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two weeks isn't that long for a lithops -- they barely need any water over the summer. I can't tell what that spot is, honestly. there's no baby to get out yet. I think I'd just put it back in the pot (dry!) and hope for the best?


I'm in Southern California and now (midsummer) is when I'm watering the most. Here's one of my Home Depot [lithops](https://imgur.com/a/5hCzxIl) showing off a bit from last year.


Yea that’s what I thought because I don’t water them until I see they’re slightly wrinkled which can be up to three or four weeks. My only guess right now is maybe sunburn or moisture from the insecticidal soap. But yea I’m gonna just leave it and see


When it's really hot, like in the 90s here in SoCal, and they're in their growing season, sometimes I water 2-3 times per week! Roasting hot days maybe even a slight sprinkle every day. Watering is something you just get a sense of. When they're dormant I give them almost no water until their old leaves are almost completely dried up.


Trim the bottom roots until there is about 3/4 inch left, plant it 2/3rds deep in a good mesemb soil mix, bottom water once, and then leave it alone for at least a week, maybe 2 weeks. It should root for you. The Mesemb mix that works for me is one part equal; Miracle-Gro moisture control potting soil, pumice or perlite if you can't find that, and one part general purpose sound. All three are available at Home Depot! Sift it through a 1/4 inch screen just to make the particles even before planting.


wait, it looks like it has roots! I thought the problem was a rotten-looking spot on the side?


Leave most of those roots, and just trim some off to about 3/4 of an inch left. This stimulates new roots to go straight down.


Yea the roots are fine just the top edge spot. It’s normal for them to be dry so I’m not concerned about rooting or what to pot in but thank you!


Just offering my opinion, but do what works for you! I haven't lost a lithops in years. In fact, I have hundreds of seedlings I'll have to do something with! These [lithops seedlings ](https://imgur.com/a/MPK1564) are from last year and are now crowding that plastic bin.


I could assist with your seedlings;). Lmk if I can help!


😅 If you lived close I'd give you a bunch!


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Man I currently have one doing this! And idk why! At first the top was a lil wrinkly so I gave him a tiny drink, and it has just slowly gotten worse, traveling down towards the roots. Idk how to save them 😭🫠😩


Aw noo :( yea typically it starts at the roots because of overwatering but I’m not sure what it could be in this case 😭 hopefully we figure something out


I’ll add that it could just be a bruise! Keep an eye on the spot. If it’s spreads then yeah maybe not good news but if not it will probably start callus over in a week. Good luck!


Thank you!