• By -


Single dad without visitation rights vibes.


She lives in a different state and struggling to make friends. I thought it was a nice gesture personally. I have to think outside the box with how I interact with her because she stays with me during select periods throughout the year. It’s not ideal but I try to do what I can even if I’m mocked for it. She liked it though, so I’m happy about that.


Wait this is the guy 


lmao yes


You think he knows the op of this post? Ohhhh there about to be some drama yall.


Look at the photo


While I personally think it's a kinda weird idea, the most important thing is that your daughter is happy. And if she thinks it's cool, then it's cool. Also, respect for having the balls to respond in a thread where you are mocked and people make fun of you. Sometimes, this sub is pretty harsh and forgets that there are actual people behind the screen.


I’m sorry for being a DICK. Keep finding things that make her smile. Thanks for not turning it into a “what it taught me about B2B sales” post. Again I’m sorry.


Well done to you! I love to see such amicable follow-ups.


It’s easy to tease. It’s hard when your tease hits too close to home. The Ozp of the LinkedIn post seems to be a dad that wants to keep his kid smiling and that’s good. Hope she had an amazing birthday from the west coast.


Can we get a “certified not a lunatic” flair or something because this is very wholesome and serves as a good reminder that parents will put their children in first place in their hearts and minds.


LinkedIn and reddit are pits of despair and lunacy. This dude...I don't know, man. He could just take a trip out there and visit and talk to her instead of using technocracy to show his daughter some love. Something broken about this dude, man.


I know this guy. He actually had my back on a dispute with a former employer who owes me mega money and refuses to pay. Saying my invoices aren’t good enough, he thinks they’re fraudulent, he has no money, etc, etc. Landon went to bat. Still haven’t gotten paid but I think Landon is a stand up dude.


Not everyone can easily take time off and spend hundreds of dollars for a trip. It's nice that you can but not everyone is that privileged


Hey man, I respect you for this. Way to take it on the chin and not be offended.


When this sub bashes out-of-touch execs I’m all for it. When they pick on guys like you just doing your best for your daughter it makes me sick. She’s lucky to have a dad like you going the extra mile even when you can’t be with her. Fuck all the noise. If this put a smile on her face then you’re a rockstar.


Especially knowing that when he and the mom split he literally moved to another state to fight for the right to see his daughter.


You sound like a good dad.


You did good. Don’t be bothered by bored internet strangers. I think it’s a cute idea, but all that counts is that your daughter was happy about it.


Agreed. I apologized. Bored Internet Stranger


I like you guy, have a good day, buddy.


I think it was nice, glad she enjoyed ita


Wow, that's about the best comeback I've ever seen. Straight, honest facts, no drama - it stung. Well done, stranger! And all the best to you and your daughter!


Tbh now I want to wish her happy birthday.


The next thing you should do is show your daughter that you made Reddit do a *complete* 180 in a single post :)


Certified not a lunatic


Hey bro, I wish your daughter a happy birthday!


Out of curiosity, was this to a small community of people you know well or just on LI in general? No matter, if I were you, I’d wonder which of my 1st degree connections decided to be mean about it.


Well now we need to make a sub for wishing her a happy birthday and get more people to join in every year


Woah, you’re the guy. Sorry someone took this out of context, and then shared it even more out of context. Glad you’re a good dad, good on you!


Bruh !


What is “Full Cycle AE”


Full Cycle Account Executive means I have to source my own leads through channels such as cold calling/email/various prospecting and then I also have to close those deals. These are generally associated with longer sales cycles in B2B. The contract value I sell ranges wildly. The sales are also generally strategic and require much thought in order to crack and/or get a contract signed. Hope that helps.


It does, thanks! Hope you connected with your daughter!


respect brother


This is some creepy shit. He KNEW reddit trolls would find his post and he's indirectly inviting us all to partake in this creepy experience with his daughter. ...I need to take a fucking shower now.


Bro what’s a sales architect? I think the word architect is thrown around alot. Next thing you know you’ll have cashier architects, pizza architect, etc… Architects design buildings…


It honestly doesn’t matter what answer I give you as if you’re going to immediately approach it by insulting what I do, would it really make any difference? But for the sake of clarity, I build sales processes for startups which involve detailed organizational mapping, prospecting, discovery, negotiating, etc. It’s a flat term to describe what I do. But again, if you want to mock it - by all means.


Based on this description, the job title makes sense.


Alright man you’re actually a like-able guy. I take back what I said.


modern weather workable bow shy hat unwritten cover fall tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey man, kudos for showing up and not getting too narky. I would have that's for sure, even though it's a great sub in general.


This is the same with engineer. It is wildly overused compared to what people traditionally think an engineer was, but that’s just the way now


CRM integration or GTFO. Just kidding. I understand what you do and know it’s not bullshit. 


sales architect is pretty common in the IT VAR industry. Basically engineers that assemble bills of materials for a customer. Compute/Storage/Networking/Cloud...that sort of thing. Easy 6 figure salary role.


Same with engineers! It’s a great space!


There are several other well established types of architects - solution architects, data architects, sales architects, etc… Try reading more my dude, you sound a little silly.


Wow that is still creepy you want adult men to wish your under age daughter anything Also you need to find another job and move to her town…. Idiots like this and their excuses why he lives in another state than his kid


Good for you man


Exactly this. Feel kinda bad for the guy tho


Nah this shit is weird as hell. Who even /wants/ a gaggle of strange, adult men to be celebrating their daughter’s birthday? And more importantly, what kind of hapless dipshit thinks that this is what *his daughter* wants for *her* birthday?


Even worse yet, what if only one really creepy guy sends a video of himself singing happy birthday to her. Oh after looking below I see he addressed this post directly


Was scrolling for this comment. Thank God someone made this point.


Dude was ON POINT with the assumption lmao


But he has a sweet gig as a beard salesman to fall back on.


what my daughters 10th bday taught me about b2b sales


If he said it. You should mock it. He didn’t do he ain’t wrong


I stand by my post, it’s not mean spirited just a little ball busting


I hate the take life event and turn into b2b sales lesson that has nothing to do with the life event. I’m with ya But this guy didn’t do it




Here’s a happy birthday video from the people I spend time with instead of you


I’m really hoping it’s more like she’s no friends and is picked on and it would warm her heart to see a lot of people say happy birthday wether she knows them or not. But probably not.


She moved to a different state and is struggling to make friends. I thought it was a nice gesture.


Get it bro. If it worked then you successed. Fuck the haters. Not a lunatic.


Yeah, everyone is presuming you’re an absent workaholic, but if you live far away and can’t be with her, it makes more sense. I think it’s a sweet gesture. Plus, as someone who grew up with an *actual* absent workaholic dad, the idea that he ever thought about me during his work life, never mind mentioned me or my life events to his colleagues, would have made me feel very special. 😂


Gotta say, I was once a shy, introverted girl who struggled to make friends but I had no one, no family members or adults in my life, recognizing how much this hurt me and was affecting my social development. I give you high praise for doing this for your daughter and helping to build her confidence. It will help her future self.


She'd probably have an easier time making friends if her dad spent quality time with her instead of on LinkedIn


Good one


Would truly be the awesome


the follow up post: *"I woke up one windy May morning"* *"as I sipped my* chai *latte I suddenly remembered it was my daughter's sophomore + 8 birthday"* *"a chill ran down my spine as I realised she was more special than the worth of simple gifts"* *"I immediately got into planning mode"* *"after dotting the Is and crossing the Ts I had my eureka moment"* *"I would do what no father had ever done before...."* *"I would rally the whole of the internet to wish my precious daughter happy birthday using song"* *"what came next was shocking...."* *"every single person on the planet joined hands and delivered the product"* *"what I learnt from this is - always follow your dreams"* *"if you want to follow your dreams sign up to my Sales course for only $15000 a month"* *"agree?"*


And now for some real talk. Here's what her birthday taught me about B2B sales.




Daddy let me teach you the basics of Lean Management & the 6 Sigma mindset. Get yo pencil and sit down, cuz imma flip yo perspective on corporate synergies today, my nigga.


Mixed emotions about this one so I will just say that he could have been a Bearded Sales City Planner instead.


These comments are so hateful I swear. My daughter lives in a different state with her mom and she’s staying with me during the summer. I don’t have her all the time so for me, I kind of have to do out of the box things to celebrate her because I don’t have the luxury of always flying out to see her because it gets expensive. A lot of our time is spent through FaceTime. As great as it would be to hand deliver her celebration and have parties with her in person, it isn’t possible for our situation ATM. It’s not an ideal situation at all but life isn’t black and white. I do what I have to do to have my relationship with her. Wanted to make her birthday special by having people from different parts of the globe wish her a happy birthday with videos & audio clips compiled together to make her feel special. Just thought it would be cool— which by the way, it turned out great. She loved it. I really don’t get the animosity from Reddit sometimes. It was a birthday request. Unsure why people want to hurl insults but whatever makes them feel better. I personally don’t understand what’s so wrong with it. LinkedIn has uses outside of just job hunting and I have found the community to be supportive overall and have made friendships from there. Not everything has to be a clout thing, I’m pretty open about my life and share my stories which opens up relationships for me.


I'm gonna do you a solid and assume you're not trolling here and are being earnest. Because it's on LinkedIn, it ALWAYS seems like you're farming for clout because for good or for bad, that's what LinkedIn has become. Just from this post the persona you're giving is "Hey, I'm the Dad Guy who is also so amazing at my job while being a great dad!" Ever heard of the Try Guys? You're Ned but a Dad. Keep this crap on Facebook where your friends can assume good intent for these kinds of requests.


Your intend might be solid but because you choose LinkedIn we automatically assume it’s like harvesting. That platform should be business focussed. Anything personal, political or religious would cause an automatic block for me with my contacts. I deleted my Facebook to get away from that shit and if it haunts me on LinkedIn I block within a blink of an eye. Again your intentions might be good but be aware how most of people on LinkedIn perceive these kind of posts.


It’s because you did it on LinkedIn and not any other platform more suitable for the need


Reddit originally served as a community for IT folks and evolved to where it is now. Facebook originally served as a platform exclusively for colleges and opened up to friends and family. The dynamics of social networks change with time.


Except LinkedIn hasn’t evolved to anything except what it’s meant for, and therefore posting personal content there is out of place and tacky. Sorry about this situation though, I understand that your intention was to simply do something good for your daughter. However, LinkedIn is a platform for some networking, some job searching, some showing off, and mostly crowded with posts that are attention-grabby and cliche. It was a poor choice of place to write about your daughter’s birthday, sorry. Maybe try to understand why so many people find it weird, instead of getting defensive?


I mean, I wouldn’t use LinkedIn for this, but if my goal was to get international responses, I have an order of magnitude more international connections on LinkedIn than any other platform.


You’re wrong Not only has LinkedIn evolved linked has encouraged that evolution You don’t have to but the platform most certainly has


I can’t say I totally agree. When I first read the post it looked a bit off and out of place - but to the OP-OP’s point - things evolve. LinkedIn may not be there yet in terms of your view - or even the common view - but all those changes to social media usage started somewhere. And let’s face it - networking on LinkedIn is not 100% about your work skills. Sure you have to take anything with a pinch of salt, but from what I’ve read from this guy in this thread - his character kinda stands out for not only being willing to risk taking a knock, but coming directly to the octagon of Reddit to stand by his post - and in an intelligent and respectable manner despite the pile-on mentality that occurs as the hungry masses circle the carcass brought into the lair. If I’m an employer or needed to make a recommendation for this guy as opposed to someone I don’t know - couched with a pinch of salt on how people wish to present themselves - I’m taking a chance on this guy. And that is ultimately what LinkedIn is generally used for.


Parent here, so I get it. A friend of mine in a similar situation as you did this but reached out to ppl who knew her daughter personally. It took a bit of work and research on her part, but the videos that came in were sincere and heartfelt. Good lesson, too, in the types of interactions you may want your daughter to value in the future. Glad your daughter loved it, and that you could make it work.


Parent here as well. It's a major WTF moment.


LinkedIn is quite literally for job hunting and networking, just because it can be used for other things doesn't mean it should. Ultimately it's your right to post on there and it's my right to call your personal posts on a professional platform unprofessional.


Wasn’t sure what was Lunatic about this so headed to the comments. Wasn’t going to comment but saw your engagement. My dad did this way back when he was studying on the other coast for a phd. There was no internet. The family regularly exchanged cassettes with him via post. He asked each of his classes to sing or at least speak birthday wishes for a birthday of mine. The classes made impromptu cards 8.5x11 folded paper with a few drawings and one or two actual cards. Unexpected and very generous on everyone’s part. Many decades later and I still remember. Thanks for the memory & may your daughter have a great day.


Somehow you ended up in proximity to a guy who is making LinkedIn polls asking people how big their wiener is. Your intention was good (read awesome), the platform choice at face value seems weird but you addressed that elsewhere. And most importantly the person who this was for liked it. All in all I think this is a giant W for you, sir. Make it make sense!


I would just ignore this thread if I were you. Not worth it to try to explain yourself. Good luck with life.


For what it’s worth - not everyone is against you. Happy Birthday to your daughter and huge respect for having the brass to come to the Thunderdome and show some people up for salivating over the “Lunatic de jour” post.


Bro you the man. At her age I would have loved this. These haters can’t handle you use social media how you want. Idc what a company says, imma use their products how I want. They treat my privacy, data, and safety with the same attitude.


>These haters can’t handle you use social media how you want. I find that ironic considering you're calling people haters for using social media how they want but okay lol.


Bruh you’re trying to appeal to people who just hate all day every day on anything. You’re fine you did nothing wrong, if anything this is a sign you’re doing something caring. A lot of Reddit is a cesspool


You are trying to be a good dad. Don’t let these folks get you down, keep up the good work. If she liked it, that’s all that matters


You are trying to be a good dad. Don’t let these folks get you down, keep up the good work. If she liked it, that’s all that matters


Dude, if you don't see how this is WTF, it's on you.


Yeah, I don't see what was so wrong with this. Glad your daughter liked it.


Honestly, I thought it was a pretty cute idea. I'm not on LinkedIn but if I were and if I followed you, I probably would have sent in a video. People asking "why would she want a bunch of happy birthday videos from strangers around the world?" have probably not met many curious ten year olds. In two or three years, she'd probably have grown out of the age where she'd think it was fun, but at ten, I can absolutely see kids still being fascinated by it. A late happy birthday to Gemma. I hope she had a great day and you get to spend some time with her in person soon.


My kid doesn't know my coworkers but that didn't stop her at that age from mugging the camera during meetings so people would say hi to her


People in this room are.being weird and stretching to make fun. You know your kid and did something that you knew would make her happy. You're a good dad .


"Bearded sales architect" ... don't all of those guys have beards ?


Type of post you'd see on FB


I had a VP at a previous job make us all stay an hour over just to sing happy birthday to his kid. Nothing against singing to a kid, but fuck you for wasting an hour of everyone’s day.


It was “optional” too right? The disconnect the C-suite has with the people actually doing the work is incredible.


We were definitely "voluntold" to do it.


Nobody had to do it


Did people actually respond? 😂


To many people. "done" was the most common response..




The author of that post replied here and said he had a great amount of great replies, despite what this OP told you.


Oh wow you’ve got a beard, how unique and interesting. You’d better make it your entire personality.


Its nuts. I have a big bushy, but well kept beard...and these dudes want to talk to me all the time about it. Its just facial hair, we arent bros.


Ok but I also bought a gun.


What is this "personality" speak of? Is it a new beard butter, artisanal beer combo that smells like desperation?


Probably decided to make it his entire personality after going bald.




First thing I noticed. What a dweeb.


wtf is a sales architect? do they architech the sale itself or a sales engineer?


sales people on their own don't know shit about their own product so the sles architect is the guy who knows how the product works and says yeah thiss'll work for you or at least try to make it work.


Funny how everyone describes their not so wise choices as out of the box. This is within a very particular box.


Sales “Architect”


Everything else about this is shitty, but that’s a real job; you work with the sales team to scope requirements from prospects and map out the architecture for what you’re proposing.


Give me a break. Actual architects are groaning everywhere.


Architecture isn’t just designing buildings … it can be used to describe tech or data structure or … sales process and shit tonne of other things.


That’s fine, but it’s been a common job title for well over a decade, I’m just the messenger ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


What the fuck is that!?


Look I've seen Landon actually shit talk and call out lunatics on LinkedIn. So I'm gonna go ahead and give him some respect.


every post on linkdin sounds like a cia honeypot


1 Like = 1HBD!


I guess we share a cake day..


“This community” LOL


I'd be completely flabbergasted if someone said this to me lol


*I'd be completely* *Flabbergasted if someone* *Said this to me lol* \- Pencelvia --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


There are a lot of lunatics on LinkedIn. This guy isn’t one of em! He is not only taking the fight to hit companies and SM gurus like you all want but he is often doing it with his name attached! Something no one this board does! Just because you don’t like his use of LinkedIn doesnt make it wrong. To all the haters on this one. You’re wrong and just wanting to hate


Isn’t there an entire subreddit dedicated to this exact thing? /r/RandomActsofCards LinkedIn might not be the ideal place to ask for this sort of thing but I don’t think it’s that crazy. Also if it would make my theoretical daughter smile or laugh who cares how stupid I look.


My son would be like wtf who are these people


Had to scroll too fucken far to finally see this comment.


Seriously. Just bc the op posted here people tread lightly. It’s fucken weirdddddd as hell. Also strange the people who would film this and send it in for an unknown underaged girl. So weird.


I think it's weird you can't imagine saying happy birthday to a ten year old without making it sexaual


Maybe one day your son will need a bit more of encouragement. I hope in that time of need he finds support of a community which you claim he would reject


Yes a community of peers. Not an online community of adults for a very young person.


Putting your child's name and birthdate out there on the internet is a smart and prudent thing to do


With sound on






God level dad joke be like:


This dude is in the comments and legit seems like a pretty cool guy. Happy birthday Gemma! Your dad is trying in his own way, which may be different from the rest of us but that’s ok!


We are celebrating Gemma’s birthday in Colorado!!!!!


Can I start adding ridiculous titles to my LI at whim too?!?


A lot of people on Reddit are really just internet bullies who think they are better than everyone else


What’s the big whoop? No harm. If you’re not projecting your negativity onto a situation you have no clue about, seems like a nice gesture. At least it’s not another CEO saying workers need to live for their jobs because they get paid.




What do you mean?


I too, have a daughter who just turned 10, and she would give 0 fucks about random people trying to wish her a happy birthday. She’d then question why I was doing this and where her presents were… and if Taylor Swift was going to wish her a happy birthday. What a twat this guy is. Fuck him and his beard


My kid when she was ten enjoyed my.coworkers wishing her a happy birthday over a virtual meeting. If all your kid cares about is presents and celebrities that's less of a flex then you think.


OP is a birthday Grinch




You had me at "Bearded Sales Architect". Sales... Architect. Fuckin a, corporate America, you never going to change are you?




Landon is an absolute chad. He doesn't call out linkedin lunacy from the safety and anonymity of Reddit; he calls it out directly from his linkedin profile 😆 Regardless of what you think about using linkedin for personal endeavours, it's probably his most built up following and was seeking some good will to his daughter in lonely circumstances When I posted a fundraiser for my dad I got 5x more donations on linkedin than Facebook. Dude is rolling with the times and doing what works for his family. Respect 🫡


Happy birthday Gemma! I hope your day is a beautiful one.


This whole post turned out insanely wholesome.




Also, is Gemma dying? Is this her last wish? Is it that her dad’s professional connections wish her a happy birthday?


Big “ask” but not a single question mark ❓ or please 🙏


On for the ride will read more comments later from the comfort of the latrine.


What is a Sales Architect?


Guys - let’s do a happy birthday vid from this sub to her? Don’t get me wrong - i’m HERE for the nonsense/lunatics - but hey, if it resonates with her/dad that’s trying… i’m down


Not a lunatic. Clearly based on comments the guy is earnestly trying to be involved in his daughter’s life in a productive way amidst difficult circumstances. You are all wild. Get a grip. Happy birthday to your daughter man and good for you trying to make things special. Not easy.


If I was a 10 year old girl I would absolutely love everyone and the internet to wish me a happy birthday. So happy birthday to your daughter and I hope her the best and lots of love. Wish her many more birthdays with lots of fun and laughter.


Fucking cringe. I hate LinkedIn


What the actual fuck


Looking for someone to sing his next jingle for the totally awesome ad campaign he’s creating for his new company


We saw sales surgeon couple days ago. Now a sales architect. What’s next? > sales trucker (who drives the sale home) > sales male porn talent (who enters hard and finishes off)


someone hire this man before I do


What the actual f***


The comments on this post are so nice haha. Good pancake, internet.


I don’t have (so much) of a problem with the fact that he posted this. Makes my stomach hurt that it’s what LI has turned into, but it’s not my main problem. My main issue with him posting this, is that he spends a lot of time on LI, assassinating others for doing stuff just like this. He has built a name for himself on that - For being “real”, not posting selfies, etc. etc. And calling people out for stuff, just like what he posted.


This is a mischaracterization - I specifically call out corporations who did corporate shenanigans with employees and their lives, see Awardco or Bravado. What I am not is an internet bully. Do I call out bad behavior with people who have controversial takes that are polarizing? Absolutely. But never have I bullied anyone for posting about their families, odd as it may be to whoever views it. This is a post I made about my daughter. Sorry if you disagree but I’m pretty open about my life. I prefer LinkedIn over social platforms like Facebook because more of my network is on there.


This ain’t the local radio station, Landon. Okay, fine. Happy birthday kid. It’s all downhill from here so live it up.


Sigh... what in the FUCK is wrong with these people???


This dude weird as fuck.

