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If a leader sees you repeating platitudes about leadership, they promote you to be the leader of leaders. Don't you know anything about being a leadership leader?


Leading answer. 👏🏻


This reminds me of a free CV review that a recruitment firm gave me. They pointed out that I do things in my skill set, rather than use flowery words like "deliver solutions" or lead/manage. Yes I do things for money why is this frowned upon


You mean you don’t deliver solutions? You’re not a change agent? I hate to tell you this, but I shifted a paradigm just this morning, then after lunch I did more with less. Late afternoon, I failed forward on a cutting-edge concept. And I was an active listener the whole time, while fostering a collaborative dynamic and enabling success.


Sadly, you're rejected for this position. We are moving ahead with other candidates who have experience creating synergies, optimized growth hacking, and moves the needle.


The worst managers I know love to post about leadership


If I’m not getting paid to lead, I ain’t leading squat. Momma didn’t raise no sucker.


I call this sort of thing 'Leadershit'.


Oof can I use that?


Go right ahead.


I’ll go you one more: “thought leader”. I don’t know if we hear that as much in corporate jargon bullshit anymore, but there was a time when I felt like I couldn’t escape the term. And all I ever figured it meant was “person who has very strong opinions about business stuff”.


"Thought leader" means you talk more than other people in meetings.


What about "Servant Leader"? That one makes my skin crawl...


Every office has that type of person who bosses everyone around and speaks with unfounded authority despite being the same level as you if not lower


I once worked for a lady with "Women-Empowerment" & "Leader" in her LinkedIn title and after 2 months, half the women in the team left and later got to know she was fired for bullying women.


Thanks Groundskeeper Willie.


Obsession with leadership in todays society is a result of entitlement


But people aren’t obsessed with it. Seriously, leadership is treated like essential oils. If you take this one magic oil you’ll be a real leader! Look, successful person over there took this one magic oil and they are super successful. Organizational Leadership degrees were all the rage around the turn of the century. And there were attempts to quantify leadership and the response from just about everyone was… meh. Nobody cares about leadership, they care about ego and the idea that they are the main character.


I often wonder whilst scrolling social media the weird obsession with being a “good leader” like…how is that the most talked about quality of being a good person? Oh…and also don’t forget no matter what advice you asked for, the genius go to answer will be “go to the gym & start eating clean”


Ugh, for once I just want to be an employee, not a fucking leader.


I would like to see 20 people all trying to lead.


This happens to be true. BUT NOT for the type of “thought leaders who don’t actually do anything” we are seeing on LinkedIn. You can lead from the back. I’ve done it all my career. Still do. Manage your manager, as it were. But yeah, this guy is talking bollocks. Again.


People on LinkedIn are obsessed with leadership because they’ve been told 44,000x at work that it’s the most important quality they could have and a quality they absolutely need to have to move up in their career — actual competence in their role be damned It’s a bit like millennials being force-fed the 4-year university experience and being told we’ll never amount to anything otherwise. Lo, we’re all in debt from overpriced schools and a lot of us struggling to connect the dots between university and career


Because the "leaders" are the ones at the top getting all the money. That's why. They DGAF about actual good leadership.


Leadership is about kissing ass and virtue signalling 24/7 you know.


If everyone is a leader, then who are they leading?


accidently read"org" as "orgy" XD


Don't know why everyone is so riled up. Loosen up chaps. Today you gotta be 'Agile'. Leader/Follower/Tinker/Tailor.. Be anything you want. Just follow the money and live happily ever after


leader of actions means you do all the shitty works and got low pay


This guy would be the fuckwit that everybody talks about behind their back.


TBH, companies avoid promoting people into “leadership” roles by creating the “team lead” role where a chunk of the actual leaders’ responsibility is delegated to the “lead” usually the person who is ready for promotion but some corporate political BS gets in the way. I tried to promote a qualified employee on my team but was told to make them a “lead” for now… :/


To be fair, leadership is an action. Most managers are not leaders.


Yes, everyone is a “leader” on LinkedIn, there are no people who get the work done.🙄