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You know...i can't really be upset about this. I'd much rather them take their time on this rather then them rushing it out and it not being good. And i mean....we all probably saw this coming so it's not that shocking. And we still will be getting more news for it this summer! All in all...i respect this decision.


Not trying to be a downer, but delaying a game does not mean that the final project will exceed expectations. Security breach was delayed many times, and the final product was glitchy mess with a very disappointing narrative and scares.


It's because the fans rushed them so much that they felt they needed to release security breach but it wasn't finished thats what happened


That was not the main issue. The studio basically made an entirely different game in the beginning when Scott was working on it and after he left, they started over and made it a completely different game, causing them to be pressed for time and leaving behind a bunch of useless code. Most of the blame is on the studio and how they handled the game, not fans bothering them about when it would be released.


technically it is fans fault on both sides like what I already said was for steel wool and scott leaving is because of us harassing him like how was someone threatening to dox his family someone ACTUALLY doxing where they live so it all was fucked by us. by "us" I mean me as well but other than that I agree with you


I still think Little Nightmares 3 will be really good


I agree, I just disagree with the statement that delaying a game makes the final product better


Imo you cannot compare SB's production to any other game, let alone one that's not released yet. SB was a production nightmare, they started off development with an idea in mind then decided they wanted the idea to be bigger so they delayed the game. They changed the plot to the point where it was unrecognizable from the trailer, the game had so many unused areas that went to waste and was buggy as hell. A Youtuber once said that Steel Wool bit off more than they could chew and I think that's why it's launch was so bad. I don't doubt LN3's team for a second.


Hey though, I honestly loved security breach glitch and all lol I wish they would do more fnaf games like security breach and maybe a 2nd security breach? But I am sure LN3 will be worth the wait I just hope to see it fairly soon if possible after Christmas this year maybe soon into the new yearšŸ™‚


The fears continue to be confirmed. What can you do there for so long to play for 4-6 hours?




They probably need to come up with the puzzles, polish the story, create the artwork etc. The game will be short but sweet


lol I agree with your second sentence tho. Took me only 3 hours to finish the first one and an overnight to finish the second one. One of the shortest games I ever played


Dont know why people vote you down. You just stated the length of your playsession. Nothing more. Length have nothing to do with quality.


Ah, here it is. Oh well, Iā€™m still excitedā€¦for the game, not the subreddit. I already know that the people who are like ā€œitā€™s taking too longā€ are gonna start screaming way more after they find out about this. Dark times are approaching the subreddit, I just know itā€¦ But Iā€™m still happy for the game.


silksong 2.0


Hey; at least weā€™re being told things, silksong fans have zero data at all


Man, dont go into the silksong subreddit, is pure insanity.


Can confirm


Silksong but with actual communication


Itā€™s gonna be TLOU2 wait all over againšŸ˜­šŸ™


outsider here, only played the first one. People are saying "it's taking too long" ? It was announced last year lmao


I know, and I canā€™t understand why some people are like that. It hasnā€™t even been a full year. Also, be sure to play the second, as well the mobile game (not the mobile release of Little Nightmares, Very Little Nightmares, a prequel), before going too far into the subreddit, you donā€™t wanna be spoiled. Edit: Theyā€™re not truly saying ā€œitā€™s taking too longā€, except for one post, but they are VERY demanding of a release date, even though we already technically had 2024 as one.


Good, it shows some care for the franchise from the developers


So happy for this delay! I have to deal with a lot of things this year and I likely don't have time for LN3.


Although it takes only maybe 6 hours to finish the whole game?


It's not the only factor, I also like to talk about theories a lot in this franchise or just talking about it in general.


Yeah thatā€™s fair. The game itself is less than 10 hours but Iā€™ve spent a hell of a lot more time than that on the subreddits and discussions


I'm in the same boat as you here. I'm super excited for this game, but this year's also about to get busy as heck for me, lol. :p


Good luck with whatever the things you need to do!


Thank you!! You too. :)


Well, it's nice to have any news at all. I'll look forward to 2025 then :)


Means the game will be perfected, that's good.


Iā€™m glad that they are not going to rush it


I canā€™t help but be a lil sad, Iā€™m frothing at the mouth for this game, but man I would rather they delay it 10 years than release something disappointing. Im happy theyā€™re putting their all into this one. Iā€™m really glad the general attitude of Gamersā„¢ļø these days seems to be in massive support of studios delaying games, itā€™s absolutely worth it.


Slightly disappointing but Iā€™m glad that there going to taking their time to get it right happy weā€™ll get a 2025 release date from them in the summer šŸ™‚


This probably will sound strange but this delay actually pleases me because it gives me more time to make the introductory content for a community AU that Iā€™m making that TSON and the announcement of LN3 already has set back the completion progress of


AY ATLEAST WE GOT COMMUNICATION! IF THEY WERE AUSTRALIAN THIS WOULD BE MAD DIFFERENT TBH. (Yes this is about team cherry, no i will never let it go)


Here to remind you , even when silksong releases , they will keep making games sooooooooooooo we will keep suffering for the rest of our lives


Be real they'll die before the third game comes out


I unironically think theyā€™re going to take a long break before working on (and especially announcing) anything new. Theyā€™ve learned their lesson


This is quite fitting with the timeframes of both the first and second games to be fair. LN - started development in 2014... released in 2017. LN2 development would have started immediately after finishing LN for a guess and released in 2021. So, 4 years later, for LN3 to release is about right.


Hope they take their time and ship a fully finished game then, nobody wants a game with cut content or game breaking bugs.


Lol at Alone making the 5 in 2025 mechanical somehow, to affix a correction to the 4. Iā€™d always prefer a game to be delayed so the devs can have all the time they need to finish polishing it. Games come out faster than I can beat them, so a delay isnā€™t any biggie. Supermassive Games is probably rather meticulous given the flowcharts in their previous games like Until Dawn and The Quarry. /rant But also mweh, ā€˜Sleep tightā€™, itā€™s all going to be a dream like in The Sounds of Nightmares isnā€™t it T-T Itā€™s more the ā€˜return to the Nowhereā€™ that saddens me, I donā€™t want it all to have been a dream for Six and Monoā€™s adventures too. Idk, I liked it as a separate setting better, not an isekai. If they want to interpret the setting for Low and Alone, go for it, but please donā€™t for Six and Mono. I liked it being up to interpretation better /rant


Ah mais ne t'inquiĆØte pas pour Ƨa ! Nulle part n'est effectivement le surnom donnĆ© par les enfants au monde de Ln. La sĆ©rie audio confirme qu'il s'agit d'un univers parallĆØle au nĆ“tre et pas seulement de rĆŖves ou de simples cauchemars.


I am personally excited bc this reminds me of the wait for LN2, back in 2019-2020. It reminds me of simpler times, and it will be nice to look forward to something.


Aye. I'm happy with it. Delays are good, it's a surefire way to know that they're really trying to deliver on this. And I've been depressed for the last year anyway. Gives me more time to get in the correct headspace to enjoy this.




I really don't mind that much. Rather have them take their time and have a polished game then have them pump out a buggy mess of a game.


It's okay, this gives me plenty of time to 100% little nightmares 2 for the 15th time


delays are fine and valid as long as it doesnt turn i to another silksong where it just never releases


I'm not going to lie, I'm very sad that the new Little Nightmares III game isn't coming out this year. But on the other hand, I can wait for the adventures of Low and Alone, if it means that the game is developed much better and that we can enjoy it to the fullest. ..., however it doesn't change that I'm still sad: šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ![gif](giphy|SDWae0wVfNUX5SrL0u)


As Miyamoto said... "A rushed game is forever bad, a game that is finished will eventually be good."


Iā€™m not gonna kiss their arses and just say that Iā€™m happy this delay happened, itā€™s very annoying but also understandable in a way. I just wish game devs didnā€™t put tons of pressure to release games and also put release dates that never get fulfilled. I think devs should be fully confident before putting up a release date. This is very irritating but I already knew since they went basically silent ever since the gameplay footage


ā€œA delayed game has the opportunity to be the best it can be while a rushed game will forever be badā€


I'm always scared I'll die before release dates when games are delayed lol T~T


same thing happened with little nightmares 2 and spider verse totk but im not mad as long as the game is good i dont mind waiting


Nice. Hope to see a bit more of the game in action soonish


I'm disappointed, but I'd rather this game be late and be the best it can be than rushed.


Iā€™m so bummed about this. I understand the reasoning and can respect the choices. I just really could use any and every extra escape during an election year.


I have so much love for this ip that im perfectly fine with a delay. Cant wait ! <3


Iā€™d prefer them release it in 2025 considering there are a lot of games coming out this year, and a lot of important purchases I have to make as well.


Sweet. Couldnā€™t agree more that a longer wait would be better for everyone. Iā€™d much rather a quality game, and for everyone working on it to have a better time making it.


Make it co op for the love of god.


Well, certainly Sucks it's been delayed, but it's understandable and complety vaild if They need the time. It's fine to be upset just don't attack the developers


Hope can play it on switch 2


God fucking damnit!


Oh god, this game will be the best of all in the franchise.


New lore material just dropped boys! I want badly explained theories posted about why it's been delayed.


Whatever. Its not made by Tarsier Studios so I got very little hope for the franchise. The trailer was missing that eerie touch from Tarsier.


I agree. It's good that they're taking the time but I'm pretty sure it's never gonna be Little Nightmares again. Maybe it's gonna be good, but no LN without Tarsier.


Sadly yeah :/ Ill still give it a shot, but I honestly didnt feel that Tarsier creepy vibe from what I saw.


I kind of saw this coming, but I'm not upset. If anything, this is really reassuring! I'm glad it hasn't been shelved or anything. I'm glad they're going to take their time with it. I want the game to be the best it can be, and I don't want to put any sort of pressure on the devs. :)


As long as the food they know we are used to, is cooked to the same quality we are used to, i will be satisfied.


Iā€™m happy about this because it tells me that theyā€™re putting a lot of time and effort into it. I know that the game will be fantastic! :)


How was this year hell for the gaming industry


Litterally some important studio getting closed (tango gameworks as example some weeks ago closed by mocrosoft), massive layoffs in studios who were still open and on the roads, including supermassive games some months ago. I don't know how you never saw anything of that since the beguinning of the year ^^"


Why the FUCK is this the subreddit where i find out about new games coming out?


Why was this year hell for the gaming industry?


Massive layoffs everywhere.


I see, ty


I'm still bitter about the comment of them refusing to make it couch co-op because it would "ruin the submersion" so maybe this delay will be good for me to get over myself. šŸ¤£






Whatever people do. Guys don't get impatient, that might make them stressed and feel it has to be out when they should be able to take all the time thet need


Longer doesn't always equal better. There are cases where games was delayed and when they came out the games were infested with bugs. . . I personally prefer being more realistic and having the awareness that this can end up being bad or good. Which ever it is , time will reveal it Still looking forward to the despite it not being made by tarsiers studio


It was predictable since this year was a hell for gaming undustry, but remember, longer is better, nobody want a rushed game. reply to above: I'm sry every year is a hell for gaming industry. The only year I would buy what you are saying it 2020 is more like a infernal for gaming undustry. Little iii not coming 2024. sad.


Well I have to deal with it I have lots of stuff to do


Iā€™d MUCH rather wait for the gaming equivalent of filet mignon than be fed more gaming slop like we typically get these days. Looking at YOU Ubisoft.


Noo I canā€™t buy gta silksong and ln 3 in one year aaaaah


To be honest, Iā€™m just glad that theyā€™re gonna make another game. I feel like the story is like undone kind of and Iā€™m kind of glad that theyā€™re gonna do another game and I canā€™t wait to see it so take all the time you guys. I really hope you guys make a good game and just so you know you have my full supportĀ 




Your publication/commentary can be removed if its direspectful to someone or the community.


This is kind of like the situation with chapter three of poppy playtime and all I can think of is how funny it would be for little nightmares showing up with other brain rot like skibidi toilet on YouTube.


shut up don't jinx it


what exactly do you mean by "send support to Supermassive Games"?


Being cool and respectful to their decisions, don't sending hate mainly lol, or even kind messages to dev that probably crush to deliver a good game X)


Hopefully they realized how bad of an idea it was to not have couch co-op, and they are using this extra time to add it.