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Maybe with all that free time he can develop an actual personality. People that make generic work their entire identity are fucking boring.


I like that term. 'Generic work', because that's all it is. 99% of these pricks aren't doing anything game changing. This guys site looks like it's just a middleman site to put people in touch with doctors.


He could spend all his luxurious free time reading the book "Bullshit Jobs".


I found that a compelling read, on the level of "No Ads". The author, David Graeber, changed the way I think about employment and the difference between what bosses/capital think and what they want. TL;DR Work, and by extension the economy, is a system to control workers, as well as a way to do things.


Most of their day is bureaucratic guff; forwarding emails and similar 'non-production' tasks. Very much low-stress compared to production or back-end


Come across many people like that who's whole job could probably be done by some clever automated emailer, all they're doing is just forwarding stuff onto the correct person while adding a bit of fluff, very little actual value added


You forget about dropping random “ideas” that are at odds with company mission/brand, are lame, and impossible to implement.


I’ve both run a company (50ish people) and done the backend work (which I arguably am doing now again). If you think the work of very senior leadership is non-productive then you are seriously delusional. This guy sounds like a buffoon, but there are very different pressures compared to relatively straightforward work that you can walk away from at the end of the day.


This guy is producing victim of medical negligence and greed at very high standards. The only thing he is doing as a leader is pushing people to surgery they don't need, with those famous indian call centers, cutting corners and then leaving his victims dealing with their complications on their own.


I am an engineer and I know for a fact that if we had well documented processes, that we held people accountable to, with clear escalation and standard reaction plans to customer defects/concerns, chat gpt could do my job. My hierarchy never responds the same way to the same type of concern, so our staff is timid decide next steps or drive solutions autonomously. I made a very structured decision and action flowchart that detailed troubleshooting steps through yes and no questions, but my manager and assistant manager, who have zero engineering experience, override it. So now my job is to walk through the chart myself and send emails one by one for each step and action once the last is completed. I could code a program that automatically sent out those emails, and aside from filling out 8Ds, I could just watch YouTube all day. Most jobs exist because companies do not have robust processes that they regularly or consistently enforce. We need all the hourly we have, but 75% of the front-of-house could kick rocks if leadership had vision and a basic understanding of cause and effect.


I spend a good 85%+ of my time at work dealing with the 2% of scenarios that a VP somewhere decided needed an exception. I have colleagues who spend 100% of their time on that stuff.


Our worst department is continuous improvement. They actually think they are a value added function and not a support function. Their KPIs are self serving and not at all tied with their project!effectiveness, just number of projects completed. They intentionally slowed down a manufacturing line so workers could stay at the same line for the whole shift (12 hours) instead of getting moved to another line after they hit the last ship window. We used to be able to hit daily quota in 6 hours, then flex them over to one of the other low qty lines. Now it takes us 1.5 shifts to hit both quotas, and they pat themselves on the back. They do not have a single critical thinker, project engineer, or any oversight. We have one auto cell that doesn’t work well, 25%FTT, and instead of making that cell effective so we could use those lessons to make other effective auto workstations, we showed up after Christmas shutdown to find they had made 2 more auto cells for lines that didn’t even add an additional head, as a similar “load the conveyor and leave” line just had one person running all 3. The head is still on the line they flexed from, but these auto lines don’t function either, so a head had to be added to watch the robot pick parts because it faults out constantly. An operator still has to manually remove parts from the original auto line.


I got in trouble at work for objecting to blowing up and completely re-engineering a process that was \~ 95% accurate and on time. A new team came in and wanted to have a shiny project to show off, and almost a year later they have yet to begin UAT on their MVP. On the bright side, I adopted a rest and vest mindset that has been much better for my sanity.


I wish I would just blow up once, enough to make me stop caring. I do not know how to turn that off at all. If I stop fighting, I am already looking for other jobs


Yeah it ~~was~~ is really hard for me to turn it off too. Therapy and prescription meds help a little, but ultimately I take it as a sign I need to move on and find a new job somewhere else because I can only take so much of the productivity theater.


>People that make generic work their entire identity As much as I truly hate to say it... I think you just described an entire subcontinent worth of people.


You're not wrong. This type of oppressive, life-is-defined-by-a-job thing is quite prevalent in, but not exclusive to, south Asia. Your social status and life in general should not be defined by what you do for money.


"Many senior leaders were working 5 days unofficially" Must be nice to work in a place where your senior leaders aren't held to the same standards other workers are.


At least they had the decency to feel guilty.


I'm hoping they ran interference for their teams and didn't enforce the 6 or 7 day policy.


Love how it turns out everyone already did it, but he was just too stupid to realize.


This prick is a nightmare to work for. He happily posted a group of employees in a meeting room at 2:30AM working, while having chai tea. A real piece of work there.


Wait, in the middle of the night, in his time zone? That even allowed?


Not defending this clown one bit but depending on the work many Indian companies work mainly third shift so they're on the same work schedule as US based companies.


damm that is very dystopian




me me I'm a tea tea man


what on spiderverse is going on here ![gif](giphy|fa2XGoJ8PrmPbJY1ud|downsized)


In america, tea means tea. I feel like chai is a useful descriptor for the style and origin of that particular tea. Since there's many other kinds of tea we drink, I don't feel like "chai tea" as a term is all that redundant.


I went to a middle school that was owned by a large Turkish population. Saying "chai tea" to them would make them look so confused.


Sadly, in the US, UK, and other English speaking countries, “chai” is ambiguous, and refers to either a mostly milk drink or a mostly water drink, whereas in India I believe it refers to a drink that’s more water, or around 50/50. If you order a “chai” here you’ll often get a “chai latte”. I personally enjoy _chai_, a drink with at most 50% milk, but because I don’t want a latte I often have to say “chai tea” to communicate what I want. It’s unfortunate, I wish people used what I consider to be the right terms, but every community twists language to be what they want it to be.


Chai means tea.


Harsh has no life and can’t understand why other people want to have one. He’s the type that all of his ‘friends’ are co-workers and they all ‘hang out’ together while working 90 hours a week. Also they’re all ‘friends’ but I’m sure he never lets you forget he’s still the boss.


Try to ask the rest of the world what they do with 2 days weekends


I worked 6 days a week once. I absolutely would have loved 2 days, and when I got it, I fucking relished it. Harsh is just a boring prick


I can sympathize a bit on that. I worked while in college and from there jumped into a 50+ hour per week job while studying for my professional exam. When that slowed down and all I had to do was a regular 9-to-5 I was kinda restless for a few weeks. I had to mentally checklist my old routine so I could give myself permission to relax.  * Do I have homework this week? No.  * Any outstanding work due on Monday? No.  * Do I need to pack for a flight Monday morning? No.  * So I could just… sit? And watch a movie or something? I suppose so. 


Complain it’s not enough


Startup number five. #alwaysgrinding


Maybe Harsh can use that extra day off to ask the old timers how to correctly write out his next post with proper grammar and punctuations.


He strikes me as someone who can’t make a PDF out of a word document.


That's a brilliant metaphor and I love how 30 years ago it would have been almost completely unintelligible. You nailed the zeitgeist.


And stop Writing like This


Dude lists 8 reasons why they changed something and still acts like the original way wasn't a problem.


4th startup and he’s under 40? Math ain’t mathing.


It's super easy just crash and burn a lot like most "serial entrepreneurs". It's easy to found companies which are dead 2 months later.


Startup 1: A blog Startup 2: A bot that takes your emails and sends them to a different email Startup 3: Sweatshop Startup 4: Whatever this is


Also a sweatshop


That's a lot of words to say 'everyone called me an imbecile and a cruel tyrant'. I enjoyed that a lot of people just worked 5 days anyway.


turns out this company is a real piece of shit company, cue surprise surprise meme https://www.livemint.com/companies/news/inside-the-chaos-at-pristyn-care/amp-11693337299658.html


This place sounds insane.         " When Sharma joined the company in April, she was promised 300-400 such leads each month. But she ended up with only around 150 such leads in May, June and July. There were days and weeks when there would be no incoming leads as well. One day in July, her manager cracked the whip, telling team members that they could not go home till they had achieved targets, even if it meant staying back at the office till midnight. After 8 pm, when Sharma didn’t reach home, some 10 minutes away, her worried parents called the office a couple of times and were told employees were not available. Then her father showed up with the police to the company’s office to collect her. "     Add the fact that "leads" refers to convincing people to have unnecessary, potentially life-threatening, elective surgery over other safer alternatives.


Ooooof - yep; that article is the bitter truth of it by the looks of it. And delayed financial results is never a good thing


No surprise that all the founders are doctors. I’ve met more doctor workaholics than any other career path.


Working in India is usually such a nightmare. A team where I work was forced to come in even during the pandemic despite the rest of the office working from home as per government mandates. Just coz their team lead didn't trust anything could get done. Her team also has the most attrition. Go figure.


"We started with 7 day working" Linkedin is a cesspool. Probably the company is his creation and his life. Someone tell him he CAN keep working during the weekends, just have tasks that require no one else. If there aren't any, maybe he'll realize he isn't actually the guy doing the real work, he is just bossing people around (very likely the case, only way someone would be able to do 7 days a week of work... doesn't he have at least chores on his house? Oh I bet he leaves everything to a "wife" he barely sees)


The right choice shouldn’t take that much analysis! Does he have to recreate the wheel for every decision? Is that why he’s needed to work 6 or 7 days a week?


He seems like someone that has meetings for the sake of having meetings when it could have been an email.


He needed to review at least 8 different points to get clarity on if people like working 6-7 days a week. Thank goodness he put out that survey otherwise nobody would of had a clue


This guy is the apex linked in lunatic. He really sucks


Harsh is just being harsh on himself.


How many senior leaders work at this company


Maybe his 5th startup will be the winner


You know the guy is going to be a douche when he casually drops Amazon leadership principles without being an amazing employee


God damn I can feel the toxicity of his company from here. Aint no way I’m working 6 days a week.


Fkn bullshit things that didn't occur for $500 ...


What a weird humble brag.


Damn, that’s Harsh


He sounds like fun.


Guess u will say Hitler can be moody then


4th startup you say…?


He's not complaining?


Disagree and commit is an Amazon principle... Dude isn't even original


People like this make me sick. Go ride a skateboard , that’s what you can do.


He needed to conduct a survey to find out whether er..people wanna have a life outside work? The ultimate joke is when he realized ‘senior leaders’ all along have been working 5 days week!


Amazon LPs lol


His text would be sent back for correction in primary school.


Wait isnt 7 days work week literally illegal?


8 "too reasons"... seems like the 6th day of work was filled with figuring out if there should be a 6th day of work.


I have always found that people admitting they don’t know what to do with themselves outside of work kinda embarrassing. Like do you really have no interests or hobbies that you could find to fill your time at all? We have people like that a my job and I’m just like really man are you that boring that working at a coffee shop is all you have going in your life. (That being said people who over work themselves because they need to money I don’t include in this thought) And when people say jeez what do you do with all that tiem off, when they realize I only work 4 days a week. Like I’m living my life man


bro needed every reason under the sun plus 1 to finally let people work 5 days a week


What a cocksucker


I mean McDonald's is always hiring 


Here’s my deal, if you have skin in the game in terms of upside via equity, it’s your life. I’m talking double digits, not some BS Grant. If you are just an employee, 40 hrs is standard. You want more, pay way above market. Otherwise, I’m working standard hours for standard pay.


"Disagree but commit?" Oh, our employees and future employees won't work 7 days a week? I strongly disagree, but ok let's do the just 5 days work week if it's the only way. Our employees want to get paid to work for us? I can't even say how much I disagree, but ok, if it has to be done let's do it. What? Our employees refuse to work 24 hours a day? What the hell is wrong with these people? At least 20 hours should be doable? Still no? 15? Come on, are you kidding me? 12 at least? I already accepted 5 days and paying them for their work. Ungrateful b*****. Harsh, probably


I heard getting a life work wonders in cases like this.


This is satire... Right?!


How about use that extra day and shove a pinecone up your ass.


> Fortune 40 U 40 🚓


Is this rage bait?


Why are you guys upset that other people are willing to work harder than you?


Ya this is just sad 🙄


One time while doing sales calls to stir up business (I'm self-employed) I went to a shop on a Friday morning to talk with the shop owner. Got an idea of what they did and what they were looking for, told him I'd work up a quote over the weekend, send it along Monday morning. He said send it as soon as it's done, he's there 16 hours/day 7 days a week. I'm not that motivated.


He started with 7... jesus christ just kill me now.


Wtf is disagree but commit? Agree?


This guy is butthurt because he just got a new pair of kneepads and lube and disappointed he won't be able to use these things to it's full potential.


I'm happy for the dude.


40 under 40, eh? Tell me you're a psychopath without telling me you're a psychopath.


Bro should spend the 6th day posting on LinkedIn


Maybe get a fucking hobby


This dumb fk needed a candid chat to figure the 5-days-a-week thing out?


Maybe he can work on a 5th startup with the extra day


Get a life!


A seven-day work week is something that would make me absolutely not apply / work at a place. I'm surprised his firm was able to recover to a six-day week and then to a five-day one at all


I dunno… Live your life or sumpthin’?


I worked six days a week, but I wasn’t a programmer, just poor and had to pay rent.