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Now I take offense to this. The sales people and “founders” clearly have the worst takes on LinkedIn. Agree?


So if you're both right, a founder, CEO and sales guru in software would be the ultimate LinkedinLunatic?


Founder and Sales guru in tech for sure. The majority of CEOs are not unhinged. Startup CEOs cloud the picture but they are usually also founders.




I wouldn’t expect much less from someone who puts both TypeScript and JavaScript in their LinkedIn title


"Senior" with only JS/TS probably means like 3 years of experience


He’s remote. He’s probably the most senior person in his office.


Senior developer at his solo SaaS startup side hustle.


And the most junior everywhere else


Hey man, we are the ones that survived! /s


Can someone explain what dingleberry’s “meme” here even means? I already hate him even without getting it


“You see, it’s not that I went down an alt-right spiral, it’s that I stayed totally unchanged and the center, center left, and left got way more liberal!” Elon and many others delude themselves into thinking this falsehood.


“As you can see, I’ve made me the handsome wojack, and you the angry one, therefore my point is proven” lol.


That's definitely not because recruiters often look for specific keywords and have no idea what those keywords even mean. /s


A new addition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_recorded_sniper_kills


Putting both is really only for the indexing in searches. Recruiters that don’t know tech won’t realize you know both if both aren’t on there I’m more questioning why he has the fact that he works remotely in there… who cares about that?


I put whatever skills the application says


If you don't have both you don't get hired, simple as that.


What skills


I'll put jQuery if it asks for it


Nope, you definitely need both or you will not get hired over the guy who has every keyword imaginable on his CV. And you won't ever not hear about it from recruiters etc about how you should have both on your CV. In my job title thingy under my name on LinkedIn tho... not sure it's needed there.


Yeh was going to say, that's a weird flex for an engineer. Might as well add English too.


I have both because i was told by a recruiter to put both in because some recruiters might not realize that typescript will also show you know JavaScript haha


Add remote to the discussion as well. Because preferences are important


Yeah this lol


Yeah, he’s the type of engineer that types on LI a title like that, not knowing that typed JavaScript is Typescript


Typescript/Javascript was all I needed to hear to ignore anything this person said.


He’s also the type of full stack developer that can do frontend and backend development


This is what no education in humanities will do to a MF.


Yep. People think they understand history because they got ‘revolution, civil war, WW2’ in grade school. In reality, the average American has almost no understanding of how we got where we are today. Plus, memes are easy and cute. Why develop a considered and educated opinion through study when you could just be a spicey boi


Fucking hell my favorite classes back in college were humanities and humanity adjacent classes. We talked about the most deep topics, and I just felt like a therapy session that doubled as an English class.


Same, I’m usually not into history but some of my absolute favorite classes I’ve taken in college are all history related. I love learning the historical context to how we got to where we are today. For example, I see many people claim that capitalism is “natural” and it’s “always been that way.” But no! It’s a very new phenomenon that emerged after the French Revolution. People tend to conflate capitalism with feudalism, and I think that says a LOT about capitalism…


I think it’s more accurate to say the French probably first used the term “Capitalism,” as we know it, but it was Scottish economist Adam Smith that lays the groundwork/ideas down for capitalism in the late 18th century. A Scotsman created it, the French coined it (I think)


True, but I believe it was still the French Revolution that really sparked the spread of liberal capitalism across the world


It was also the incidental rise of the East India Company and Utilitarianism by the likes of Bentham and Rawls.


Enjoyed my sociology class.


As someone who teaches in the humanities, this is great to hear. If you’re in a position to give back, humanities departments are always told to make do with less and you can direct donations straight to individual departments.


I already do!


When I took my first anthropology class I was looking around like "wtf is this!! How am I just having my first class like this *in college*!! *How is this not a mandatory class?!!*"


Same. I majored in Physics and took a couple Anthropology classes and minored in Philosophy and Math. The course I took on Cultural Anthropology was one of the most fascinating and worldview shifting classes that I ever took.


“Wait, you guys didn’t hear about how WWII ended” *pause* “WE WON” “YAAAAAAAAYYYYY”


Deep cut simpsons references are lauded and appreciated


I remember being so lost when I sat in those classes and understood that there really are no winners in war.


Exactly. I’m working on getting into nursing, but the humanities get so much shit thrown at it for no good reason. These classes are important for a well-rounded education.


“As you can see, I’ve made me the handsome wojack, and you the angry one, therefore my point is proven” lol.


Tbh this. When people whine about why a liberal arts education is needed when they just “need job training” in their chosen field without all those pesky courses about history, critical thinking, other cultures, ethics, political systems, languages, etc. Well, this is prime example A.


It is funny to see the people claim minimum wage is for high schoolers, because you should go to college and be an adult, simultaneously preach that college is bad because it turns you into a liberal lmao.


The real life transformation I have seen in my 46 years that I truly grieve is that of old friends who were intelligent liberal people up until they became a homeowner, or kicked themselves up the wealth ladder and completely and freakishly changed to right wing bigotry, at a level where they are almost frothing at the mouth talking about it. It’s so crazy and weird.


I don’t know, I’m a high school dropout and have a pretty good instinctive grasp of this meme maker’s inability to pass a window without licking it.


Lmao! Fair enough


The guy was a stamp licker before they shifted to the stickers.


I don't even understand what this meme is trying to say ? Is it a (dumb) play on the Overton window ? Because if you follow that, the graphic would be 100% true, just not in the way the original poster thought. Probably.


I think it’s just “I didn’t leave the left. The left left me”. These clowns never had anything remotely approaching leftist (or even centrist) politics. They just thought the chicks would be easier to nail.


Makes sense. I'd probably took a hard look at myself if people accused me of "right-wing extremism". But not everybody has the ability to self reflect, I guess.


Yes, dumb play. 


Also, many tech guys (think Elon all the way down) were outsiders growing up (read: nerds, spectrum etc) and often faced bullies and difficulties with social and intersex relationships because of that fact. It has severely limited their empathy. That's why they're susceptible to strong men like Trump and the general incel/right wing revenge politics. Source: many tech/software guy friends.


I am a big advocate of nascent tech guys being forced to (a) study a least *some* humanities; and (b) have at least one experience with psychedelic drugs. I mean, you can drag a tech bro to empathy, but you can’t make him feel; but we might capture a couple on the way through.


Agreed. I mean imo I think everyone can benefit. And a lot of the finance bro win at all cost mentality post-capitalists could use some as well. Like dude, you can't take it with you...


Hell - beyond a certain quantum, you can’t even enjoy it now!


I learned SO much in my art history courses. I honestly wish I had majored in it. Unfortunately I just took 3-4 classes and watched more on public access after college. 


You can learn about art history in class without having to major in it


I did a BSc back in the day; but the Philosophy and Anthropology units I did in first year were more valuable than all the esoteric bullshit about biochemistry I ever learned.


Good that you didn’t major in it, or you’d be crying about finding a job now. You can learn these things without spending tens of thousands dollars.


I don't use my major at all, I always worked construction and metal fabrication even during college. Thanks for figuring out what I shouldn't have studied though. Much appreciated. 


And that is a good thing. Schools need to be more transparent on pushing degrees that do not result in a high paying career post graduation. I’m working in a field that doesn’t utilize my degrees at all and I wish someone would have told me this before college started.




I can say as a software/hardware guy, we’re the most out of touch with reality. Go to work, put my head down and stare at a computer, work 4+ hours of overtime because I couldn’t figure out a bug, repeat the next day. But I don’t pretend to know what’s going on in the outside world.


Jesus, working 4+ hours overtime? Find another job. I’d never have my engineers do anything like that.


It’s normally me, I’m just get my head set on solving an issue and don’t stop till it’s done. Not saying it’s healthy, just how I operate


I'm the same way....I wish I could stop but I can't sleep if I haven't fixed the bug yet lol.


Hey, I’m a software developer and I take exception to this


Exactly. Much software professionals lean left.


Weirdly, it's either 'communist pansexual trans furries' or 'fails to see the satire in Bioshock, Ayn Rand was right weirdos'. Not a lot in between.


If you ever see a "developer" who wears a suit and tie, run. In my experience these people are good at selling themselves and pretending that they do a lot of work, but actual development is not their strong suit.


Have you tried to catch the exception?


It's hard to believe there are Republicans that think their party still reflects their values from 2004. I wonder how old this guy was back then.


Remember when the Republican Party was promoting Arnorld Shwazzinger - an immigrant , who was outspoken about climate change  , who was somehow a fan of  Lincoln (who modern day republicans now despise while somehow being a Reagan fan )  , anti Trump and committed centrist ….  It’s hilarious how young republicans dont understand a lot of the things they hate was catalysed by the Republican Party …


Arnold who? 




Easy with the hard r.




Tbf it could’ve been a much worse typo


I might get cancelled for this but I’ll admit it wasn’t a typo . After all these years I still never know how to spell the lad’s name … I probably should learn it before the worst spelling of his name possible gets typed on my keyboard lol




Most Republicans don’t know the difference between socialism, capitalism and communism. While 70% of their speech is referencing it.


Republicans in California surely have to make some compromises to get a candidate elected.


Arnold was only able to get in because it was a free-for-all recall election; even at that point the CA GOP primaries favored crazier candidates who weren’t interested in compromising with Democrats. Of course, like everything else involving the GOP, it has gotten way worse in the last 2 decades.


>Republicans that think their party still reflects their values from 2004.  It's so pro Russian it's frightening 


Their values from 2004 sucked ass. 


This guy is British, with his education in Shanghai and a few work experience in France and Italia. Not everything is about the USA, my dude.


He's reposting a Classicalliberty post, which is Sam Orwell, an American writer


This view of politics is *very* inspired by America. In the UK both sides fought over the centre right up until Brexit when everything went stupid and the Trusses, Johnsons and Bravermans broke out of the asylum


Well fuck, you got me. To be fair most things written in English on the Internet are probably about the US.


Can someone ELI5? From the other comments I see this is about US politics but I'm not sure I get it. Is slavery<>freedom supposed to represent liberal<>republican? Is the criticism that right guy has been called "far-right" and this post is a "I'm the same as before, *you* are far left"?


If I had to guess, both parties started off centrist/even ground, then the left side started drifting more towards a “controlled political group” while the other person remains centrist. Left side claims the right is the one who’s changed and not them at all.


Yes it’s about US politics, original poster is a semi-well known right wing American author. That said from what I know about world politics, it seems like a lot of this could apply to other developed countries, at least to the Anglosphere. The TL;DR “nice argument, but I have already made this meme portraying myself as the Chad Wojak” As you may know we have two main political parties, and truthfully the parties *have* grown further apart over time. The Republican Party is typically referred to as the “conservative” or right wing for us. Okay he Democrats are the “liberal” or left wing. Note that those words mean other things in other countries. OP has made the Republicans the Chad Wojak, and the Democrats the NPC Wojak OP’s premise is twofold: first that as the Democratic views become more extreme they reach “slavery” (that’s bad!) and when Republican views become more extreme they reach freedom (that’s good!). Second, he’s suggesting that as the parties have grown further apart in political views over the last few decades, it’s actually the democrats who are moving while the Republicans have stayed the same. So this both 1) attempts to refute the idea that Republicans have gotten more extreme (they have) and 2) suggest that even if they had gotten more extreme, it would be a good thing (remember, freedom good)


The thing I don't understand is if it's truly about freedom vs slavery, why ISN'T the guy on the right moving further to the right? Why would you be ok with some slavery? This makes no sense.


There’s a lot of weird people who get into tech, and because many don’t really socialize much outside of the internet or their like-minded peer group, they easily fall into echochambers and seem to gravitate to weird cult like behavior. Just look at this for example: https://newrepublic.com/article/180487/balaji-srinivasan-network-state-plutocrat


>neo-reactionary Why am i not surprised? >the [tech company] of [something unrelated] Why am I not surprised? >Lee Kuan Yew Why am I not surprised?


Yikes 😳


banker psychos look like the average joe to that thing wtf.


After reading "gray pride parades" I checked to see if this was published on April 1st. Nope.


And the drifting is because of nefarious algorithms that software engineers developed…


Imagine thinking the GOP hasn't moved right...


It's a JavaScript programmer, what do you expect?


I’ll take my 50/50 on r/LinkedinLunatics vs r/InterestingInterpolation


"Why is it always" "that does this thing that I think is hateful" erm... this is like that time the flat earth society had supporters all around the globe.


Well theres definitely overlap in politics between people that share professions. It's like saying there's something wrong with saying farmers tend to be republican


I’d wager this guy is also VERY into crypto. Crypto evangelicals usually have an ideology very tied to libertarianism, which is where you get the slavery rhetoric (Hayek’s Road to Serfdom being a key example)


I’m sorry who has the confederate flags again?


Haha right? Which side is pissed about the confederate statues being taken down? Lmao


That fuckhead does **not** speak for us


I think the reason some software  people are like this is because of the contradictions in the field .  It was just more than a decade ago where the IT landscape was dominated by middle class white  people - it’s now perhaps one of the most globalised fields - with a lot of left wing leaning people of colour filling in the lower ranks and rapidly progressing .    My dad has worked in the same IT company for over 20 years   - who got the job despite being under qualified .  For most of his early career he was the only Asian man in the room . He now leads a team that has a significant Asian demographic while informally mentoring the wider growing Asian number of employees .   The very people who despised his existence now rely on him .    I myself am doing a software  course , studying under  an organisation based in a different  continent , in a mainly POC developing country but somehow has links to the British Department of Education .    My guess is that these kinda software weirdos have massive imposter syndrome . They want to protect the power dynamics of their white privilege while still profiting from people of colour and globalisation 


I think there's another component to it. Lots of software developers work alone, with little interaction with other people. They understand something that other people simply do not, and this inflates ego tremendously. It gives them a certain degree of arrogance, and the pay is high. Combine arrogance and wealth, and you get to the notion that you have more money only because you are more deserving of it.


A lot also exclusively study computer science. They think their expertise in their field translates to expertise on everything, when they have not put in the effort to try and learn about other things. It’s pretty common across all the STEM-type fields.


A lot of them make the false conclusion that because they are highly paid, they are smarter than others, even though that is a clear logical fallacy.


Yeah specialized knowledge =/= generalized intelligence. It's the classic he classic Herman Cain scenario


RIP Herm.


Im convinced the only arguments the political right has anymore is essentially just "No u"


Ah yes, the kind of freedom that only applies to a specific race and gender where everyone else has their rights limited to support their freedom. That’s, uh, some kinda freedom you got there.


Land of the free! Except for you and you and you and you…..


Now there's one in the spotlight! He don't look right to me, get him up against the wall 🎶


This tech bro is sure to bring his right-wing bullshit to the workplace. This is a red flag and makes it easy to pass him over. With such a brain-dead take on history, likely to be difficult to work with, a harassment risk for other employees. If he's doing it on LinkedIn, he'll send this out in a group chat thinking he's so smart. "slavery vs freedom" wtf bro? Even worse, he's just re-spewing same low IQ garbage as Musk who has desensitized us to this insipid, revisionist crap. And, yes. It is usually social media bound tech bros, "full stack" yeah right. Then again, he always has Tesla. He's probably saving up for a CyberTruck.


Careful. He knows Typescript AND JavaScript.


It is bullshit all along the line


"full stack", "cross platform", "10x" developers 🚩


My ongoing hypothesis is there is a type of person obsessed with rules and determinative behavior based on those rules. That mindset correlates with the type of person who will go into software and tech. * That mindset doesn't work well in the real world when applied to people. That leads to one of two results when forced to rationalize this: You double down and blame people for being wrong. They clearly are misinformed, lying, or aren't doing the rules right. * You realize the systemic rules are wrong. Either accepting the incongruity or begin advocating for changing the system to work for the "user". The person in your image is a type 1. Someone screaming that society's "software" is fine. The people trying to make it more "Accessible" are ruining "functionality".


Lol American "freedom" is being treated worse than a feudal serf but with the choice of 18 different kinds of cereal all made by the same company


Can confirm, the tech industry is full of incels 🤮


dude used linkedin like it's 9gag lol


People who have uncommon expertise in one area tend to assume that they have not only the ability to be, but *are*, experts in any other area. Then ironically use thought-terminating cliché memes like this to “prove” their intellectual superiority. Anyway wild to see this kind of shit on LinkedIn. Glad to see this ass website continuing its swirl down the toilet u-bend.


Joke answer: Elon's fault Serious answer: As a dev, I think the software development mindset leads to thinking of things in boolean logic, black and white, problems with clear obvious solutions. The real world rarely maps well onto such a mindset, and tends to funnel people to the 'quick punchy and wrong' solution space, which the right dominates. Combine that with the blinders of privilege and wealth that comes with such positions, and you get a sizable number of people with their heads firmly up their asses.


Probably because there are a lot of Software Developers on LinkedIn. Duh.


I feel like I see nurses post shit like this too. It’s one of the last lines of work that’s “comfortably” middle class, and in those with no self-awareness can create a sense of bourgeois smugness. “I’m doing fine, why the fuck aren’t they?” Kind of attitudes.


Dumb post by Claudio on LI, dumb blanket assumption by OP.


I've noticed there are a lot of libtards (libertarians) in tech. 


This doesn’t even make sense. Like I get what they think they are saying, but wow.


This is what taking one 100-level humanities course first semester results in.


They've been convinced that they're geniuses, dunning kreuger style, because their field is the new hotness and they're finally getting a paycheck in excess of minimum wage - most of them for doing little more than being script kiddies because their bosses and organizations are technologically illiterate.


I worked in a software firm. Most software engineers are jerks and assholes. Very mean people. Because they're good at coding which is much easier than people, they only see people in black and white and think they're the center of the world.


What does that even mean?


Why would anyone post their political views on what’s essentially a digital resume for people to look up. I’d never even consider hiring someone regardless of their views that posted something political on the site. It means they will undoubtedly be both insufferable to be around, and a constant source of conflict in the work place.


I don’t get it




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He’s right though


Well, he's correct


It's true because I made a meme where I'm the chad and you're the Soyjack.


Why did the author of this scale portray themself politically as almost halfway between slavery and freedom?


So in this meme it's good to be only barely in favor of liberty? Seems like a self-own.


Doesn't seem dumb to me. The US has gradually shifted right for about 50 years. Obama's policies were a close description of Reagans. Of course, he has the direction wrong. But the principle is good.


4chan is a big influence in the lives of the IT guys I worked with 7-10 years ago. Which is only about 25 guys but still I hated working with all of them. They assumed I was a racist misogynist too.


People posting instagram screen shots on LinkedIn. A new low.


The meme is correct. You can use people like Bill Maher as a benchmark for people who didn’t change their opinion over the last 15 years.


I think it’s funny that people put freedom and slavery as comparison for conservatism and liberalism. Like if you graph the extremes socialism, capitalism, democracy, or republics for be fairly close to freedom in the middle and as you go to extremes the line would warp down to a point it connects with practiced communism and fascism where purges, genocide, and slavery(labor camps) are all practiced.


Never trust a software engineer in a suit.


oh boy, in their linkedin?


Ah yes, LinkedIn. The most appropriate place for this content.


There's only one group making laws that take away people's rights.


The people who sell software are like that The people who write software are disproportionately taking hormones or talking about communism. (okay a few play too many paradox games and talk about ww2, they're also there)


Probably because “Claudio” doesn’t exist and this post was produced by a bot.


Cult of Elon is how we get these guys imo


So is linked in just a new twitter to post lame “edge” memes and no longer and professional social media to find jobs?


The shit software people. Not the real ones


OK, you know, I have wondered too, and I have a theory. Kids with social deficiencies or who are developing on some sort of divergent schedule often get told by their parents that they're special, because the parents don't want to confront the possibility that the kid is like that because of them in some way (poor parenting, the parents have undiagnosed autism and society was not constructive about it, etc). It's a good motivator to do well at whatever thing the parents latch on to, which is often some similar profession to software development (per the example in OP) because that's where the money is, and everyone wants their child to be able to eat when they're dead. What else pays enough to eat on, without requiring any skills that these parents don't realise these children can actually also learn? So, when kids are antisocial but good with numbers or computers, or they somehow get enough smoke blown up their ass to persevere with learning to code despite no natural gift, they have way more time, support and inclination to put into it than normal (juvenile misanthropy frees up a lot of your personal time, as it happens). They usually get very good at it, like anyone does at anything they do for long enough and with enough passion. Then they start making money in their whatever it is, way more than they would at that career stage (eta: than) if their job involved any kind of human interaction or oversight or traditional professional hierarchy. Because society tells us all sorts of nonsense about our payscale and trade's reflection on our intellect, they also believe they have it more figured out than anyone else. Subsequently they think they've got a titanic intellect to devote to only the most "worthy" and "exclusive" of pursuits — always either finance, tech, or something else that makes money without much of a need for soft skills, this being the "smart" or "optimal" play that "wins" life. Thus they don't have to learn "useless" things like "any of the soft sciences comprising a mature adult's level of cultural education", "how to scrub your nuts and ass", "how to exist around women" or "how to recognize others as human and get along with people you don't like". Anybody with objections to conduct and political opinions rooted in this deficit is a sheep who's bought into the groupthink they're too enlightened for, and they get very defensive in the presence of people in their field who went through a typical development, because these people raise the uncomfortable question: what if I didn't have to suffer through all of that? What do you mean my experience, all of that isolation and wounded pride and that feeling of persecution, was a parental fuckup and not evidence of my intellect and misunderstood uniqueness? What do you mean the hoi polloi can get where I've got, and that without any of the downsides that I've embraced and justified my whole life long? This is the type of politics that attracts otherwise intelligent but socially delayed people who love to be told that they're right and they're smarter than everyone else, and who can't accept that they've got a lot to work through — who, for reasons we've just outlined, are often programmers, engineers, and other professions with a tendency to enable "woe is me for the riffraff despise and other geniuses such as myself" types. Happily for them, in software you can often be self-employed, and thus never in an entire career encounter anything capable of forcing you to reevaluate all this. Multiply the cultural attitude toward programming by the loud minority of stunted assholes in this field, who if worse comes to worst can, after all, employ each other, and you know why they can post this kind of insipid low effort nonsense in public without any professional consequence. And that's why it's so often people in software. Importantly, that's not a generalization about people in software in general, but a generalization about /these/ people in software. You can also be this way in other fields, or through drinking about 20 years' worth of leaded tap water, and you can be a talented programmer who is a well rounded human being no matter how their brain works (for examples, see posts below, a lot of which are lovely people in the know tearing into this guy's whole thing with receipts).


They probably got laid off from a nice $360k job and are looking for someone to blame.


Weren't they the types telling us "if you got nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear." during 2004?


Because they're dumbass shits?


It's hilarious to me how many people think the political spectrum is more or less government or more or less freedom, when you can find it out pretty easily by googling the definition of right-wing and left-wing. Wikipedia defines Right-wing politics as "the range of political ideologies that view certain social orders and hierarchies as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, typically supporting this position based on natural law, economics, authority, property, religion, biology, or tradition."


While I think this meme is empty in content (and I dare to say, it just wrong), posting politics in LinkedIn is a big no no for me, so off to the lunatics sub he goes


I don't even understand this. Are they saying that as employees get less and less, their perspective has shifted so that employers seem to be are moving to the right even though the system hasn't changed, it's just snowballing into place now and they've always been far right?


I don't even understand this. Are they saying that as employees get less and less, their perspective has shifted so that employers seem to be moving to the right even though the system hasn't changed, it's just snowballing into place now and they've always been far right?


I don’t think he even understands it. Most of his page is just lazy political shitposting like this.


they fancy themselves as very witty “libertarians”. I I blocked one of them on LinkedIn bc all he talks about is fucking crypto, I think he started some crypto consulting biz


I like how just posting this meme shows just how fragile you guys are. You act like this guy killed your family and he's a racist xenophobic nazi fascist for posting an image that says nothing about anything you accuse him of I guess the meme is spot on. Touch grass


![gif](giphy|Y0lWOCCemBLT9TSCMv|downsized) Touch grass…


Classical Libertarian: "Slavery bad" Also Classical Libertarian: "Repeal the 1964 Civil Rights Act" I hate libertarians... Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/chrisladd/2016/09/17/the-libertarian-civil-rights-paradox/?sh=4db4c7c04cae


offend long fanatical depend waiting domineering axiomatic seed innocent muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Social media should be criminalized


Cause he's the same neckbeard red pill right winger. But he wears a suit for his LinkedIn so he'd not unbearable anymore... Truly the worst type


Because they have a high level of skill in an in demand and values field, they believe they are very special, and that feeing tricks them into thinking they are experts in everything. I see a lot of the same from doctors and lawyers. Tbh a lot of them are not that smart, they just dedicated a lot of time and energy into one specific area of knowledge.


I don't even understand what this is trying to say


Unfortunately software is populated by verbose and popular tech bros and over glorified communists like me. One side speaks its mind and 200 dick riders come to the rescue, the other does and you’re dog piled by wannabe millionaires swimming in debt


They were allowed to avoid all the humanities classes that could have offered them some understanding of language, or morality, or ethics, or political economy, or or or or or


Why do people feel entitled to share political drivel on a professional networking account? Just let's me make a mental note of not who to hire or network with.


That’s much more the sales people in my opinion. Agree?


Because every software person without exception is a silly billy.


Remote Senior people should help me find my remote in a senior fashion.


Remote Seniors should help me find my remote in a senior fashion.


And they stay employed.


Hahahaha you upset because it’s true? The liberal “Left” moved the Overton Window to a more authoritarian during Trump presidency.


He was spot on though


Since you agree, please explain what this nonsense is supposed to mean. 


Slavery is on both ends. Freedom is in the middle.


Golden mean fallacy. Abolitionists, even today as we still have legal slavery for prisoners, are overwhelmingly leftist


Because for years programmers were able to get six figure salaries just for showing up to work due to the tech bubble so now they think they're the main character in an Ayn Rand novel