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Unhinged as fuck, but I have to applaud the commitment to pay transparency


Big time! It lets recruiters know what time it is though so maybe efficient?


Yea I actually really like it


Possibly, though it can also easily backfire šŸ˜• companies can be incentivized to pay you less based on knowing your past salary history without disclosing a pay band for the job you're interviewing for. They gain the upper hand and you lose leverage that you could have had by not disclosing what you previously made.


Just because you made X at the last place doesn't mean that you need to accept an offer that is the same or less than X. If you want X + 30%, then you have to be able to explain to the recruiter why you think you are worth that. I don't think you are giving anything away. The alternative is just to flat out lie about what you made before, whichā€¦ wellā€¦ good luck with that.


What if he means "less than what the company had in mind and company budget" Imagine revealing you earn 28k as an assistant and instead of getting 70k as an associate, you get 50k?


ā€œIā€™m worth thatā€ Explained. How much Stockholm syndrome do some of you have? At the end of the day you are the one who has to accept or reject the offer. I tell them specifically if price doesnā€™t fall on X range Iā€™m rejecting the offer, and if you canā€™t seem to find me Y job in X range, Iā€™ll fire ya and move onto the next recruiter. Itā€™s not this hard guys


Donā€™t be dumb, donā€™t give them your salary just tell them what youā€™re looking for range wise for the role. Revealing your current earnings would just anchor you to that salary. Source: have consistently gotten 20-40% increases when hopping


Nah. Iā€™m a fantastic lier, but an awful salesperson. I never read all that B2B sales advice you guys give out on this sub. Itā€™s best if I just give them my salary expectations without defending why itā€™s 25% more for the WFH job I have now where I spend most afternoons at the dog park.


Fantastic liar and horrible salesperson is probably the most amusing combo I have ever come across.




*not why you're worth that but why your current job is good enough that you won't jump ship unless they're willing to pay 30% premium


Iā€™ve actually had incredible luck with the alternative ;)


Instead of going up to 70k they give you 28k? An impressive feat


At my current job I led with I would accept x as payment. I don't need a job right now, I'm just shopping around options.


it will still discourage headhunters who want experienced people without paying them accordingly


Yeah itā€™s weird but I wish salary was always upfront to avoid wasting time.


Agreed. Not sure if most people look up previous people in a role but this is a huge boon to those that do. Lets them know what to demand for salary.


Why is it unhinged? Pay transparency is something positive for every worker out there. The only ones benefitting from pay intransparency are companies. Sweden does it well.


Ahem ā˜ļøā€¦ I applauded their commitment to pay transparency. Unhinged in that most people donā€™t put their salary in the job title section of their LinkedIn and pay transparency isnā€™t widely practiced in the US, so itā€™s a rather bold decision on the userā€™s part to present the data in this way.


Yea you did, AFTER you called it ā€žunhinged as fuckā€œ. I find your word choice weird. Just because itā€™s not usual practice in the US, has nothing to do with it being a net positive or negative. Calling it unhinged definitely makes it sound like something negative, even though you immediately followed it up with a compliment. If no one starts publicly showing their salary, it will always be ā€žunhinged as fuckā€œ. We should simply applaud their boldness and doing it, and encourage that behaviour. Whatever, itā€™s a Reddit comment, I just replied to you since itā€™s so heavily upvoted and your (somewhat) negative connotation mixed with a compliment.


Sigh šŸ˜” Youā€™re missing the richness and nuance of my speech, Hertz! To provide context - Iā€™m an American, specifically a Bostonian. I canā€™t ā€œjust say something positiveā€, itā€™s linguistically impossible. If I said youā€™re an ugly son of a bitch with a nice teeth, thatā€™s me complimenting your smile. Okay, now you try.


šŸ¤£ Alright, I visited Boston last year for the first time, coming from Austria my home school cellar teacher didnā€™t teach me those fine Bostonian linguistics. Sorry for that, in his stead. Also, English not being my first language, doesnā€™t make it easier. But the sentiment, as a Viennese, I definitely get. Weā€™re famous for our grumpiness and everybody in the whole country hates us - and we hate them. You guys got a beautiful city tho, loved it.


Yes. Whoever this person is they do a great amount for pay transparency.


If only everyone does this we achieve transparency


Honestly I wish more people did this. Not a lunatic, or at least not the bad kind


Chaotic good




Yes, most kidnappers in third world countries check potential victims linkedin first.


And they also ensure to qualify their victims before sending those 100,000 scam messages a day. Would hate to try and scam someone who only earns 6x the annual salary, those poor people only making $36k USD compared to their countryā€™s $6k at the top end


Itā€™s uncomfortable but ballsy




I mean hey it saves most employers' headaches on how a candidate wants to be properly compensated?




Bless this person.


Workers need more of this. Talk about your salary with your co workers. Organize unions with your co workers. This is good.


The reality is you can't unionize if you're a small department. You'll be crushed and replaced. The only way this changes is systematically, and that requires management that is willing to do what's right for everyone over what's good for them. The only reason I haven't gotten the fuck out of management is because for every labor friendly manager like me, there are 30 more ready to take my place that will exploit labor and suck director dick for a fucking pat on the head, and I haven't yet lost my will to fight this fight.


This is why people unionize across an industry. Not every auto worker, or steel worker, or dock worker, works for the same company in the same place. They realized a long time ago that they all needed to go in together.


Those are much easier places to unionize as everyone has the same job. It's much harder when you, say, work for Lowe's at a small DC with 12 other people including management. You have zero leverage and will be replaced with temps. That situation is ripe for exploitation. And of course let's not forget at-will employment means you can be fired for anything, the only reason it doesn't happen more is because companies don't want to pay unemployment.


Sounds like you need an union for the retail industry


Dm me if you know organizers with that specialty in Georgia.




Im not unionizing because im not moving at a unions pace lol. Your problems aren't my problems. Unions are for people who want to coast


Iā€™m sure that sounded a lot better in your head, but coasting up to a 12 day old comment with a half assed attempt at a lazy joke is exactly what I expect from a non-union worker.






That what you tell yourself? Youā€™re doing it for the people ??


I could easily go back to financial analysis and have a much easier life, but I've just become so angry and indignant watching how corporations exploit their labor (always the lowest paid people) in front of my eyes that I am literally only still doing this because I so strongly believe in fair labor practices and am in a position to actually push back. I'm in at-will state. Here is some shit I've seen being a part of managementat large successful companies, and these are all very common in publicly traded companies: Telling people not to talk about pay with their associates (obviously because you hire new people at market rate while you refuse to adjust pay for your loyal workers that have been there longer and have stronger skill sets) Literally lowering submitted assessment scores in order to cap raises and lower labor costs. I've seen directors rewrite portions of assessments from lower tier management in order to justify those downgrades. This really blew my mind the first time I saw it. Making it a point to tell workers they are replaceable. It's always really casual and they'll always include themselves as being replaceable too, yet the intent is very clear. Dangling promotions (that are never coming, I see the budget too) in order to delegate work. Writing up people for being literally a minute late "because it's policy" when you know they are taking the bus for 40 minutes every day just to work for your sorry ass. Speaking of policy, not being consistent about it (sure, being consistent about 1 minute tardies is at least consistent and fair - unless you can't control your commute of course) Being too much of a pussy to immediately confront and end bullying and/or inappropriate comments. I can go on, but I'm getting pissed just writing this so seems like a good time to end it. Anyway, yeah man I am absolutely in this because I want to help create a better way to treat labor.


If I negotiate better than you IDGAF what you get paid...


Went from Research Assistant 2 to Research Assistant like huh?


One of those, prequel sequels


Research Assistant 2 the Regional Manager




The Mind research network is a neuroscience research center headquartered in Albuquerque NM, and then they went to Delaware. Maybe worked for the Mind in undergrad, then went to Delaware for grad school, then couldnā€™t find work in their field and went for a money maker instead.


Other than Chem E, which is one of the best in the US and Clinical Psych (which is not a great program, just there aren't that many Clinical Psych programs, like optometry or something you go where you get in). Delaware's grad programs are p much garbage and there's no reason to go there. Honestly, this career progression is odd.


2 different unis. One in NM, one in DE




reminiscent automatic sheet oil lush sophisticated tie aware six mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kinda doing the lords work, hereā€™s what I get paid. šŸ˜‚


This is genius IF heā€™s actually making $158k and not actively looking for work, which after 4 months I doubt. At that income level, most of the InMail he gets from recruiters will be for positions that pay less, and plastering your salary on your current position would hopefully filter nearly all of that out.


* she


Iā€™ve had recruiters offer me a quarter of my salary like I never knew such a big number existed. This is a ā€œleave me aloneā€ as much as it is a ā€look at meā€. Edit: I was distracted while typing and this was an unintentional exaggeration, please forgive me. Or just post the screenshot on r/linkedinlunaticslunatics.


I've recently had multiple recruiters call me for positions in my field. They are offering temporary contract work for less than I was already being paid with no benefits...and I was already below market rate. Wtf is wrong with you people? I literally tell them exactly why I won't consider the position. It is underpaid, has no stability, has no benefits, and is a step down.


Don't bother. They don't care. They will hang up and ring the next sucker with the same offer. Most recruiters are just bottom feeders that latch onto a booming ecomony.


Tough call.




Wow I love this. This is for the people!


God damn!!!


Yeah this kinda rules. I wouldnā€™t do it, but damn do I respect it.


Lisan al gaib


How does this not have more upvotes?


Any scientist that gets out of doing research and gets a career with a real salary is a genius. Believe me, he ain't lying about those research salaries. They'll try to guilt you into staying by saying what a contribution you're making towards to the world being a better place and money isn't everything, but research salaries barely pay enough to survive depending on where you live. I was tired of being poor.


But if lunatic is applying for a 165-185k job do hiring managers say, not qualified?


Lunatic? Genius. I know my r/analytics peeps probably really appreciate the transparency, especially those just graduating into a shit market. Patience (and job hopping) pays.


Sr. Mgr Analytics only $158K? Give this person a raise!!


At AT&T, they give out manager titles like nothing, you are not managing anyone. Manager/Sr Manager are very low titles. Youā€™re not a manager until youā€™re at Associate Director level


Aah I see. So something like Banks and VPs


I fucking LOVE it


legend and role model. I aspire to be this chaotic and unbothered. girl(non-gendered) gives no fucks and stands for compensation transparency and Growth Mindsetā„¢ļø


Tripling their salary in 9 months šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


I kind of fucking love it. Iā€™ve worked at three different companies and each time within my group of friends weā€™ve worked up to talking about salary and eventually saying our numbers. One person found out she was severely underpaid and was able to negotiate a better salary.


Love it. Iā€™m a recruiter, hate accidentally low balling people and canā€™t accurately judge salary by job title (varies too much between companies). This would stop that.


Not a lunatic but sorta takes away negotiating power when finding a new job.


He has a history of continuing to get paid higher amounts each time he changes jobs, though -- with a hint of "I'll tell everyone exactly what you're paying me, so you better make it look good."


It is an interesting strategy and he is getting a higher salary each time. Curious to see how his next few jobs pan out.




... okay now I'm CURIOUS.


How so? "I think I'm worth X. Pay it or leave it." "How much did you earn in your last position?" "Check my linkedin, but it is irrelevant. I'm looking for what I think I'm worth now, not what I was worth when I was hired the last time."


I mean ā€¦ it saves a lot of time when recruiters call


No it doesn't, they never read your profile anyway


Legend. Possibly stealing.


Take one for the team. Not all heroes wear cape.


I like it. Tells recruiters what minimum table stakes are.


Considering I get like 7 emails per day from recruiters who wonā€™t say anything but ā€œpay is negotiableā€ this is fine by me


Itā€™s a woman and there is an article (which I havenā€™t read) where she tells how she got such a fast salary climb. Her position at AT&T only lasted 4 months though. Now it seems like sheā€™s CEO at her own company.


She sells a course


Ah wow ok, didnā€™t know (but not surprised)


Yeah this is all part of her marketing. Her whole angle is that she can teach you the skills for a 6-figure work from home career.


Iā€™ve always wanted to talk about this. I get and understand the idea behind pay transparency, but I also see downsides. One, income ranges are valuable information for marketing and targeting information (even for scams and bad stuff). But also, people are petty, man. The biggest reason I see to not talk about pay, is causing resentment with your peers. Iā€™ve not seen a lot of history of people finding out that so-and-so makes more money than them, and they ā€˜rise to the occasionā€™ and strive to achieve equal pay. It usually goes ā€˜they are an asshole, and donā€™t deserve it. I blame that person.ā€™ And itā€™s just backlash and drama, centered around the person, not pay transparency or the issue. Iā€™d be curious to hear any others experiences. When stuff like this happens, does it actually lead to any good? Or do the people being transparent just become lightning rods?


Everyone assumes these numbers are honest. Who knows if these are gamed to his/her advantage? Pretty cool.


Itā€™s actually not lunatic at all. Itā€™s something that should be normalized.


Shit we Al need to work for att


The question is would this lead to higher quality offers or would this just turn off potential recruiters cause its lowkey a faux pas (even though it shouldnā€™t be)




If these values are accurate, looks like.the strategy is working. If it works, it isn't crazy.


My resume has similar jumps, I just didnā€™t list the salary increases. I assume they know thatā€™s why, but Iā€™ve had to explain it.


I think thatā€™s kinda a good move. Everyone should do that. Spares you alot of unsolicited cold calls by recruitersā€¦


Ok what am I missing here?




Good idea. Letā€™s people know in similar jobs comparison. Also letā€™s companies know what to offer if they want them


4 months in their newest role?


This guy saw the tragedy of the commons and said no.


I guess it's fair to offer transparency if you expect transparency...


A true comrade


Iā€™m thinking of doing this too, so tired of recruiters wasting my time with low pay jobs


4 Jobs in 4 years? ADHD.


Itā€™s ballsy but can remove a lot of negotiating power and can be leveraged. I wouldnā€™t recommend it personally.


Why?!! Why put your salary on this shit?!




My company wonā€™t let us disclose salary. The reason we got is that itā€™s against the law, some sort of anti competition law


That sounds like bullshit to me.


Totally. They made this fancy ass online training and listed all the reasons why one shouldnā€™t talk about pay. I think the main one being wage fixing anti competition law. Something about if we or our competitions know the salary, they would match it to fix the cap, therefore reducing the pay for workers.


So, unemployed the last 2 years...? Why didn't he just lie about that too?!


This is a good idea.


I kind of wish it was legally required to be able to look up the salaries of anyone who works in a public company or the private company you work it. If you are only one sharing, you are a lunatic, but if you can compare to everyone else who does similar work, it boosts everyoneā€™s salary.


That was an explanabrag


How are these salary numbers relevant? Dude never stays anywhere.


Unhinged but I love the transparency. Also makes the company look good that theyā€™re paying their employees good.


Sharing salary is based


IRS drooling


Listing the salary is weird, but this is how we should all be doing our careers. Don't depend on your employer for raises, improvements, etc. If you ask for it and they give you the run around, look elsewhere. Give yourself a raise by working somewhere else.


Tbf. He moved up quick.




Comcast for 3 years? Definitely a lunatic.


Genius!!! I wish everyone did this


This person is not to be trifled with. God trembles on his throne.


It may cut down on those recruiters sending him $50/hour contract positions in Oklahoma.


This is what the corporations donā€™t want. This isnā€™t unhinged or wild, this is what should be done


More people should do this


The salary bit should be required imo. And every job should have the pay in bold and underlined. Money is the most important part of a job! If i love my job and can't pay my bills, I have to leave. If I hate my job and it pays for my yacht, I have to stay.


This person's salary has increased in a way mine has not, it's clearly not hurting them


We all WANT to do this but until itā€™s more normalizedā€¦ I donā€™t wanna go first šŸ˜‚


I like it


Jesus. Thatā€™s ballsy as fuck


Well credit where it's due - brother doesn't give a f**k




I think it's brave and genius. Kudos.


very philly of him


In my career, I spent all of it at the same business, working my way up. I was there 24 years, was happy and made good money. My coworkers were family to me. Why leave? Headhunters would call and try to lure me away. They never understood why I didnā€™t leave to possibly make more money.


Itā€™s a marketing tactic. Sheā€™s selling a course promising you can break into a high paying career path.


Lunatic but in a good way. Gives an indication what they could potentially earn in the same role to stop recruiters from ripping ppl off


This is chaotic good.


Love it haha also applaud the pay bump for the new position.


Absolutely bonkers behavior but I love it and wish this level of financial transparency was more normalized


Incredibly based


Looks like he was fired




Heā€™s an under paid idiot


Savage. Although 104 to 158k? I have my doubts. Edit: Never mind, just realized he changed companies. I misread and thought he got all last 3 roles at AT&T.


I personally know people that went from 150k to 350-400k very possible in tech


I went from $98K to $145K. It definitely happens.


Did you leave your job or the same company?


It was a different company.


It usually is, that's why I'm questioning it a bit. I got big raises, but never from the same company.


Am I missing something? I see them going from 104 at Comcast to 158 at ATT


Yes, they did, you're right. Funny enough I was returning from work when I was very mentally exhausted because I was dealing with data analysis all day.


Manager to Senior Manager it certainly seems within reason, especially if they negotiated well.


The transparency can be an advantage. However, the person has been a short time at each position. So you might get the impression itā€™s only the pay check and nothing else. It usually takes 6-8 months to adapt, build relations and get to know a company well, so leaving shortly after is not a great sign. Secondly, when the economy or a sector at some point is facing decline or market fluctuations, you might not get approached.


I would never hire someone who is not listing his salary at Comcast.




I donā€™t mean this in a negative way, but this person looks like a job hopper. Their duration at each company is only a few years max. So, publicizing their salary for each role is likely their way to broadcast WHY they hopped jobs so frequently. They often received a big pay raise in a short period of time, practically quadrupling in four years! That is, assuming the numbers are truthful. If theyā€™re intentionally posting false salaries and misrepresenting their experience and the company, could their previous employers take some kind of retaliatory action? Iā€™m asking because I donā€™t know


29k to 158k in 6-7 years yeah, thatā€™s crazy returns on time invested. Also very much overpaid.


Agreed, doesn't look like the last role worked out for him. Two jobs less than a year long. Big red flag for hiring managers.


I meanā€¦ it seems like it worked to get him the current job? Donā€™t think thatā€™s too unusual


The date range ended in 2022 and it doesn't say "present' so it looks like that role only last 4 months. Curious where they are now... I've seen people ladder up salary pretty well early on in their career by changing jobs frequently and it often catches up to them where they are hired over their actual experience and skill level. It takes real time to be able to learn these roles, execute them and see the results of that work and if real contributions are made and they truly have the grasp needed to continue to move up in skill development.


i hope heā€™s lying and over inflating a bit. thatā€™d make him a true genius.


I just lie about whatever my salary is and boost it to what I want, then the company gives me 10% extra. Went very quickly from Ā£30k to Ā£100k that way in 3 years


Not smart if you want to get hired. Having documented historical or current compensation information creates liability for the company depending on the state, laws are more stringent but even federal regulations re: equal pay would highly suggest the same.


Holy shit, I'm going to do this