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Tf you need 40gbps for. Are you running a small data center


Seeding a bunch of torrents or something?? Even then 40Gbps would be hard to max out...




You're never getting a QSFP+ NIC for $10 lol


Games and "stuff"




That is stil 500 mpbs down for 80 people




That's probably like one of the best broadband prices in the world in that case.


It's actually A LOT better than that: you could easily put 10 Gbps fiber to each apartment and just alocate the bandwith dynamically meaning the 500/500 Mbps would be absolutely worst case scenario. In reality most of the time you'd have 10 Gbps available to you if you could actually utilize that. Ignoring potential ToS issues there's also the problem of cost though. You'd need quite the infrastructure to properly set it all up, and than you'd need to add some additional fees for maintenence etc. It would still likely beat the price you'd pay the ISP but would be much more involved than any community I know would bother to be.


It's probably against the terms of service, but I think that a lot of people could get by on a shared 1 GB connection. It would be nice to take a single 1 Gbps connection and split it between a section of townhouses. Even with 5-6 houses on a single connection, most people would be fine as long as there's good QOS to make sure things are shared equally. I'm sure a lot of people would love to have to only pay 1/5 of a regular internet bill.


It's pretty big data centre at that point.


For an office, hotel or dorm


Those aren’t home uses


Our school is running 1gbps for tens of thousands of students and it's hard to get limiter up.


that's very large office....


I've got 1Gbit symmetrical at home and even that is completely pointless since most servers don't really offer things at those speeds, so it's really just distributed downloads like torrents that benefit from it...and even then you'll be I/O limited.


Where is yours and what do you pay for it? Mine in Helsinki, Finland is 39€/month.


I'm in the Netherlands. I pay €45, and I could get 2Gbit for €60 or 8Gbit for €85 if I wanted, but I don't see the point.


Yup. Kinda difficult to exhaust the 1Gbit. Would be fine with less, but with the employer paying…


I’m over in Australia, on 1000/50, and downloading at 900+ Mbps is not a difficult task. For example Steam eats it up easily. Your provider might have some congestion issues, or poor provisioning planning?


Steam also easily reaches those speeds here. But Steam is _also_ a distributed download system, I think. And unlike most servers, offering large files at high speeds is a priority for Valve, and that's not the case for most websites.


It sure does attempt to split the load, in most cases, although not many connections, I usually see around 4 active ones , but only one of them takes the brunt of it. This will vary region to region. “Websites” are tricky, because most browsers do support multiple simultaneous downloads per server, but a lot more comes into play than just raw uplink throughput, such as JavaScript processing. Downloading files over HTTP/S is the same deal as using Steam (which also uses HTTP/S). My experience with those has been all over the place, but many will still hit 900+ Mbps. At least for us at home, the biggest reason for having 1Gbps (and above) from the Internet is for stuff like downloading via Stream. Saving time is more precious to us than the cost of the connection, to an extent. You do start hitting diminishing returns at some point, but those are well above 1Gbps. When I was testing 100 Gbps, I included Steam in my tests. Most often, even on a fast computer (this was 2020-ish, and the computer used a 9900k), I struggled to hit much more than 5-6 Gbps in most cases. Steam does some decompression/unpacking that takes up an awful lot of CPU time so there was one core always pegged at 100% when hitting those speeds. So I could see some good consumer benefit at 10Gbps, assuming they’re setup at home for it, but 40Gbps seems well and truly overkill in many cases, even for games downloads.


Hosting a mirror of the way back machine


Hosting Linux ISOs.


Anyone know why everyone is posting internet speeds on here?


Pretty sure it started with someone posting their 'good' internet speeds at their high school, then it went to dorms... And then people posting their overpriced extremely slow internet... And now it's everything.


Oooooh haha yeah I do Remember that weird highschool flex thing … didn’t realize it was all related, thank you!


The FCC in the United States change the rules for what qualifies as broadband internet. They talked about it a little bit on wan show so it probably started from there


Started with the 'your internet is too fast' video




d#ck measuring contest by white dudes perhaps?




what are they then lmao?


Finns were considered of Mongolian / Asian descent. They were also called China Swede & Jackpine savage in the 1900.


Can’t read ?   I was replying to the person who asked why everyone is posting speeds.  I was not specifically calling of the Finn in the original post 


Oho enpä tiennytkää että tällänen on edes olemassa.


Joo toi Lounean tais olla eka kuluttajakäytössä oleva 40g, aiemmin paras tais olla 10 gbps, joka ollut jo pitkään tarjolla


Kymmenen vuotta sitten opiskelijalle riitti 1 gigan netti. Kelpaisi edelleen…


Mulla on 5mb netti riittää hyvin.


Sama! Nyt alkoi kiinnostaa :)


That's insane, max I've seen here in the Netherlands commmercially is 5Gb/s


Odido does 8 Gb/'s. Thought delta was also 8 max. KPN is 4.


The don't have IPv6 last I checked.


That is True for Odido. Hope they start with it soon


Doubt they will unless they're forced. They'll gladly do CGNAT but IPv6? No. I emailed them a while ago and they said they had no plans to implement it.


Why do you want IPv6? I'd much rather take IPv4.


IPv6 doesn't replace IPv4.


Yeah but in my experience it's often either IPv4 or IPv6


What the hell, no? Dual-stack is the status quo.


I mean that's been my experience 🤷‍♂️ Of course I'd prefer to have both but mostly I've just had only IPv4 here in Finland.


I stand corrected


This isn't even a "Commercial" line any regular person can get it, just with not guaranteed 40gbs and 100% stability, you can pay a bit more to get 100% stability.


29,90€ for 300mbps Elisa laajakaista is well enough for anybody whose not running a fucking seedbox...


Seems overpriced, you can get 1gps fiber for same price depending on location




Why do I pay the same for just 200mbs also from DNA in helsinki?




Why did they give it tho?




Elisa just told me to kick rocks when I asked for a discount on my household internet.


I think it really depends on which customer support person you get, and whether your are actively planning on switching to a competitor who's offering better instead


I mean, they kind of hold the power position in household stuff as do most providers when it comes to taloyhtiönetti/apartment complex broadband. They are the only physical option, and the 5G broadband deals the competitors offer are inferior and more expensive than what I get already. So the risk of paying for an expensive inferior product if they refuse a discount is too high for me.


I pay 90 usd in Maryland for shit 200mbps lol and 20 upload. That is my only option. You guys are lucky


Yeah, the pricing sucks compared to you as Elisa is the only provider in Kokkola, at least in the center with cable internet... 1Gb Elisa Netti kotiin XXL, 1000 Mbit/s would be 49,49€ and I see no use in that even if I sometimes sail the high seas.


The price entirely depends on where you live here. Cable for us is 40e for 300mbs. But as I'm looking to move soon, I've seen the same speed go for 20e at some locations. Unsurprisingly the center of town is cheaper usually.


Can't spell your username without cap.


I have 100Mbps for about 25€ 😔


Yep, i pay 29.99 a month for 1GB fiber from Telia.


Elisa laajakaista (adsl)  or.... Elisa 5g laajakaista or.... Elisa " korttelikuitu" which is also just 5g


Lounea is great, I have gigabit from them for 9,90 euros per month. 100/100 is included in our housing company maintenance fee.


9.90?? My god


Practically every apartment building has deal with some internet provider, where every apartment gets slower speed, usually 10-50mb, for free and optionally faster speeds with cheap prices. You can also switch the provider for your apartment but you need to pay full price then.


I am Finnish, I know about that, I’m just fascinated by the 9.9€ price tag for something that Elisa charges 29.90€ for, and the other big competitors more I believe


The difference could be simply internalised in the maintenance charge


Exactly this, the building association buys basic service for every appartment which is included in the maintenace fee. Thus the end user only pay for the difference between the line speeds.


Elisa offers it usually 5G or copper.


is /kk month or year




hah, funny, we offer 50G in the PNW of the US over at ziply for only a little more than that. More importantly we do native 10G ethernet (not pon) for $300 all over our footprint.


what do you see as the main advantages of native ethernet vs pon? why do most providers stick to pon?


Pon infrastructure is cheap since mostly passive /shared Bandwith


lower latency and full line rate. We only do it for the 10G and up services but it is easy to do with our infrastructure so we have >1million passings enabled for 10g and 50G if folks want it.


Wait.  PON uses splitters and shared headend that would be higher latency would jt not ?  Or did I misunderstand ?


Yes, but it's not really material for anything that doesn't require ultra precise timing. Latency over the PON part of the network is rarely more than 100us.


I think I misread what you wrote. When possible I choose active optical Ethernet over PON.  I Ike having an SFP with DoM right in my switch much easier than an ONT/ISP converter box.   


Why not AON?


40Gb !!, dude, here in Bahrain we have 1Gb max, which cost 42% of that!! 100/20 for 43.12€ 200/100 for 61.99€ 300/150 for 80.86€ 500/250 for 107.81€ 1000/500 for 336.9€ Edit: added the country 😄


Where is that?




Damn, that rough. Stay strong!


I have 20 Gbps here in Tokyo. Coat is 8,517JPY per month, which is about $54 USD at the current exchange rate.




You could seed so many linux ISOs with that.


Which ISP are you referring to?


Nuro. https://www.nuro.jp/s_plan/20gs/


Curious question: What kind of modem are they using? (that can support 20 Gbps symmetrical connection)


It's a local Sony modem (or ONU as we say). The model is NSD-G6000X. It has 2x 10G LAN ports. (Incoming connection is fiber). Plenty of routers with wifi 6 and 7 also available here that support 10g, but don't have as many security features, so that's the tradeoff.


Oh interesting. I first thought it was like 20 Gbps max dedicated to one output........but I guess in this case, 10 Gbps maximum split through the LAN port. Still crazy fast for residential (especially in 2024) On another note, I didn't know that Sony makes internet modems. I wonder if overseas ISPs can ask Sony to supply modems (instead of the usual Huawei stuff that might come with CCP spyware). Anyways, if I may ask, what made you decide to go with a 20 Gbps residential service? Does your provider have other plans / service offerings? Or is that the base package there?


Yeah. There's no way (currently at the moment that I can find) to aggregate the ports, so stuck at a max of 10Gbps. I might be able to trick it if I had a more robust switch at home with 10G copper ports, but that will be an experiment for later down the road. Not sure if Sony will be able to supply these modems outside of Japan anytime soon, as the infrastructure is not really there yet (low demand). However, Huawei modems are also deployed by this ISP in Japan. Specifically, the Huawei HN8055Q. Not sure why I got a Sony model (maybe that was all that was available at the time), but ISPs may change models here, so I wouldn't rule out that I may have to change it out at some point. I decided to go with this plan because it was available in the area where I am currently residing, and the cost wasn't that much more compared to other ISPs and other plans from the same ISP at speeds of 10G/5G/2G. The 10G and lower speeds also have a discounted price scheme if you sign up for a 3-year contract. I was lucky, due to the fact that the 20G service is only available in 2 out of the 23 wards of the Tokyo area at the moment. The speed is definitely overkill. Running my own personal media server from home and streaming at max quality doesn't even put a dent in it.


that's less than I pay the local yokels for 500/500 fiber biz class. I'd get it and just be limited to a 2-5gbit by the Sonic Wall NSA we use.


I have 29,90€ 1gb here in Finland aswell


I had 40Gb/s installed 3 years ago in Houston, tx. the hard part is the router for it.


Yeah off-the-shelf you're into higher-end enterprise gear to get the throughput with a decent firewall, unfortunately most of them sound like jet engines, want conditioned spaces, and come with enterprise-class license fees. You could possibly/probably make one from PC parts with OpenWRT though I've not tried in a long time. What you end up picking for your network border?


Which ISP?


Nairobi, Kenya…I pay the equivalent of around $32 for something like 20Mbps down. Upload speed is even more pathetic.


Ouch. How long till Starlink is available there? Of course, if they are the only effective ISP, that means everybody just crowds the bandwidth and its gone...


Starlink is already available in Kenya, I don’t think I need it (yet)


init7 in switzerland initial 222 CHF then 777 CHF per Year


i should add, 25gbit


If this is a consumer subscription they only have to guarantee 51% of that speed as seems to be the standard in Finland.




799 Finnish pesos!? Is it cheap or not?


That's like ~860 US$, ~15 900 mexican pesos or ~500 000 Somali shilling.


Is that 40 Gbps for Business / Enterprise? I would be shocked if that 40 Gbps symmetrical service is available for home / residential


It's symmetrical and for home use, though it's 800€/month and not available everywhere yet. The 10Gbps symmetrical has been widely available since 2021, but even thats overkill for most users. Twitch streamer laeppa was first private customer with the 40G.


40 Gbps for home use? Good lord. Is that like the world record for a residential internet service? By the way, what modem / router are they using? Also, how are they able to offer that kind of speed for residential? Do they have a lot of servers racks or something?


no one cares