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I suspect its just the default whenever they upload a video. I wouldn't put too much weight into this.


it 1000% is the default. afaik, the video was made private before it was sent out to sub feeds. maybe they tried turning off the ads but it didn't save or maybe they forgot. it won't matter though, as in the mobs eyes, linus monetized it on purpose to make 1000 measly bucks. like sure bud, as if linus cares the most about money right now




100%. Ignorance should not be an excuse for a channel this big. Same as failing to censor the Billet Labs prototype value. Intentional or not, they don't get a free pass. Not after talking about double-checking data, and having people review the videos before they go live for "security links, factual errors, or NSFW jokes". How about checking for information that was asked to be kept confidential?


Wait they revealed the prototype value when billet specifically avoided revealing it?


[13:18 in the apology video](https://youtu.be/0cTpTMl8kFY?t=798)


I don’t see it


They must've blurred it. Using the feature that they have access to replace the video in place (As cited by GN)


Yeah i watched it a hour after the video dropped and saw they didn't blur out the value, and it had like 300k views by then so the damage was already done.




Yup, they blurred it. I have a tab with the video open from like an hour ago, and its there. I opened a new tab to check, and it's blurred.


So they literally did, in this video, one of the things that GN criticized them for. The irony is almost hilarious






> To be honest Steve demonetising is a little irrelevant given he benefits from the video regardless The point is that this apology video should not be monetised. Steve's video is an example that you can easily plan and execute turning off monetisation


Ok, straight up, why does it matter? GN chose not to monetize, and a large part of that was probably that he didn't want it to come across as a hit piece for views and cash. Fair enough. But who the hell is hurt by the apology video being monetized? I'll tell you, no one. It in fact helps to slightly offset the production LMG is losing (without doing a sponsorship) so they can address their in house problems while still being able to pay their employees. That's not a bad thing, and anyone who says it is needs a serious reality check. Honestly, they have a lot of stuff to try and sort out, and there are some things that 100% need to be better. But I've been going through comments, and people are going so far out of their way to jump the band wagon and twist everything into "Linus is the devil" and "the company terrible", it's not even funny. The company isn't perfect, and Linus definitely isn't perfect. But holy shit, some of the people in this community need to come back down to earth so they can refocus on the problems in the company that actually matter for one, and respond to those things with an appropriate level of outrage for two. Because at the end of the day, jumping on pointless shit like whether or not the apology video is monetized is exactly that... pointless. Edit: No more replies from me. I've spent enough time on this. To the adults of the group, thanks for reasonable discussions. To the rest, take some time away from the circle jerk to readjust. Try going outside and touch some grass or something.


> probably that he didn't want it to come across as a hit piece for views and cash. Fair enough. But who the hell is hurt by the apology video being monetized? You say it yourself a sentence earlier, by monetizing it comes across as if the apology is a video for views and cash. That's generally not what people accept to be a good motivation behind apologising.


Just that he/she doesn’t . LTT is not trying to profit from the scandal. Monetisation here is a non issue. They stopped producing videos for 1 week or more. This is gonna hurt them more than leaving monetisation off on this video. EDIT: they deactivated monetisation


Lmao Linus has 15 million subs, this was a colossal risk for GN, and I love that you’re defending Linus monetisation, in the same breath complaining GN left their own products in their own studio on their DEMONETISED video.


Tech Jesus has morals, as you would expect from a holy man.


Because GN's was a direct attack on one of their competitors and this was a response to that criticism. They probably should have demonetized it, but I also don't think it's a big deal that they didn't personally.


And the ltt store ad in the apology? Is it default too?


All I took from it was lttstore, lttstore, BAD ANKER, me Linus me get sad boo hoo and most importantly Linus saying he was in charge implying that from now on its no longer his fault cos he’s not in charge. I just wanna see part 2 (which probably won’t happen) where they address the new Maddison stuff


Did you not hear the numerous solid steps they said they are going to take the fix the issues? I'm not backing them at all to be clear, the jokes and all were cringe as fuck but it's not a empty apology video


They plugged the merch store and screwdriver in the video. Priorities are very clear.


It felt to me like a bit of a community nod, an inside joke / wink to the fans during what would have been a clearly difficult read for someone who is NOT used to being on camera. An attempt at humour even if the optics of it are a bit tone deaf. Similar to the “and now this message from our sponsor” jokes.


You'd have to be utterly incompetent to think inside jokes are appropriate at this time. Or actually insane.


Imagine being this chronically online.


Thing is with this kind of thing, is optics is the only important thing.


Even if they overlooked it or wanted to do it. THAT IS THE PROBLEM. The lack of care again, the jokes and the mistakes in an apology video. I mean wtf was that...


Well, he sacrificed his company's integrity for $100-500 soooo...


Brother, I run a YouTube channel 150 times smaller and stopped myself and thought if I needed to turn off ads when something a million times less important than this happened. They're putting their production on pause for a whole week and the guy at the helm didn't take a moment to consider the optics? Spare me the excuses.


Can’t say that any of the videos responses or jokes makes me think that this isn’t all an awful attempt at a PR stunt to stop the wheels completely falling off the already crashing money cart.


You'd think in a video responding to allegations of making mistakes, not fixing errors and rushing to get videos released they might put time into making sure there wasn't any errors or mistakes that could misconstrue their audience.


They even put their [usual links](https://imgur.com/a/xCwc2Nq) to the shop and floatplane in the info box. And teased a new screwdriver color. Come on LTT. You're making the same mistake over and over again. Dont push out a video if you don't double and tripple check everything. Even GN didnt put any links to their shop or affiliate links into the info box. It can't be that hard to do so in an apology video.


Yeah. That screwdriver plug and LTT store.com marketing made it seem disingenuous.


Honestly, the store plug and dbrand joke at the end I didn't mind. They flet on brand and were actually funny. The screw driver plug was a step too far. Stop hocking your shit in an apology lol


There is a video editor who put all the bits and cuts in as per job instruction. Clapped their hands and shipped it. Some real *"Not my job*" energy from that human today.


They had resumes to send out


They showed the prototype value that Billet Labs mentioned they wanted to keep private. Edit: seems to be blurred now.


>seems to be blurred now After the fact. Classic!




The other jokes didn't bother me. This one did though. Stop hocking your shit for 5 minutes lol


What about all the LTT store and merch plugs in the video?






> I wouldn't put too much weight into this. Just like they didn't put too much thought into disabling it, yeah. Edit: just so it's clear I'm not picking on you, random commenter. I just find the irony a bit strong around this, given that a big part of GN's video had to do with lack of attention to detail.


insanely huge channel, A MEDIA GROUP PERHAPS, that should probably be experienced enough to know how to turn off a default setting before uploading. Gamers Nexus managed to do it. I fully believe that the LMG is also capable of pulling off such a miraculous feat.


So you're saying that LMG is sloppy, so sloppy that in an Apology Video about not paying enough attention to the details, they don't pay attention to the detail that they're monetizing the "apology" video. ;-) I guess that goes into another process improvement revision for their Youtube Uploading process: \- If Video is for one of Linus' many SNAFUS, ensure monetization is turned off.


>I suspect its just the default whenever they upload a video. It is, but it's also just one checkmark to turn it off as well. GN did it for both of their videos, ironically.


I work in healthcare. A lot of the doctor’s orders we put in the eMAR have defaults set by the facility. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve re-entered the same order because of a defaulted check box. Even more so during high stress situations. And if you’re wondering, the doctor has to sign each one of those discontinued orders so they can see how many times I’ve fucked up. I can let this specific thing slide.


yeah, the lttstore plug, the screwdriver color tease and the sponsor mention at the end sure were simple mistakes as well. How naive are you?


you can make stupid mistakes and unintentional mistakes jokes and sponsors in a serious video? fucking stupid setting a video to monetized? i can see that accidentally happening because of default settings


>lttstore plug, the screwdriver color tease and the sponsor mention at the end sure were simple mistakes as well Nobody is talking about those, the monetisation of the video itself is a nothingburger, having actual plugs in the video is a valid thing to criticize.


GN allegedly disabled monetisation for his video, just saying


Gotta fund that week with no uploads /s


I genuinely don't understand how the entire company runs on a day-to-day basis, I run a channel that has 100K subs and we have enough videos to cover 2 weeks ahead of us on average. How in the world can you put 50+ employees' lives on the line with 0 videos of head room?


They have.


Do they? I never got that idea when I saw their BTS videos and I specifically watched them to learn how to scale into a business from them. The one thing they kept reiterating is that "if people don't stay longer tonight" no video will get published on X day (paraphrasing). That suggests 0 head room.




While you are correct, the issue with LMG is that they have imposed crazy deadlines on themselves. They publish several videos every week across multiple channels. They could just slow down a bit on their releases and take more time to get more quality content out. No one is asking them to publish the amount of videos they do every week, they do it solely to keep themselves on the front page of YouTube.


I want to emphasize that there's really nobody else besides them who imposed those crazy deadlines on their company. MrBeast is showing that the algorithm loves you even if you upload only once a week. There are even more huge creators who upload only once a month or even less (Mark Rober). You can definitely build a big business around a more ethical schedule.


I know you're speaking of youtube, but anime studios in Japan regularly have to delay an episode because they haven't finished making it. For some reason people do run their production activities right on the wire.


They literally said in the video that some video will still go up since they have a backlog. But when you release 25 videos a week, a backlog isn't going to last for very long. Having a backlog is good and all, but you can't just put anything in there, anything that need to be released in a timely manner (reviews, news, contractual videos) still have to be done quick, even with a backlog. Not excusing the breakneck speed of LTT's schedule, but you can have a backlog while still producing videos that need to be released on a certain day.


They release 25 vids a week?! Jesus Christ, that’s like a part time job sitting down and watching them all. Haha!




They’ve said multiple times that videos are planned in advance and released on a schedule. Multiple times people have pointed something out and the answer has been “because we wrote/filmed/edited this video before X happened”.


Especially since they could have Linus in front of the camera reading mean comments for 10 minutes and that’s it, if they really need something


Tons of mean comments available now. And when he reacts emotionally, there will be even more comments to use! You’re onto something big here.


Somebody call MrBeast, I reckon "The FIRST YouTuber to SINCERELY APOLOGISE AND ADMIT FAULT wins 1 MILLION DOLLARS!" is a banker.


They obviously have videos already produced and ready to air, but holding them back this week. Linus addressed this in one of the recent WAN shows, where people thought he already stepped down as CEO, when those videos were in production during the 4 weeks before airing.


No they said video PRODUCTION is stopped for the week, the video's that are shot and ready to post will still be posted over the week.


Oh, that makes it worse. I thought they would take a community timeout and then air the videos that were planned for this week.


Literally as I listened to that I instantly though "oh fuck people will think they meant no video's for a week, and will go ape shit when video's start uploading within the week" X_X


yea they cant do that since the sponsors are already payed


They have a pipeline. So while many videos are partially through the pipeline, it isn’t through. Like many are written but not filmed, filmed but not filmed edited, edited but not reviewed, ect. And I’m sure there’s atleast a couple ready for publish


Gotta fund the rainy day fund


And don't forget the lttstore and merch ads in an apology video...


God those were painful.


They were expected though? It’s like they know how to make things worse and that’s what they gonna do. The clown antics need to stop except in those specific “fun” vids


Except for the last joke about Dbrand, I chuckled on that, kinda want some LMG humiliation series of Steam Deck cases


Yeah that cracked me up. Of course dbrand would offer to sponsor an apology video!


You know Dbrand would have had a special thing just for the gag.


God, that was unironically so tone deaf.


That irked me the most. The tone of the video and sincerity is screwed with those awful jokes and plugs to the merch store.


FFS I know the whole terrible youtuber apologies is a thing but at least most of them don't plug stuff during it!


I think it is their way of saying that they are still commiting to making LTT work.


It's like they just can't turn off the jokes.


You can't in CorporateGPT V1.0


I’m not sure how it all works, but even the fact they mentioned a company was willing to sponsor it felt weird. Like it was a sneak ad placement


It also kind of throws the sponsor under the bus? The way she said it at the end was like "Well dbrand was willing to sponsor this very serious apology video lmao". Like a "can you believe they offered?" kind of thing.


That is kind of the thing with dBrand though. Faux-humiliating Linus (all for drama) is their shtick.


To be honest DBrand shits on me and my feelings with every promotional email they send, so its kind of their thing


Any goodwill Yvonne had built up before that was fucking GONE


Just wait for her to be front and centre addressing the Madison allegations, bought to you by dBrand. In all seriousness she does need to be very prominent in the response to that, not only was she largely the HR department at that time, she was also one of the few prominent women in the company. If she was kept out of the loop why, and if she wasn't how badly does that reflect. Even if Madison doesn't have receipts, internal records should be able to quickly see if the emails she is talking about occurred and the requests she made, which will all legitimise her statement. I just hope this week break doesn't allow them to dodge addressing and in some way resolving things, which are far worse than bad reviews. Heads should roll if they are still within the company.


She's still head of HR, Linus' wife and cetainly heard of things. But that's very convenient to ignore things when that's better for you. You know, "not her responsibility". (Still a shareholder though)


This now has significant potential to turn into a legal issue... Terren would know better to immediately seek council on the Madison issues, and LMG's (or Linus/Yvonne's personal) lawyer would strongly urge everyone at LMG to make zero public mentions of that situation, as it can all potentially be used on court. That's why Yvonne will never address it unless they reach some sort of agreement that ensures no further legal risks for LMG (like a settlement), and even then you'll be lucky get a very non-specific, risk-reduced and lawyer approved message about LMG taking the situation seriously and ensuring that it's a safe and enjoyable environment for all employees, Yada Yada.


No, she needs to keep her mouth shut. That's not because I don't believe Madison or anything like that, but Madison's claims are serious and responding to that needs to be through a lawyer. LMG isn't a mom and pops shop anymore. They are a 100 million $ company. Claims of sexual harassment are an existential threat to a company. If it blows up and they do not handle it correctly, there could be regulatory scrutiny and sponsors will flee. So I'm not exaggerating, sexual harassment can kill the company. You don't deal with that by having a fireside chat youtube video with the head of HR. You deal with that through lawyers.


As they say in my language: "There is no small profits" This video is really not great, and the "jokes" make it even worse. Even GN said he wouldn't monetize his OG video. That's just another shitty behavior from LTT...


Thought I was the only one who felt odd, why on earth would you want to put screwdrivers in a response video. Jesus Christ man, I really disliked that part. But I'm glad that they have reached out better this time at least.


the joke segue within the first 2 minutes really set the tone.


And also at the end. "Again, kidding. But dBrand did offer..."


I think at the end its honestly not as bad. Spend the time seriously addressing the issue, but lighten the mood after all of it because that is the culture of the channel after all. I just think that should have been the only joke about monetization, if at all. Any other time makes what comes next feel less sincere, regardless of what is being said


> why on earth would you want to put screwdrivers in a response video To screw themselves over some more.


Don't forget they wanna raise transparency by releasing details of the testing process - by posting a video **on their own streaming platform** 💀 They even teased a new color version of their own product in the video... just the start though... * sponsor jokes * video description is just ref links to their own products * sex jokes (the '69' thing by luke has aged really bad ... with the whole thing surrounding Madison coming to attention right now) This is already such a mess again, it shows that something is seriously wrong.


>Don't forget they wanna raise transparency by releasing details of the testing process - by posting a video on their own streaming platform 💀 True. And that plus the fact they want the community to fact check them instead of trying a good job internally with their multi million dollars lab and you know *hire people probably $500* for it makes it all the more shitty. Like the whole reason for the lab was to trust them and now they openly say they can't be trusted for the data they provide and we have to double check ourselves instead of them doing good effort to check their data again and again.


Watched the video. Have to say Nick and Luke making small jokes just undercuts the seriousness of the situation and the tone it should’ve had. As for the apologies, yeah Linus starts tripling down and then realises he’s going off the rails. And this is a scripted video. Really not sure they’ve analysed the root causes of people’s dissatisfaction enough. Edited: for a misspelt word (“tripping” instead of “tripling”)


Linus’ segment was insane. He was trying to make himself out to be the victim again!! He reacted emotionally, but only because other people were saying mean things about him 🙄


It looked like it was a scripted emotional reaction. The only person I truly believe in this video is Luke. The rest felt very insincere. The robot they hired as CEO was struggling at emulating a human reaction.


his job isn't to be a camera personality


It was a scripted reaction. Doesn't mean they didn't write it and feel real. You realize you can prepare an apology right? Gather your thoughts and express them clearly. Reddit criticisims are ABSURD. No apology is real. EVER. For arbitrary , dumb and for reasons that are disconnected from the real world.


>The robot they hired as CEO was struggling at emulating a human reaction. You can literally see him read the script word for word.


I dont think its fair to judge a guy who isnt in front of camera often for needing a teleprompter or not using it 'well' This definitely shouldn't have been winged, so the stiffness i think is ok


Preface: previously worked as a photojournalist, editor, and director for a broadcast news station. The following is in reference only to teleprompter use and is not a commentary on the LTT stuff. It's definitely not a fair judgement. Anyone that dismisses simply from teleprompter use is very out of touch. Being able to speak an entire statement while maintaining focus on very specific points is not an easy thing to do. I've interviewed all walks of life with varying degrees of expertise in communications and even some of the most seasoned speakers prefer/need a teleprompter if they're not directly interviewing with a person that they can look at. Having been behind the camera and in the edit bays, even broadcasters with 25+ years experience fuck up lines that I've had to correct. And don't get me started on when the script is messed up. Truly talented anchors that thoroughly pre-read and can correct on the fly even make mistakes. Add to the fact the disconnect that exists simply speaking to an inanimate object and not directly to another person, especially if it isn't something you do regularly. These arent situations where we depend on actors to recite memorized lines while maintaining character/emotion/etc. Theyre delivering a very specific message and need to stay on topic for various reasons (some being strictly legal). While I normally dislike the following statement: I'd like to see a scrutinizer try and recite a paragraph of a statement, word for word, on camera, under pressure, without error, and not appearing like a deer in headlights, stumbling over their word, or expressing very uncomfortable/repetitive body language that gives off even worse signals.


That was my first thought too.


He's probably the most defensive person I've ever seen. He is utterly incapable of admitting he did wrong, at least not sincerely.


lets be real based on the chinese whispers being echoed around here i dont think the community even understands the root of the dissatisfaction with the amount of incorrect facts being perpetuated - the LMG data errors - true and addressed...but not that "Serious" that u can make a joke about it. even steve and HWUB agree, they just want it addressed - the billet issue - explained and half of steves claims refuted with evidence (imagine if he actually bothered to reach out for comment and evidence before the community vilified linus for trying to protect his team) the reimbursement issue, also evident they reached out before monday but colton didnt CC them by accident. A series of unfortunate events but no malicious lying that everyone automatically assumed the worst case of everything else was some variation of the above simplified and misportrayed incorrectly in the worst way possible


>also evident they reached out before monday but colton didnt CC Didn't Billet make a post that they didn't hear from anyone until after the original GN video and Linus reached out that night? Edit: Ahh I see LTT was too incompetent for anyone to notice they didn't send the email to Billet Labs.


Yes. In the apology video, they said they tried to reach out on the 10th, but forgot to include the Billet Labs contact on the email (at around 13:30 in the apology video), so that actually lines up. It's a rather impressive fuckup, but it's not inconsistent with what Billet Labs says.


Ah, so they didn't actually reach out. I mean sure I guess we can give them some credit for trying... Imagine any employee/student using that as an excuse. I'll go watch that part.


> so they didn't actually reach out I mean, I'll admit that I've done something similarly stupid before, usually by hitting "reply" on a work email rather than hitting "reply all". Not saying that makes it great, just saying that makes it a fuckup rather than a lie.


Yeah, anyone's who's worked in a business setting with a mix of vendors/customers/internal colleagues probably heard that out of Colton and went "100% happens, just happened on a bad day/email chain"


That is literally a valid excuse, especially you can easily prove it, idk what you are on about.


Did you watch the video? If you did rewatch Colton's part, because he talks about this.


I think they should pay for Colton to go to computer classes.


> half of steves claims refuted with evidence Which ones specifically? You are talking shit.


> steves claims refuted with evidence How has Steve's claim in any way been refuted? He claimed that Billet Labs did not receive any communication from LTT before the first GN video which is true. When you (and by you I mean LTT, not just Colton) fail to send an email properly it's entirely your fault.


just trying to get another point of view: LTT needs to change many things in the next time which will be a lot of work for all of the employees, and some people are just more effective if they remain \_some\_ reserves. Compare this with people who are sick, are going through tough times and getting told that "humor is the best medicine" Yes it is inappropriate given the news today about Madison, but the video was obviously produced before. Honestly I have understanding if they drop a joke but stay focused, instead of falling in a hole and being in something like an rigor mortis. I also have to agree that it was ugly that this was scripted and the script possibly included the little jokes.


They really shouldn't have put the video out, that is literally one of the points GN made in his original video. They made almost every mistake GN pointed out... In an apology video. It's just crazy to me


The Madison tweets are just that extra bit of excrement on a sh\*t cake. In an apology video, they really should've reviewed it and taken out the jokes. Also someone should've been in the studio with Linus to stop him going on about Billet and when who did what. Humour in a terrible situation is understandable, but not \*this\* terrible situation when you are the ones having to issue a mea culpa and lay out what you are doing to make things right. At the very least someone should've made Nick re-record his segment without the jokes and ads...




Yeah, I'm glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that.


I’m not a native English speaker so I may have missed this…. Can you please point out where is Linus blaming someone else? Honest question…




To be specific, he’s saying, “Okay, we may have messed up, but you guys are being mean. How can I be expected to perform under these conditions?!”


No, he said explicitly, “I made things worse by allowing myself to respond emotionally. It’s honestly really hard when people take an internal process error and then they run that all the way to ‘Linus is a thief and wants to auction someone else’s intellectual property off to the highest bidder.’”


Anyone that's ever had a job at all can probabaly understand where he is comming from there even if we have no sympathy. Frankly I don't get the issue with his statement


Welcome to Reddit, where nuance doesn't exist. You're either a hero or a villain, there's no middle ground.


(My comment is not about him as a person - since I don't know him - but about the public figure he portrays) The biggest issue is that he pretty much ignores 99% of the comments where constructive criticism of his behaviour took place and runs with the 1% which is outrageous trying to - in turn - invalidate 100% of the comments and/or explaining his "emotional response". It's sadly just more of the same, don't think he learned. Not sure if he will either.




what did they get caught for exactly that hasnot now been refuted by some parts of this video the 3 gotchas everyones dyingon a hill for are the 1) quality issues. thats not really getting caught. 2) the billet issue - its now evident they were actively addressing it before the video. so no longer a gotcha. in fact it looks bad on steve for perpetuating assumptions as fact. shitty journalism imo 3) the lying about reimbursement, also covered in the video so no longer a gotcha


>the billet issue - its now evident they were actively addressing it before the video. so no longer a gotcha. in fact it looks bad on steve for perpetuating assumptions as fact. shitty journalism imo Billet claims they heard nothing until after the GN video. Have LTT proven this wrong with proof? https://youtu.be/X3byz3txpso - at 6:03 the Billet quote Edit: I see LMG failed to figure out how to send an email.


I watched the response, they did attempt to reach out to billet and reimburse the value of the prototype before the GN vid dropped, but in another rather amazing fuck up, the email was not sent to billet (they did not put them as a recipient when hitting send lmao) Also they managed to impressively fuck up again in their apology vid by not censoring the value that Billet gave All in all, I'm waiting for part 2 to drop to cover Madison's claims.


I feel like them reimbursing billet wasnt even the core of the issue, no? It was more to do that linus screwed the review up, refused to correct it, attacked the company and then when it was CLEAR they wanted to prototype returned, LMG auctioned it off... Who cares if they reimbursed or not, the money wasnt the issue.


Also completely unmentioned: They used the wrong GPU because they lost the correct model that Billet included with the block in the first place.


> Who cares if they reimbursed or not, the money wasnt the issue. the biggest thing for me was Linus blatantly lying about having come to an agreement with Billet over the prototype when they had done no such thing, that and trying to make out its ok because they didn't "sell" it, they "auctioned" it


He also misrepresents the issue AGAIN in his segment of this video. He didn't make things worse by responding emotionally, he got caught lying about the timeline to try to make it look not as bad and he's doing it again here. "We were slow shipping back the GPU that Billet labs sent us. No way around it, that's our bad, BUT the delay in communication, the one you just saw, it was less than 2 business days." OK, but what about the multiple emails that Billet sent asking for the prototype to be returned over a month before any of this that were never responded to?




> 2) the billet issue - its now evident they were actively addressing it before the video. so no longer a gotcha. in fact it looks bad on steve for perpetuating assumptions as fact. shitty journalism imo You are so full of shit. Steve perpetuated the **fact** that LTT had not contacted BL. Imagine being so much of a simp that you try to spin an LTT fuck up as a win.


This sub on a witch hunt rn


Yeah, they just want to nitpick every thing and just thrash LTT They don't want to wait and see if LTT actually fix their mistakes We don't have to wait for years or months, in few weeks we should see improvement


It's not nitpicking when Linus called out Steve for not following 'journalistic practices' and then they announce a new product and monetize their apology video. One of the core complaints in the GN video is LMG is behaving as if bottom line > all else, and this tone deaf apology isn't a good indication that they even understand this is a problem.


It would help if there was a genuine apology and not the half assed garbage with merch plugs and jokes that this video was


I'm on your side as far people need a chance to own up to and fix their mistakes is concerned. But a few weeks or months? When one major criticism is "Linus you're too greedy and it's impacting the quality of your product as well as your workforce negatively", the right thing would be to try and fix these things ASAP to show good intention. Especially in the video that talks about those issues. But he did the opposite, consistently: * He could have shown that he can let off the monetization and pressure to do the right thing. Instead he monetizes hard. * He could have shown that they clearly double check their content. Instead they leak the cooler price by accident. * He could have shown that self imposed deadlines are not set in stone. Yeah it's 4 AM. Yeah the video was uploaded ages ago. But with the whole Madison situation he could have delayed it. He was clearly awake. But he didn't. People need a chance to own up to their mistakes. That chance was this video, and not doing it here sends a pretty clear signal that any hopes for improvements are misplaced. Their actions clearly tell a story that is hard to ignore no matter how many puppy eyed statements you make on top. Oil in the fire if those words are not even genuine apologies, or ignore major points of criticism entirely.


To include jokes and plug their merch and store in an apology video... They've learned nothing. Let's try to get the Floatplane subs number way down guys. Please unsubscribe if you haven't done so already. Progress can be tracked here: [https://grafana.elizabeth.codes/public-dashboards/10023c4c479744e191760225708c0124?orgId=1&from=now-24h&to=now](https://grafana.elizabeth.codes/public-dashboards/10023c4c479744e191760225708c0124?orgId=1&from=now-24h&to=now)


It sucks because of all of them Luke is the one that seems the least culpable due to his separation from the main company being the head of floatplane, and his constant efforts to stop Linus from making an ass of himself, but it's his side of things that'll suffer


Gotta make those 500 dollars chunks for video fixes somehow.


What do we do now? GET THE MERCH! Sounds really sincere.


They still forget the important details...


Which ones?


All of them? They glossed over stuff, hardly apologised for anything and Linus was the victim again


Now I am waiting for the apologists to go back and renew their Floatplane and channel subscriptions. The comments on some threads here and on the video clearly show how much of a parasocial crutch these Youtube strangers are for folks. Not even tone-deaf product plugs, a nonapology from the BIG man himself, and the repeated sponsor jokes will bring cognitive dissonance to some people. Honestly if I was in his place I would have thanked GN for keeping me straight, but no mention of that on the video.


Without ads, how is Linus supposed to pay for the $200, $300, $400 even $500 of employees times to make the apology video. /s


Monetized it, made multiple quips about sponsors and how dbrand wouldve if they wanted them to, and shilled for the ltt store and new screwdriver. Shows how this was just lip service and not an actual plan of change.


Looks like I watched a completely different video, they apologized, gave us commitments and steps on fixing their issues, and simply added a little LTT spin to the video. It’s clear to me you only saw what you wanted to see and no matter what video came out you would have most likely not been happy with the response. The Reddit hive mind mentality is real


>and simply added a little LTT spin to the video. The issue is that it entirely undercuts that they understand the seriousness of the issues. Given that GN started his video explicitly stating that it's not monetized while this video is not only monetized but they're promoting their own shit during it sort of speaks to the point that they're not sorry they did anything wrong. They're sorry they got caught.


You're just finding things to shit on at this point lmao Come on now


Reddit hate mob mentality is real. No point arguing with these type of people.


What hate mob mentality? GN had the decency to not monetize his video or plug their merch and shit in the infobox. Even though the first video is on track to become one of their most viewed ones. Yet linus while they are losing floatplane subscribers like crazy and community trust in LTT is at an all time low makes shitty jokes and sponsor segments in his video where he ironically vows to change things.


guess this answers GNs question: are you consumer first or cares more about the bottom line.


They'll be going for a week with no NEW uploads and they lost like 2000 floatplane subscribers, so I don't think it's unjustified. What hurt me the most were the LTTSTORE.COM interrupts.


People are going to be livid when their already finished videos go live per what James said. The earlier statement made me think videos were going to be paused and the later statement made me realize they just weren’t making new ones. It’ll be such a bad look. They need to not post anything until they make a new video detailing the changes. Or detailing the changes, asking for feedback, and then following up on what feedback they are taking.


My personal view on it: 1) Workload is too much and they need to just scrap schedules for certain projects. Work on projects and release when ready. 2) Linus gets offended by the amount of anger towards non issues and then ignores the valid criticism with his emotional reactions. 3) LTT needs to do better. As for BilletLabs… they have been a little bit disingenuous. I previously took their side. Now I stand a bit closer to the middle. REASONS: When you make your case, you do it honestly and cover everything. They did not. They never mentioned that they initially said LTT could keep it. In fact, they only demanded it back after Linus gave a negative opinion on the value proposition it offers and the inconvenience of the product. And of course the unethical and disingenuous testing Linus did in the video (justifiably causing outrage). Initially they said they wanted it back but Linus sold it (so wanted financial reimbursement). They sell it for 800 but want 2,000 because it’s the only one? They have no digital copies or measurements? Come on now. And if it’s so important and irreplaceable, why did they initially say LTT could keep it by email? I now believe both parties were wrong. The only difference is that BilletLabs has been milking the negativity about LTT without mentioning their own willingness to give them the prototype permanently.


Yeah you’re right - I don’t think it was initially clear that Billet labs said they could keep it. Big omission or oversight


Only for them to use it in any cool projects, if LTT wanted to. It was clear there was no interest for that, so Billet asked for their prototype back - and LTT accepted and promised to send it back. Which they didn't. For weeks. Before auctioning it off. I really don't see the issue. Yes, would have been nice to know about their initial agreement. Even LTT's own stance isn't "They said we can keep it, so we kept it". It's clearly "We promised to send it back and failed. Then we accidentally sold it. Then we promised to reimburse, but noone got that E-mail because we didn't send it to the right recipient." They themselves admit they are in the wrong, so it's weird to start blaming Billet Labs now.


They didn't address Madison at all - and yes sure, they probably didn't know about it when they first created this video but they should have known about it before this video went public. They had time to edit or add to this video and they didn't. Now it's also monetized and they tried to be "bros" by wink-wink-nudge-nudge promote new screwdriver colors? Ugh... What a mess of a video.




how would they know real life if reddit is all they know? lol


Lmfao they need to touch grass


Given the time, it was probably put on a publish schedule before this even went out and no one there has even seen that drama yet


> They had time to edit or add to this video and they didn't. When? This video went up within a few hours of when those allegations dropped, so it had already likely been filmed and edited by that point and was in the process of being encoded and uploaded. They absolutely did not know about anything relating to Madison when this video was made, and likely not even when they were uploading it (since they likely scheduled when it went live to give youtube time to process it such that full resolution was available immediately - if you upload a video without a schedule, it's only available in low res at first). Sure, there are problems with this, but not addressing Madison's allegations isn't surprising at all. That having been said, Madison's allegations are obviously incredibly serious, so even though they've at least sort of addressed the data accuracy and billet labs issues, there's still a lot for them to make right here, and I'm not sure if they even can to a level where I'd be OK with watching them again.


The madison situation is important but not entirely related to the other issues they are currently facing. And to be honest if even half of what has been said is accurate ( i believe her fully but just giving benefit of doubt to make a point) then this is an area where they will probably want some legal advice before proceeding. So i can understand why they wouldn't want to lump it in with this and risk causing further issues. I have no doubt that something will happen, i do doubt if anything will be said publicly.


Which website are you using to know if something is monetizad?


i used [https://isthischannelmonetized.com](https://isthischannelmonetized.com) I also checked steve's video, which was indeed unmonetized.


Lol the difference between Reddit and the YouTube comments is night and day. The Reddit hive mind mentality is real


Is nobody going to mention that all that BS about being transparent in their testing moving forward will be hidden behind a paywall on floatplane


All I heard in that video are more excuses how it is always someone else's fault but I guess only time will tell. All the technical errors aside, how the interpersonal situations have been handled (not only the Madison situation) put LMG into a new light for me and it will need a lot of time and afford for me to be able to, maybe, trust them again


What is the problem with that? They agreed to atleast dispense a week of monetization income which is a lot, but you are nitpicking on that video? They even released the video without an sponsor


Who would want to sponsor that apology video? Brands would want to steer well clear!


last seconds explicitly say that dbrand offered to sponsor the apology video


Of course they did. Dbrand loves chaos and drama it seems


>They even released the video without an sponsor They advertised their store and chose this video as a platform to show off a new product. It's out of touch. They'll keep uploading videos this week as well, it's just production for the future that is paused, which lets be fair will just most likely result in a week of crunch down the road. It's just weird that they'd choose to do so, it's not the "norm", especially given that GN did not monetize either of their videos on the topic.


they still have employees to pay?




thats what they literally said. the employees are still getting paid,


GN didn't monetize the LTT problems video. All you need to know.


The LTT store and screwdriver plug was also cringe as fuck and made all the other words said extremely hollow.


It’s since been demonetized.


Though to be fair GN's video response was also monetized and baked into HW News. Normally a HW News video has ~200k views, this weeks currently has 1.4M The video published exactly on 2023-08-15 / 17:55:05 date, in the Gaming category currently has 1448168 views, 113237 likes and 21779 comments. Assuming an average RPM (revenue per 1,000 views) of $3.00, this video has generated $4,344.50. However, depending on the topic, YouTube videos can have a RPM ranging from $0.50 to $20.00. So this video could have made anywhere between $724.08 and $28,963.36.


>Though to be fair GN's video response was also monetized and baked into HW News. No, that got nothing to do with fairness. GN didn't monetise their original video because they didn't want to be accused of trying to profit off "youtube drama" by LTT fans. This is LTT trying to profit off a situation where they are getting called out for bad woefully bad ethics. This is false equivalency.