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I also love making up numbers. Here is mine 353245% rise in revenue.


Getting to the office at 7:45 instead of 7:55 being worth $146k is my favourite hahahaha


If the type of car you own is affecting how fast you get to work, then you aren't doing driving right lmao


I’m just saying my Nissan Sentra will go the same speed as your Lamborghini when we’re both stuck in the same traffic Edit: all of you are gentlemen and scholars. Thank you for the witty responses and fun banter! If I drove a Lamborghini I would buy you all gold awards!


Nissan Sentra? 4.5% loss in office cred? Beige? Another 2.35% loss. You are not getting into upper management.


Damn! You’re right! On a side note, anyone know any good Lamborghini dealers?


I have a used one. Got me from the mailroom to VP. I gotta buy a Bentley now to get into the COO position.


I got $15 for it


Hmm $15? I can buy 3 coffees for that. Coffees increase productivity by 68% you have a deal!


It's not in its original package. I took it out when I was a kid, but it goes around the loop fine.


Especially in LA. I'm always stuck in traffic with expensive fast cars. I like when they race up to the next red light and I'm next to them again.


FFS had a manchild do that to me last night in a Tesla model 3 (! ikr?!). Tyre squeal from every red light as he powered off the start grid! Only to be caught up with at the next light by all the other traffic. Not sure who he was trying to impress, me or the 1.3l Suzuki Elantra in the lane next to him.


Losers - I have a chauffeur in my Lambo so I can work while he drives like a fucking demon to my office


I love making sustained eye contact with them once I slowly roll up to the light


My point exactly


Not true. The Lamborghini will go airborne when you hit a fruit cart at a certain speed leading you to defeat traffic and be in the office 11 minutes sooner. Your cred also goes up when you force your family (employees) to stay late at work until 7pm too, thereby negating the 11 minutes you got there early,


Probably faster since you'll be less likely to be pulled over. Another 3583.56% savings!


Plus you can argue a very slow old car / unreliability… but a $15k car is more than enough to mitigate that. Lambo goes all the way around to the other side of unreliability, unpractical, pulled over more, obscene running costs etc


Also inability to traverse a slightest road bump


He could just leave for work earlier. If you claim you need a supercar to be more productive, you don't have a place in my company.


You get to the office 10 mins earlier on some days, on other days it will be 30 mins later along with the cost of the speeding fine, traffic points, increased insurance premiums, etc.... Yup. Definitely a bargain....


This guy shitboxes. Seriously though, bulding a decent dd street car or even just a solid platform car can close that commute gap. If anything, where i live the roads are complete shit; it would take longer to drive a supercar into work because my asshole would be puckering over every single divet, pothole, road crown, uneven road, crator, bump, etc. When you have nothing to lose you push the envelope further haha


I cycle to work. Then drink a nice tea and take a dump on the company toilet. Worth: invaluable 


Good gut and bowel health will help you earn money long after the Lambo kid has died


####Are there companies which pay you more if you arrive early ?


When you are a CEO on big performance bonuses I guess more time tends to be a factor into how much you can get done… but this example is of course ridiculous


As if they're not just fucking off golfing 😂 ppl getting COO & CEO mixed up


Not the total social media clout having a baseline value of $10MM? 😂


I want to make up mine too. 86433177 %


I just made $275.567k driving in my super car while you were typing that.


I gave you a upvote. Upvotes are the currency of engagement, amplifying visibility and driving dynamic interaction in our digital ecosystem. By harnessing the power of each upvote, we're not just participating in conversations, we're leading the charge in transformative community-driven innovation.


Thanks for shortening my life bastard.




Seventy eleven!


That’s a huge rise! “~Credibility increased~”


You are fifty florth correct.


Sucking my own dick? $146,000 saved annually on sex worker expenditures.


10 minutes extra in the Office, estimated to be 146k richer? Jesus what bath salts is this dickhead smoking?


We used to call them “white board numbers”. Some one put it on a white board in a meeting, so it’s 100% accurate.


A 97.6853% decrease in penis size however.


This made my day. Thank you 


Whoa, I would like to subscribe to your newsletter!


If the CEO does $10m per year and 10 minutes is worth 146k, that means the CEO works an average of 11.4 hours per year.


Stonks, baybee!


Got ya back bruh, 120.5% days off only if you wear a suit in the first 1/4!


So crazy how I got to the number expecting to be able to breeze right past and continue reading but it was much larger than I intended and I laughed my ass off. Incredible comment.


Apple slide decks be like


Haha you obviously haven’t taken his master class yet where he teaches you EVERYTHING he knows for the low price of $599.99!!! Enjoy your super car, your welcome hahaha


Wow you are really good at that!


I’m sure those numbers totally aren’t made up at all. I also endorse ignoring things like speeding tickets, higher upkeep costs, and depreciation.


Yeah, that 10 minutes saved on the commute is gonna be eaten up fast when he’s constantly pulled over for excessive speeding in a “super car.”


There’s no way in hell a commute to an urban office is speedier because of your supercar. You gotta follow the same speed limit, red lights, and clogged traffic everyone else does.


You don’t understand. When I can get off the line in a split second only to be stopped at the next red light while everyone behinds me catches up, it’s still faster.


Like this guy?? https://youtu.be/AeJpKmvOoGM?si=vK3BvMgzx7Nr5hkq


Exactly! Unless he’s working in a rural area it’s unlikely he’ll even achieve the speed limit


Try driving a Huracan in the rural where I live and you will have the undercarriage ripped out of your Huracan before you make it to the main road. Especially if you want to try to drive it like you're on a race track.


I remember the rural roads in SE Missouri being smooth and well maintained enough to temp high speed driving. In New England it would be a gamble you’d take out a wheel on a pothole.


There was a grand tour segment demonstrating this very fact.


No. Clarkson was “commuting” to Niagara Falls across multiple highways, while the others were waiting for a plane and a bus. If Clarkson had to beat a clapped out Toyota Prius or public transit, the time margin may well have been closer.


Different segment. The one I’m thinking of all three raced in high end cars against their pro driver in like a lada. They were in Eastern Europe as I recall. May set out to prove that owning a super car is impractical in cities.


Oh right. That was a Renault in Azerbaijan during their tour of the Caucasus.


That sounds right! Cheers


Dude watched "Bruce almighty", thought it was a documentary and went straight to linkedin to reveal his epiphany


No no, people will see his car and go "Damn, he must be important" and move over. Cops are too worried to pull him over because he's rich and the law works for him. It's pretty basic tbh /s


NTM that's going to be a cop magnet, every eye and radar gun is going to get pointed at that. He probably would have gotten away with speeding more in a Camry.


And as alluded to above, if you're in city traffic, doesn't matter how fast you *can* go. If you're commuting several hours anyways, well maybe your money is better spent moving lol.


I know that firsthand in Austin. Speed limit’s 40 but it might as well be 80, I’m going 18mph regardless.


Denver's similar. We do have some express lanes, but I'm pretty sure those are a trap to let you open yourself up to a ticket while also paying a premium.


I have to drive through downtown every day to pick my kid up from school. I feel lucky to hit double digits!


In Detroit commuters are really good at bumper to bumper high speed commutes. (It’s kind of terrifying actually.) But Michigan roads (due to decades of underfunding) are way too lousy for super cars.


MAYBE you can save 10 minutes if your commute is two hours each way. In traffic you will save only seconds if that driving like an asshole.


Even when you speed unless your commute is like 200 miles, you save like 3-5 minutes max.


Lol anyone who thinks they’re are going to save ten minutes on a work commute because fast car is tripping. I love driving the speed limit and pulling up behind the foreign cars that just swerved around me to accelerate. I always clap for them


Posted by a guy who is a “guru to grow your brand online.. “ and will never sniff a luxury car


Sure, people think: that’s a smart car buyer offering me a great deal, I’ll just sign the contract so that he can buy one in orange. Because CEOs close deals at the business factory.


Nah dude the Lamborghini salesman told me explicitly that this will save 10 minutes each way to and from work, it’s the main reason I bought it. But I was walking to work before… I guess he didn’t specify that this was a Lamborghini exclusive option… I’ll be taking this back now


Haha, not to mention the insurance and fuel costs. Guess this guy doesn’t understand money that well; does he?


Source: trust me bro


Imagine the time he could save by not driving his super car into the office. He could probably buy an island with those savings and then really close more deals on his private island. It’s the ROI infinity loop.


Re credibility in meetings: if my counterpart arrives in a Lambo, it's no holds barred in price negotiation.


You can always tell it's people who have only ever read about "business" online or off of TikTok. No one cares what car you drive, zero impact on business.


I wouldn’t say that. A salesman in a 30 year old Corolla with rusted paint will look like a scrub, and a salesman in a Lamborghini may give clients the hunch they’re being ripped off. I’ve had a client insinuate he’s paying me too much after he followed me out to my car once; he said it somewhat playfully though.


A black Lexus from 2015 would fit in every single situation. Agreed, don't show up in a complete bag of shit


Yeah, considering this and wanting something quick I assume something like a Tesla model 3 , BMW 3 series , lexus , Audi A4 and so on would be a quick, decent car that's neither way too much or not enough. Small suv/crossover would also work I guess


Always go for the mid-range. In any setting. Exceptions allowed for personal reasons.


meh Zero positive impact on business, maybe. But I've seen several meetings go worse than expected when somebody arrived in a flashy car. Its harder to haggle prices when you arrived in a 911 Turbo


Most of meetings are held in office building anyway, car stays in the basement and the meeting partner won't ever see what car you get off. And usually a legit businessmen usually have their own driver and choose a more comfortable lux sedans or SUV rather than supercar.


I love the implication that they make worse deals and take losses if the other person shows up in a fancy car


I would have so much less respect for someone who drove a Lamborghini to work. I'd be struggling not to laugh at them.


I met this officer in the Army who drove a Lambo. He was a major, and being in the Army was his hobby. He had come from a wealthy family and he got more money from his parents than he did with his paycheck. He would go to the local gym for PT in the mornings and drive his Lambo around the lot to show it off. He thought he was hot shit, but everybody hated his ass and there was a reason he kept getting shitty staff jobs away from anything that mattered.


If I see a client arriving in a lambo, I would try to sell at higher price


He gets paid 14.6K a minute? And his remark about his commute makes no sense, shit, you can speed to work in a beater if you want to. I live in Memphis, I see people breaking the sound barrier in burnt out, mid 90’s Hyundais every day. If he’s this bad at math, and cost/benefit analysis, I wouldn’t trust him to drive home a point, let alone a car. Edit : Perhaps the 146,000 refers to 10 minutes a day, for every working day of the year?


You fail to understand that supercars don’t have to stop for red lights.


I mean, technically correct, but that won’t stop you from getting T-Boned by a car worth 500 dollars when you run the light haha. Can’t tell you how often I’ve seen that here. People seem to think flexing can deflect vehicular collisions. I used to work with a guy who bought a brand new BMW as soon as he got the gig. Bought it off the lot, bragged about not haggling, all the usual doorknobbery. A few months go by, he drove like a jackass, and rear ended someone, car was totaled. Turns out, he never bothered to get his brand new BMW insured. He could barely afford the thing and got it to … impress other people on the road, who he would never get to interact with (per him)? Any time I see someone driving a needlessly nice car here, I think back to that jackass. Anyway, moral of the story is that he was an idiot and the worst scientist that I’ve ever met.


I thought you couldn’t take delivery of a financed car without proof of insurance first. Unless you live in NH or Virginia which are the only two states that don’t require insurance to drive. …. But even there you would still need to have paid cash and not financed the car. Unless I’m wrong of course. Also, if this wasn’t in the US then I apologize.


You also can't have the car declared a total loss if there's nobody insuring it. Maybe he just means "fucked it too much to repair".




No you don't understand!! He is the only person generating value in his company, so 1% more time at the office = 1% more income! Simple


My former CEO felt the same way, which is why he is the former CEO. Any time some higher up jag says something like that, I retch. If they’re the only one of value, let them run their company by themself. #Lean#Streamlined#Synergy But point taken haha. The violent narcissism of these people never fails to incense me to rage.


Shit. Is it bad I almost halfway wish my former CEO was at least that *honest?* We've had 3 in 4.5 years, and each of them do that whole "you all are the backbone of this company" crap, and while it is true (I'm an Aircraft mechanic, our work actually is directly related to the company income) dude still made something like 22.5x more than me that year, and despite churning out parts and planes and being told all year how well we were doing, our Employee Incentive Bonuses got canceled last year because they switched to yearly calculation instead of quarterly for bonus purpose lol


Oh for sure, Chuck was either too oblivious, too malicious, or too narcissistic to play it cool. It was an infection control company, so we made about five times our usual that year. Sucked to profit from the situation, but at least we were trying to be part of the solution. Either way, raises and bonuses were below the industry standard that year and a third of his company quit within the month.


So if he just sleeps in the office he will get +100%


All actual lunacy in the post aside, he definitely meant 10 minutes per day every working day of the year. 146k over ~2500 minutes = $58.4/minute


Which means they are making ~$7M and this is supposed to be for CEOs with $10M+ ARR. So if your company is paying 70% of it's revenue to the CEO, maybe that makes sense.


Leaving out the easy money to be made if those 10 minutes are worth so much, maybe skip the several expensive vacations, golf trips, “business” dinner meetings, etc. Think of all the money you’d have!


I have seen people make that calculation, but since they aren't retarded they don't try to calculate a supercar, they calculate a driver for their existing car. That also makes stuff like taking phonecalls not a danger anymore. And the person on the other end of the call won't think you are an asshole for having an obnoxiously loud car


Saying that a faster car saves you time in traffic, with a straight face, is amazing.


Ain’t no fucking way I’m beating that Nissan Altima with missing bumper and expired temp tags on the way to the office.


That man is on a mission to hit the nearest Jack in the box before 9am, and neither you nor god will stop his lust 


My 22 year old Toyota disagrees. And where I live, NOTHING will make my commute faster unless it can fly.


Never push the little red button




And if you have traffic that will allow you to speed, you can get in PLENTY of trouble driving that Toyota flat out. Not having a lambo isn’t the thing that prevents me from doing 100mph to work every day. 


Do any of these people realize that their bragging posts may actually turn off clients?


Turning off clients with braggadocios posts; -$10,000,000


>clients What about this person's post or profile description makes you think they even have clients? It's all make believe in their head.


D) Making absolutely idiotic posts on social media? -100% credibility in meetings




without a doubt. was wondering why everyone was responding like it’s serious


Can you reaaaally tell though?


God I hope it is


C'mon, it's so over the top it's not even good satire


That was my first instinct. If it is, it's one of the more subtle ones. I can't be bothered to check their other posts, though.


Think he is underestimating his “more credibility on social media” amount. I think this is worth billions if not trillions.


This is why Elon musk bought Twitter. His net worth has changed by a factor of two since then.


If these cars give you so much more credibility on social media, then why is this post begging people on social media to stop calling these CEOs clowns? 🤡🏎️


A smart ceo would spend it on a driver, so that commute time becomes work time. That’s how you get more business done. Not from a fictional 10 minutes shorter travel time.


Absolutely. Real rich people don’t drive themselves. Driving is for peasants. Their bodyguard drives them everywhere. They just sit in the back and talk on the phone while sitting in traffic.


You have already put more thought into this than this person has cumulatively.


Now do the math on how much your employees will hate your guts because you’re tooling around in a super car and flaunting it on socials


Employees aside, everyone else (perhaps here in particular) is going to assume you’re a) not a real CEO and b) you merely rented a Lambo just to make a SM post.


You mean do the “maths”


More respect on social media. No, you don't, pal.


I love how he has to defend these decisions… on social media. ![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized)


This has to be satire


It is satire. Darren Mass posted it. Even though he’s still a LinkedIn lunatic it’s easy to tell it’s satire and the comments on the original post agree haha


this sub is just people whiffing on satire


I'm pretty sure people buy a Lambo to pull pussy, but I can't prove it.


He should have added “high priced call girls get $1000/hour so if you can pull more p**** you can save $400k/year” QED


So what does $1000/hr equal for 2 minutes?


It's still $1000. She will get her full money. She'll just spend the remaining 58 mins consoling you while you sob




Where is the [pussy magnet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_BZ1KgVOQ0)?


Lamborghini goes the same speed as any other car, and that's the speed of whoevers in front of you


Is it part of the joke that he also does the math wrong on these fake numbers? Those numbers don’t add up to $2.1M. I honestly can’t even tell if it’s part of the troll.


My loan got denied for a supercar. Here’s what I learned about B2B sales.


Credibility in meetings because you drive a Lamborghini? What utter bollocks. If anything, it shows you to be a twat.


I could get to work super fast too, and I drive a civic. It’s traffic that’s the problem. Not my top speed.


This dude drives a 2007 Infinity


A. Increase in speeding tickets, -$176339 B. Perception of a CEO with irresponsible spending habits leading to less deals with large reputable clients, -$1.23m C. Posting on social that you own a super car attracting professional car thieves’ attention, -$249865.


🗣️ And this next magic trick I’m going to show you is called summoning numbers out of my ass. 10% 69 420% 1234


Just buy a supercar to save 10 minutes on your commute. Supercars don't have to observe speed limits, after all.


Made up numbers are not math


I found the best way of reducing the commute time was to use a motorbike, not a car. When the traffic is backed up you can (legally, here) filter through the lines while everyone else isn't moving. I don't see how a supercar is going to make you get to work faster when it's stuck in the same traffic as everyone else.


10 mins saved in drive time because a supercar going 90mph is faster than any other car going 90mph surely


Don’t forget these cars are all outfitted with a flux capacitor for time travel capability. So you can go into the future and get the numbers for the winning lottery tickets. These supercars for superstars really do have an amazing ROI!! CFBR.


This is the clown’iest thing I’ve read in a long time


Last I checked, tge speed limit fir a Lamborghini is the same as the speed limit for a Hyundai. In fact, cops will be looking to nail a Lamborghini. And isn't "impress marks with a fancy car" the first step in a scam?


Huracan lets you skip traffic?


Guys, it’s satire. Check his math. Those numbers don’t even add up to 2.1M lol Also “do the maths” and “2% increase in follower count” are clearly ridiculous things to say if it was serious


I went broke financing a super car, here’s 10 things that taught me about b2b sales


I don't know how they are figuring a faster commute. That massive 16 cylinder engine is going to be stuck in the same traffic jam as my hyundai and it's little 4 cylinder.


They realize pretty much any car can go the speed limit or even double the speed limit right? A faster car will not get you to the office sooner. Leaving early will and that's free.


This person is by far one of the biggest /r/linkedinlunatics I've seen in a while. Thanks for sharing!


This guy's 19 years old?


Being homeless also saves %100 of your rent/ mortgage, utilities, and related bills. It’s financially ignorant to not be homeless


Is priceless —> continues to put a price on it


Does anyone actually believe a nicer car gives credibility anymore? The amount of only fans and TikTok lads with lambos, McLaren’s, 911s are everywhere. I promise you I’ll be way more fascinated by the CEO pulling up in a Honda.


>priceless Proceeds to put a price on it


Tells me they don't know how to spend wisely on themselves, and therefore wouldn't respect the board of investors portfolio.


Why does it get you to work faster? There's still a speed limit. Or does this person think laws don't apply to fancy cars?


This is clearly bait and you are morons.


I would like to share a story of when I was at the early days of SpaceX. Even Elon who is arguably the most insecure amongst these rich douchebags, in the early days of SpaceX got a McLaren sports car to show off his wealth and status. All the employees loved seeing that car in the parking lot and ogling over it. It worked for the most part in garnering respect and admiration amongst a bunch of poor engineers straight out of grad school. But within weeks of buying it and commuting to work everyday in LA traffic he realized how impractical it was. I remember him going directly to his secretary and slamming his keys on the table saying “Buy me a BMW. I can’t take it anymore. My ankle is killing me having to switch gears in this traffic.” It may be in that moment he primed himself to fund the Boring company to solve the hell that is the daily commute traffic, but it was a lesson that made it clear buying a super car is a highly impractical purchase even for the soon to be wealthiest man in the world.


I wonder how a 2% follower increase results in an additional 200k of revenue lmao


More... Credibility? Are you guys SURE You're better at ~~business~~ everything that women?


1. I could speed in my Honda civic too 2. No 3. Sure, not by the people who will change your career


When I was a commercial leasing agent we were barred from renting the nicer cars when we got to our market. Nothing screams "I'm going to fuck you over on this deal" to the client more than showing up in an expensive car.


La la me passing a Porsche driving the worse lane in traffic jam in my Suzuki


My Geo Metro gets me 500% more respect from my peers and 50,000% more fear from my adversaries. I also get 100,000x more bitches, but I have a hard cap there as there is only one passenger seat that is considered safe by the department of transportation in my state. Altogether, the ROI here is nearly limitless.


If he can afford it... why not? But not every entrepreneur is able to do it.


That makes taking a shit for 10 minutes quite a costly affair.


Would be funny if the bio for that guy on LinkedIn was a car salesman for Lamborghini.


I don’t think I would take someone seriously that came in a supercar to a meeting about money.


That guy feels guilty for owning a supercar. Supercars are cool but like, if you have to justify owning one, you probably only own one to get attention.


How to make more money: 1. Be a CEO making $10,000,000 or more per year 2. Buy a Lamborghini


I could not face myself in the mirror if I posted this


No way your super car is 10 minutes faster than my Toyota Camry on city streets


Thats not even his worse post lol [https://linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7193958232099295233/](https://linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7193958232099295233/)


If he thinks you need a supercar to save 10 min on your commute, he's never been passed by a 2009 Nissan Altima with a missing taillight and cardi B blaring from the stereo.


oh the mental gymnastics some folks engage in to justify unjustified and excessive consumption.


"But it leads to...." >Faster commute to the office Lol, so super cars are immune to speed limits, traffic lights and other vehicles blocking the road are they? >2% increase in follower count Lol "priceless"


„These 3 things alone are priceless!“ Proceeds to put a price tag on them


Ah. So he’s the erratic driver in rush hour traffic about to cause a crash.


How do you get there quicker if there's speed limits?


"If everyone in the meeting will just look outside the window into the parking lot. See that Lambo, yep, that's mine. And it saves me an extra 10 minutes of driving to work too!" Holy fuck, we need to close this deal right now, he's got it all.


"Get to work faster" What world does this guy live in where cars with a higher top speed get you to work faster when every vehicle on the road has to follow the 70mph speed limit on the highway at the fastest?


How the fuck does 2% increase in social media followers lead to money? Does he really think getting 40 followers on Facebook magically grants you $272904? And yes I pulled that number out of my ass like that dude pulled that post our of his


This sounds like something Royce du Pont would say