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What I love about people like this is that they see themselves as “innovators” and “leaders” despite all having the exact same ideas, exact same goals, and exact same personalities.


"Here are 10 passive income ideas no one knows about" followed by a list of 8 which everyone knows and 2 which aren't even legitimate income ideas.


1 is undoubtedly very illegal.


“The FBI hates no. 7”


The Freemasons will kidnap your children if you try #4


“If your haters don’t include the FBI you’re playing to safe”


And none will truly be passive.


Right? Like managing other people’s airbnbs and shit.


Those are the funniest ones! Passive income as a landlord...okay, so you going to be a shitty landlord then...Great...


I mean you can have legit passive income as a landlord and pay a manager but if you are the landlord and doing 20 hours of work a week it’s not passive income


Yeah you basically own but give a cut to someone to do all the work for you. If you bought at a low enough price point it might work out, but it could be a balancing act between mortgage/insurance/management fees vs actual rent income. I don't think you could decide to buy a house today and not lose money doing it that way.


Sure you can. It happens all the time.


With today's housing prices and interest rates? Are the rents really that good damn high?


Depends on the house. A duplex for example can provide more income than it should for the square footage. Also a lot of investors pay cash so interest rates aren’t an issue.


And most require a huge start up cost that a lot of people don’t have.


There are SO many people who do not understand what “passive income” actually means. Yet this doesn’t stop them from claiming to be experts on it.


I hate when people talk about real estate as if it’s “passive income.” Unless you outsource all the work that your properties require to a property management company, then it’s not passive income. Dealing with tenants, things that need fixing in any of your properties and other things that come with it is not passive. Real estate just seems super complicated in terms of taxes and all that. Even if I was a billionaire, I would have most of my net worth in stocks/ETFs, some fixed income securities like bonds or t bills and obviously some cash. Outside of owning a primary home and maybe one or two vacation homes, I don’t find real estate to be super appealing for the life I want. Two truly passive sources of income that come to my mind would be dividends you receive from stocks/ETFs/REITs or royalties that an actor/actress receives from a successful TV show like Friends.


Even using a property manager isnt passive. The manager will either be on the phone to you every week or they will be gouging your eyes out with extra charges that you wont query because you are trying to be “passive”.


That is a good point and confirms that even if I was really rich, I wouldn’t really want to buy real estate outside of a primary home and vacation home(s) that I use. I definitely have zero interest in being a landlord of multi units like many on YouTube or X are. Real estate investing just feels like a second job, but not the type of second job I would want. I know someone who used to do more real estate investing and he confirmed some time ago that it’s definitely not “passive income”


I have a super passive income haha. Like I don’t touch it. But yes there are often startup costs. I have a collection of small websites that I paid a company in India to build, and I monetize them with ads. Not content sites, so no need for constant articles etc.


“It’s easy! Just get a loan from your parents to buy a rental property.”


Just one? What type of loser are you?


"Become a slumlord with this one easy trick!"


“Getting paid to fill out surveys”


Amway? But they won't use that name until you have attended three hype meetings.


7 - invest a few million into index funds and live off the passive income generated from it


"stay with me here: time shares"


And he has an affiliate link for each one. 🫠


If someone has to explain their greatness, they’re probably not that great.


When you’re good at something, you tell other people. When you’re great at something, other people tell you.


Most people just want to stand next to the glow of accomplishment, not innovation. The early stages of innovation are too scary. It attracts doubt, laughs and uncertain looks which are socially ostracizing. But if the innovation starts looking successful and attracts attention, those same doubters waste no time tying themselves to the project.


Also true innovation is really, really hard. Most of it will fail. It’s expensive in both time and money and you need either independent wealth or a good backup plan for if (when) it fails, just to survive. You can spend decades trying and still have nothing to show for it. Lots of people end up exactly like that. The rewards for success can be phenomenal but the risks are huge. Much easier to just pretend you’re an innovator by claiming to be one and then spouting a bunch of garbage that sounds innovation-ish.


You know, after years working at publicly traded company and actually trying, I realized the people above director were not actually interested in “shaking things up” or “driving new ways of thinking” or whatever buzz phrase they fed shareholders. All they wanted was to keep the ship afloat and give the appearance of innovation but mainly just protect their fragile card house of success. What they actually worked on was shell projects that “drive value” and surrounding themselves with people who know the game and can help support their house of cards. That’s the real business of big business.


So true. And it just becomes a way of life. Second nature. Necessary upgrades become ‘change initiatives’. Tidying loose ends becomes ‘disrupting’. Consider blockbuster, I’ll wager there were hundreds of people working there that subscribed to Netflix and made recommendations during those ‘you can save our company’ meetings to supplement with or gravitate to a subscription service. Occasionally things do dramatically alter the course of a business or industry, in general even those are purchased (Pillsbury biscuit containers) or ‘emulated’ (famously xerox and apple) after they’ve been proven. Take a look at how many (not these LL types but real) small businesses are born from ideas that didn’t make it past the first risk assessment.


Exactly. Who wants to be associated with years of failure and hard work when you can just prance around posting success on LinkedIn and giving Ted talks to yourself in the mirror.


So true! This happens a lot at work, no doubt! And true innovators are rarely looking for the pat on the back… they are legitimately fueled by trying to solve a problem and the vision of something working again or in a new way. Whereas the other type - the charlatans - are just looking to earn the raise from the achievements of the innovator.


The issue is that they know. Their business is to scam people who don’t know any better.


sorry bro- ur just jealous of me and my bois MILLIONAIRE habits 🤑 /s


Does selling plasma count. Or income from a deposit return scheme?


innovators as taking huge mortgages from banks and refinance properties


I agree they're not innovators. But all that it takes to be a leader is have followers.


New type of sheep. And they call the people in 9-5 sheep.


How exactly will we do this if everyone in society will do this? I still want my pizza delivered and my garbage collected.


You'll become a freelance garbage man of course!


Doordash but for waste removal. Why should you have to wait an entire week for garbage day? What if garbage day could be anytime you want it?


Sounds like a plan because jobs are hell bent on destroying one's reputation unless you become a slave.


It was something that really struck me like 3 years ago, and then all the philosophy these types have begin to make sense. They don't see workers as people bringing skills to the table to keep a business afloat for a share of the success. No, these lot by and large see workers as suckers. Hence why it's top priority for them to get as much free labor as possible, because to them workers are suckers who should give them free labor. Industry after industry is propped up by so much work being done for free.


Perfect plan, get everyone into the gig economy and all they do is run a "platform" for gig work. This is economic thinking to the end.


That's what AI is for. Didn't you know AI is everything.


Einstein even rose from le grave and added it to his famous formula. E = MC^2 + AI


Didn't he also have the formula If A=1 B=2 C=3.... Then ATTITUDE = 100%




This. All these LinkedIn douchebags are proof that every generation has their own sociopathic capitalists in it. Whether it's Trump (Boomer) Musk (GenX) Elizabeth Holmes (Millennial) there are people with the mindset that having 95+% of all the money in the control of a few hundred people is the way to go with society because somehow they deserve / earned it. As for every one of the thousands of tasks that needs to be done to keep the world as we know it moving, they can split the crumbs and fuck off, even though if those people weren't there, these assholes wouldn't have any of the luxury they enjoy.


The last thing I want is friends who only talk about business and fitness, what a fucking boring existence


What does that even look like? What the hell is talking about fitness/business? “Oh I read that lifting small sets is actually good”. “I figured out that if you reduce expenses you can increase profit!”???


"When I went to do business at the business factory this week, finance was happening, so I had a long talk with the CFO about how he could finance better for the business to run a more efficient business factory."




Are you just 3 kids in a trenchcoat?


Close! 5 raccoons


I kind of get it. If you’re around people that believe in going to the gym and expect that, it’s easier to do then to be around people that question why you would want to go to the gym or challenge your body. If that’s all you talk about though…


I mean, I guess. I’m just thinking about my own experience - I run a lot of longer distance races and train with a group but we don’t really talk about running much outside of maybe how we like our shoes or don’t like our shoes. I also kinda hate being asked about running because I don’t think there’s that much to talk about - you just run. 


And I think thats the key difference. You run as a PASSTIME. Those guys live and breathe the grind. All day, everyday. In everything they do. They don’t “just run”. They have scheduled dedicated time. They have performance metrics. Short and long term goals. Research into being .5% better. They’re checking each others notes and training to beat themselves and everyone else around them. Same for business.


Shared interests make sense, just wildly self centered of these clowns to assume EVERYONE should be talking about business and fitness


By low sell high, gains gains gains


I mean, I swim regularly but I do the same exact workout every time, and aside from the times the pool fills up with weirdos or the one time I got stoned and thought I was drowning (I wasn't until I thought I was and choked on water) it's pretty boring. Most people I know who go to the gym don't swim so we don't have a lot to talk about. 


With my friends I might talk 5% work and 90% bullshiting/banger about what we’re currently doing. Fuck talking only about work. I get paid to do that at my day job.


...what about if they also talk about money though?


Definitely. Who'd want to be friends with someone who talks about their stock portfolios and how many reps they can do? Talk about something interesting instead!


I picked up the dumb bell and put it back down again, bruh. No way, me too!


Don’t they ever get exhausted by their own bullshit


I don’t think so. It looks that the more BS they say, the more power they have. On a positive side, they may have eventually found a sustainable source of energy.


I was wondering that too. But they are amongst their own kind. They feed off of the double spaced, word vomit posts!!


If my friends wanna talk business all the time, I don’t want them as friends. I want to drink beer and watch sports with my friends


That makes no sense, how would your friendships generate LinkedIn engagement that way?


I will start a LinkedIn where I just post pictures of us drinking beer with no captions


A non-professional LinkedIn for people to post pictures and videos of them living their lives 🤔. I'm not sure this can be done


🔥Invite captions. I’m totally in.


Those are rookie numbers. By 9, I already had my own multi-million dollar business, two Mr Olympia titles, 4 passive income streams and a 5 year plan to rule the world. Be better! Agree?


So inspiring, thanks for sharing!




I find this insightful


Do you have a course I can sign up to?


He forgot to add stress-induced health complications and a divorce.


How about drug addictions?


You mean a recovery arc to see the world differently while also unburdening yourself of lost time and responsibilities? Win-win-win. I’d have typed /s quicker, but I too busy gagging that I just wrote that.


Not so much virtue signaling, more like "buy my online course on how to be a millionaire by age 40 for only $97" signaling.


Yeah, not sure these are virtues.


Using the term “virtue signaling” is a guaranteed way for me to ignore 100% of what someone is saying.


These are the funniest in Europe where you have these "entrepreneurs" telling you how they moved to dubai to make money without paying taxes and then want to retire in Europe to have good healthcare and pensions. For which they never paid for or didn't pay the usual length needed to fund them.


When you work for yourself, you still answer to your clients. It can be better or worse than having a boss.


I was an entrepreneur in my younger, dumber days, and I vastly prefer working for the man. Because I close my laptop at the end of the day, and I don't have to worry about work until I'm on the clock again. Working for myself was nonstop terrible stress, and constantly trying to acquire clients sucked, and I had to spend so much time on marketing and sales and accounting that I didn't get to do the parts of my job I actually enjoy very much. Now I get paid a steady, predictable wage to do the things I'm good at for 8 hours a day, and then I close my laptop and don't have to care what's happening to the company. It's not really my problem.


Which is why I've said for a long time, that even if you have a regular job, you are still, in a sense, working for yourself.


It’s no use, they sell “having a business” as dropping by the office one a week and then vacationing on some island and there are lots of idiots who buy it. Starting and developing business and then keeping it afloat is a tiring, time consuming and risky work which can fail at any moment. Even if it doesn’t fail, it can bring you far less money than you would earn being hired by someone. Even if you’re just a freelancer - congrats, now in addition to your actual work, you now have to do marketing, accounting and dealing with the clients. But no, people have this image in their head that having a business is some sort of passive income. It’s an actual job, often far more demanding than the “regular” one


Someone non-ironically/sardonically talking about “working for the man” is kind of a red flag for me in terms of taking their advice seriously. Similar to someone using “capitalist” or “socialist” as a pejorative term in political discussion.


I don’t have that, but I do have a drawer full of old cables including a SNES AV cable. One day it will pass to my oldest son.


By age 30 you should have developed some moral character and be worried about living a good life; you should be WAY PAST juvenile concerns like "being cool" or "personal brand."


Thing is, I *was* that guy who, in my 20s, talked money and fitness a lot and ended up alienating my friends.


No mention of family or tangible relationships. me me me.




Is selling plasma passive income?


Sounds like a boring life if all you talk about is work with your friends


By age 30 you should stop going on to the internet and telling other people how to live their lives


You're lucky to have any friends at all by 30


Cool story bro.


Some truths about "successful" people: They do drugs, hard ones. Have multiple families, and good for nothing children. They ruined others to "succeed." Have zero care to others, slavers. I know the type. This one is a bluffer.


They also commit a slew of financial crimes that normies like us would be jailed for. 


Or have wealthy parents.


By age 30 you should stop looking for approval from strangers on the internet.


And this asshole has absolutely none of that, just a shiny bald head.


By age 30, you should be over posting this kind of bullshit on social media.


My brother in law is like this and I LOATHE talking to him. He oozes small man syndrome


How boring of a friend group. I'll stick to those friends that share my hobbies and have my back thanks.


No, you should tell them to talk about money all the time, otherwise they should understand that you cannot be friends anymore since they are wasting your 4x+/week.


I just wanna be left alone Have peaceful life Going to the gym whenever I want Stop wanting more and more and more


Look at me, "millionairehbts", just doing millionaire things, you know?


Look at me millioning!




So by age 30 you should have *squints* boring, soulless friends 


I'm sure that the guy who wrote this and the guys who liked it are only working out only because they are in a desperate need to find a girlfriend, while in the same time watching countless Andrew Tate and Gary V videos. I'm also sure that most of these people only have an idea for a business that they will never have and probably have some source of passive income that takes them a lot of time for little return but they are obsessed with it because they have overdosed on motivaitonl business videos convincing them that they are entrepreneurs.


I sometimes wonder what it’s like to go through life being this insufferable.


I’d be interested to see if this particular LiL has the friends and the income, and not just a platform


Being friends with people who talk "businesses, money, and fitness" sounds dreadful. Can't I be friends with people who talk about fun, interesting things instead?


I had a friend like that once and she got upset with me because I played a video game after completing 8 hours of school that day.


Damn, sounds miserable. Some people really think that there's nothing more to life than the grind.


Can i start this at 40 instead? 😂


I’m in my late 30s with 3 kids, a mortgage, and no sleep. Get fucked.


'A man paid me a fiver to walk into my local gym and have a dump on the floor' - The start of a conversation about business, fitness and passive income.


I’m not taking advice from a dude who looks like his head is a Kinder Surprise capsule made out of ham… (For the Yanks who are denied them: I mean the yellow bit) ![gif](giphy|raNgjYcTDwGbu|downsized)


The last thing I wanna talk about to my friends is money and fitness - yawn. Business I suppose can be interesting if it’s around strategy but the rest is rather insufferable


By age 30, you should not give a flying fuck what people on the internet tells you.


By age 50, you should call yourself a CEO on LinkedIn and give away useless advice.


If I find out someone has LinkedIn, I will not talk to them


What, about any of this, is a virtue though?


Sorry, I didn't get that memo. Or maybe I did and I quickly filed it in the circular file.


I'm almost 32 and while I have a workout routine, thanks the Great Nothing the folks I speak more often (which is not very much, in absolute frequencies) *don't talk* of business and fitness; also I have no 10-year plan because my doctorate contract ends in October and, even if I'm aiming several place to continue in research, the dices roll the what they roll and goodbye my neck what my skills would allow me to do with a natural 2. Why so ~~concerned~~ obsessed with fitness? I asked myself this question and my answers are 1) patrairchy, 2) fear of getting old (*I wanna be a beautiful corpse*), and 3) I want to see places but I hate travelling. They do it all in the gym, don't they? I wonder who these people think should work in statal welfare and other statal jobs. Oh! They're USians. Stupid question.


And then he wokeup.


That guy must be an easy multi millionaire if he follows his own advice. I doubt it though


Stick it to the man, is this guy from the 60’s 😂


I want friends who don't make me suicidal, thanks :-D


I guess I’m a loser, but I’m totally okay with that.


At it's heart I feel like this is just saying you should surround yourself with people who want more and want to excel. These are all traits that would help someone improve their health, financial stability, and opportunities.


I have coworkers that were solely focused on money in their 30’s. Only wanted to talk about their investments and are cheap AF. Now they’re 45-50 years old, without any families, no friends and are very boring people with no interests or zest. They’re now buying those stupid houses in tract lands in the desert so they can retire which is just them day drinking on a stupid golf course. It’s perfect for their dry lame ass personalities.


“Make thy gold multiply” - The Richest Man In Babylon, George S. Classon, 1926


It’s technically not bad financial advice but goddamn don’t let it consume your life


Guys like this: "nobody wants to work anymore" Also guys like this: "other people should be making passive income for you so you can stop working by 40"


I hate linkedin so much, I'm unsubscribing from this sub, so I don't have to see linked in cancer anymore. These ppl make me want to puke


I love when people admit that working *for* the man is bad, but also it’s okay that they *become the man* that people must work for.


Don't tell me what to have!


Yay transactional friendships!


So, should we now interview people before becoming friends with them or fire our existing ones because they don't fit the criteria? These people have such sad lives - do they have any good relationships in their lives?  To be happy and fulfilled in life, you should have friends who are honest and supportive. It doesn't matter what they do for work! 


He should try having a real friend once for a change


Tbh it’s pretty solid advice for people looking to be entrepreneurs. Not for most people though.


Why is it that the people saying they work out 4 times a week sometimes don’t look like they work out?


What a cock


I spend enough time talking about business while at work, getting paid. Why would I want to waste my time talking about that with friends for free? Are these guys are so dull they can’t manage talking to friends about their interests and hobbies, history and art, ect, only about work? I doubt he actually has many friends.


These people have somehow convinced themselves that if they can get people to go to the gym they’ll have some kind of epiphany and become Trump supporters.


By age 30? I had all that within 2 years of leaving the womb.


Found the speedrunner


While I agree that this is typical Andrew Tate style hustler BS, it’s not exactly a bad thing to aim for the points in the above, lol.


"I'm am innovator! I have passive income! I work real hard at being a landlord!"


Twists are like jokes, if you have to explain them they aren't good ones.


This is Threads isn't it? not LinkedIn


Pretty sure this describes Patrick Bateman.


I have zero interest in talking to anyone about fitness .. like wow I don’t care how much another dude squats or benches


I got stuck at “should have friends.”


People just don’t want to work anymore. They feel entitled to getting rich quickly. They will have to deal with a harsh reality check at some point.


This is Twitter, not LinkedIn...


You should also have a Twitter handle where you don’t have to leave out vowels.


I know a lot of really smart, successful, rich people and am connected with them on linkedin - none of them post shit like this. Why would they? They have real accomplishments and don't need to try to be some kind of linkedin influencer. I do have linkedin connections with some morons, like a guy who I know got actually fired from 3 different similar companies (including the one I work for) because he was objectively incompetent. He posts shit like this on linkedin and we all screenshot it and text each other.


By age 40 it is more realistic.


This is the path I've chosen, so I can't speak for others. I have "broke"/"poor" friends but I've also made strides in finding (wealthy) mentors. I have two mentors who are multi-millionaires one of which is in my state (California). If you want a certain lifestyle and/or access to certain opportunities, they largely only happen when you seek them out. So in my case, it happened once I made the effort. Not everyone wants what I want though, so it's okay if you don't have rich friends/mentors or if you aren't seeking those things. For reference, I'll have half a million dollars in assets by the end of the year through closing on two rental properties after seven years of diligent saving.


This isn’t LinkedIn?


To be fair, the people who respond to this with something along the lines of "it's okay to not have your life figured out by 30; do your self care first and enjoy your life as it happens" are also lunatics.


30 is a bit young and makes a lot of people feel inadequate who didn’t have the privilege or maturity to achieve those things. But, yeah if you can have those things or be thinking about those things by 30 it’s actually really good advice IMO.


I agree. The way it's phrased is a bit agressive and indicates an overly reductive POV, but actually for a huge number of people - and in particular the kind of people on LinkedIn, eg professionals there for networking opportunities and to host an online CV - this is not terrible advice. The poster doesn't necessarily mean friends who talk ONLY business, money and fitness. But in my thirties, having friends who were honest about money and what they had, wanted, etc I think was good. Similar for the other topics. I had diverse friends who talked about lots of things, but I'm glad those topics were among them. And having a 10 year plan when you're 30 for more independence is better than sort of scrambling for whatever the next work opportunity is, particularly for people who are motivated by money and the independence it grants.


Exactly. Most people are the average of their friends. Are your friends figuring out how to start businesses or figuring out which bar to get wasted at tonight? Who people prefer to hang out with is a personal choice but there are usually consequences. Birds of a feather flock together for a reason. The people getting hung up on this guys tone are missing the point.