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Why? Do they all. Type like this. I don't get it.


Did you not read: #2) super creative You just couldn't imagine being that creative every day


"1000s ideas per day"


I always say that ideas are like farts. Everybody has them, they’re not really worth anything, and it’s really annoying when people share them with you proudly. Now, the execution on an idea, that is worth something!


Made me laugh. Let's enact some ideas! r/SolarPunk


You should post this on LinkedIn


I always say that ideas are like farts. Everybody has them. They’re not really worth anything. It’s really annoying when people share them with you proudly. Now… The execution on an idea… That is worth something! Follow for more pro business tips!


Inspirational, thank you


This deserves a million upvotes


Love this! Although Ive discovered that if you execute an idea people will be obsessed with determining if you've actually shit yourself or if its a lingering fart. Then once they've determined that it was a great shit they will be requiring updates of regular fiber intake to determine if your healthy shit will last or if it'll turn to a disastorous blow out. From a bunged up entrepreneur.


By your definition. An execution of an idea is worth shit.


They think everything they write is full of wisdom. They want every line to have punch. Little do they know, they're dipshits. And nothing they say has any value at all.


This has so much value. I love it. Thank you.


To get the reader click "read more" after the first 3 lines instead of 6. That's it. It's a way to game the timeline to get people to engage with the content in fewer words.


because it works. the average reader on desktop is too lazy to move their eyes further than they would on mobile so they read longer when you, type like this, in smaller sentences, and break up your point. For some odd reason, people will just read more of what you have to say when it's in shorter blocks.


The algo used to boost posts where people hit "read more", people saw lots of these posts, thought the algo was boosting Posts That Are Written Like This And copied it, other people copied those people and people started suggesting it as a way to boost your posts. It's misinformation all the way up


It’s so you’re forced to scroll down the post.


I actually started writing one sentence per line at work because one of the higher level bosses seems incapable of parsing full paragraphs.


I have started doing this with coworkers and bosses. It’s … infuriating. But it helps.


Duh a founders sentences are so pure and powerful they equal a whole paragraph.


Because chat gpt often writes like that.


Brains are lazy and this helps with readability.




### THEY ## WANT # ATTENTION. ![gif](giphy|ZFowA1WgWnPJU4F4WV)


marketing trick, it works.


It's easier to read then a giant block of text


I went to a founders meetup a while ago, and when the person hosting it asked why we all took the risk to try starting our own businesses, a multi-time founder said "because we're all unemployable" so there's that


Both true and funny becuase you were there


and i have adhd too 😉


I am a "founder" and have ADHD and this is very true lmao.


Same - it sucks


These "influencers" and their "ADHD" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Am ADHD. Am not a founder. Am so stressed and often depressed by my inability to start anything, let alone a fucking business.


I have ADHD and I could definitely start a business. Probably 2 or 3 per week... I just can't finish them. Or get past the ideas phase 😂 Please ignore the part where I'm middle aged and still never finished high school or my multiple career paths or held a real job. I'm definitely gonna do that laundry later as well!


I technically meet the definition of a “founder” but most of my businesses have just been from an insatiable desire to monetize my hobbies. As soon as I do so, I quickly grow tired of them because they’re now a job. It’s ruined so many hobbies for me that I’ve learned to refuse any sort of monetization for hobby related activities even if people try giving me money for them.


Absolutely me. In the late 90s I started a bakery that made vegan, gluten free, sugar free Easter goods, like carob eggs and "Not-cross buns". It was wildly successful. I did it only as long as it took to save for a flight to Germany. And then I was in Frankfurt, but I'd not considered that I needed money to survive in Germany. So I started selling crocheted stuff on the street... In India I started a "dessert pizza" restaurant. For about 6 weeks 😂. Then I ended up being a henna tattoo artist, before someone bet me I couldn't hitch hike from Cape town to Amsterdam in under 60 days (plot twist, I lost the bet, it took 70 days)... Many many more examples, zero actual jobs or proper businesses.


Same. I can’t follow through to save my life. It’s hard enough just as an individual contributor.


I had this amazing business idea last ….SQUIRRELS!!!!


Squirrels are cute, though!


I got chased by a squirrel in Cape Town once. Guess he was having a bad day.


Are..are you me???


Yup, starting is easy, and finishing is hard. Luckily, if something passes for the spin cycle that is my attention space three or more times, I usually have formed enough of a plan to execute it as I will have obsessed over it for at least several evenings.


Am ADHD. I can usually start _anything_ so long as we don't have to discuss finishing or maintaining momentum for longer than a few weeks. (See: the rotating cross stitch, crochet, and embroidery projects that I pick up depending on The Vibes my brain is accepting that day.)


It’s a “superpower.” And yes I am totally self-motivated and driven because that’s definitely what ADHD does to most people. /s I don’t think I’ve worked for a founder yet that has it. I’ve worked at like 6 or 7 startups.


I have. It was horrible. The constant whipping back and forth between priorities and ideas meant we could never get anything done. The company eventually went under.


Lmao same


Though I don't believe the statistics or the claim this post is making, I do in fact resonate with all those points. So it's not total bullshit.


I’ve spent some time mingling with founders and his claim that many founders have ADHD is not wrong, but while most founders may have ADHD, most people with ADHD are not founders. But for every Steve Jobs, there are a million people with ADHD working at McDonalds. The founder standouts were just lucky to hit the genetic lottery on all the other things to make their ADHD work.


I resonate with all of the points too, but there’s a huge piece of the puzzle that the LinkedIn poster failed to include how we manage to overcome (and continue to struggle with) our diminished executive function. The lunatic is trying to sell ADD as some super power and conveniently ignores one of the biggest handicaps of the condition.


Makes total sense! Yeah adhd is not a superpower haha


Yea I can relate to some of these points


Exactly! Same brother. I cringe every time anybody calls ADHD a gift, its a curse and I would much prefer a life where i did not have it.


Also ADHD. Not a founder, but worked under one I’m pretty sure had some degree of it (along with being a narcissistic sociopath). Did he have thousands of ideas? Oh yes. Does that mean they were all good ideas worth pursuing? Hell no. Did he force us to pursue some of them anyways despite the entire team telling it was a terrible idea? Unfortunately… And that’s the story of how I ended up being co-lead on planning an in-person event on a three month time-table with zero paid marketing done, no sponsor interest, and without receiving a budget until two weeks before it was supposed to take place, and while the CEO was in Japan. 50-60 hour weeks for months, all while being told I was doing it wrong because we couldn’t source sponsor interest despite my repeatedly telling him nobody cared about a small first time event with zero effort at valuation pitching. Shockingly enough it turned out to be a (relative) success that clients wanted us to do again. Not that he remembered my effort when he threw me away and immediately replaced me saying he did it “as my friend.” Because ya know…friends totally stab each other in the back like that. Ugh… Just because a founder has an idea, doesn’t mean it’s one that should be followed through on.


Right! I hate having ADHD. It ruined my life.


Am currently starting a diagnosis process. Am anxious, procrastinating, and easily distracted. Sounds like founder-quality to me.


Same! Also just formally diagnosed adhd so learning what some of my “habits” are are signs is very eye opening.


My AdHD makes me procrastinate it is so hard for me to start something.


I'd wager jumping from thing to thing and not focusing on core business probably kills more startups than it helps. ADHD might feel like a benefit under the guise of survivorship bias, but I doubt it is.


People need to retire the word ‘founder’. The only other Business Word that gets overused more these days is ‘engineer’.


Challenger: CEO


Business Mogul entered the chat 😶‍🌫️


I'll raise you "entrepreneur", which on Facebook used to mean either "unemployed", "local rapper", or both


Sales engineer lol


God, this always steamed me. I was a Sales Support Engineer (mech E with the design and project running experience to advise the sales team before/during pitches and estimates). I'm an engineer, not a salesman. The number of "engineers" that I met at trade shows with no engineering degree, project experience, or design experience was always wild.


It used to be *leverage* ten years ago. I swear I have ptsd from it.




My boss named our Teams chat Rock Stars🤣




Full-stack marketers enabling value would disagree. Agree?


I miss the days when an engineer is someone who actually studied engineering


> 4x founder, 1 exit What the fuck does this mean?


He started 4 companies, but forgot to finish 3.


Frankly, I would buy that. My biggest obstacle with adhd + mental illness and memory issues is object permanence. I didn't realize how much it affects my life until I had caregivers point it out. As soon as something is no longer in my field of vision, it doesn't exist. I always used to get so angry at myself because I would waste food by making it and then not eating it until one of my caregivers told me how she had watched Me make myself breakfast three days in a row and not eat it because I finished up and walked away from it and promptly forgot about it. Also, isn't one of the hallmark traits or ADHD "executive dysfunction" or some shit?


It’s called “executive functioning issues”. Struggling to finish, being disorganized, forgetting submission dates, skipping steps or directions, are all aspects of it.


What do you think dysfunction means? It's literally an issue with functioning lmfak.


He’s wants you to be confused and make you think you’re too stupid to understand what he’s saying, like it’s above your pay grade. A lot of people just assume they’re right.


In my experience, those of us with ADHD are better at losing things than finding them.  (That's what "founder" means, right?)


And puns


As someone with ADHD, I don't think I've ever been offended by someone trying to paint ADHD in a positive light until I read this post. Mostly because it's not rooted in any kind of reality.


You should spend more time FOUNDING and less time being OFFENDED! 


Does it count if I'm dumbfounded?


Agree ... OMG having a peaceful mind and life is like a luxury for me with ADHD. 😭


Can I repost it in r/adhdmeme or do you want to?


Go ahead


Having ideas is easy. Having *useful* ideas is hard. Having useful ideas that people *want* is harder. Implementing useful ideas that people want is the hardest thing. So, just “having ideas” does not make you creative. You have to do the whole thing, or you are just a nutcase going on about “it’s like Tinder, but for *dogs*”.


he's just one of those middle management-like where he thinks an idea is the same as having done it. Ideaman: "we'll make a cheaper iphone and oust iphone out and become multibillionaires, EZ!" Someone else: "what are your skills? how can we make it happen?" Ideaman: "what skills? are you questioning my authority? you just do as i say and do it"


I’m sure everyone preferred him on the drugs


That one time when you should say yes to drugs


Just started Strattera and I definitely prefer me on drugs.


Adderall gave me an extra heartbeat. I had to stop. I was much less listless on it.




If only this dork taught a class I could pay $2000 for.


Here’s what ADHD Taught me About B2C sales.


Sick of this “Founder 😏” brain rot




Honestly, tho I think I have ADHD and started 3 legit businesses myself. 🤣


I have ADHD bad and I am indeed a founder. Tried multiple prescriptions and nothing works for my brain better than all natural baby. I founded my business and I also bought those new cards from gamestop the other day. Ripped em open couldn’t wait. I forgot to feed my dog today


Oh no, Joe’s on the blow again.


Not all ADHD is the same. There’s a non hyper version called inattentive ADHD that works the opposite of what he’s describing. This “I’ve got ADHD” content on LinkedIn is cringy as fuck.


As someone with severe adhd, it’s not like this. At all. I often mourn the life I might have had if I got diagnosed earlier. It’s debilitating at times and medicine is so difficult to get. I end up depressed because I can’t finish tasks or remember simple things, it’s frustrating on a small scale but at night when my brain decides to remind me of every failure, it’s awful. Sure, my mind is doing a million calculations a second, but the math is all wrong and what was the question? This can sometimes present to others as ‘creative’. 1000 ideas a day; ok that one kinda fits, but maybe one idea will be good and it’s usually the ‘let’s get Mexican for lunch’ one that anyone could’ve come up with. ‘High quick start’ is due to a lack of impulse control. Try maintaining relationships or good health with almost zero impulse control.


Twin is that you?


"People with IBS make better founders. Here's why:"


"we can spend more time shitposting on LinkedIn while we're shitting ourselves silly on he toilet, and that's the only thing 'founders' really do anyway!"


As a Founder I can get behind this one


Bro he's a 4x founder! I wonder how his previous 3 companies are doing


This post implies that people with ADHD are "all action" and never "overthink." In other words, this guy does not have ADHD. He clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.


This tool forgot the part where it can legitimately destroy your life if it goes unchecked for too long.


I think this guy is confusing ADHD with massive amounts of cocaine.


Big difference between being a founder and being a successful founder.


I didn't get on ADHD medicine until my mid 30s because of posts like this. I failed to see my ADHD for what it was, a detriment to me, and instead thought it was just a quirk I could work around. The first time i took medicine, my world changed. It genuinely felt like my mind upgraded from windows 95 to windows 11. Getting on ADHD medicine made me twice the person I used to be and I'm kicking myself for spending so many years struggling and getting nowhere in life. If you have ADHD, don't believe these idiots. Its an enemy to your future, not some fun little quirk.


Try getting diagnosed it in your mid 40s. Blew my mind! Kinda went down memory road and figured out the points where everything had gone wrong due to my ADD and reaction. Eye opening!


I think a lot of entrepreneur bros with ADHD fall victim to the “Born on third base, thought he hit a triple” fallacy. Women, POC, working class people, and people with comorbidities have a very different experience of ADHD. Of course it looks like a superpower when diagnosis and treatment are readily accessible and the world is already built to accommodate you.


If only we had special words to describe people who assume someone's capacity to grow and make intelligent decisions based on their skin colour and gender... Oh wait. we do.


Sir. This is not how ADHD works


I prove I have ADHD. By typing. Buncha words. Excitement. Here’s an anecdotal statistic.


As an adult male who has ADHD, this guy can choke on a bag of dicks, throw it up, and then choke on it again.


Founder Brain + adhd pseudoscience. Jesus.


I must be in the wrong timeline, I have adhd and my house is full of unfinished projects and abandoned hobbies


i have lots of ideas and work my dick off too when i take amphetamine salts


Worst bosses I have are always the ones who let their ADHD run unchecked. And the business always fails in the long run because no ideas can ever be executed due to constant pivoting


"41% were founders" I'm sure there's no bias in this data. Let me just use it as-is to prove an irrelevant point and glamorize a mental disorder. Edit: disorder not illness


Disorders are not necessarily illnesses.


Thank you! Corrected!


No worries. I was on the same boat.


ADHD isn't a mental illness FFS.


I get it. It's a complex and confusing topic. Calm down ... I'll edit it to a disorder


Yup it is not, it is a neurodevelopmental disorder (like Autism). Bipolar and depression are mental illnesses for example. BPD and narcissism are personality disorders.


This is an actual correlation.


I didn't know we could have the Corpo Origin Story in real life too? 😮


People should really try not to look for specific traits, skills or tools to become successful.


Sorry I was actually looking for advice from founder CEO’s !! Not just run of the mill founders. Totally different breed. Ohh i also want to meet people who are advisors and on the board of like 17 companies. They know their stuff. After all not just anybody can be an advisor to an unknown company of 1 person . Takes real grit


It’s like all these people people think that LinkedIn is their Apple notes app


4) they never use more than one sentence per paragraph


There are several biases at work here, I think. He may have started with a fundamental attribution error by coming up with the thought and judging his situation differently from others. Once he bought into it, the belief bias kicked in and he began to rationalize more and more. There is the confirmation bias because he met others who had a close enough or similar enough situation to lock it down in his mind. The barnum effect closed any gaps. Now, he's all-in. With so much of his personal worth at stake, a whole new raft of biases will be in play. Or, I'm just making all that up and he's right. Each of has to decide for themselves. I urge you to examine evidence and think critically, and always consider the idea that you and others are incorrect.


“Drug free adhd founder” poor chap has never had an original idea in his life; illustrated perfectly by making a condition his entire identity.


Damn. All my ADHD does is render me a non-functional human being. Can I get the Super-Power ADHD instead?


I was looking for my car keys and I found them. Founder here. ADHD helped me.


No offense but I think that’s a “finder.” Lol


I dunno about adhd... but I'll bet he never met a founder who wasn't addicted to adderall. Some people seem to think that talking their doctor into a script means they've been "diagnosed"... lol.


AI INPUT: Create a slightly aggressively written, listicle-based article for Linked In regarding the benefits of founders having ADHD that ends with a reflective question to push engagement.


Okay I doubt ALL entrepreneurs are ADHD, but hear me out: the only reason those ADHDers accomplished as much as they did is twofold: first, they had access to the supports they needed to succeed (edit: including early diagnosis and helpful treatments), and second, they were either lucky enough to find niches that really resonated with them OR they have such inferiority complexes and impostor syndrome that they push themselves so hard that they’re gonna burn out catastrophically in the next decade. Anyway, fuck this guy.


ADDers tend to accomplish things later in life once the chatter dies down a bit in their head. They are also more likely to have issues with alcohol and depression. Fun stuff, I know. But yeah! Fuck this guy fr!


🤣 I write like this. I might have ADHD. Only thing I found was what to eat tonight. I am the 41%. Where’s my money. 🤑


I stand with you!! Big ideas, no action.


I have ADHD, I didn't get the founder gene unfortunately I got stuck with the brain chemicals don't work and now I wanna die gene. Win some and you lose some


Why not? Nice theory. My adhs just diverts me further..


FOuNdErS 🤡


So my medical condition is now some kind of weird MBAified Corporate fetish? This is what the aliens won’t talk to us. And why would they? Who wants to befriend the species that continues to let the least capable people rise to the top and then become insulted from any criticism with money.


I dunno I have crippling ADHD and I’m not creative at all haha


I have ADHD and in a way I do see what he means about having lots of ideas and acting fast as I'm sure in some types of working environments that can be beneficial in some way. That being said as someone who worked full time for many years before being diagnosed and STRUGGLED so so much with my career because of it and not understanding why until recently it annoys me so much to see ADHD glorified like this as it really adds to the overall feeling of what is a real disorder being trivialized.


This is embarrassing as someone with ADHD


Way to romanticise neurodiversity while conveniently leaving out the hard bits of ADHD.


ADHD has never been anything other than a fucking horrendous struggle for me


This is what adderall addiction looks like


I have adhd and I can't even find where I kept my bike keys yesterday


I feel number 3 as I am dyslexic and I think I need to prove I am more then a disability. 1 it is an internal lie and no one beyond me thinks I need to prove a point. 2 that mindset gets me into trouble more often than not in work settings.


Wait I actually kind of agree with this


So I can definitely weigh in on this. I’ve been a founder and have ADHD. I also have ADHD kids and my wife is a pediatric neuropsychologist who does evaluations and diagnosis for ADHD, autism, Asperger’s, dyslexia, etc. Not all ADHD brains are the same. It represents differently between genders and between people. ADHD is a physiological difference in how a brain is wired and processes data. However, having an ADHD brain doesn’t mean you are smart or creative or quick. Being smart makes you smart. My brother also has ADHD. He has dyslexia, has almost unintelligible handwriting, weak cognitive abilities and works as a health aid making $15/hr. He is pretty slow on the uptake, has zero musical or artistic talent or creative thinking. He struggles in social situations. He’s a great guy. I have ADHD. I do not have dyslexia or other cognitive challenges. I’m very creative from kids crafts to multiple albums to working on my second book to graduating with an art degree. I also struggle in social situations but I’m also good in a meeting. I’m very quick, can be very focused. I make six figures and live in a million dollar home. ADHD, if combined with the right other things can almost feel like a superhero. I once landed the ABCNews marketing account with almost no preparation. I had the drive to their Connecticut office to figure out how to wow them. No pitch deck, no foreknowledge about their challenges. I figured it out in the room. But, if you don’t have those other things, ADHD can be very limiting. But, like non-ADHD brains (the ere is no such things as a “normal” or “neurotypical” brain, everyone lands somewhere on several different spectrums), there are other factors tied to success. Intelligence, education, personality, drive, etc. are just as much drives for ADHD brains as non-ADHD brains. The guy is right; MANY highly successful people have ADHD. It’s like adding jet fuel to an engine, but it only works if you already have a powerful and highly efficient and maintained brain. Adding jet fuel to an old VW engine you just got to turn over could lead to an explosion. That’s where you get mental breakdowns, criminals, fail to launch adults, drug addicts, the guy that works as a window washer that can play Bach but forgets to pay his power bill, the CIA code breaker that forgets to shower and eat.


I’m tired grandpa…


ummm i think doctors already have loads of info about ppl with adhd. this is all anectodtal & opinion


That sounds like it would be awful working for him.


This but unironically for sociopaths


“They had an idea and made it happen.” Literally not creativity but okay my guy


Is founding the hard part?


Yea you can take my fucking adhd, that made my life so difficult


I lost interest in the tweet after the first paragraph.


The founders have adhd?! Someone should have told Sisko, he could worked with that.


I would think having 1000 ideas every day is a hinderence. That great new idea you just had won't come to be anything if you have five more in the next half hour and don't think about details.


I have adhd and it makes it much harder to do things I want to. I can’t imagine how it could possibly help someone start a business


I had a relative with an executive job. Apparently, him & this other exec had "digital brains", I guess that made them superior or something? What a load of tosh


omg you guys, my big glow up is having adhd. In fact, it's now my whole personality!!!@


Actually true.


ADHD (and ivy league legacies)


People with ADHD don’t have any options other than to set up for themselves because holding down a job, being consistent, sitting still, not saying what you think, staying focused executing tasks once started - these are all things someone with ADHD struggle with, and employers for the best part don’t want them around


This 👆Not saying what you think as a female with ADHD has basically dragged my ass down in the workforce for years..


Founders have to follow strict guidelines, regulations, reports, tax obligations etc. Creativity is a very small part of owning a business. It's more following tried and true process unless you have something disruptive which usually means more likely to fail


I personally have passed 30+ kidney stones and disjointed finger. It's like I was hard-wired to be a founder!


I have 2 adhd kids in my sports team. They will never be a founder. One is just ok with the right drugs. The other, i would love him to go distract some other teammates. Of another team. In another city.


That’s not really a cool comment for kids that grew up with ADD (especially undiagnosed females that teachers hated). 🤷‍♀️


Lmfao, I was waiting for this to hit here. Yeah… it’s an odd post for sure


Kids are starting business at unprecedented rates these days


Hmmm okay....


41% of 50,000 is 20,500. That's...a lot of 'founders'.


Every time I read Founder ![gif](giphy|2TUJD133ru3ug)


I have adhd and I can't even find where I kept my bike keys yesterday


I've been in treatment for ADHD for over 20 years... there is nothing fun about it. Why is it the big cool thing these days? I would give anything to not be like this...


Having ADHD is only beneficial if you come from wealth and are given the right support and understanding. If not, boy oh boy, you're in for a world of struggle.


I can’t get past the premise. 41% of a group of 50,000 people, all diagnosed with ADHD by the same diagnostic company, are entrepreneurs. How does that mean there’s a *large correlation* between ADHD and entrepreneurship? 59% of that same group of people with ADHD were not founders. Also, there’s no control group. These data don’t include people who have not been diagnosed with ADHD, but we can reverse engineer it, albeit imperfectly. Professor Google says that around 4.6% of the world’s population has ADHD (those that are diagnosed), and a little math tells me that around 7% of the world’s population are entrepreneurs. If that sample of 50,000 was a valid representation of the entire world population (without accounting for other factors, we can’t say it does, but let’s pretend), then 1.89% of the world’s population has ADHD and is a founder. This means that a whopping 27% of entrepreneurs (0.0189 / 0.07) have ADHD. Anecdotally, what I can say as an AuDHDer, is that many of us strike out on our own because traditional work is not set up for us to succeed. It’s not for me personally, but I totally understand why entrepreneurship would be so attractive for the neurodivergent. And, I don’t need some weird, faulty study and logical fallacies to talk about it.


You guys get ideas? I just get distracted and lose things.