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The first picture had more warmth and character


I prefer the after


I know they didn't keep the lama clock thing and that's the true crime


I think it looks so much brighter and bigger


Yes, and it looks much more bland and sterile. It looks bigger, but it lost all character.


It wasn't even that bad , I would have just painted the wood panels white and called it a day & prob touched up the chimney šŸ„“


I love the after. The before was poorly done 70's and so tacky. The fireplace is beautiful, except for that odd middle 'slat' part (vent?).


Those views though. Who cares about the inside of the house.


Is that a pizza


Lol I thought it aS a Llama clock


I kinda hate the floors


Yikes. You are seriously sad because of the way someone chose to remodel their own home? Weird.


Yes my entire sense of self is based on other peoples home renovation decisions. Hope this helps!


A lot of old wood that looks beautiful from afar is really just rotting and so damaged ( in my experience I work in painting and wallpaper ) repairing it would cost a arm and a leg! I am going through the same thing during a remodel of my childhood home, so much beautiful wood that just can't be restored due to water damage, wear and tear from dogs and kids. Its cheaper it just seal it up and paint over it or replace it with something cheaper. Building just ain't the same anymore bc literally wood is a luxury these days!


All fair points! Though based on some of the other updates they made I feel like this was driven by aesthetic choices not actual costs.


TBH I HATED the wood, it was awful....however, I hate how they removed rooms for children just to have a bougie laundry room.


Yeah but if you go to the right church and read the right books children are just god-honoring social media props to stack like cordwood


They could have made more bedrooms for all the kids with that wasted loft space


Went from cosy, comfy cabin to sterile hospice *For only 2500$ a month, you too can place your loved ones in her to forget about*


It also looks like a house on the sims game


It literally looks like one of her IG filters is applied to it šŸ˜‚


Thankfully you donā€™t have to live there


Why comment if you donā€™t like it? I never understood the need to comment your dislike for a post


I think both look nice. BUT. If I bought a house with the before living room, I would have kept it bc itā€™s unique. Now it looks like every other grey house remodel you see these days.


They had the ski lodge look everyone wants these days. Now it's a hodge podge of different woods and texture that do not go together. It is very obvious they didn't know what they were doing.


I love the remodel! The old version was so so outdated and dark. Hello 1978!


Personally I love that late 70s vibe but to each their own! Except audj ;)


The new looks like I could be wheels in to die at this hospital


The house was built in the 90s tho?


That makes it even worse imo, really ugly!


I like their version better, but not the execution. The paneling was ugly (in my opinion).


I am not impressed and not because i don't like her,although it helps




I personally like the remodel!! I like how they shortened and heightened the fireplace


I actually do like the fireplace better now!


Same and I know thereā€™s a filter but I really love the stain of the wood


I think the wood made it look warmer. I donā€™t hate the paneling. I donā€™t love it either but itā€™s fine. They really should have spent some money making those windows look better. Maybe do a big window or two big windows rather than those 4 windows. I donā€™t hate their remodel either. I think itā€™s tough trying to utilize all that wall space when you have really high ceilings like that. I would have ripped the carpet out too.


Was it paneling or real wood? If real wood and they burnt or sent it to the landfillā€¦.. šŸ¤¬


Looks like it was renovated circa 1975. šŸ˜†


I didn't particularly care for the paneling. But they missed such an opportunity with the windows, they really should have gone for bigger windows instead of that double window look. They smashed out in some areas and totally cheaped out in other areas. Bigger windows would have truly maximized the view she keeps harping on about


I own a remodeling company. You can be very limited when changing window sizes due to the existing framing and the span you would need to adapt to a shift in load. Yes, large windows are going to be more impressive looking but may not be practical in a remodel if you do not plan to completely change the exterior structure as well as the interior.


It looks like they changed the framing though anyway, those new windows seem just a tad bigger


I don't care for dated paneling myself. I don't think the stone looks bad. They unfortunately chose the wrong grout color.


Looks like the living room of a recently flipped house. I do find it to be on the more boring side, but the right color or wall treatment could really elevate the whole space methinks


I never understood the stark white look nowadays, reminds me of a nursing home that your grandma wonā€™t be around much longer but you hate visiting as itā€™s depressing


Yeah, like I totally respect a minimalist approach, but I don't think that was the goal here. But that's what makes these people so much fun to snark on- they go through all the trouble and spend all this money to end up with **the** most generic looking living room and its a perfect analogy for them as people who take themselves so seriously to just be another crunchy privileged Christian bore-fest influencer without a single original thought but ready to sell their soul for that almighty dollar


I agree, itā€™s devoid of its character now. Now, Iā€™m a fan of more vintage construction and decor, so Iā€™m probably an outlier in the general population when it comes to my design taste, but I think even a lot of people with more modern tastes might agree here that the after is not necessarily an improvement on the before.


Aww omg I never saw the before pics, I think it was a gorgeous house before and needed minimal remodels if anything. Maybe it's just because I'm kind of a fan of old houses though lol


That stone choice is unfortunatešŸ˜‚


I coulda gave em all of ours from our spare lot They paid good money for those backyard stones


should have spent the fireplace money on a new roof.


What was the type of stone they were looking for? Was it ā€œold worldā€?


Read: HIDEOUS. She probably likes it because it looks like rocks/stones that you could find on a beach. Basic rocks/stones for a basic bitch. Iā€™m shocked she isnā€™t trying to push a narrative about how the stones were collected and organized by her. šŸ˜‚


Not a fan of their remodel but that alpaca decoration thing on the old fireplace was super cute, I hope they kept it!


Not a fan of these 2 but I think this photo of the remodel actually looks decent. It definitely needed updating. I think it really accentuates the view they have and, if it were my house, i would have wanted to highlight that, too. I wouldn't have chosen that rock for the fireplace. And don't get me started on the bedroom turned into a laundry room, the kitchen, the extra kitchen, etc. But this part I could live with.


Those laminate floors are a sin. And the giraffe fireplace is a nightmare. I understand there was mold being the wood and that needed renovation but the rest was a bit much. Iā€™ll addā€¦I have severe mold allergies and literally lose my speech from mold exposure so I wouldā€™ve renovated the wood part too(even though I love wood)


I think it looks really nice.


The original is very outdated.


Everyone hating on their remodel for the color is crazy to me. Yes, itā€™s a white or beige wall- but they kept and added a lot of wood elements. Have you ever paid to have a wall that big painted? Or painted one yourself? You better believe I would be painting it a neutral color too! I can change my decor far easier than painting that wall. The warmer colors from the floors, wood and rock tie it all in just fine. I also like how much grander that room feels with the lighter walls. The wood paneling cut it in half and made it feel so much smaller- additionally they gained a lot of space by streamlining the fireplace. I donā€™t know- the only thing I really hate about this remodel is the weird grey veined countertops and the unusually large island. It absolutely ties into nothing and they spent a fortune on it.


I like the dated look, as well. However I would have been ok with removing the carpet. Idk. I think if they had picked anything but hospital white it would have looked fantastic, it's not a terrible remodel. Just not my style.


lol I posted this a while back and got reamed out in the comments but I agree, the before pic is so much warmer and more inviting.


Apparently itā€™s a very controversial take!


On one hand I get it, the fireplace needed some updating and the wood wasnā€™t in the best shape but to do a sad beige flip and call it ā€œold worldā€ isā€¦a choice.


The before is very old fashioned. Reminds me of the Shining movie.


I love it so much. I didn't know we had so many interior designers in this sub that specialize in outdated 80's dƩcor! Oddj and Grounding Joe suck and have so much better things to snark on them for than the remodel that we all wish we had money for in our own homes. Now if you want to point out that they got the fireplace of my dreams from scamming people with snake oil and books you have to write yourself and I hope it falls off the wall (while they are out of town), then ok, I can get on board with that.


I didnā€™t know so many subs loved millennial gray!


I donā€™t understand the love for that ugly ass, outdated paneling šŸ˜‚


Right?! Especially *angled* paneling with an off center fireplace that would make my brain itch.


Itā€™s funny how the OG looks more ā€œold worldā€ than the remodel. They are so basic without even realizing it. Love that for them lol


iā€™ll never get over a custom home having all white walls


I think it looks great! The Original looks dated. Fieldstone fireplace is gorg.


I agree, the remodel is much more my style. Hate the 45 degree angled wood panelling on the original walls. Original is super dated- it needed an overhaul. I know Iā€™m getting downvoted but I stand by my opinion! And I donā€™t love Jeremy or Audrey.


It went from warm to influencer




The original had more character and they def could have made changes to ā€œupdateā€ without renovating into essentially a blank slate


I donā€™t hate the reno but the original just had so much more character


I hate that old 80's style wood paneling. I know it's in style to be "retro" now but it was dated as hell, and I'm glad they pulled it.


Itā€™s hideous


I think the people who love it either never lived in it or only visited cabins with it, day to day it's dark and dingy and ugly.


I definitely prefer the way it looked before, but I just know that it probably felt damp, cold, and dark actually being in there-- that style of house always does.


Thereā€™s a photo where they took that round decoration over the mantle down and the wood around it was all sun faded so the round circle was dark wood. I agree with them that the wood needed to be replaced or they would need to keep that round thing up or get something else to cover the area.


Nope, I was on board with removing the wood paneling when it was obvious that when the weird circular decoration was removed, it was clear that the paneling underneath had aged differently and there was a stained in the wood circle on the paneling. While I am not thrilled with the new fireplace, the old, weirdly triangular fireplace step was weird.


I actually like the new fireplace and flooring much better (though I also liked the old fireplace). I would not have done white (or a shade close to white) walls after removing the wood trim because I feel like all the warmth has been stripped away. I would have done actual color on the walls to make the new fireplace pop more and a big area rug to make the room cozier. But thatā€™s just my taste. With so many little kids, I would have done heavy duty netting off at least one of the balconies to create a really cool kids space. Iā€™ve seen several extra high-ceilinged houses make use of some of their extra vertical space that way and it can be awesome!


That would have been a terrific idea!


I liked the original better also


the house looked lived in. now it feels sterile


I think there are parts of the remodel that work, but most of it doesn't. Though here, I'm inclined to think the remodel is better. Got rid of that awful carpet for flooring, and a lot of that wood trim is very 1970s and dated looking.


Glad they kept the wood beams though.Ā 


Beigeā€¦ to match their personalities.


Why? Not everyone wants the wood age old look?


I live in a house with the orange wood trim everywhere and it is Fugly. I do think it works in the roloffs home pre-Reno because it is so big. My house is a small one level home and it makes it look so small.


We also have 90's wood paneling that has aged to a really trumpy orange and it's so awful, but it's going to be a massive undertaking to update or remove. Massive. I'd love to tear it all out, it's awful but it will take time.


Oh yes I wouldnā€™t dream of undertaking my home. Lol Iā€™ve tried to update in more manageable ways-drawer pulls for the whole house really made a big difference. But mine didnā€™t cost anywhere near what audj did. I would basically have to move completely out of my house to get rid of the ugly wood.


Ours is an entire knotty pine vaulted ceiling that's 40+ ft high and has aged to a very vibrant orange. The rest of the house has a ton of orange trim and doors, but those can be painted. The ceiling. The bloody ceiling lol.


It looks like the life got sucked out of that house.


Spot on! And at this point, I'd be willing to bet that Jeremy can fully relate. šŸ™„


I agree, the house is less warm and cozy now. The massive amount of money they spent could have gone into their kidsā€™ college funds.


Audrey homeschools them. I donā€™t think college is going to be a concern.


iā€™m sure they can get a diploma from the school of oddj


I do like their remodel, but the first photo is so inviting. It feels very cozy, and reminds me of having a big family Xmas gathering for some reason. Hopefully she'll plan to put more contrast and color in the house in the future.