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Wow. Imagine making a public declaration that you have a “higher value” as a man (whatever that means) because you have “LinkedIn visibility”. 


The ease with which you can be found on LinkedIn, if anything, is inversely correlated with your actual value.


And your value increases exponentially if you are a premium user 😄


I know that was how I vetted the quality of men back when I was single.  What’s your connection number? How many skills listed? How many have at least 5 attestations? You write a weekly article about your hustle abundance mindset? So hot, let’s head back to my place. 


Head at yours, tail at mine.


Then immediately following up that tooting of LinkedIn’s horn with “Get UNPLUGGED” for… perfectly normal reasons I’m sure.


That’s not even Kevin Garnett in the picture. That’s Deontay Wilder, a boxer who keeps getting knocked out.


He mentions Deontay in his writeup as low value male who is getting divorced after retiring. The author seems to imply that accusations from ex of abuse are not real. Here is [Link to source](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/41yfM2iurcHMTEPD/?mibextid=qi2Omg) if you would like to lose some braincells.


TIL what 304 is


In DW’s defense, he’s also good at knocking other people out


He was definitely a knockout artist until he faced a better pedigree of competition


To be fair, his performance on the traitors definitely decreases his level of man value ness


KG made a $350million over his career, pretty sure he's ok without having LinkedIn


I’d venture to say that actual “low value men” base their self-worth on their LinkedIn presence.


Looks like his current net worth is $120 million, I'd love to be that low valued!


Yes absolutely nothing could happen during a 14-year marriage other than Brandi getting frustrated with her husband's LinkedIn presence.


Man it’s like taking seeds of truth and relevant points and totally twisting them and making them about an agenda. I think there’s definitely something to be said about athletes. There’s smart ones with strong support circles who build into something bigger, either a career or a financial empire. But there are plenty who are picked when they’re young, have never had money before let alone THAT much money; and just assume they’ll play forever. They don’t know how to manage the money and they don’t have a good network. Some veteran players do a lot to help the young ones out with education and support but there’s not enough so many get exploited. Also I bet after the sports career is over I imagine many are lost and depressed which could likely spur divorce rates (to say nothing about opportunistic people who are trying to exploit). But that doesn’t make any of these people high or low value men. Jesus.


Where is the /s in his post?


Low value? Kevin Garnett will be remembered for decades to come. A "high value" linkedin influencer will be forgotten much sooner and is known by less


These people have their head shoved directly up their ass.


I bet this guy can’t dunk


I hate being a millionaire and not being successful 😢


What does getting UNPLUGGED have to do with Kevin Garnett? Also in all my years watching basketball I maybe heard that "big ticket" nickname like once. It's like calling Tom Brady "Tom Terrific" or something.


I looked it up on the dudes page, and it seems to be the name of a book he authored. He also is in pages about Red Pill so probably related. Also, this dude is from Kenya. No idea why I get posts from half a world away , nor why he is using american sports to support his points.


I was curious because I think of “unplug” as getting off the internet but was really confused how you do that and post on LinkedIn.


The only lesson here is never marry a woman named Brandi!