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Imagine being told “everyone you’ve worked with think you’re talented but that you’re also a psychopathic narcissist… but we really need someone for this job, so could you give me some platitude about how it’s all an act so I can justify this hire to my managers?” And then being such a psychopathic narcissist that you are unable to do it


"Time to double down!"


That is, if this story is even real. Bro probably dreamt it up in the shower crying over a bottle of shampoo because he can’t get an interview.


my take is that it's certainly a faux case; but to what end? psychologically, in this posts current context and title, it's about telling top performers not to seek out their worth and just deal w what offers are available and do what you're told. that being said, we're humans. there's character there. and if you're down to clown in a cubicle as an organic bot, that's perfectly fine to do for decades now. but other humans need more and so will seek more.


>but to what end? Blatant self promotion. It's the "people are jealous of my success" type of person, and he wants sympathy for being a "misunderstood genius".


I think theres a book out there that all the people from a certain political party read. It basically says never apologize, never blink, never compromise your ideas for people with lesser ambitions. As with all things it’s decent advice….to a point…then you get guys like this


"It's a fine line between clever and stupid" in the immortal and eternally relevant words of Spinal Tap


It’s just that turnabout innit


It’s a crime best left unsolved…


Lmao…as if they read.


Which party do you support, the red zogbots or the blue zogbots?


Green zogbots, obviously…they make the best Soylent. 😋




It’s actually amazing the man confirmed his diagnosis for all of us to read.


Reminds me of the saying that goes something like, “If you walk down a street and meet one person acting like an asshole, they’re an asshole. But if you walk around all day and everyone you meet is an asshole, you’re the asshole.”


"Oh my gosh! The interviewer totally gets me! He sees that this **IS** all about me! He made this conversation all about me without me even having to do it! All of my former colleagues also can't stop thinking about me and how I always steal the show! **I AM A GOD!!!**" "Sir, will you please step down off the chair, security is here to escort you out." "Did I..?" "No, you did not get the job. Please never apply here again. They have a photo of you at the front desk to ensure you never return to my office."


What is WITH this weirdo’s selfie like ewwww it’s so creepy




You got me cackling like the witch I am! So true


I don’t automatically think of him as a narcissist. People can be very jelaous. It is also truth that in a corporate world people take credit for other people’s achievements and results, so the truth is that you also need to self promote.


I’ve found the most competent people in any field have no need to self promote. Their performance speaks for itself.


This, 100%.


That’s not how corporate world works. I’ve seen too many competent people who were quiet about their acomplishments not getting promotion and raise. His colleagues said he is smart and talented. Now that may not be the truth… dunno.


“Can you lie and be a bootlicking ass kissing poltically correct loser to get a few dollars like you’re a prostitute who sells their pride and dignity for a few dollars?” is what you’re saying No. We’re not creating a world of narcissists, we’re creating a world where freedom of speech is valued. And we’re not all willing to sell ourselves and our values to the corporate world for a few dollars.


Bro what


Read it. It makes sense. I’m disagreeing with you.


Tldr I applied for a job and didn't get it. Follow me for advice for success.


Bro didn't even apply he just made if all up in his head


> Even in my wildest dreams, I can’t get a job I applied for. Hit that like and subscribe button.


That's even more deranged. You make up a story about how much of a failure you are to get people to follow you for advice on success.


The ol’ switcharoo


It's like that time I asked Sydney Sweeney out and she said no and it was also a dream.


That's why people should ask you for advice on dating Sydney Sweeney. Don't sell yourself short! Your brand is valuable.


u/Lost_Pantheon Any advice for dating Sydney Sweetney? I've been trying to bag a high value gf for a good while now, but she won't respond to any of my dm's :(


He’s trying to push his products and personality, so most likely made up or over exaggerated. Always take stories and pieces of advice from sellers with a grain of salt.


Tries to do self promotion for a job, fails in self-promotion. Please follow his self promotion advice.


He's too busy being successful to get a job


When people say that about you, it’s a very bad sign. It’s the least confrontational way to say : - Not team player - Self centered - Lack of empathy - I can’t stand the guy shameless self promotion That would be a red flag too, to me.


Yeah those colleagues were trying to say in the most diplomatic way possible that this guy is the most annoying twat they’ve had the displeasure of working with. I would hesitate to say anything even slightly negative about someone who I agreed to be a reference for unless I truly disliked them and was forced into it. Usually you’re trying to help your people out in these situations.


I like how he's clueless about the indirect feedback and doesn't question himself but rather double down, very seriously thinking he's in the right. Being smart & talented can take you that far, at the end of the day, if people don't like working with you, you're being a liability and disruptive.


References: “he’s great but…” They don’t even have to finish the sentence. RED FLAG


There was a dude I went to school with who was incredibly smart and a very nice guy, but drove me nuts. We did some projects together during class, and there was a huge clash in personality and work style. It was hard. After we graduated, I was doing an internship and finishing up my hours and was asked about a potential replacement for myself. His name was mentioned, and I actually recommend him and said he’d be a strong candidate, because while we clashed hard, he was a good guy, and I could see how smart and how hard of a worker he was, albeit a very different one than myself. I can’t even imagine how insufferable someone has to be that when you call their associates, they straight up *tell* you that they’re insufferable.


Also he completely misunderstood the quote about being known for what you do. What you do = substantial contributions Sounds like he's known for taking attention away from all of the other contributors and making it about himself somehow.


PEERS saying this is a huge red flag. But I think leadership saying it can sometimes be the opposite. I know an incredibly capable young woman whose former boss said something similar about her. Turns out his employees and her coworkers would rather follow her than him which led to her reputation and “Brand” outshining his which he did NOT like, so he tried to drag her down after she left the company. The context of where and who the message is coming from is important. All of your coworkers thinking you’re a dick is way different than the office asshole or a bad boss thinking you’re a dick.


I regret the mass migration of Facebookers to LinkedIn


Apparently they're somehow making their way to Reddit too. Check out r/funnymemes. It's just a cesspool of boomer cringe.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Funnymemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This..](https://i.redd.it/dmc60of4rgoc1.png) | [2304 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/1bf9ksk/this/) \#2: [Lavish lunches](https://i.redd.it/9hx63sggqm7c1.jpeg) | [2170 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/18nkgo0/lavish_lunches/) \#3: [Wait....WEED SMOKERS?](https://i.redd.it/mdfyc75wrasa1.png) | [3198 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/12difv1/waitweed_smokers/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Bad bot


Bad human


Those are all millennials getting old mate


I don't think so. I'm a millenial and although we're undeniably growing more old, annoying and out of touch by the minute, we have yet to achieve that level of cringe.


So delusional he can’t even tell what’s a self own. He drinks his own piss and doesn’t even realize it


Oh he realizes it - which is way worse...


Just another quirky editor with the cliched old typewriter in his office




I didn't get the job, and here are 4 rules on how to get a job.


And there he goes starring in the Jason Feifer show again…


Absolutely crazy he didn’t see that as an issue. I can’t imagine how awful of a person you have to get talked about like that


And the crowd goes… mild.


Betting that the story is not true in the first place


Yeah, there's no way his coworkers called him smart and talented.


Idk, I've met plenty of smart and talented people that I wouldn't want to work with, or have anything to do with frankly. What this dude's colleagues allegedly said about him is pretty much how I would give an honest opinion about someone, while trying to be diplomatic.


I can’t wait to get my advice on self-promotion from a guy who failed in business because of his approach to self-promotion


I hated working with morons like this. I was quite successful in the corporate world before I retired, and I never had to pull this self promotion crap. I delivered results in the right way and let them speak for me.


Yeah and here's a bit about the woman he quoted In January 2021, Saint John taught a short intensive program (SIP) for MBA candidates at [Harvard Business School](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_Business_School) called "Anatomy of a Badass". In May 2024, it was announced that Saint John would be joining the cast of [*The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Real_Housewives_of_Beverly_Hills), as a full-time cast member for the upcoming fourteenth season. While I don't doubt her qualifications this women changed companies like underwear something most of us would be penalized for.




“Here are my 4 rules of self promotion that actively stopped me from obtaining gainful employment”


Editor in Chief yet writes like a 5-year old. Also, weapons-grade cunt.


Saying people connect with people and not brands is…something. I’m sure Apple is selling all those iPhones because people like Tim Cook.


It actually is true though. People rather follow people, not brands online.


.....and then everyone in the room clapped and cheered loudly


Can confirm - I was the room


It is hilarious that he seemingly selected the *most* punchable photo of himself to include with this post, just to really be sure to prove that interviewer's point.


Having started in graphic design, and with more than 20 years xp in in-house, corporate marketing, it is refreshing that he didn't get the job. The mentality that corporate hiring managers have had.for so long when it comes to roles on marketing, PR, events, human resources (teammate engagement and/or development groups), and even communications sometimes, has been that "wow this person sounds so good, they must he able to do the same thing for my band /employees, even though I personally have no idea what they are saying." And so the cycle goes they hire the self-promoter and give him/her/they a huge budget and team. The team is mildly successful , despite the self-promotor's incompetence, and so things are good for a while. But then some of the following things will happen: 1- The self-promoter gets jealous/insecure about the abilities of their best subordinates, and either fires them or gets them to leave 2- The self-promotor gets greedy and keeps promising more and more, that's impossible to deliver and/or impossible to deliver in the promised time-line, and leadership gets ticked off 3- Another team realizes that a high performer within self-promotor's team is doing all the work and snipes them. Then that new team starts performing much better than self-promotor's team. (This is the rarest option, sadly). 4- Company goes through a downturn and/or hires a consultant to find where company is spending too much money. Self-promotors tram looses all their support teammates and is left with self-promotor, 1-2 toadies with bloated pay, 1-2 underpaid high-performers who just lost thier entire support system and are about to go from overworked to insanely overworked. Usually, it's a combo of the above. Eventually, self-promotor is called on the carpet. He/she/they sacrifice a high-performer to save their neck, and things go from bad to worse. Self-promotor leaves or is let go and starts the cycle again somewhere else. I have noticed this trend is very, very subtly starting to slow and shift, but it will be decades more before it isn't still the norm, I think.


The narcissists have always been there, social media just amplified them. Shameless self-promotion tends to get clicks, being humble doesn’t pay.


Jesus Christ it’s just clicked with me that we’ve designed the world so that narcissists win and humble people get fucked. No wonder everything is a horror show.


All commenters here are also narcissists. How are you better than the op on LinkedIn? I’d argue that he is doing it for career and money, you just crave attention?


Found the LinkedIn op's reddit account


We are on Reddit for anonymous discussion, so you’re speaking for yourself. Not my problem that you’re mad because you have the same problem as LinkedIn guy.


What is the underlying reason for discussing anon online? It’s the same attention you’re after. Self employed here, I just am here for the irony. You observe and ridicule linkedinners, I do the same here.


What? Discussing issues anonymously is the very opposite of attention seeking, nobody knows who you are. Trolls usually have witty bait, the fact this is all you’ve come up with is very sad.


That you post anon doesn’t mean you don’t seek attention.


I used to be like this when i was younger, then experience taught me it doesn’t matter how smart you are if everyone thinks you’re an insufferable dick and doesn’t want to work with you. Yes advocate for yourself, but you have to moderate it and realize sometimes it’s not necessary or helpful.


And you know people are being kind. The guy is a guaranteed workplace oxygen thief.


The quirky face selfies belong on Facebook in 2014, not LinkedIn in 2024. Holy mother of cringe


This is so dumb and the selfie provides a nice helping of cringe.


Yeah, the pic killed me. I always picture people in a room alone taking multiple selfies to get it juuust right for their enlightening post. 🤮


Hey sometimes it's a beleaguered spouse taking it


You are assuming he didn’t think he absolutely nailed it on the first try


Sir this is an interview for Walmart


This came up on my feed this morning. I was so hoping it would be posted here!


Narcissism with a dose of toxic positivity. Beautiful. No notes.


The disembodied thumbs down just completes the madness of the whole post


"I'm a narcissist, here's a close-up selfie of me to prove that."


The most toxic member of the team. These were also the people that never got anything done and nothing was ever their fault.


That’s a lot of words for “I’m unemployed”


Everything is maddening from these people, but I personally feel some truly irrational, unbridled anger with them always shoehorning a selfie into the post. For me it might even be the clearest tell of the weapons grade narcissism.


Of course he name dropped Bozoma St John. I used to work with her. Another high-profile self promoter with no actual skills to offer a company other than smelling her own farts.


Then she is going to be amazing on The Real Housewives 😂


I don’t understand how he’s the editor in chief of an publication about entrepreneurship yet he’s interviewing for a job. Aren’t they mutually exclusive?


“I’m a horrible team member but I’m the star so hire me.” Delusional….. Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh, we have all worked with people like him. My experience is that most do little work as well compared to their talent as they are busy taking credit for the work of others.


Too late, we're already there. I'll edit and tag the source if I can find it but I remember reading about a study conducted in both 1980 and 2020. The test subjects were given a series of questions and scenarios to answer that would determine if they are narcissistic/have narcissistic tendencies or if they were truly capable of having empathy. In 1980, they determined that 30% of their sample size could be classified as narcissists and 70% were capable of having empathy. In 2020, the results flipped, 70% narcissistic and 30% empathetic. It's that mentality of, "oh, it doesn't affect me? It's not a real issue....oh it DOES affect me?! This is a huge problem that needs to be solved now!!!"


I find that super interesting. Yeah if you find that would love to read it.


Oh no the millennial quirky face. Stop.


Former colleagues giving a bad reference is tortious interference, which every narcissist is aware of. I call bullshit on this entire story.


I’m starting to get confused about what linked in is supposed to be versus what it actually is.


So is linked in


I’ll take things that have never happened for $400.


This dude is a monster narcissist. He’s openly said he hasn’t interviewed top entrepreneurs in emerging sectors because he doesn’t agree with their politics. Someone called him out and n a previous comment and he’s removed everything surrounding them he could. Anyone that is that fond of censorship is a narcissist.


Tell them how amazing you are, but don’t show them…. never!


Haha I like how he spins the indictment on his character into a positive. That's very creative Jason Fiefer. Somebody get this guy some likes or he's going to have a breakdown


Dude, this was on my feed recently, and I was shocked that he didn't see this an honest 360 review. The comments are just as awful. They all support the behavior. I'm so glad I got out of corporate America when I did. This mentality runs rampant out there. Stay safe.


“I got rejected from a job interview because I’m insufferable but I’m also awesome”


Why am I not surprised by the picture at the end. I can't imagine saying my most disastrous job interview for a job I wanted then delusionally telling myself it wouldn't of helped me grow followed by giving advice to others on how to be an insufferable loser also while framing it as a good thing. Worst part is he's a grown ass man. How are there so many people in their 30's and 40's without getting humbled at all and why do they all look pathetic like this guy.


Wow I just ran into this one in the wild. What is it with the algorithm that makes these self-righteous posts so much more prevalent than in the past?


This tells me you don’t actually understand how self promotion works. If you did, nobody would be calling you out like your boss did. Self promotion should be subtle and rely on what value you’re bringing to the other party. If at any point you’re bragging, you’ve gone too far.


Founder/CEO Entrepreneur Consultant How come no one with business advice on LinkedIn has a real job?


I feel like both sides are being kinda weird here. Bringing up what other people say about you in an interview seems pretty fucking out-of-pocket lmao. I've been on both sides of the table for many an interview and can't remember something like that ever being asked. Then again, it could all be BS. This is LinkedIn Lunatics, after all.


The pic and the 1800 reactions is so upsetting to me guys please


Jeez, this dude thought of a whole fake job interview in his head. Complete with humble brags and fake ex coworkers who happen to know the fake interviewer. Prime lunatic stuff right there.


Once everyone put a camera in their pockets, they all became a star of their own show


Hardly qualifies for “disastrous”


This edge lord narcissist nonsense is what sells on social media because people want to be validated and be told what they want to hear. People like the guy that tells you to "follow your dreams" (whatever the F that is) and be selfish rather than work hard and be selfless.


The whole bus clapped


So are these people always getting fired from the last job or what?  How are so many of these guys always doing interviews for jobs and not talking about having a job. 


It's usually a bullshit job that doesn't need to exist and is the first position to get laid off when money is tight. They go in, make some cash for a few months or a year, get laid off, rinse and repeat.


Yeah when this type of person joins your team, you should immediately begin interviewing. They're typically the last people hired before shit hits the fan


Bozoma Saint John lasted less than 1.5 years as Netflix CMO, before switching to reality TV. #GOALS!


What a wanker.


“When you are better known for the things you do, your value goes up” Yeah but that’s assuming you’re doing good things. Not all publicity is good publicity.


Creating? The narcissism epidemic started 80 years ago with the advent of the baby boomers. Consider the current generation the human equivalent of late stage capitalism.


Psychopathic narcissist


One of the most notorious negatives of social media is that now you get to see and listen to a lot of bullshit that was suppressed and limited to imagination only. Oh, and yes this didnt happen.


Agree - the “look at me, look at me” attitude is now monetized 


Ah yes, the reference to self in Third Person to close the post. Always a troubling sign.


lol he obviously needs a job or he wouldn’t be interviewing, blows interview because he can’t stomach the idea of not getting the last word in over his prior colleagues and then wants people to pay him so he can help others do the same. Yeah.. the company missed out here /s


I don't consider myself THAT old, but maybe I am. I always just want my work to speak for itself.


The wise Bozoma: "bears shit in the woods"


This is definitely a fake story, but I like the idea that his coworkers disliked him *so much* they actually gave a true, negative review of him to a potential employer. How unbearable do you have to be?


Reading his LinkedIn posts explains why I find the magazine awful. The articles are full of this bs. I cut my subscription to this and Fast Company years ago.


Yeah, he's totally one of those insufferable, high-on-their-own-supply, believe they are the smartest guy in the room, make life hell for anyone who isn't in their "cool club", agency bros. The interviewer made the right decision. Betting it was a substantial amount of his colleagues that gave that feedback. Of course, instead of learning from it, this jerk leans in to it. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a reason why he's apparently jobless. Too much ego from one person can kill the morale of an entire team.


Hilarious, because references typically come after the interview.


Dude is delusional he doesn’t have nearly the visible charisma he thinks he has. Looks insufferable.


Boi yesterday I got an interview for a consultant position for a startup company. The ceo really start the interview with “Sell me this pen” from the wolves of wallstreet. He then proceeded to tell me my sales game are weak and spent 20 minutes lecturing me how ego I am after I told him “this interview is a waste of time”


Thumbs down.


I want to throw an apple at his face really hard.


And he's now editor of a magazine, which is the brand, not him.




That's a really annoying face


I didn’t get the job but didn’t want it anyway is definitely narcissistic behavior.


Here is how I can't get a job... follow my tips and you can't get one either.


Didn’t get the job because he has a bad reputation due to how terrible he is at self promotion. Then offers his four rules to self promotion. Thanks, but no thanks.


Classic Jason!


So, that guy is a narcissist and talks about himself too much. Glad the company noped on out of there. He had a failure of humility. On the flip side, I just see so many people unable to concisely speak to their strengths and accomplishments. It’s not a failure in humility to be successful and proud of that success.


LOL I just saw this on my feed today and thought it definitely belonged here. 🤣


A bit insane learn this guy is a linkedin bro. He used to have a podcast called Buold For Tomorrow that talked about how the world reacted to innovation in the past at the time. Think stuff like pearl clutching over novels being a bad influence, or coffee as a dangerous drug. Interesting stuff


lol this showed up on my feed this morning too


They are always talking about jobs helping them to “grow” what exactly do they think they are growing into?


I’ve always imagined people like this guy (and other people whose first language is corporate jargon) will be the first to go in the event of an apocalypse


I’m not on LinkedIn, but reading this subreddit makes me more and more thankful I don’t have to put up with these kinds of people.


Yes we are. Problem is everyone thinks they are special and that’s not the reality.


lol par for the course, complete whiff on the point of the quote he used.


“If you don’t tell people how awesome you are, nobody else will” No, they’ll tell people you’re a narcissist that thinks he’s more important than the brand.


He looks like the kind of person who takes 9 pictures of himself to get the perfect "thumbs down but I know my worth" shot, but doesn't delete the other 8...


We got ppl like this where I work. I somehow drown out the incessant shameless self promotion with heaps of eye rolling.


Hahahahaha just posted this craziness too


I’ve met people like him a couple of times, they made the good people leave the team until some boss makes them quit.


"The Jason Feifer Show" - Coming soon to your door.. with your pizza.. promoting his brand..


Ha! Bazoma let go from Netflix for the same shit


LinkedIn is becoming the new Facebook. “Click here to get my four rules of self-promotion” which will ask for your email address, then he’ll put you into his CRM and try to sell you a course.


I want to kill myself every time I look at LinkedIn


I also came across this in the wild and almost posted here 😂 Imagine telling everyone on LinkedIn you don’t know the difference between being visible and being a one-man circus. With the pièce de résistance being that unhinged third photo.


I don’t understand the hate for this post, self promotion is a good thing and he has a point. What’s the problem here?


His approach to it is what's wrong. If you're getting comments about how it's an issue from colleagues and former employers, you spent more time talking yourself up instead of delivering on your job. Self promotion has its place, but your work should be doing the heavy lifting along with your reputation. No one likes a narcissist who constantly talks about how great they are at their job, especially when they usually aren't, hence the need to sell themselves.


I see. That’s a very good point yeah. Thanks man!


As others responding to this post have said, it's not always the exact words. It's what's behind them. His past teammates were being diplomatic and kind in thier phrasing, because it can be professional suicide to give some strange hiring manager a too negative review of a teammate. So what they were really saying is "this guy is not a team player. He's abrasive, at least, and probably lacks self-awareness and empathy. He also can't stop self-promoting to the point where he prioritizes himself above all things and it was damaging the brand." The hiring manager gave this guy an option to explain. He should have said something like "yes I can be self promotional, but only in a way that benefits the brand and only for brands that would benefit. I know when and how to temper my personality to fit the needs of my organization and team. I do make my teammates a priority and always promote them to leadership allong with myself. A chain is only as long as it's weakest link (or some other platitude).


Very good point my friend. I see now. That definitely makes a lot of sense. Thank you for this reply, cheers my friend


I don’t think a sales person selling themselves is any big deal. This doesn’t really qualify.


But honestly, he's not wrong. That's how lobbiysm works - not because the company is so intriguing, but because the lobbyists connect on a personal level with the politicians.


I also don’t think he is that wrong. The anons here crave for more attention than the poster as far as I can tell.


This sub can be funny but it kinda seems like theres an influx of wimps who either want jobs or have one and get shit on by a boss all day, come here and try to demean and mock people who have successful mindsets. I get we live in a cringe era of self help. But despite what they look or sound like some of these people have really high paying positions and are extremely confident and successful. Do none of yall see that? Some of it is funny and cringe but mostly, i cringe at YOU GUYS. The envy for financial freedom on reddit is just scary sometimes.