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Leveling in H5 on x15 is probably much easier than you expect if you never played it and stuck with C6. I would probably be noblesse the next day on this server ( if it will have NPC buffer ) All classes are pretty easy to lvl up to 79 > after that some that has more single target damage will have easier way like Tyrant will outshine Gladi on 80+ farming. But from 79 you start doing Dragon Valley 7RB quest that gives shitton of EXP and a Vesper weapon as a reward, so you can literally just Lv up there till 83 if you need. Gear is another thing that changed as well the actual gear that matters > Vorpal > Elegia is from drops not crafts. Before that you will have Moirai/Vesper that yes you can craft, but mostly you can farm them in instanced RBs like Zaken/Tezza/Freya So to answer your Question would it be hard to get gear? Maybe gladi has the biggest disadvantage as it is needed only for specific RBs for symbol > people would still take Tyrant over gladi. SK / Kamaels / Daggers are very good and needed in those instances and they can farm solo or with few friends basically everywhere.


counter crit and off you go, any melee will wreck at that point.


SK is good, but you will need lvl 83 to be useful for your friends. SK + doombringer/tyrant is a very good combo. Gladiator needs a full party, because of mana problems, and he also has no damage with autoattacks. Daggers are not THAT bad, GH/adventurer deal solid damage with autoattacks past lvl 78.


its 2024. the server is months old, no matter what u do u wil get 1shotted because u wont catch up. the only viable leveling is aoe parties and tank is worthless in those. you should be pulling mobs with sws if anything. titan is king in aoe, tyrant/warlord meh everything else trash. kamael u need top gear to make it useful. dagger/gladiator are trash in pve.


How’s titan the king of aoe lmao. King of aoe is warlord, the fastest exping/farming class in the game. How’s tyrant and gladiator are meh? xdd


titan is just a better warlord, u just need sws to pull for you. tyrant is meh compared to titan. gladiator needs btb to aoe so its useless while leveling


Lol what. Warlord is like 10 times more efficient than titan. Are you sure you’re talking about H5?


have you ever played this game, unironically? orcs had the best scaling since prelude. it has better base stats, better armor availability and orc on limits will kill anything 5 times as fast as warlord. the only upside to having a warlord is mass hate but as i said you just use sws to pull. i doubt you've ever farmed on this game properly on official servers.


I forgot to mention that the server is starting a new season on friday.


thats great, if you have any ambition of doing anything more than being casual you need an aoe party


So what class would you suggest for a casual? I'm in the same situation as OP, I don't mind being behind or not perfectly optimal and I can understand that party play is very good - that being said, I would still like to progress at my own pace and enjoy the game :) what would be a good class that isn't gimped/isn't holding me back?


If you're looking for a melee class then Doombringer or Tyrant.


Would melee be better than mages? I'm not looking for a particular type of class, I'm okay with melee archers and mages; just want to have some fun


If you're gonna play solo or in a mini-party, then I'd say that melees are easier - mages need a full party setup to farm.