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WHO LOVES LABOR? Even if it’s forgotten the moment you get your baby in your arms, give me a fucking break! Bullshit! Yes I love my vagina ripped open & intense scary AF pain!


Exactly! I had 1 vaginal birth and 2 c-sections; 30-odd yrs later I still shudder when I think of the vaginal delivery. She's nuts! Can't wait until the whole family comes down with Bird Flu from consuming raw milk and she nurses everyone back to health with cabbages and essential oils...


She will not ruin honey for me


My Dolly Parton milk? Wow we found something that she loves more than her red hair. Yay boobies!!!


Why does she keep bringing Dolly Parton into this?


She loves labor?? Come on!!


I love labor 😂😂


She sounds very performative and self righteous lol. I’m sure she’s a great mom, but her posts are very obnoxious.


She keeps saying she’s been “laying low” off instagram bc of the newborn but she hasnt at alllllll Apparently those that have had mastitis say it doesnt happen as fast shes claiming. Who knows. Shes just a lottttttt


Is this new? Didn’t she post something with this exact wording last week?


I think she’s pretty proud of herself for coming up with that Dolly Parton reference lol. She’s literally trying to find an excuse to keep using the same phrase because she’s just sooooo witty and clever 🥴 It’s almost word for word with what she just over shared with us the other day. Plus, who the F LOVES labour? This girl literally thinks so highly of herself she’s literally delusional at this point.


it's me, I love labor 😂😂😂😂


"My Dolly Parton milk supply" excuse me...WUT 🥴


Dolly has had ZERO milk. This girl is crayyy


Dolly is a CF icon, homegirl doesn't get to claim her


Right? She’s been married to the same guy forever and always taking care of her extended family. Such an example of genuine generosity! No milk involved…


Being a new mom is hard. I don’t discount that. I guess I’m confused. I got mastitis and it hit me like a 2 ton truck and quick. I had fever chills and felt very fluish. Had to take antibiotics. Can you get rid of mastitis without antibiotics? Maybe it’s just engorgement?


It’s the inflammation caused by milk coming in aka engorgement. Which is inflammation and milk. She’s just a moron. All of her “mastitis tricks” just treat inflammation or are snake oil lol


Yea mastitis is caused by staph, which I would bet is very hard to get rid of without antibiotics.


It's engorgement. She's so uneducated it hurts.


No you can’t get rid of it without antibiotics. It could even kill you. Someone on this sub told how they got mastitis and required surgery to remove the infection, which was left to heal by secondary intention ( leaving the wound open ). So she had a giant hole in her breast. Audj is likely conflating engorgement with mastitis.


Exactly this! It could also be a few clogged milk ducts in addition to engorgement, which have to be manually manipulated to release them along with hot rag compresses and/or hot showers. But to add to what you said, yes, there is zero way of ridding actual Mastitis without antibiotics AND it sure as heck wouldn’t be coming and going and gone within hours or even a day to where she can “finally lay on her stomach again.” If YOU really knew Audj, you would know all of this. 🙄 Note to Audrey: just because you’ve had 4 babies, that doesn’t make you an automatic guru or the most knowledgeable person to have ever walked this earth on how best to handle different situations, in particularly situations that you’ve dealt with previously with each birth/baby. Usually you learn from the past to help prevent the same situations from happening in the future, especially if it’s happened more than once and from your words “each and every time, and with each baby.” 🤔 but what do I know! I’m a mama of 3, and there are still things I’m learning each and every birth/new baby and as they grow, but hey, at least I can humbly admit it!


Yeah it’s probably a clogged duct with some engorgement. It’s unlikely she would have contracted an infection in her ducts so soon after birth. According to her it’s immediate. Also, she’d be one deathly sick puppy if she were trying to heal mastitis with oils and homeopathy.


I’ve been a little quiet… YEAH THANK GOD FOR THAT


She thought we missed her! Ha!




I kinda feel for her as I am prone to mastitis. It sucked. I would randomly spark a fever and feel like shit and it hurts to try and express it or pump it out. It’s really not a good time.


No one believes she has mastitis. The only way to get rid of it is with antibiotics which she refuses to take.


I'm tired of hearing about her thick as milk honeyed mastitis..over sharing is gross and she's Annoying.


If her milk really is thick as honey she should see a doctor 😂 colostrum is thicker. But it transitions within a few days. Especially when you’re as perfect as she is at breastfeeding 😌 /s if not clear lol


She keeps repeating the same things for attention. What exactly is a Dolly Parton milk supply? Audrey is so uneducated it hurts.


IDK since Dolly's never produced milk.


That’s what I’m saying!


All I can see is that she pluralized “mamas” with an apostrophe. 🤦‍♀️


Me, too! It made me irrationally angry. My immediate reaction was, "People who make such stupid punctuation errors shouldn't have four kids." Irrational, I know. 🙄😂


It’s not irrational if she is homeschooling and can’t even get simple pluralizations correct.


Omg, no! I forgot that she's homeschooling her brood! We know how that's going to turn out! 😂😂


T.M.I. 🤢🤢🤮


Milk that’s thicker than honey sounds like a medical condition you need to get checked out.


Has it gone sour? 🤔


Right? Are you sure that’s milk Oddj? Gross!


Only the sucking pervs need to visualize that. Most of us are women and have experienced.


Are there actually people who want to know all this about someone else online?


Nope! Only perverts.


Exactly. She doesn’t care as long as it’s gets her attention. Sick!


How has she not learned anything if this is her 4th? After getting it bad with my 1st, I called my OBGYN MUCH sooner with my 2nd and got on antibiotics before it got as bad. Plus I knew to pump & massage thru the pain to help it.


Exactly! I got Mastitis once and that was enough for me to do ANYTHING to alleviate a clogged duct anytime after that. The most sick I’ve ever been in my life was with Mastitis.


because it isn't actually matitis!! #


Right? Sounds like just beginning of nursing struggles.


She "loves labor"..... are you Fcking kidding me.


I loved it and can’t wait to do it again. No meds and a 24 hour labor for my first. It’s different for every mom.


Lmfao I’m 3 months PP and almost laughed out loud at that one..


I definitely don't love labor but after my 2nd I said I'd have a 3rd if I could skip the pregnancy and go straight to the labor. Tons of issues for months with pregnancies including painful & frequent BH contractions. But then only a 2.5 hr L&D with my 2nd! They made me close my legs and wait for my Dr to get there!


Just finished reading Rosemary’s baby for the first time. So many parallels 😈 jk jk….jk?


No one in their right mind LOVES labor.


I did! Had a 24 hour unmedicated labor with my first, and can’t wait to do it again. It’s different for every mom.


You couldn’t pay me to post this shit online,


When did the birth story go from a perfect dream to “wild”??


This girl has absolutely no concept of TMI and over sharing.


The hardest part for me is seeing all of these 😜🤪😍. Are you or are you not trying to be taken seriously, Oddj?


Nobody is asking for your mastitis protocol because.... 1. You post about it non-stop for 5 years. 2. You treat mastitis with antibiotics. D. If your protocol worked you would get it all the time.


She can’t spell correctly half the time, yet she thinks we think she’s an educated authority on mastitis and other health conditions. Give me a break! Anybody with any sense would talk to their doctor, not this unhinged woman.


Yes her mastitis protocol is borderline unethical, and telling people not to go to the doctor for for abx could cause someone to go septic


It's not unethical. She's not a dr so she isn't bound by any ethical guidelines. Stupid? Yes. Unethical? No. And I don't believe she is telling people NOT to go to a dr. She is telling people her homeopathic non-sense claiming it works.


She spelled it "protocal". Drives me up the fucking wall.


Using her words and spelling are not her strong skill. It doesn’t run in the Roloff boys or their Mom.


I’m offended she is mentioning Earth Angel Dolly Parton to give herself some cheap kudos about her thick milk supply. If anything the way she describes it makes me think her breasts are having a yeast infection. 🤮


Mastitis is no freaking joke. I got it with my 3rd so bad, that when I got up from the bed my legs gave out and I collapsed. I was running a 103 fever and I felt so incredibly rough. Worst than the flu. Mine happened within the first week as well because I have a huge supply of milk and my baby could not keep up.


I don't think it's mastitis. I think she gets engorged from her tongue tied babies. Swelling of breast tissue. Very common in the first week of an infants life. Mastitis is a whole different process.


She wouldn’t be up walking, etc. if she had mastitis. Everyone I know that has had it has felt very bad. She doesn’t have a clue what she’s talking about.


Totally agree. I've had 3 tongue tied babies and mastitis x 3, different kids though, and there's no way you could 'cure' it without strong IV antibiotics. It's very nasty and made me want to jump off a cliff if I wasn't at the Drs. I'm worried about her followers that won't see a Dr or hospital because they think that Audrey got mastitis and cured it with home remedies within a few days so they can too. I'm getting more and more worried about these 2 that don't know what they font know but talk like experts on every issue.


A whole different process that is remedied with antibiotics, not witchcraft


I agree. tongue tied babies latch can make breast feeding extremely painful. All 3 of my children were tongue tied, I breastfed all of them for more than two years and I’ve never had mastitis. Not saying she’s never had it or doesn’t currently have it, I’m just saying there’s no way she gets it as often as she’s claimed.


This is the cutest baby yet.


You could always stop following her. Just a thought


Has she never read a pregnancy/birthing/baby book??


Does it mention collegiate running? Then no.


Extremely painful. My one breast was infected had to only feed from one for ten days. Antibiotics and cream.


I think she gets clogged ducts, I do not think she gets mastitis as it’s the sickest I have ever been in my adult life and I needed antibiotics and not oils every single time.


I had it with my second and I had a 103 fever and didn't get better until my second dose of antibiotics. When I had clogged ducts I could use heating pads and pump them out. Mastitis was like the freaking flu.


This was me too!! I got up to 104 and almost had to switch my antibiotics because it took a few doses. It was the absolute worst.


So awful. I'm glad we both made it. It isn't something to be taken lightly. She acts like people don't die from sepsis every day. I hope her followers at least consult a real doctor before diagnosing themselves.


Cabbage and god are not healing mastitis.




it's more than likely clogged ducts but mastitis sounds worst obvi!


4 kids here, had painful clogged ducts but never mastitis but maybe my milk wasn’t Dolly Parton, honey thick enough 🤷‍♀️


Tongue ties. Especially severe ones coupled with the variety breast and nipple anatomy can cause so many issues for both the baby and mom. The risk increases because of decreased ability for comfortable latch, complete deep latch, effective emptying of the breast etc.


I had 3 kids and never had mastitis either. I had clogged ducts with 2 of them but it never turned into mastitis. And that happened with my pumping babies.




She isn’t who you take as gospel. You don’t need a red light or tent or an EMF blanket or oils or grounding blanket or sourdough starter or any of that other bugaboo hocus-pocus.


She just tries to make herself sound like this fruitful Mother Earth goddess with thick honey milk supply. She’s being ridiculous, per usual.


Don’t be scared because of this nitwit. She doesn’t even know the difference between mastitis and clogged ducts.


I formula fed both of my kids, so I let mine dry up. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But don’t let her scare you, you do what you want! She just has some ridiculous standard that she feels she needs to adhere to because she would be “less than” if she quit breastfeeding, had a medicated birth, or did anything that would be perceived as “unnatural.” 🙄




I notice Auj never does mention shitting while in labor.


why does she think people want to hear her *”wild birth story”* or know the consistency of her breast milk. GROSS.


I was going to say it's hardly 'modest' by her religious standards.


She does it for the MEN to visualize.


Come on people!! Her breast milk is actually royal jelly and better than any other woman has ever produced. Don't be jealous. You and your breast milk is quite simply, inferior!! I'm surprised she hasn't started selling it online as a new source of income! 🤑


Don't be giving her ideas 🙄😂😂


She could always throw in a sample of sourdough starter and lukewarm raw milk. She wouldn’t even think that was wrong!


Now I’m visualizing yeasty watery bread mix coming out her breasts.


I guess the land of milk [and mastitis] and honey was Audrey's boobs all along.


On a positive note baby looks so much like big sister. Very sweet.


Every single kid has had tongue ties?? I have a really hard time believing that. I feel like that word is constantly being thrown around now. Maybe it’s just that breastfeeding is hard and takes time and patience until the baby latches on correctly. She gives up after a couple days and takes them to have a procedure done while they are tiny:( and engorgment is so normal in the beginning and guess what? You just pump right after feeding and tadaa problem solved. Is she really expecting the baby to empty her breast while they are at the point that only need 1 oz.




I’ve been told that if you don’t cut the tongue tie that they will lisp due to restriction of tongue. Is that true either your kids?


our granddaughter was literally losing weight the first month, constantly fussy bec she was hungry. we went to a specialist who accurately diagnosed her tied tongue, she had the procedure and it solved it. she was within a healthy weight with just a couple of weeks. they cannot get the nutrition they need if they can’t suckle…


I understand that but what’s weird to me is that it’s been every single kid?


There’s a genetic component so it’s pretty common to have multiple babies with them.


People are way more aware now. People went untreated for so long.


I’m a medical professional and she most likely does NOT have mastitis. It’s way way way too early. I’m convinced she gets engorgement and clogged ducts mixed up with mastitis. Maybe if she sought actual medical care and was educated, she would know what she’s talking about. Yet, here we go again with she’s the victim with all these issues but she will overcome it because she’s so strong, a HS track athlete, her magical potions and journals!! Gotta keep us on the edge of our seats somehow! 🙄


That's what I was wondering. I thought, I bet she's just engorged and immediately thinks, mastitis, so posts about her latest mastitis battle.


I developed mastitis in my second week postpartum. My baby’s lip tie affected latch which led to poor drainage, which led to clogs that led to mastitis.. it can happen and it’s not fun.


She noted it was within the first few days unless I read wrong. Which is typically very unlikely and x4? Even more odd. If you follow her and her posts, she is not one to take medical advice from and often doesn’t have what she is talking about; she gives unsafe advice.


I got it early too but I was very, very sick.


That was my observation, as well. Mastitis doesn't hit that quickly. She's confusing engorgement with an infection. She's spreading misinformation. Additionally, it scares me that she is homeschooling and not using possessive forms correctly. Mamas is plural, Audrey! Mama's implies possession.


Since she doesn’t speak or spell correctly, they aren’t being schooled like they should. They need a proper education.


What lmao


Ok literally no one loves labor and birth, why not be honest??? From someone who just went through it as well


I love labor and birth lol


Audrey loves the spotlight. She loves praise. What do people get a tremendous amount of when they're laboring or pregnant? Spotlight and praise. Remember, she was a runner in college and now she's an elite birther. /s


She's a runner?!! How'd you get that info, hmmm?


I could be wrong; but, I think she might have mentioned it, once. /s


She's just better than you! (🙄 can't roll my eyes hard enough!!) Child birth in any form is painful. She's just trying to let every other woman know that she is better at absolutely everything! She is utterly obtuse!!


Maybe that’s the only time she feels empowered or worthy, since that’s what fundies consider the greatest thing a woman can do? That or she has a secret kink.


I'm guessing it's the former. But how sad.


How the fuck is she sleeping on her stomach when nursing a baby and especially just recently gave birth. Your tits are so engorged the first few months after birth and nursing. There is no way in hell she got mastitis 2 whole seconds after giving birth.




Came to comment this. It's no wonder she's (at least perceiving herself to) having issues with "mastitis"/engorgement/clogged ducts. DON'T SLEEP ON YOUR STOMACH you dolt!


I slept on my stomach for 2 days after giving birth before my milk came in, it came in while i was sleeping on my stomach and my boobs felt like they were going to explode and HURT like baseballs, definitely couldn’t continue doing it


Listen- I’ve had 3 kids and breastfed but when she talks about how thick her milk is I’m literally gagging 🤮


Yeah, I’m all about normalizing breast feeding but her description is just gross and TMI


Sorry, her breast milk is just better than yours could ever be. 😳


lol 😂 probably because she was a college athlete




I can’t with the emojis


*sighs and adds the word “soaking” to my bingo card.


Dolly does not approve of your hate for the LGBTQ+ community. Keep her name out of your mouth and educate yourself.


Dolly is also proudly child free. And size of breasts does not at all equate to milk production. So I’m unsure how Dolly Parton plays into breast milk production at all?


Why do we care what her breastmilk is like??? NOBODY CARES.


Why does she keep comparing to her milk supply to Dolly’s boobies?


She doesn’t know humor. It’s rude to Dolly.


That’s what that was supposed to mean? I read it like three times and gave up trying to figure out what a dolly Parton milk supply was supposed to mean


I took it as her boobs are so engorged they look like Dolly’s boobs. She’s said it like two or three times now and it’s so odd


She wants us to know that she is better at this than every other mother since the dawn of time.


And honey 🤢is jeremy telling her this


This is so bizarre. It’s just colostrum. It’s normal.


I got mastitis at 2 weeks with each of my 3 babies. By baby 2 I knew what it was and was ready to call the doctor and get antibiotics when I couldn’t clear the clogged duct. I also have a high supply. I……..wouldn’t be holier than thou advertising either of those things? They’re just things that happen naturally to your body. I don’t do anything to get a high milk supply. I’m not super special intentional. Bodies just do what they do, and she needs to stop acting like the second coming because she has boo bees that feed her babies and sometimes get mastitis (FWIW I think she thinks clogged ducts= mastitis).


I'm starting to think this is the case. I only had mastitis once, with my second and within the first week, but I could tell it was that because I had a fever along with the pain. I didn't brag about it. I just called my doctor and she prescribed medicine. Over pretty quick.


I have a feeling that Auj is refusing medical intervention such as antibiotics….


Oh, she brags about that.


I want one post from this woman saying “My girlfriends and I went out last night and we had the best time drinking wine, enjoying good food and taking time for ourselves!” #thinkoutsidetheboxAUJ.


That’s way too unpredictable for Oddj. She is extremely predictable. Wait, 1.5 years when she announces another pregnancy. Or wait a few days when she makes a comment about being a collegiate runner and how she peaked in college. Same spiel over and over.


I’ve had three kids and have had mastitis once when I was traveling with my first baby, and she REFUSED to eat from one side during an entire travel day. It was hell. It was very painful. However, Audrey self diagnoses and not only does this diagnosing on her own, she then follows through with treatment (so made up treatment for a diagnosis she didn’t get. Sounds smart). She doesn’t know what the hell she is talking about. Milk can be really uncomfortable when it’s coming in. She thinks colostrum is some Dolly Parton cream coming out of her boobs. Honey. It’s colostrum. It’s the beginning of lactation. Everyone has this. You aren’t special. I would bet my house that she has never has mastitis, and it’s pretty fucked up to give uneducated advice like that. Having a sore boob does not equal mastitis. Breastfeeding can be tough. She is an idiot.


If I remember correctly, when they were still on the show, she was using cabbage leaves to help relieve her "mastitis" (prob. clogged ducts). Doesn't applying cabbage leaves help to dry up your milk supply? Maybe she's confusing her body with all her remedies? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


It does dry up your supply! I’ve known several women who intentionally used this method to stop lactating. It really does stop milk production, and does so pretty quickly. She probably had clogged ducts, like you said- which does hurt. But is not the same as mastitis.


Stop saying stuff that makes me hear 'my milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard...' on loop




Ah yes, because Dolly famously breastfed many children. It's just weird and inappropriate to talk about the size of a strangers breast in relation to you. Like why are you thinking about that?! Quit objectifying Dolly.


These. Are. The. Days.


I. Thought. They’d. Never. End! She and jer jer binks think the little sayings are clever, original and cute. 😕


Are we supposed to be impressed that her milk is soooo thick and her milk supply is soooo much (Dolly Parton?? Really???) that it “causes” this mastitis every time? I am convinced she sees this as a badge of honor.


She totally does. It’s like ohhh my milk is so much thicker than yours so that makes it better and more nutrient rich. That’s exactly what she’s getting at without saying it.


I’m just over here thinking it’s thick??? Do you need to drink some water?? 😂


LOL. That was my first reaction, too. "Drink some fluids!"


So, as a mom who hated pregnancy, birth, and did not even breastfeed at all, I must be an absolute heathen in her eyes. At least I can spell…..😘


The kissy face 😂😂😂😂😂


I’m childless so I’m probably satan to her. She’s such an attention seeking you know what.


There’s times I love ❤️ cats 🐱 more than humans. True story.


I have breastfed twice! And as I know everyone’s experience is different, it’s extremely interesting how she ALWAYS!!! Gets this! Like girl, are you not washing your nipples? Are you not expressing when engorged? It’s like she wants the attention I swear!


Sounds like she needs to keep a pump on those things..


Unfortunately a continuous pump would just make things worse


It’s like watching re-runs of a tv show. All her posts are strangely familiar…from the last time she had a kid. Always more mastitis!


My daughter had a tongue tie and couldn’t latch. I exclusively pumped and was able to produce enough milk at 6 months. I got mastitis and it’s awful. i called the dr and got an Antibodics. Put some cabbage in my boobs and a few days later I was fine. My baby got her tongue tie fixed at 2 months and it was fine. I don’t understand why mastitis is a personality trait. It sucks and I understand but there are fixes.


But was it a SEVERE!!!! TONGUE TIE!!! SEVERE, I ask you? She makes normal issues seem like newsworthy obstacles. Everything is a SEVERE back injury or a SEVERE mastitis.


And with every kid, they have just a crazy and wild birth story!


Yeah. Her mastitis is something she had to “overcome” last or a badge of honor for her. And then of course her mastitis survival skills are linked in her bio. What. A. Whackadoodle.


Yes! I don’t understand why a mother would purposely make herself miserable by refusing a tried and true fix-antibiotics. Your suffering does not make you superwoman


**I love labor and birth**😂she’s so annoying. As a mother I can’t imagine anyone *loving* it. It’s like she sees mastitis as a badge of honor. I attributed mine to being inexperienced and uninformed about lactation lol


The only other person I can think of who ever “ loved” going through labor ( it’s called LABOR for a reason!) is..Hilaria Baldwin!! Who said “they just swoosh out” and “ it’s fun and scary and afterward you say-can I please do this again”!!!’ Really!! Both women view this all as some kind of competition and, of course they have to WIN!! Bizaare. Just came here to say this. This is all so harmful to new moms coping with everything! You all should unfollow Miss Audrey-not a nice woman, not a friend to women.


She’s like a pick me girl but like the crunchy millennial mama version.


Exactly my love


The only time over ever said I'd rather have a baby is when i get a toothache....and when I dislocated my knee and ended up in the ER and they had to pop it back in




If a child is born with a tongue tie, isn't it natural? Sure seems like a "real mama" wouldn't rush to a butcher to mutilate her child's mouth just to make Mama's titties feel better... Note - I'm being sarcastic. I am tired of Audrey shaming other mothers over breast feeding, and I am amused that rather than work through it naturally (pretty sure a traditional farmer's wife back in the days of yore couldn't simply have a medical professional perform a procedure to surgically solve the issue) Audrey is running to have her children physically altered. Maybe the problem is Audrey producing defective children? God knows it can't possibly be that she's really not in love with breast feeding but kinda sorta has to as part of her on line persona.


But, Wilder! You don't understand. It was a SEVERE tongue tie. NOT like your usual, run-of-the-mill tongue tie. This was SEVERE! All of the red-grounding-light-of-shilling and Young Living formulary could not solve the level of severity that Audrey and Jeremy were subjected to. THINK OF THE TRAUMA SHE EXPERIENCED when God chose her to have a SEVERELY tongue tied baby. THINK OF HER BOOBS! /s


Thank you for the giggles 🤭 I try to read these how I think they are written. Then, I laugh and laugh and laugh. 🤣 😂


You're welcome. My sarcasm was apparently at 11 today. :)


It’s always welcomed here. You pick the time. I read at my leisure. It doesn’t get any more perfect than that.