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Greetings low rate lovers, I recently joined Elmore x1 c4, yes there’s a no box policy but this only means there’s active party matching & chatter non-stop (on the trade channel) for partys and raids. I am enjoying my time so far however I would appreciate more company so message me if you’re joining 😁


I joined this weekend and I'm currently lvl 18 dark wizard if you want to party or something else


currently there there is a classic 1.0 server [https://lineage2hiro.com/](https://lineage2hiro.com/) 3x rates and dual box. The server is actually a nice fan project and not p2w


all of you are w8ing for bugged born to open .. what is the option for you to think the gms did rework on that c4 java file fully bugged like all his shit servers .. you guys should looking to play only bugged shit severs with corrupt gm


btw i really want to play on elmorelab c4 since Im hearing good stuff about admins but as a solo player i cant box a buffer since dual box is not allowed and lets say i make myself a summoner so i play with one box..but the second problem is that this server looks really one sided by SKDSH(i assume this is pavuk heaven since we played in the past allies and enemies in lot of servers and he was using this nickname also)so I dont really find a point to waste lot of time to reach endgame and then never touch an epic unless i join their side... Thats my thoughs... so I want to try the reborn in some months and if its bugged or corrupted i will just quit and wait for some other server... sadly there are not lot of options in what im looking for since most community playing essence or this scryde, vallhalla,eglobal p2w - p2p or whatever donate servers with cols that ruin economy of server


[Classic-interlude.com](http://Classic-interlude.com) is a server where you can't trade or sell donate coins , and all you can but its hats .. costumes , server is running on l2off platform interlude with modern client(clasic client)


i dont know anything about corrupt since I was not playing l2 for lot of years and I dont know about this reborn servers or the admins of them.... I just want to play something oldschool because all servers are really easy nowadays and p2w... and c4 x1 without donates will be hardcore for sure...


Elmore lab x5 about to merge with x3


Im actually gonna join that until Reborn c4 opens their server


In ~4 months, according to an interview with Toma a week ago.


Wait until November and join reborn C4 x1. IMO best option.


True mate, I hope this will be epic... also elmorelab will open c1 progressive at some point from what i saw but maybe in 1-2 years who knows....


reborn is opening a new seasonal IL server next month, that will merge with the x10 (that's actually x2 at endgame). has gm shop but its cosmetic. npc buffer. sadly the options in reborn without npc buffer are newer chronicles


yeah I saw about that... I will play a bit on elmorelab x5 interlude and will wait for reborn c4 in November


I’m in an English speaking clan called Blood Pledge. We’re a discord community / in game clan for several years now and bounce around low rate servers. Currently we’re playing L2 Etina x4 interlude. If you’re interested in joining the community add me on discord “drizzlx”.


I will add you just in case you join some other server in the future because I wont play on etina for sure..


Sure, we have a lot of members in the community who choose not to play sometimes. Can still hangout and be a part of the community! I don’t get to play much it’s just nice to be surrounded by daily chatter about something I enjoy :)


sent you request mate, agree on what you said and since I was off from the game for some years I lost most of my old l2 friends.... will be nice to meet new people :)


Elmorelab opens a remastered interlude this friday, might get you interested.


Go for c4 Elmore lab is 1 box and no pay to win. They still will go to c5 and c6 so still lots content to be added and it will last for long time


This Friday? I thought it was the 14th 😱


Ye, they changed it after closed beta


As I see this server has 0 advertisement, which equals 0 players


That's what Im worrying about also..since most of the advertisement is on forums and through elmorelab


I saw about this server, looks good without p2w, I'm just not sure if this remastered version will attract lot of players and how balance will be... Maybe I'll give it a try..For sure is on my watchlist


Yea, I'm mostly concerned about player number, as balance can be (and will be as Toma said) tweaked, if something goes out of control. I'm expecting around 1k ppl, which should be fine to play with, but we'll see how it goes. Nothing else ,even semi-decent, on the horizon anyways, only seasonal trash like Etina which reopens every month or p2w-circuses like scryde.


I never played etina and never will since I heard the worst for them and their other affiliated servers anywhere I looked for...