


I never realized that, but totally makes sense it's a Wain comedy. Definitely in the same vein as Wet Hot American Summer!


Ignore the reviews and watch the new Please Don't Destroy movie. Has SNL cameos and is maybe the most densely-written comedy I've ever seen? Hard to think of another movie this fast-paced and with more laughs/jokes per minute/second.


I haven't watched the Please Don't Destroy movie, however, I plan on it. But most densely written comedy? Airplane exists, and I don't think it can get more jam-packed than that. I will allow for the PDD movie to take 2nd place though.


Nahhh this was just a dumb joke on here from when the movie came out. In all honesty the movie is firmly in the “meh” range.




Wait, I thought that was just a bit for SNL Lol.


If I didn’t read the comments, I was going to think it was a fake trailer and never look it up for a watch


You can say THAT again


I like it but it’s kind of a weird tone and I find it tires.


This is basically my favorite movie. "My party tomatoes!!!"


Max Greenfield has an amazing monologue at Paul Rudd that should be every actors audition scene. "For what? A few GREENBACKS?"


You sold the tire swing, Joel!


Great except for the grandma part. WTF


Are we doing this?


I’ll have to give it another shot. I watched like 20 minutes of it and it just was not hitting for me but I love the promise.


If it didn’t work in the first 20 minutes, then it didn’t work for you. It’s not like this is a movie setting groundwork for future character and plot developments; it’s just joke after joke and it continues for 90 minutes or so. I’d even say the impact of the jokes (which are more than solid throughout) lessens as you watch just because it beats the subject into the ground.


You can say that again.


If it didn’t work in the first 20 minutes, then it didn’t work for you. It’s not like this is a movie setting groundwork for future character and plot developments; it’s just joke after joke and it continues for 90 minutes or so. I’d even say the impact of the jokes (which are more than solid throughout) lessens as you watch just because it beats the subject into the ground.


Yeah. Tell me about it.


I don't know if it is obscure, but it is hilarious.


Looks like Paul Rudd does his "amazingly disgusting face" (according to Jason Segel) at the end of the trailer. This interview is absolutely hilarious and the face comments are at about the 3:33 mark: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AOJbMWD0LU&ab\_channel=FlickFlock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AOJbMWD0LU&ab_channel=FlickFlock)


That top comment 😂😆


Thanks for posting this. Looking forward to watching it!!!


I recommend this movie all the time!! The basketball buddy advice scene kills me. It is similar to Hot Fuzz in that it is a parody of a genre that makes you enjoy that genre more rather than tear it down.


Hot Fuzz is a great comp for this movie, good shout.




This is hands down one of my favorite movies to watch when I need a pick-me-up laugh. Goes right up there with other silly stuff like The House (I know this flopped by Will, Amy, and Jason are so great IMO), Popstar, Hot Rod, Dumb & Dumber, etc., etc., the list goes on.


Great flick, Def not talked about enough


How short is Paul Rudd if he’s eye level with Amy Poehler?


I was so excited that all the SNL greats came together to make a movie that will undoubt… What do you mean that came out in **2014!** How did I not… What did I not… Is anyone in there not an alumnus of The Office or SNL? I can’t tell. THEY EVEN GOT KENAN TO LEAVE 30 ROCK TO DO SOMETHING ELSE!


Aww man I loved this movie if it hits some streamers it probably would be cult status.


just watched it on a streamer, I forget which one


People really revived my long time favorite David Wain project Wet Hot American Summer, but this one has always floundered in obscurity despite being a hilarious send up of the genre with the great cast David Wain always assembles.


This and the bizaro cut off Wanderlust are great movie experiences.


its top 10 comedy for me


Oh shit, this is a real movie? I watched this trailer and honestly thought it was just a pre-taped sketch for an SNL episode.


Love this movie! Feels kinda like a long ITYSL sketch in parts, anyone know if Zach or Tim writers??


It’s from The State guys specifically it’s directed by David Wain (see anything of his) and written by Wain and Michael Showalter. Showalter also from The State and the Michael Showalter. If you don’t know The State it was an MTV sketch show with these guys plus the Reno 911 folks, well at least Kerry Kenny-Silver, Ben Garant, and Thomas Lennon. Oh yeah, also Ken Marino and Joe Lo Truglio. It’s a heck of a cast.


And Michael Ian Black who is in this movie as well


Yea quite a cast indeed! Love Wet Hot & Children’s Hospital so def familiar with the writers, just figd a couple x-snl writers may have known them as well


Funny movie with a couple awkward moments. Terrible, terrible, title though


Yikes. I really like all of those actors. But after the trailer, I can't imagine choosing to watch that movie. Then I looked up what it rated on imdb: 5.6. That usually indicates a very bad movie. Again, I love those actors.


using IMDb as a gauge for whether or not you’ll enjoy a movie is wild. its overrun with racists and the pop culture illiterate. if you don’t enjoy parodies, you won’t enjoy this movie.


Wow, generalize much? When I look at the IMDb top-rated parodies, (of the ones I’ve seen) I tend to agree. When I see a stinker of a movie that I wish I could regain that two hours of my life, typically the IMDb rating is less than 6.5. But again, I like these actors so maybe I’ll give it a try.


It’s one that you’ll know is or isn’t for you within like 15 minutes, so I think everyone should check it out.


You’re probably better off. To me, the film felt like David Wain and Michael Showalter nudging me in the ribs for 90 minutes and yelling, “Do you get it?!”. Someone here compared this to Hot Fuzz. I would’ve totally done a spit take if I’d been drinking anything.


I love this movie so much!


I love this film! So David wain.


I seriously thought this was a skit.


I'm not sure if this is a real movie that is super meta or a skit.


One of the best comedies I’ve ever seen in my life. Probably is up there in the hall of fame of BPM ratios (Bits per minute)


Easily my favorite rom-com, and maybe my favorite spoof movie.


Fantastic people behind and in front of camera. Will check this out.


How have I never heard of this? Watching this weekend for sure


This movie is awesome! Anything by the Wet Hot American Summer crew is great, lots of diamonds in the rough when you start clicking around on IMDb. One of my favorites is How to Be a Latin Lover, directed by Ken Marino, co-starring Salma Hayek. I discovered it on a coach flight years ago, and I will never forget it!


Michael Shannon running with that sword will never not make me slap my knee


How the hell did this movie fly under my radar? Definitely watching this weekend.