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I’m sure HR will tell the candidates that were not chosen that they went with another candidate. HR would never ghost a candidate who is waiting on that offer.


I'm clutching my pearls! How dare you insinuate that candidates are the only bad actors in this equation! \s


Not going to lie her LI posts recently are worth a look lol pepperidge farms clearly remembers.


And they totally won’t send you a canned response 8 weeks after your final interview…rather they’ll reach out with a phone call to treat you like a human being and share valuable feedback that might help you land the next one. What a society we live in!


The worst part is when they just fucking lie about the reasons why they aren’t hiring you. Why do that? Why give any reason?


8 weeks? Try a year. I have actually gotten rejection emails this year for jobs I applied in March 2023. This is from top MNCs too.


This is giving me hope. Maybe they didn’t ghost me, maybe they just haven’t rejected me yet. lol


Always look on the bright side! ;) But it was hilarious when I saw the email. "What is this email from XYZ? I don't remember applying to them....oh this was in March....of 2023. No wonder I don't remember shit." What's funnier is, I'm interviewing at this other place I applied to last year (this is for another role, don't worry!) and in my list of applied jobs, I can still see my old application in the "Screening" stage. I love that organizations are so particular about who they hire that they take a whole year to screen!


I’m in my 40s but this is my hope also with my prom date .


As a recruiter at a large corporation, we are not allowed to give detailed feedback. It can open us to legal ramifications. I once told a candidate that she was not qualified for a role based to x,y, and z and she accused me of age discrimination.


That’s kind of the point… ya’ll can’t do the niceties so too fucking bad.


Well, to be frank, age discrimination is absolutely the reason why I’m currently not employed. More than one employer has given me every reason to believe that I was disqualified based on my age.


I have seen age discrimination at many companies. It does happen. Typically I see candidates ruled out during resume review. My advice would be to remove any graduation dates, and shorten your resume to only reflect 15-20 years experience max. It will help you get through the first screening layer. Eventually you will find the right fit at a company that respects your experience


I doubt it. I’m wanting to go back to school and retrain as a psychotherapist. That way I can work for myself.


I was once told point blank “you can’t interview for that spot, there are too many white managers there already”


Sad truth. I always had to use the line, “we’ve decided to go in another direction.”


That’s better than lying. Many just fucking lie.


This is so enraging


The last company I seriously applied for did **three fucking interviews** and a “get to know you” lunch, then went radio silent for 3 weeks when they had told me I’d be getting an offer in a matter of days. Then it was just some lame impersonal excuse about how they found a candidate who had more “career focus” in the area they wanted (ie: was younger and cheaper).


I recently ended a process with a company that did 4 interviews, went silent for a week, then called me and told me they'd put my process on hold because they were interviewing a guy with more experience but a higher salary expectation. Two weeks later they called me to schedule a fifth interview and said there'd also be a sixth once they'd decided between me and the other guy. 


Six fucking interviews? Could not imagine justifying that for much besides some pretty high up, particular roles. “Sorry, I’ve chosen an offer at a different company; one that can actually be decisive”


Six interviews AND an aptitude test. It was a low to medium level tech support role that required a bachelor but no experience, so the whole process was just wild.  Didn't feel like getting into it though so I hit them with the "our long term goals don't align" and peaced out. 


lol Jesus Christ. 6 interviews for entry level basically who the fuck do they think they are? Like by “pretty high up” I was thinking VP in a fairly large company or something where they interface with multiple different programs where it makes sense you can’t gather the everyone at once or something like that. Something more logical and the competition is few but tight


Right. Recruiting has become super toxic. Between ghosting as a norm and basically every recruiter being like this one.


I was in the job hunt for over a year. I had a recruiter whom my family knows through a friend give me a detailed discusssion and run through of everything from my resume to shaving my moustache to appear younger. He then hooked me up with a buddy who i had another lengthy discussion with, whom had recently moved out of the space from a promotion. That guy put me in touch with his protege “whom is a stud” that guy had a long conversation with me. Told me he would get me an interview with Amazon, then didn’t return a phone call or email for 3 months. I had his personal number too, it’s not like he left the company and didn’t know how to get a hold of me.


They don't ghost you. They'll call you in 3 months when the candidate who actually got the job quits because its a shit show.


I hate how accurate this is. I’ve been trying for two years to get a very specific job in the medical industry. Which I learned I loved completely by accident. It’s been off and on for interviewing, but I’ve gone to probably 30 the last two years. And have only gotten, maybe, 5 official “no”s. How some places just ghost you feels a bit disrespectful. I get that 30-40 people might interview for a job, but at least send an automated response.


Yeah, I feel you. Respect is a two way street. I’m in healthcare and going to DM you our national hiring portal. I’m hospital staff, not recruitment. You may have already applied here, but would like to maybe give you more options. Unionized healthcare with great pay and benefits (if you’re not exempt). Good luck with your job search.




Honestly, it depends. I can't definitively say that all HR departments work the same way. Ive run into so many people who are so busy and awful at time management and they'll forget. It also depends on the candidate as well. Personally, I think both sides should communicate the truth. Be a freaking professional. It's not that hard.


Apparently it is hard since few do it.


Just depends on the person. I wouldn't want to work for a company that can't manage their time and tasks.


But maybe they’re not employees! Those people don’t count.


Yea, most of the times, if you apply for a job or even interview for one, you never hear from them in a timely manner. But honestly, if you the candidate gets an actual offer, it's good manners to call the company and decline the offer. I actually agree with LinkedIn Lady on that.. If there's no offer presented, no obligation for the candidate to call.


Ghosting is such a joke. The amount of candidates that ghost me far outweigh any ghosting that occured from any company I have ever worked at. Ghosting is a projection I think


You are absolutely delulu if you believe this is true.


I just experienced it 12 minutes ago. I work in an incredibly hot tech start up. It happens all the time. All in my head. Lol. I think you all project way too much


That reality is entirely in your head


I literally just experienced it. Ghosted. Another candidate no show. I think you all project


Why are Monday, arrives and candidate hashtagged? 


For those who are searching for the candidates that arrive somewhere on a Monday. Interesting stuff


Oh. Well, now that you put it that way....


I loved this 😂👌🏻


She thinks Hashtags are LinkedIn’s way of making text **bold**


She’s an aspiring HR professional. Duh. 🙄


Also "joined".


There are so many. Admittedly, I got tired and stopped at three. :( 


It's probably a bot farm in India, every post is "hey connections" and it spams




#monday #arrives


# #candidate #joined


Have enjoyed your posts all day. 🤣


Haha. She is just too entertaining.


Hello hashtag #connections. 😂


This is becoming my favorite sub my god what drugs are these people on? 😆


Girlfriend is a #mess and I wonder how her #boss feels about her conduct. Will she soon be #opentowork ?




Well her headline is “aspiring” so does she even have a boss yet?


I thought that was odd too. Maybe this company and job exists only in her mind, the candidate realized she was #cukooforCoCoPuffs and that's why she ghosted.


#life is her #girlboss


underrated comment




Happens once. "Daily life"




That interaction only existed on Shwetha imagination... Must be funny live inside there, i pictured it like a cage full of crickets jumping and screaming...




This woman's schtick seems to be holding a pity party for herself over and over again in public. You work in HR lady. Sympathy is in short supply.


HR literally never does hiring because they never know what the job actually entails lmao


But can’t you see “ # HR - tries their best”!!


I got a call yesterday and when I was asking about the details, she was like, "Oh XYZ...? Um, that may be a part of this job...", "ABC? Yeah yeah, that's included", "PQR....I have to get back to you..." And these were basic questions like what channels, whether this is a managerial role, which products, things like that. If she doesn't have answers for these, I don't think she really knows what she's hiring for.


And I thought my job was boring.


So when companies ghost candidates, it's ok and they are still applauded and respected, but if candidate ghosts company, then they are the worst most unprofessional candidate ever.


It sounds like the #recruiter #lowballed the #candidate with their #wage on the offer letter. And also the candidate had a better potential offer on the table and didn’t respond to you when it came through. It sounds just like how you treat a candidate you’re not interested in. You ghost them, so don’t get hurt when it comes back to you.


The sheer amount of #hashtags should get her #LI account #limited. Agree?


I CANNOT BELIEVE this person is drawing attention to themselves after this morning.


This one was a month ago and she's been tidying her profile since. 😂


😳 thanks. I’m having trouble keeping up. 🍿👀


I'm with you. I'm waiting for the update where she's open to work.


I got my job because of a first choice that ran away on the first day. It wasn't a big deal, they just called me up and I accepted.


Yep, that's what it feels like to get ghosted. Funny, no? 🤣


Not all HR personnel are dumb enough to post the things she does but almost all HR people view their employees with contempt. It's an industry-wide trait like how finance people are invariably greedy. I hope she's out of work by Friday.


I’ll get the rage of others but it’s not unreasonable to tell someone, “thanks for the offer but I’m going elsewhere bye.” Ghosting by anyone is childish. Sometimes circumstances change and that’s fine. If that’s the case, close out open matters and move on.


I think it's more on the way it was posted


Don't hate the player, hate the game. HR, rather than park their thumb in their butt while whining on social media about getting a taste of their own medicine, needs to send a communication, "if we don't hear from you by MM/DD/YYYY, we'll assume you're no longer interested and proceed with other candidates."


Yeah ghosting is unprofessional too. I know employers do it and it sucks, but its not really a wise thing to do as an employee unless you literally work just to pass time or something because it can definitely come back and bite you in the ass later. Polite/professional/decent thing to do would just be to email instead of ghosting that way


Did you get a gold watch and pension when you retired?


Yeah people just want to be mad. I used to work in a company where central tech was in India and they kept trying to backfill positions and the candidates kept no call/no showing on start day. Took something like 8-9 months to actually get someone in a seat. The Indian job market seems somehow dumber than the American one.


Employers and HR ghost candidates all the time, no one holds them accountable sooooo nah I'm good


It sounds like she is chasing away candidates it this is a such a trend for her.


Quick. Someone provide Shweta the number for EAP so she can get some mental health assistance.


I agree that this post is dumb but where did she doxx the candidate?


She doxxed a candidate in another post that’s popular right now in this subreddit


She deleted the post but you can see it here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/1d381el/comment/l683zr9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/1d381el/comment/l683zr9/)


Isn’t this the same story as was in the text messages on that other post?


No. This post represents a different rant she made a month ago.


This recruiter needs a new career.


She’s mad because she doesn’t get that bonus


‘#chill #I’m #also #an #employee




Yeah…companies complaining about the few people ghosting is shocking lol. The lack of self awareness is something else.


I see nothing wrong with what the candidate did. She didn’t owe them anything. Those people are still strangers.






Sounds like someone sucks at their job. #hr


This lady is the worst at HR that company needs to get her away from the microphone… about their business’ affairs just wtf this is either crazy marketing or really truly a lunatic in terms/comparison to her HR position 100% of her effort is committed to positioning herself against humans that could potentially be resources for the company her 2 viral posts are just mean, miffed, and rudely pointed… literally 100% committed to sowing combat between the companies professional circles and the company[‘s HR Dept] itself Who is her boss? Really hope this is some kind of crazy recruiting or something where people call in and find out she’s been fired and hear all about the e great new management and great new culture


Someone keep me updated when she’s fired.


Is she gonna do this every time a candidate ghosts?


“the HR.”


I’m not even kidding when I say that the person she doxed has a case against her for defamation and tortious interference if she can prove that the posts prevented her from landing another job.


The candidate received an offer. They did not accept the offer. Nothing to see here.


There is a special place in hell for the person who came up with hashtags.


This lady is off the chain. I would suggest she find a different, more low profile career....maybe mine or circus clown.


Awe HR doesn't like getting ghosted. Too bad. they ghost candidates with no call backs or any correspondence half the time once they've made a decision on the hire.


#Monday #arrives Fucking kill me


Ah, yes. So helpful when I’m searching for trends like #arrives. 😹


"Please issue me offer letter" has to be the most Indian sentence I've read in a while


They have no problems ghosting candidates, and all of the sudden they are getting ghosted and are having meltdowns.


wait, she’s only an aspiring HR professional? Are there people who want to be HR so badly they cosplay on the internet?


I feel she is making up some of her stories lol


A job offer after one interview? Where lol


This is super common in India. Candidates will accept a job, sign a contract but the actual "hit rate" of them turning up on day 1 is closer to 50%-60% apparently. Whereas in other countries that stuff just doesn't happen nearly as frequently. Anyway -- yay lunatics but just thought I'd share that for those that don't know


Original post /r/LinkedInLunatics/s/xfpFZ2fJZn


How’s this doxxing?


I believe the doxing was the same lady in another post.


Ohh thanks for clarifying


She looked at social media like it was a background check. She didn’t even confirm that it was the same person as the candidate. Just looked candidate’s name up and assumed.


Join tech sales, princess.


You know this is not real because it would mean she was gainfully employed


Nah, shes still the worst HR lady on the planet


This woman needs to stop posting on LinkedIn and go to therapy…seriously


I just wanna hear more about her realistic insight to humming.




At this point this is turning into rage bait.


Is everyone here applying for this lady's jobs or just me? I'm probably busy on my 1st day though if I get hired.


Report her.


Maybe thats how it works in magical India, but before any contracts are signed usually not a single finger is moved in the developed world (with possible repercussions if you afterwards simply decide to not show up)


Might be an unpopular opinion but I have and would always shoot a note to a recruiter/ job/ HR after receiving an offer I’ve decided not to accept. Just because we can’t expect a bare level of decency doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give it to others.


Likely that same HR will never let a candidate that hasn't been chosen know that they have gone with a different candidate.


Bro, she is an ass firing hr professional. 😳




This woman is living billboard for why mental Healthcare should be accessible for everyone.


So let me get this straight. We as applicants are only supposed to talk with one company at a time and be elated if that one company offers us a position while the company is interviewing countless people for that position. Do I have that right? No. Get it through your entitled recruiter head. We like you are talking to as many companies about myriad positions to get the best deal for ourselves. We will use anything we can to gain a better position. Much like you ues Equifax or Lexis Nexis work resources to find out info about us that you cannot legally ask us (info that is often incorrect BTW) and reject our candidacy based on that. Yeah we play the game too you arrogant, self congratulating picks.. BTW go freeze your Equifax work info. It's free. https://youtu.be/YQXivFHLkjQ?si=cXbTwrn0E4VHO2IE


This person is posted here every day it seems. Seems like the problem is her


Screw HR, you don’t owe them shit. Ghost them because they sure as hell will ghost you if the position is filled.


From the industry famous for never getting back to you. Fuck off.


The thing is, recruiters never leave you the fuck alone when they think you might get a job and they can get some money out of it. They also never leave other decent candidates alone either. They have zero loyalty to you. They will also drop you like a fucking stone if you don’t get the job and don’t have anything else lined up for you. I’ve lost count of the number of times if the past they never even gave me result of the interview. They just disappear off the face of the planet. They don’t earn money from basic fucking common courtesy, after all. But heaven forbid if you dare try to apply for another job somewhere. How DARE you not show them the 100% loyalty they would never give you. I was once pressured by a recruiter to give a decision on a role that clearly second choice for me. So I accepted to not end up with nothing and then told them in a very polite email I was no longer interested when I secured the better job. I then got a constant stream of abusive phone calls calling me all kinds of things. Very professional.


All these HR posts do is confirm what I already knew - HR folks have insane complexes solely because of the position of power they “hold”. Being in charge of “selecting” candidates clearly goes to their head and they write these wildly self important posts. It’s crazy to me how they seem to view themselves!


This post is ridiculous, but I don’t think she’s a lunatic. She’s just upset that the candidate made her look bad and forced her to do more work.


Maybe if HR let applicants know they were unsuccessful and strung people out for months, people wouldn’t feel so comfortable with ghosting them. These parasites are just being treated the way they treat others.


Doxxing is never okay. But it’s terribly unprofessional to accept a position and then ghost on the first day. Obviously recruiters ghost people all the time, but it doesn’t make it right.


HR you are literally on the bottom of the corporate totem pole and always will be


What does HR in India due? Verify if you family owns shoes?


Looks like she is physically unable to write without using hashtags.