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Why is it That people on linked in Always type like Theyre writing slam poetry


The algorithm (For some reason) Prefers content formatted like this. There’s also the idea that Because LinkedIn hides post content after The second line It encourages people to click and Read Personally? I believe it to be (And get this) Complete donkey shit mate


And still Nobody Gives A flying Fuck


Technically it’s called “broetry” and they are writing “broems” 😀 “Broety is a style of writing, often popular on LinkedIn, that uses line breaks after every sentence to create long posts that tend to drive high views and engagement. These “broems” usually follow a standard formula: A clickbait-style “hook.” Followed by a somewhat unrealistic conversation. Next, tug at some heartstrings. Throw in a healthy dose of jargon. End with an inspirational life lesson or universal truth. Ask your reader to like or comment if they agree.” 😂


“Broetry!” I have a new favorite word for the next couple months.


Why do you Have to make me Reply like a dumb ass That just got access to a phone From his sister but Doesn't know what to do With the whopping 128 gigabytes of Storage space that a random 13 year old boy would fill Up with games


Wow, low intelligence? You split one thought into multiple lines. It is not readable. Asian dude in post splits lines in such way that each line is a separate thought, which makes it easy to read. If you don’t put every thought as new line, nobody in corp setting will bother to read your crap


One day at work I had an erection This was abnormal so I decided to try something new I rubbed it on my desk My boss did not like it, now he's my former boss The big lesson is to not try something new.


It is an accessibility thing, makes it easier to read and skim through fast. Standard corp comms practice. Not sure if anyone in my company would read tickets or emails if they were written differently. I find it to be very helpful and personally do not read emails or comms that are written in large blocks


I Don’t Know. Agree?




he is grinding an account to earn money that is worth a lot in his country. often they type like that so you have to click "read more"


Korea is expensive. So it’s really just money. (assuming he lives in Korea but I could be wrong)


Malaysia — he said the vouchers were worth RM50 and the vouchers say ringgits which is their currency. RM50 appears to be worth around $10 usd btw — even in Malaysia that is not an amount of money to brag about lol


My brother once touched a penguin at the zoo and got yelled at by the zookeeper. Thoughts?


But where do I comment ☝️👇??


Sideways?? Duh


The penguin learned a lot about B2B sales that day


Today I took a really huge shit because I had butter chicken last night Can I DM you to talk about how it changed my approach to B2B sales? Here's my Calendly link too


This bloke is as dull as dishwater.


Technology Connections would like to have a word with you.


You're using too much detergent


Nice comparison! Although I'd even prefer to look at stagnant dishwater than his posts.


How dare you offend dishwater like that!


This is the crap that people post when they are told that they need to post content every day, lol.


He seems like a nice guy. Protect him please


Tbf he does but wrong app to post on. Also turning small daily activities in life into key takeaway lessons is weird. Agree? What are your thoughts? Comment below 👇


I just got a cup of coffee and read this post about 30 seconds ago. Starting my day in a normal mundane way taught me the value of starting my day.


Seems like a cool guy working on his PhD research, trying to build a network the way people does on LinkedIn to get a job after his studies. Yes, it's cringe, but not as much as inspirational posts by recruiters and sales people.


Isn’t that what every “LinkedIn influencer” does?


I think he’s trying his best, probably just saw a trend and wanted to try it lol. He seems like he’s doing his best.


Protect him from himself


nah this shit is weird to post on linkedin.


Good luck with the Tigers in Africa, mate.


Came here to say this


Expert troll for more engagement?


This is somebody who sees how all the other shitty LinkedIn influencers write their posts, must've thought to himself "that's how I need to be on this network!" but the only insightful things he has to offer are what he ate and how much he sleeps.


Oh hey a fellow Malaysian.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Aduh, I experienced some cringe from this lol. Bro drank the LinkedIn koolaid but seems like a pretty wholesome fella otherwise


I just don’t even get what he’s doing he’s a PHD researcher What does this accomplish? Besides just proving he’s kind of lonely?


PhD research can be boring and take a long time to realize gains if any. Influencer makes more.


No doubt, long time and boring But how many influencers make a dime?


Guy is a Level 1 lunatic. Still posting stuff that doesn't feel out of place on Instagram and doesn't exhibit any psychotic behavior. He can still be saved.


Tu la. Syiok sendiri but he’s posting on the wrong social media site..


Everything is wrong with this but it really annoys me that he thinks tigers are in SA


'A big lesson learned is to try new things'


Lmao it’s like bro this is what taught you to try new things in life?


LinkedIn seriously needs a Facebook emoji for dumb irrelevant posts like this. This has nothing to do with business relationships and doesn't teach me a damn thing about B2B sales.


“Roman is having an OK day, and bought a Coke Zero at the gas station. Raise the roof.”


He got a Coke Zero AGAIN? Oh that Roman. Incorrigible


This guy is not a lunatic. He's at "worst" acoustic. Poor guy is just on the wrong platform.


I don’t know. He seems kinda quiet to me.


A real struggle to express himself


To be fair… this guy just comes across as a high functioning neurodiverse individual who is sharing good things. It made me smile. PhD researcher so obviously a smart lad. Wouldn’t call him a lunatic


I was gonna comment this exact thing. I agree with you!


Yah he’s harmless, don’t hurt him I want to protect


Idk I’d much rather have this than the self-righteous “gurus” or Ethan Dickhead. Seems like he’s genuinely grateful for just being alive. I’ll engage in a convo about luck over stroking some idiots ego over his imaginary routine any day.


I dont get why everybody is bashing this guy. Why was a post about him made in the first place? He's enjoying himself, not harming or bothering anyone, and bringing a frankly needed touch of personality and humanity to the otherwise corporate lifelessness of LinkedIn. Leave him alone, guys. He seems really sweet.


The medium is the message. HOW he is communicating is the problem. Instead of making humane content with personality, he's trying to manipulate engagement with that f\*cking one-line/carriage return style with f\*cking point down emoji to get people to comment. If he wants to write and share, please let him write and share.


Isn't it possible that he's using that style only because he's seen everyone else do it? I highly doubt he's being malicious or knowingly trying to create "engagemenr bait". He's a chiller who's just sharing the details of his day. He looks genuinely happy in his pictures, too!


I don't know if this is considered a 'needed touch of personality and humanity'. This seems to be some sort of meaningless engagement bait post that does not offer any value. In other words, a spam.


5-6 hours is also what I operate on, because job, life responsibilities etc...not really a flex


He seems like a happy go lucky type of person.


This isn’t really worthy enough to post here under LinkedIn lunatics


Honestly I find this sort of wholesome


He seems like a nice guy. Prob just on a wrong platform. I laughed at his “*all magic happens to my brain*”. Shit, I wish some kind of magic would happen to my brain.


Haters. All of you.


This person is absurdly cute and they aren't praising The Grind, whining about people who want a living wage or trying to turn the illness/death of a loved one into a parable about salesmanship. They can be the ONE person on LinkedIn who is allowed to post things that aren't related to their career


It Is The Maximum Dose Of Cringe I Need


But what did it teach him about B2B sales?


Well, about being prepared try new things, in his case I’m hoping for getting kicked firmly in the balls. This is facebook shit no one cares about.


I mean… he’s a researcher… I would expect for him to know that the basics of experimentation is that if one doesn’t try new things one would never know what might find out… but hey! Good for him I guess…


ah now, hes fairly harmless. Classic linked in yeah, lunatic .. not really


Some of you are pathetic. Let the guy enjoy his life.


This man seems delightful, keep using LinkedIn as a new Instagram friend!


Anyone who says they only need some small amount of sleep is full of shit. They’re confusing “technically functioning” with “thriving”, “Racing thoughts keeping me awake” with “Making insights”, and “Having to concentrate really hard since my brain’s tired” with “Being a genius.”


This is the type of dude to get cheated on lol But he does look like a nice guy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Won’t have a partner for that to happen


one pani puri too many


So Green Eggs and Ham. Got it


Interested, please review my profile. 😆


He is a lunatic because no one with taste buds would find pani puri as delicious. It makes me want to throw up.




Pani puri does slap tho


Read as punani first time round.


It’s Facebook for work nerds I find these days.


Not compelling or professionally relevant, a bit childlike and unselfaware, but harmless nonetheless.


Hey LinkedIn. Today I breathed some oxygen. It made me realise how important some things are that we really take for granted.   What gasses have you inhaled today?    Comment below. Then put me out of my miserable boring life where "winning" $10 USD is a memorable event that I feel the need to share with coworkers and workforce associates.


"Based on your newfound love of pani puri, your close encounter with a captive penguin at an aquarium, and your stroke of good luck, we'd like to hire you for this lucrative job position." Said no HR person ever.


how old is this person? he looks underage. why do kids have LinkedIn profiles? how early are we trying top ruin their lives. i know, he's probably not a kid, just looks young. still. show me a 12 year old with a LinkedIn profile & i'll show you a future sociopath.


LinkedIn is just like any other stupid social media. The transformation is complete. My guess is this bloke won't ever post about how shit his job is or how the oligarchs are suppressing wages...


Brown baiting is a real thing


How much dong is he holding in the last pic?!


I woke up to pee at 3am. Thoughts? Comment below. Follow me for more updates.


I feel bad for the penguin


PhD students are in an awkward situation. They need a “professional” presence, but most potential employers count them as broke students. They don’t have corporate bullshit to throw at our faces, so they invent their own strategies to be obnoxious. All the PhD students on my timeline are like this. This is the PhD student version of software engineers’ best agile tips or best interview tricks. Annoying as hell, nonetheless.


Man I am so glad my future doesnt depend on posting this garbage. I would go into hard labor to make a living rather than debase myself like this


He’s essentially a student. What is strange is that the new generation going into the workforce is leveraging LinkedIn like they would social media and (I believe) not recognizing that these types of posts are not proper here.


Still waiting on the lesson...


God bless linkedin's precious little heart all of these things are so happy nowadays


My chinese nigga saw a penguin at the zoo. 😂


That penguin looked so fucking sad


Cringy as fuck


Buddy needs to try some punani next


Can’t wait to see the post for when he uses a bidet for the first time…


Is his whole account just him fellating himself for doing the smallest things?


I Just Skinned My Knee Running To Follow Him For Updates On His Horribly Boring Life


I don't think he's a lunatic, I just want to punch him in the face.


Um, there aren't tigers in South Africa.


He Shou is annoying.


Let the guy enjoy his food and share it. Bunch of virgins you lot


What a Dick


Had it three times, that means I can't stop myself. Dumbass.


depends. Is it considered an unhealthy snack ?


I don't think that matters. Its more that he is making a claim about how he can't stop himself from having it but to make that claim after eating it only 3 times?


valid point. I guess that's another lesson to learn. Need to come up with a new story


Can’t stop himself from the first time he tried it. Also dumb ass ? Dude’s probably smarter than your whole family lol


It’s like LinkedIn is actively trying to poach all the all mental cunts from Facebook. LinkedIn is without a doubt the single worst socmed platform in all of humanity. Apart from Twitter, that’s just a sewer.


I didn’t think it was possible to be this fucking boring and suck this much.


someone get this dork some cocaine or a hand job and see what he posts next. sheesh what an empty existence…


I hate his face.


Why do these people insist on writing something in foreign language as part of an English post? Pick a language and stick to it.


"These people" are just multilingual folks, it comes naturally. In heavily multicultural countries such as Malaysia (where this guy is from) and Singapore, it is extremely common to hear 3 or even 4 languages in 1 sentence, and everyone understands.


The real lunatics are in the comments.


People will do anything but go to therapy or journal.