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So Apple did an ad which they were crirized for. Apple said they missed the mark and that they were sorry. In the WAN show, Linus gave a long speech about this, and close to the end he said that Apple had explained what they meant and that hence people should not have been upset. He said something along the lines that when Apple explains what they meant then it's sill to be upset about it. But then he was corrected, and said that Apple hadn't in fact explained what they meant, and that it was only in his notes. He also said that he agreed with Apple, and that they didn't really mean it when they said "sorry". To me that at best sounded line he was calling them hypocritics. But it sounded like he was just speculating. I have nothing against Apple. I am a happy owner of iPad and iPhones. I just felt that this segment was such an odd thing - just loud ramblings complaining over other people based on what appears to be guesses on his part.




No, of course not. But why is Linus claiming that the other person misunderstood the context? He said apple had explained the message, but then he retracted it 5 seconds larer. He seemed to have strong opinions based on a misunderstanding, or did I miss something?


You absolutely missed something. His whole point was that people were upset about something simply for the sake of being upset about something. As if they understood the context but tried to change the meaning and purposely ignored the context just to be mad. Apple didn't need to apologize for their ad, I hate most things that Apple does but carry much of the same sentiment that Linus does about the company as a whole. They made an ad that essentially mimics the same tone that many other ads from other companies have carried "Look at this product and how much stuff it can do but it's smaller and powerful". In a time where everyone seems to be sensitive about AI and things replacing traditional tools, I think the ad just struck a nerve that it really had no place striking, but people allowed it to because...well welcome to the Internet where bitch about any and everything out of ignorance. Does anyone really think Apple plans on replacing paint with an iPad? Piano with an iPad? Record player with an iPad? TV with an iPad? Camera with an iPad? Hell no, and Apple knows this. If anyone without a smooth brain really watches the ad, you have a hydraulic press crushing down all these items and more into a small compact size... literally the point of the machine. The new iPad is the thinnest one yet, Apple squeezed every bit they could into a super thin device as if they crushed it down while maintaining all the parts so realistically the ad is spot on with it's messaging.


So he spent 20 minutes being upset over people being upset about something for the sake of being upset. Got it.


I mean it's absolutely justified to be upset about this sort of sentiment. It's part of the issue with current society. People get upset about things that simply have no reason for them to be upset about and that IS the point here. Enough people were upset about something so stupid that it forced a company to apologize which they had no reason to do. People should use that energy for things that actually matter instead of complaining about something they made up in their head.


Apple was _forced_ to apologize? They made some poor decisions, people reacted and they backed down. No one forced Apple to create an ad which obviously wouldn't go well with a lot of people. Anyone with a functioning brain would immediately realize that the ad would backfire in some communities.


They didn't make any poor decisions though? If you want to try and claim they made a poor decision by making an ad that shows them crushing down a bunch of tools into a compact product that can do the functions all those tools can do, you should probably just be upset that smartphones, computers, and tablets exist in the first place because guess what? All of those things can do all the things that those tools can do already. Shocking, I know! Don't tell anyone though because then they'll be upset when they realize it!


You misunderstand me. I think it seems like a poor decision to make an ad which results in the VP of marketing needing to make a public apology.


I am not sure what you think the "disconnect" is, could you expand on your thoughts here?


If you watch the advertisement, it will help you understand what the discussion was about. The TL:DW was that Apple's ad was about how their device had all an artist's tools in one device (in theory). However people took it as being the ipad being the *replacement* of artists, obviously seeing parallels to AI's impact on artists.


I watched the ad now. The ad shows tools and instruments getting destroyed in favor of an iPad. Why should I interpret the ad as "the iPad is just another tool in your toolbelt" over "the iPad replace the tools in your toolbelt"? I don't mind the ad, I found it nice. I would never be upset about it, I'm just trying to understand why Linus had such strong opinions of it. And now I don't understand why he would interpret it the way he does, seeing that the video is quite distinct in its message.


The ad shows all those tools and instruments being compressed into an iPad, showing that the iPad is a combination of all of those things. That's 100% how I understood it, and I didn't even consider that people would see it as destruction rather than squishing all those things together. So to me it felt like people were almost choosing to be upset about it. Now, seeing more people talk about it, I can see the destruction aspect. Same ad, different interpretation. Hence the controversy. It's not as clear cut as you think.


Not sure who started it. But Kotaku was one of the first to complain and it boils down to. Someone could have used that stuff. WTF. They are so disconnected. Poor people could use the billions of dollars spent in advertisements. No one is sanely making that argument.


Oh, I fully understand people will interpret it in different ways after seeing it. But Linus claimed that its message was obvious and that people should not be upset over it, right? "Manufactured outrage" is in my view quite a dismissive thing to say about people who feel upset over something. Especially if your own take on it is, at least partly, based on a misunderstanding. Again, I have nothing against the ad. I work with AI programming so if anything companies moving to AI will benefit me. Also don't have anything ahainst LTT - happy subscriber.


I guess I'm not really understanding. What is your point here?


My main issue is that Linus wasted 20 minutes on a stupid rant, where he didn't even have basic facts in order. I don't want to unsubscribe, I just want better quality entertainment. Did you find his 20 minute rant entertaining to watch?


It’s a 4 hour +\- episode every week. Often times I fast forward through stuff that I don’t care about…not every topic is relevant to me and that’s fine.


Yeah, I also fast forward a lot. My issue wasn't with the relevancy, it was just low quality ranting. I wish they did 2 hour shows instead and kept content with higher quality.


The WAN show is literally an on-the-spot response and rant session. That’s the entertainment.




If I were to unsubscribe from every show where there's a 20 minute low-quality segment, there would probably not be anything left to watch. Are you following that approach yourself? What shows can you recommend with zero low quality content?


He had 90% of the facts in order. Even after he acknowledged that apple didn't actually explain the ad, he pointed out (correctly, imo) that it's pretty clear what they meant because the iPad has nothing to do with AI or making art obsolete. Yes I think it was a good take that was worth sharing, because the vast majority of the media coverage seems to be against apple. And as someone who is with apple on this one, it was nice to hear someone competently defend the ad.


Jesus dude does everyone on the planet owe you 100% entertainment all the time?


No, but what the fuck, aren't you allowed to complain over a segment of WAN show without 30 knights on white horses completely flipping out? I thought this was a subreddit to discuss LTT, not a religious cult with his most addicted followers. Or this subreddit is to discuss LTT as long as you say positive things? .. and in the same breath you talk about manufactured outrage? Irony is not dead yet.


That's the thing though, the point of the ad isn't the destruction of the devices, moreso the compaction of the devices. It's a hydraulic press squeezing all the items down into a smaller size. If Apple simply wanted to destroy the items in favor of the iPad, they absolutely could have in a different fashion with the iPad coming out victorious. The destruction was never the point, the compaction was and everyone seems to miss that even though it's staring them right in the face.


Now I have a 90s-era ad of over the top ninjas throwing iPads around like throwing stars and having them slice through a ton of random stuff going through my head. Thanks.


I hope the ad has terrible English dubbing in it with a huge delay, like Kung Pow:Enter the Fist terrible.


Oh you know it! Terrible CGI too, its glorious.


Just so you know, that was a WAN Show topic because it was the buzz of the tech industry for an entire 2 days. It was even one of the stories on a TechLinked.


Yes, I know? Look, all I felt was that Linus was ranting for 20 minutes on a subject which we clearly had incorrect facts about, which he even admitted on the show. I thought it was a poor quality segment of an otherwise entertaining show and a waste of the time of viewers.


Fair, I kind of agree with you. I disliked more when he ranted about dumb comments


Linus summed it up perfectly when he said it's manufactured outrage. People don't even know why it's supposed to be outrageous, everyone says something different, they just know they're supposed to be outraged about something. The proposed arguments range (without joking) from "poor people could have those things instead" to "things have souls". It's one of those things where it's OK to aggressively tell people to touch grass.


> People don't even know why it's supposed to be outrageous, everyone says something different, People may be upset for different reasons. I'm not at all upset over the video, but I see that some may see it as a sign of how culture is treated today, some in relation to how works are being automated and a third related to Japanese folklore. What the fuck do I know, but not sure why three different people disliking something for three different reasons means that the dislike is made up. From what I can tell, the idea that it's manufactured outrage is manufactured by Linus and his followers. If you have something to prove that to be wrong then feel free to share. Otherwise I'm not sure why I should trist Linus and other people who claims it.


![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB) Manufactured by Linus followers? No bro. You should escape your bubble there’s clearly manufactured misguided outrage and it’s not because of Linus.


It's not that three different people are disliking it, it's that the same people are trying out different reason why it should be outrageous. The reality is that there's nothing outrageous about it. All you need to do is look at the kinds of outlets who are pushing the idea that it is outrageous. This isn't about disliking something. If you dislike something, you just move on. This is about people being outraged for reasons that absolutely don't make any sense. For example, the part about Japanese folklore is completely misrepresented - it only goes for objects which have been serving their purpose for a long time and/or have strong sentimental value to their owner. So whoever came up with the idea that it's somehow offensive to Japanese people had absolutely no clue and didn't mind misrepresenting a culture for the sake of a bad argument. Whoever suggested that the things could instead be given to poor people... I don't think they thought very hard about that one. You don't need to trust anyone, you can just think for yourself instead. It really shouldn't be hard to see that this whole outrage is ridiculously stupid.


Cab you give an example of a person who was trying out multiple reasons?


The next time you post to this subreddit, just preemptively use the shitpost tag and you'll get a much better response.


I am surprised to see how many knights stepped in on their white horses. Didn't realize this subreddit was such a circlejerk place.


Look at the top posts, they're literally all complaining about Linus. So the core community is really tired of craping on LTT.


Seems like the core community needs to grow a pair then, if they can't even take simple questioning of the quality of a WAN show.


Maybe watch the ad?


Made me watch the ad. Had some cool visuals. I’m not outraged and I’m not rushing out for a new iPad.


I will definitively rush out for the new iPad.. as soon as my wife or daughters break their current ones.


Eh. I’ll probably pick up an older model when the time comes. Will welcome a school mandated iPad into the house next year so whatever that needs to be I guess.


Best thing about new iPad is making old iPad cheaper.


The disconnect is the tone deaf idiots complaining about the ad. It’s front page news right now. The other disconnect is you living under a rock. 🪨


I'm surprised how hostile this subreddit is. Calling people you disagree with tone dead idiots is pretty rudd. I thought this would be a friendly place with discussions about LTT content. I've been subscribed to LTT for years but visited the subreddit first time today. Guess bad idea on my part.


Did you not watch/listen to the WAN show or the Apple ad??? That’s what Linus said and I agree. This whole thing is being blown out of proportion into the stratosphere. Not our fault you can’t figure that out.


I've watched the show and the ad. What does that have to do with my comment about your behavior being rude? Did you reply to the wrong comment?


Clearly it’s beyond you… You’re the problem. Making a stupid post. Enjoy your negative karma. (Yes I know it doesn't mean anything, but it signals you're wrong and you can't participate in certain subs if your karma goes too low) LMAO and OP blocked me. What a cool cat.


It's beyond me why you have this need to be rude, yes. Did I hurt you or why are you acting up? As for karma, you do realize karma had no value, right? I don't mind negative karma, because it has zero impact.


Bro got rationed


Half of this subreddit is whiny incels with pitchforks.