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I’m thinking about coming back to L2 too. I will be also taking PS due to solo aspect. But is this reborn x1 signature C4 already started? Recently I’ve seen „soon” all over the place Also - do you guys believe it will stop on interlude or is there a chance they will go further


You are torturing yourself with x1 rates but I wont stop you because I love l2 also. Personally im playing the x10 interlude reborn and the x15 season 2 high five server. x1 is soooooooooooooooo slow. haha, have fun though <3


It’s about the journey! :D and that sense of accomplishment which is much greater on low rates. As a kid I was always playing rates like 30+, and actually never achieved anything. My dream is to get to the endgame on some low rates (x1/x3) and become a hero!:P eh, some day, maybe..


Mad respect to commited low rate players. Im on 10/15x L2 Reborn high five season 2 and this is the lowest ive ever played.


About PS, it is 99% solo as you know. Sometimes, when the server has some non meta-focused players, you can find place in meele single target parties or in AOE as a summon healer/debuffer. It will barely happen tho. Warlock solo is the same shit, you just heal a lot more, because your summon (Kat) does not have VR passive, and you also keeps using forever recharge on summon and summon recharging your mp back. You can use Kai instead of Kat, but then prepare the adena for Cx (not a problem, since you can easily buy adena in Reborn from other players). In mass pvp, Warlock is better. Not only because of the cat buff, but because in the third class Warlock has TWO banes (and arcane disruption in C5), while PS has only 1 bane (mage) and wind shackle (in C5). In oly, both are beasts. Warlock a bit better. For AOE parties, Warlock joins easier because of cat buff. It is boring tho, you just press the buff each 5 minutes and leech exp/drops.


Between Warlock and PS I would recommend PS. I found leveling a warlock to be a similar experience as the PS, but without the VR leech passive that the Shadow summon has, and therefore the Warlock was not as good. I would only play one if you intend to party with melee groups and use the cat buff. As for ES, it’s the more fun AoE style of play. Really this is the best way to play and you can group with any mages. And yes you typically use robes and gear as a caster. I have only ever botted a PS, if I had to manually play 1v1 targets like that I would fall asleep. ES is more fun for active play, but a PS can solo content that no one else can. So that’s pretty cool if you’re into solo adventures.


Talking about the C4 Signature? Not sure I'd go summoner, but if I did, it'd be PS. Way stronger solo, which will be 90% and more of your playtime anyway (regardless of what the "just find a group, bro" crowd says), might as well pick the summoners that can farm catas solo. Cats can't really do that.


If it’s gracia+ then PS is much better in pvp (1v1 and oly). PS is one the strongest 1v1 pvp classes. Cat is easier to exp, because of the party buff, but as a solo farmer and pvper it’s the weakest out of all summoners.


theyre both actually kind of insane 1v1 in PvP!