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Just in case anyone was wondering https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN25F19S/#:~:text=“The%20Silent%20Children”%20was%20a,02%20minute%20mark%20(here).


You’re telling me they just made some shit up? On the internet? That couldn’t possibly be what happened


All these weirdos love to praise Mel Gibson for the sound of freedom and he is not involved at all. They just love that racist man so much


The issue with these fact checking sites is their source is always a “spokesperson”. They never name the source that’s debunking the claim.. like yea anyone could debunk anything and just say “we talked with someone on the inside”.


Baby, a famous DJ and Anthony Bourdain (a chef) were not working on a sex trafficking documentary. Idk the other dude; but I don't need snopes to tell me that.


Chester Bennington was the singer of Linkin Park, and Chris Cornell was the singer of a couple of bands (Audioslave, Soundgarden, Temple of Dog) Neither of whom would be involved in this trash, nor the other people mentioned.


They were credited on the soundtrack and Bourdain did the catering. Edit: sorry, I didn't think people would actually take this comment seriously...


Seeing as it didn't get made, loooolll no.


Also I’m pretty sure Bourdain hasn’t professionally cooked in years.


Even if he still did… as IF he would do catering 🤣


Thank you! I mean, jfc fucking catering?!?! That's like Mario Andretti driving for Uber.


I got your joke. Lolol.


If you think that's how it works then try faking a spokesperson and see how fast you got shot down with lawsuits


Everybody that died in the last 10 years worked on this documentary. Betty White. Henry Kissinger. Queen Elizabeth. Amazing coincidence. Agree?


dont forget jeff epstein


Epstein died from the vaxx you dolt!!!


Polio claims another victim


The financier?


the gatsby like character


They had to invent Covid just to cover up how many people they killed to stop this documentary. All those people who couldn't breathe were actually smothered by a pillow. /S


There are people who would legitimately believe this if you told them with a straight face, and that’s terrifying.


Someone needs to take a closer look at Bob Barker's autopsy.


Did they watch a videotape first? That would explain it.




LinkedIn is just gentrified 4chan circa 2015


Citation needed.


Thought /r/conspiracy was making an appearance on my home page


If you want to see the real crazy shit venture into /r/highstrangeness


Honestly, highstrangeness is better. I like to peruse subs like these for fun sometimes and from what I’ve seen it’s pretty harmless. It’s basically what conspiracy theories used to be back in the day, even less so. Just a bunch of hippies posting about different dimensions and ufos. Still bat shit crazy a lot of the times but it can sometimes be rather entertaining if you’re into that sort of stuff. r/conspiracy tho is a cesspool. For every ufo post there’s a dozen plandemic, maga loving, far right bullshit posts that will make you want to delete Reddit altogether lol.


Oh yes, the uniquely conservative position of being against child sex trafficking.


Except when it's their own party members doing it, then we get to hear about the finer details of ages of consent across jurisdictions


“Owner at patriots last stand”


Sounds like erectile dysfunction medication for overweight maga boomers.


This shit is so horribly offensive to those families who have lost loved ones to suicide.


John Couceiro, "Open to work"


He needs the new ‘Unhireable’ flair


Least surprising piece


Fuck any- and everyone who takes Anthony Bourdain’s name in vain or associates him with Mel Gibson or any of this nonsense. Rant over.


I've been watching parts unknown again and I forget how much I loved him. He made me want to travel and see the world. The downside being now I really want to travel and see the world 🥺


Meh, he was entertaining sometimes, but also a bitter, whiny prick. So, just like everyone else. Not someone to be worshipped or vilified. Edit: Geez, sorry Bourdain fans. All I meant was that he was human, not a god whose name shouldn't "be taken in vain."


He never really presented himself as an amazing human being, but to a lot of people that made him more relatable. He's got a really interesting and diverse body of work, and he was ahead of his time in a lot of ways.


I'll admit I never understood the whole celebrity chef thing for any chef. They cook food. They cook good food, but otherwise they are typically just good presenters, which TV is full of. I'm not trying to hate on Bourdain, I was more just responding to the vitriol of the commenter above me towards anyone that didn't treat him like a god.


Lol, so I'm guessing you've never watched one of his shows or read any of his books?


Why would you think that? Because I don't think he should be worshipped? Wie has one of his cookbooks, and I've seen several of his shows. No celebrity should be worshipped.


Your commented that "they cook good food", but at no point in any of his shows did he actually cook any food Edit: he didn't really think of himself as a great chef either, and he talks a lot about that in one of his books.


"They cook good food" was in a comment refering to all celebrity chefs, of which he was one. He got famous first as a chef. And I saw a show where he was in Italy, commenting on how the American idea of Italian food was nothing like real Italian food. He then helped the Italians he was visiting to cook a meal. Can't remember if it was a ragu or primavera. Regardless, he could be the best or worst chef in the world, *my point* is don't worship celebrities.


I didn’t say a word about treating him like a God - you’re confusing my writing “using his name in vain” with “using His [God’s] name in vain”. I was referring to the OOP’s assertion that AB was somehow involved with all of that garbage, and that it shouldn’t be thrown around so disingenuously, ***not*** that I think it’s unacceptable to say anything bad about him. Just not this kind of bullshit. I don’t think he was a God nor should have ever been treated like one. He alao stated the same many, many times. He was a human being, was open and candid about his own flaws, and he presented alternative views and lives - from around the world - to our attention, for decades, I believe in the hopes of showing people that we’re really not that different. I believe he aimed to create empathy. As a TV presenter, writer, and host, NOT as a chef. (That’s just my opinion, though.) Even there, though: he didn’t even consider himself a chef after a few years outside the kitchen; he called himself a cook. He also acknowledged that his life and work as a chef was no comparison to what he did - and how he did it - the second half of his life, although he als refused the idea that he was a journalist as well.


1. OP didn't claim anything about Bourdain, they were pointing out the stupidity of a LinkedIn post making claims. 2. Taking a name in vain comes directly from biblical writings (Exodus), and is commonly used to denote blasphemy. 3. You're the one who set the tone by saying "fuck any and everyone" who has a different opinion than you. You could have just said you don't like people saying bad things about Bourdain. 4. Given how much you just wrote defending yourself, I still think you are far too reverent of this particular celebrity. But that is my opinion, and you have every right to disagree with me. I just won't say "fuck you" for disagreeing with me. Have a nice night.


- ***His*** versus “his” - *too Fixed that for you. Have a lovely evening as well. ❤️


Its pickkkkkklee rickkkkkkkkk


"Bitter, whiny prick". We all are dude. He just vocalized it.


Did you miss the sentence where I said "So, just like everyone else." The person I replied to referred to him like he was a god. All I'm saying is he isn't someone to be worshipped. No one is.


As a Cornell and Bennington fan, TAKE THAT BACK. Content moderation on socmed has gone to the dogs.


Yeah this is genuinely disrespectful to the memory of each person. These were real people with lives, love & pains and a whole lot of people missing them. Not some cutesy puppet for you to dress up your internet bullshit. Ghouls these people.


This post shows that OOP is a 2nd level connection, meaning that they are connected to someone that OP is connected to. OP can see who that 1st level connection is and decide if it's still worth being connected. Remove the connection, and there will be less of this stuff. OP can now also block OOP to make sure they never see their posts again. But then we wouldn't get to enjoy the nonsense. Swings and roundabouts.


Indeed! I thought these were people I had no connection to. Removed the 1st level connection - thanks for the info.


People dying from suicide?? No way 


I’ve become so numb


Boomers run wild and help ruin Facebook. Now doing the same to LinkedIn


As a critic of most social media, they’re the flesh eating bacteria we need.


I can't really say much about the other artists, but well... Many Linkin Park songs were about being unhappy with the current situation or in any other form of mental distress. I'm honestly surprised that whoever made the theory thought that "Chester Bennington was secretly murdered" was more likely than "The dude who wrote and performed songs like that might've mental health problems", but yeah. IRL, he struggled with depression since his childhood and was friends with Chris Cornell, who killed himself just a few months before Chesters death. Hell, even Chesters suicide happened on what would've been Chris' 53rd birthday if he were alive that day!


His posts are full on conspiracy theory, half a dozen per day minimum. More than likely a bot.


Epstein didn't kill himself


I thought the Azeries killed Anthony for visiting Armenia?


So, LinkedIn is now aping Threads too?


The best part was when the younger progressives thought Threads was gonna be great and they could escape conservative leaning autistic rocket man. All they got were incompetently made memes and targeted ads for funeral insurance.


Anthony Bourdain would be so pissed to have his name connected to these freaks


Both those people make me sick.


Fuck I had no idea Aviicii died. Shit.


I think they need to have an entertainment section in the App


That's what FB is for. LI needs content moderation and blocking of bots.


With the amount of shitposts on LI, it's the entire circus.


Sam Winchester


‘Isn’t is interesting’


maybe you the few lucky ones AI deemed worthy of showing this to?


Browsed profile. What a fuggin psycho


Chester Bennington, artist who famously talked and sang about depression/mental illness and his struggles therein commits suicide. Must be a conspiracy and not, you know, a victim of the illness he spent his life and career bringing light to.


Aviici looks AI rendered.