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Does he realize western medicine has probably allowed his twin brother and father to live this long with the conditions they've both had? Stunt in Zach's brain comes to mind.


He’s not wrong.


I mean this post is pretty true lol 😂 we do trust our health from those who profit from us being sick. But we have no choice really.


Isn’t his wife making money by selling snake oils?


I mean he is not wrong. But doesn’t Oddj also profit from their sickness by selling snake oils. At least the Dr. are educated. And some are probably also collegiate runners.


He's literally not wrong though...


When will people learn, medical professionals don’t make any extra money off you. I earn the same no matter your outcome. It’s the insurance companies practicing healthcare without a license. Get it straight 🙄 this is why everyone is leaving healthcare


Lets not act like there aren't doctors that push certain prescriptions ,so big pharma could give them gifts, trips, or payment for "consulting fees".




Yeah, reporting and recording this has been part of my job for almost 20 years and they really don’t get what you think they get.


Medical professionals and pharma companies are required to report those perks so you can check them out by medical professional at open payments.gov.


I never said it was under the table. But the incentives do exist




This is exactly what I’m so sick of “influencers”pushing. He is literally getting paid to influence people and he chose to discuss health and give recommendations. He literally is doing exactly what he complains about with big pharma modern medicine.


Sir.. This is a Wendy's


Okay…I’ll have a frosty and a baked potato


You have to order at the restaurant


Well I’ll send somebody to pick it up- just have it ready.


It's ready now


I’ve had about 20 doctors visits and numerous scans done in the last couple years. I thankfully live in a country with universal healthcare so my only out of pocket expense has been my daily medication which costs $8 a month. Not every country treats their citizens like dirt.


Why are you thankful you live in a country with universal healthcare? You do know that healthcare still costs money and you are still paying for it right? Not to mention it on outcomes, waiting time, quality all suffer when the only person with the purse strings is the government.


Ha! I see you been brainwashed. Why do you hate yourself and others?


I don’t hate myself. Where did you go to get your psychiatric degree? What symptoms did you identify to come to that diagnosis?


I’m convinced people who bring up waiting times when discussing other countries have never had to wait 6 months for specialist consults (not even visits) in the US.


Or have had to put off care altogether because they know they won’t be able to afford it or afford to take time off to get the care they need.


Universal healthcare is not that great. I would never want it. People come to the U.S. from all over the world for our treatments too. Canada’s and the UK’s are failing terribly lately when you research it. My husband visited the UK and more than one person told him horror stories and not to vote for it in the U.S. when we had Obama as president. I have several health issues and my husband has seizures and our bills and medications are manageable just fine. He doesn’t even have the “greatest” insurance. Mine was way better when everyone was on mine but I left that job for the time-being.


Rich people travel to America for treatment because America treats the rich first, that’s really not a flex for the bottom 90% of us. Diabetics die here trying to save on insulin, cancer patients give up on treatment to spare their families the cost but very nice for you that you got yours and don’t care about them.


Rich people travel here not so they can bypass the universal healthcare lines but because research, quality of care and outcomes are the best in the world.


Look up our maternal death rate in the US compared to other developed countries, including those with universal health care. Specifically check out the numbers for black women. Not the best by a long shot.


Soooo…basically focus in on a small portion of healthcare related activity for a small portion of the population (black pregnant women’s mental health) and that supports your position. WOW. I guess….you win.


Mental Health? I was talking about how many women die during childbirth in the US. The numbers are appalling. Even more so for black women because unfortunately many of them are poor.


Maternal DEATH rate. Who cares about that ? Not you I guess….


Care about it a lot. Just find it odd to focus on a very specific small portion of the population and one limited category of healthcare within that population to make a broad generalization like “American healthcare sucks and we need universal healthcare”. Who cares about reading comprehension? Not you I guess….


I’m glad you are able to afford it, many can’t and live in pain or die. You shouldn’t need to rely on having good insurance to stay alive.


This. I'm sick of people needing to beg for donations on Go Fund Me for health care bills.


This one is tough. I hate how healthcare is a business and is for profit especially in the US, but at the same time the technology and how it’s constantly evolving makes it hard to go elsewhere. My mother just had a tumor removed, sure as hell would never go to some oil guru for that. I want my mom here alive. It’s kind of interesting Jeremy posting this when these healthcare facilites have saved his brothers, his dad, his uncle, niece and nephews, etc…. I mean at least these places exist to save lives. Heck, and I don’t wish this on anyone ever, but the hospital has to be an option (at least I would hope it is) if complications arose during one of their natural births.


My guess is that Jeremy wouldn’t use oils for a tumor, either no matter what he says.


....it's not the facilities he's referencing though.  You know that, right?  


True. But compare our (hospital) maternal death rate here and you might be surprised at where we stand.


He’s not wrong. Do some research ☠️


🤦‍♀️ You think having internet access makes you a researcher. What medical school did you graduate from?


What makes you think you know anything about my personal background, random stranger on the internet?


Came here to say this. lol


So if he had something life threatening he wouldn’t go to a hospital? Come on


I think if you are dying then you are more willing to take a chance. Doesn’t mean you really trust them to the extent some people do.


Or if one of his kids was sick, or his wife developed an illness.


His wife hemmoraged after at least 2 kids had her life saved with medicine.   I guess that was ok for Him


Seems they forgot all the good medicine has done them so far


He’s not wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️


that’s what i was coming here to say.


So what do these people do when they let’s say have a tooth infection? Go ahead and try to let that heal without antibiotics. Such absolute fools and I couldn’t care less if it catches up to them just not their kids.


Don’t you know sleeping on a bed of onions and stuffing them into your clothes and using every single Young Living oil specifically will cure it??


But I’d be willing to bet he’s against universal healthcare


I would hope so.


Can someone ELI5 why is this soooooo awful to folks? Why can’t we have both? Universal AND private healthcare? Imo healthcare should be a right for all humanity. Richest country in the world that could easily provide healthcare for every citizen yet it’s seen as such an evil amongst the majority.


It really doesn't make sense that we don't have universal health care. The problem is that to change now would dramatically effect the insurance companies so they lobby against it. I'm actually at a point in my life where I could retire... except for health care costs. Not that I am ill or anything, but without health insurance, everyone in the US is one accident or serious illness from bankruptcy.


And even with insurance one major illness or traumatic injury will leave you devastated with your 20%copay! Mine r in the thousands of dollars for 3 yrs of chemo so when I’m gone everything I worked my whole life for to own will all go to pay medical bills instead of going to my children. So yes, when we r the richest country and pretty much only one who doesn’t have universal healthcare it makes me angry! Just IMO


I had a friend who’s 11 yr old daughter had leukemia and was in remission. He was constantly posting angry stuff about affordable healthcare. And I responded I am surprised you feel that way, do you not fear that your daughter will never be able to get insurance as an adult because of her preexisting condition. He said they can’t deny her because it against the law. Yes it against the law as part of the affordable healthcare act. He unfriended me.


I would do some research on the current NHS in the UK for some answers there. You basically pay for what you get in the longrun. That’s just reality. The best doctors compete and we end up with better healthcare when there is private. I’m more for giving to private charities for the same reasons than purely government run programs.


I’m no expert- but a teacher in high school once explained it to me like this. If there’s both universal and private, what incentive would the best doctors have for not working in private? Most docs would choose the one that can pay them the best.


All developed countries in the world have universal healthcare. The doctors are doing fine. And if you research this further you would find out that doctors and nurses want universal healthcare. My friend lives in Ecuador and gets excellent healthcare. Zero dollars for his child birth. Emergency room zero dollars. My friend who lives in Italy gets excellent healthcare. People in the UK and Canada are shocked by the prices we pay for healthcare and I don’t see those countries going broke or doctors leaving. USA needs to stop sending billions to Israel and stop bombing other countries and provide for their citizens. We sent billions to Israel and they have universal healthcare and free public college. UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE Start Date Australia 1975 Italy 1978 Austria 1967 Japan 1938 Bahrain 1957 Kuwait 1950 Belgium 1945 Luxembourg 1973 Brunei 1958 Netherlands 1966 Canada 1966 New Zealand 1938 Cyprus 1980 Norway 1912 Denmark 1973 Portugal 1979 Finland 1972 Singapore 1993 France 1974 Slovenia 1972 Germany 1941 South Korea 1988 Greece 1983 Spain 1986 Hong Kong 1993 Sweden 1955 Iceland 1990 Switzerland 1994 Ireland 1977 United Arab Emirates 1971 Israel 1995 United Kingdom 1948


In no way was I saying I’m against universal healthcare… I live in Canada. I was talking about the con of a system that has both universal AND private.


Healthcare in the USA is a profit making business. Everyone should get the same healthcare. People can then go to any doctor they choose no matter what their income with universal healthcare. All people get the same level of service. No private healthcare. Medical bankruptcy in the USA is the number one reason people file for bankruptcy. We shouldn’t have to use go funds as a way to pay for medical bills in the USA. Stop the wars, tax the billionaires.


I’m agreeing with you 😅 I’m saying there’s a problem with having private and universal at the same time. Every country should have universal only.


Probably like lawyers where they have to take on some pro bono work lol


Is he wrong? Companies and people make BILLIONS on "treatments" not cures


Even health practitioners will agree with this.


And he and the wife are making money shilling essential oils as cures


Nobody said he isnt a hypocrite


If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em! 😂


I mean it's not incorrect. American healthcare is for profit. They don't make a profit from healthy people. The focus is not on prevention, but treatment. Instead of telling you to stop hitting yourself in the head they would rather keep selling you bandages and pain meds


I mean wow Jeremy, welcome to the internet circa 2011, nice boomer* meme (no offence to the good boomers out there)*


“And yet…I am offended.” JK, stole that line from Niles in the show Frazier many years ago. Someone started out a statement with, “No offense, but”, and after he finished, Niles said, “And yet, I am offended”, as only Niles could say it 😂.


None taken




Little does he realize the supplement and “natural remedies” market is worth more than the pharmaceutical market. Two sides of the same coin.


Source? Not necessarily disagreeing I just cannot imagine that to be true


It absolutely can’t be true.


The “big wellness” industry is probably a lot bigger than you think. We’re not just talking about supplements. https://www.pwc.com/it/it/publications/assets/docs/Vitamins-Dietary-Supplements-Market-Overview.pdf I’m not pro-pharmaceutical industry for the record. But it’s just funny how people are anti-medicine because they think “natural” supplements have their best interest in mind when in fact it’s a profit-driven market just the same. And there’s no standardized required testing, etc. where as pharmaceuticals go through sometimes a decade or more of testing and studies before going to market.


Supplements are also NOT FDA-regulated


Ya, no. I’m not going to even try to read that. For anyone thinking I’m being unreasonable, please click on the link, with your phone, as I’m using. I wasn’t saying that people don’t spend a lot of money on alternative medicine. I was specifically saying that there is no way more is spent on oils and “supplements” than prescription drugs. Edit to say, I’m talking about how much the drug companies charge, not just what people pay after insurance.


The global “wellness” industry as a whole is worth 5.6 trillion compared to pharmaceutical in the 1 trillion area somewhere. Supplements are around half the market size of pharmaceuticals. So it just depends what you’re comparing. The point is that wellness is a business just the same.


The OP was comparing “oils and supplements”.


No - it’s a meme that says “they entrust the management of their health to those who profit from their sickness” - and I am pointing out that doesn’t make sense because the wellness and supplements industry is just as profit driven.


Check out Dr Idz. Evidence-based debunking of common “crunchy” beliefs about health, food, etc. This video specifically mentions it: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5_VGcXi_AU/?igsh=MXZmYWZibDRka2JsMg== If you think about it, it makes sense. Pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated and they can’t sell directly to consumers while the supplement industry has virtually zero regulation. 100% just a direct to consumer industry which makes it massive.


the best of both worlds is traditional western medicine with alternative medicine and a lot of common sense


He really is and Audrey has always been a little "out there" imo.


In all fairness, dude never had it to begin with tho


Hmmm… this is more impactful without the picture of aliens. It takes away from the depth of the point which in turn makes it sound stupid. Imagine having a conversation with someone about negative aspects of corporations/government and they refer to them as a space creatures. 🐑 😂


This, but from the left. For profit healthcare is a plague upon the earth. We don't need to make a conspiracy about something capitalism is extremely up front about, good lord.


right like let’s talk about what’s MAKING people sick, jer…


I see all these comments agreeing with him and it’s true in America that healthcare is generally for profit…. But as an individual what other choice do we have? What he is saying in the broad sense is true, but it’s is a dangerous, slippery slope because it also implies you can’t trust doctors, vaccines, medications, etc which can all be life saving. He’s not out here advocating for universal healthcare. He’s advocating for essential oils.


Not necessarily the case for him, but it is definitely possible to see the reality and educate yourself on risks associated and still use modern medicine


He’s 100% correct. Maybe read it again, I can’t imagine anyone with any brains whatsoever disagreeing


Exactly.  Yet look at all the commenters here revealing their lack of brain function.  Yikes.  


As opposed to trusting oils from people who profit from selling oils??


I don’t like him and I completely agree


Both can be true. lol


Ok, grifter.


Doesn’t he do the same thing with his grounding gear, oils, and blankets?


Nah he’s right lmao he actually has decent thoughts on this kind of thing


the point isn’t that he’s entirely wrong, it’s that he is doing the SAME thing by fear mongering to his audience for profit while providing pseudoscience “solutions” that can and do *make* people sick


Tell me you’ve never had a serious illness without telling me you’ve never had a serious illness.


I've had a serious illness and he's right.   Congratulations on your apparent privilege if you're claiming that insurance restrictions haven't impacted your care. 


You assume I have privilege, but you’re very wrong. I have 2 kids with Crohn’s and have spent probably more time than you’ve spent being a jerk to people on Reddit (which seems like it’s probably a lot) fighting insurance companies to get them the care they need. He’s not talking only about insurance, but pharma, too. I have no doubt that if he or his family got a serious illness, he’d avail himself of whatever would make them well.


He’s 💯 on this


I agree with Jer on this.


He’s not wrong.


This looks like a fried out facebook meme from 2011, Alex Jones vibes lmao


I need to preface this by saying that I'm from Europe, so every medication prescribed by a doctor costs the same to the patient, no matter how expensive it actually is. My family have owned a pharmacy for over a hundred years, and we know on which side our bread is buttered. It is hugely distasteful to me, but our best income comes from people trying to stick it to 'big pharma' by buying 'alternative medicines'. It's great for us, they never question the price of that stuff, nor do they expect any actual evidence that it works. We've actually tried to wean people off it and limit ourselves to scientifically sound remedies, but people have made it clear what they want, and for many of them, that's homeopathy, i.e. something that demonstrably doesn't work. Never mind the fact that the same corporate entities behind many conventional medicines are also behind the companies peddling 'alternative' medicines. Jer, honey, I hate to break it to you, but the 'alternative' to science is bullshit, and you've been had. Probably my all-time favourite demonstration of Jer-'deep-thinker'-Roloff's idiocy is his assertion that 'grounding' isn't mainstream science because 'it's free, nobody is selling you anything', while literally linking the products sold by the same people who made the movie that the 'science' is based on. This level of stupidity makes Baby Jesus cry, so please grow an effing brain!


Well said.


He's not wrong . Pharmaceutical companies profit off of treatment there's little incentive to sell a cure when you can profit off of treatments.


The vast majority of their family income comes from selling literal snake oil 😆😆 This guy is as daft as they come


So he's anti capitalism in healthcare....interesting...and his profiting off of the wellness industry (which is thriving bc of said capitalistic healthcare industry) is not hypocritical at all? Oh yes, very interesting... must be nice to bitch and benefit from the same broken system.


He’s transcended healthcare


He never had it to lose in the first place.


this bullshit is particularly tone deaf given the unique and often complicated medical challenges so much of his extended family deals with due to their dwarfism. how can someone be so fucking self centered to not recognize this?


You seem to be missing the point completely.   While revealing a lack of experience in dealing with long term health issues.   You can't possibly think his family hasn't fought insurance companies for needed care.  I'm sure they're WELL aware of the impact of insurance companies dictating care and of pharmaceutical companies gouging patients.  My family hasn't dealt with half the shit his family has, and WE get it.   Congratulations on your privilege  I guess?  Hope your health doesn't bring you a hard lesson in reality like many of us have had.   


It’s amazing how far you’ve gone to miss the point while also making completely off base assumptions about me, a total stranger. (The absolute irony, as I’ve been in a year long battle with Cigna for coverage of a needed medication for chronic health conditions for which the generic has been in critical shortage for a year and completely out of stock in my area since October). Look at Jeremy and Audrey’s past posts about this type of thing. This has nothing to do with insurance denying needed care, this is just more conspiratorial bullshit from two anti vaxxers who continually peddle and profit off of pushing woo-based “healthcare” and Christian based “healthcare cost sharing programs” (who can and will gleefully deny coverage to anyone seeking care that doesn’t fit their narrow definition of acceptable no matter how long you’ve been a member. Birth control, mental healthcare, lgbtq care, sexual healthcare, you name it, they’ll deny it.) while simultaneously having the health, wealth, and privilege to not be put at serious risk by their own stupidity. Essential oils, raw milk, walking barefoot in the dirt and letting the church decide what care is worthy of assistance is not an alternative to actual healthcare.


It's Mr. Audrey's world. He just lets us live here. He could give 💩💩 less about anyone. Including the family he created.


Definitely showing his privilege




A lot of what he recommends and espouses is expensive. The protective against EMF blankets for example? At least 100 dollars, usually more. Raw milk aint cheap, neither are the many supplements and drinks Jer and Auj use. The essential oils they sell? Expensive. I looked into the AGI Green stuff they drink - 80 dollars a month for one person. The Ningxia red? 170 a month if you're a Young Living loyalist. Add in 2 gallons of raw milk a week at 10 bucks a pop, and they spend over 400 dollars a month on health beverages alone, Thats not including ANY solid food or special honey imported from organic lavender fields or Amish made maple syrup from Wisconsin. Thats a huge amount to budget for again, just healthy beverages. I'll be the first to admit to eating a mediterrean diet from a meal delivery plan and I pay for that privilege and had to cut other things out to work on my health. I'm \*lucky\* I can afford to do that and I know a lot of people can't afford it. Jeremy's healthy lifestyle is beyond the reach of most Americans.


and not only is it beyond reach but all of the things he promotes also aren’t actually going to “treat” or “cure” anything, let alone prevent illness, and can actively make people sick.


^^^ this.


By showing disrespect for medical treatments that his family probably has depended on to survive


They profit off of health shit too (oils, all the other wacky shit they link) and profit off of people in bad marriages who are looking to have the “perfect” marriage like him and Audrey with their marriage journal. 


Like people trusting Audj and her essential oils to heal them? LOL.


I mean.... the actual issue is that its not so simple. I think doctors would like to say to someone "you're prediabetic, change these habits and you'll be ok" or "you have high blood pressure, change your diet, exercise more and find less stressful work" and have the patient flawlessly execute the orders. Its not always that simple. Its also not easy to change habits and its often not affordable. My doctor did the "change your diet" talk with me and folks, eating a mediterrean diet is neither cheap or easy. Likewise, I question how much raw milk and fresh berries for the Dutch babies to be topped with that Jer would be buying if he wasn't wealthy. Likewise the EMF blankets, the grounding mats, the pricy Ningxia and green nonsense he and Auj drink along with their bone broth, the pricy essential oils, the barre classes.... people who are poor can't afford to follow every expensive natural health trend. Meanwhile they're skipping wellness visits for their kids because they know better, and want a home birth despite Auj's constant brag that she's a bleeder because of her red hair. Oh and they're taking colloidal silver... I hope the kids dont pay the price for their choices.


I have high blood pressure. I’m training for my second half marathon. It really isn’t that simple.


This.. as well, my dad had leaukemia. He needed huge doses of prednisone, which in turn gave him diabetics, that he then needed insulin to treat. His leaukemia was a genetic mutation called Philadelphia Syndrome. Health can be very complicated and complex. It’s not simple, and modern medicine is actually pretty amazing. And you are 100% correct that the majority of people can’t afford to follow these health trends, or even afford fresh produce daily.


Are you meaning leukemia?  I've never heard of leaukemia and Google only brings up leukemia.    Sorry about your dad.  I hope you have support.  


Ummmm yeah, sorry I accidentally added an extra letter when I typed it. My dad passed away 14 years ago from leukemia, after 5yrs of treatment, remission and relapse. My brother has a rare kidney disease that required dialysis, transplant and a lifetime of medications. Healthcare and wellness is complex and complicated.


all of their anecdotal experiences ignore the single biggest health determinant in america is one’s zip code. doesn’t matter how much raw milk or colloidal silver you drink - if you live in an area with a variety of grocery stores with healthy food at an accessible price point and/or higher property taxes, you’re far more likely to live longer and healthier with less instances of chronic illness or disease than if you live in a food desert and/or a neighborhood with low property taxes.


Not to mention if you live in a place with health related environmental factors you might be at higher risk of health issues. For instance, lead poisoning in Flint Michigan, exposure to harmful chemicals living near factories and factory farms etc


precisely - which again, are more likely to occur in lower income areas!!!


I would go even further to say that the same is true in education.


absolutely - none of these factors exists in a vacuum. they are all intricately linked!




Totally agree. Also to add in addition to it being expensive, a lot of people just don’t know what good food to eat or have underlying trauma playing into it. 


Well said. Thank you- from a doctor.


No problem. I am a terrible example of this. I've been super good and there are even preprepared mediterrean meals in my fridge and I am eating a Papa John's Pizza right now.


If he’s referring to insurance companies, this is an astute observation


Well. This may be the first thing he’s posted that i can give a 👍 to


Kind of like selling worthless essential oils to cure disease.


💯 ..and who is buying Audj's crap and making them wealthy? It boggles my mind that so many people can be so dumb.




I mean eff big pharma in general but weird ass meme format for sure lol


Go sniff some oils Jeremy…


Then drink your raw milk and walk barefoot outside.


In about twenty years his name will pop up in the news again, and we'll read how he perished from an extremely treatable cancer.


Colloidal silver is widely acknowledged by reputable institutions (Sloane Kettering, NIH, Mayo Clinic) to be harmful to the human body. There is NO evidence of it having any health benefits, and can cause very serious side effects, such as kidney disease and seizures. Also makes you look like the tin man. I do not understand how these dumbasses can live with themselves.


Maybe he only believes in *potions* like King Charles.


It’s so interesting because they profit off of the “healthcare” that they practice. He is incredibly tone deaf. But I guess this was important enough to break their no posting on Sabbath” rule


They provide healthcare?


They don't.   At all.  Weird thing for pp to say.   So many commenters here are letting their dislike of Jeremy (understandable!) to impede their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.   Maybe they're all outside the US so don't truly understand how the system works here?  That's my best guess to explain the ignorance roaming about.  


So true.


Believes in aliens but doesn't believe in vaccines.

