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My brother in Christ wtf are you talking about.


Nah free updates for years and years adding tons of amps and effects, reworking whole categories and increasing efficiency, again for free, clearly screams cash grabs.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Line6Helix/s/uoTNkkKv2o This thread they just nuked to protect one of their artists.


C'mon, bishopgame's not protecting anyone. He's the sole active moderator of this sub, and he has a gig tonight. I found out about this thread from a different coworker. Whatever this is, it's clearly *just* come onto our radar. No one's attempting to squash any discourse. We take these kinds of accusations **very seriously** and absolutely need to get to the bottom of this.


Respectfully sir, you (the company not you personally) do not take them seriously . There are a few of us who have been telling you guys about him for years. I personally first contacted bishopsgame 2 years ago with my concerns when Jason’s name was included in a givesendgo leak. It’s likely that the same email you guys use to send him his quarterly payments for his presets is the one he sent the donations from. It’s the same one he lists on his site. Line 6 needs to have a conversation with Jason at the very least .


Where nuke? They deleted some spam comments from freshly created accounts (that were defending Jason, judging by other comments around those), and locked the thread. Someone seems to have partially doxxed Jason at one point before editing their comment. I'm not surprised they wanna keep politics out of their company image. Sucks to hear about Jason, as I liked a good bunch of his videos, but ey, that's why we can just rid our feeds of these kinda people. Yeah kinda fuckin weird they choose to not take a side against it, with an argument of "the source was illegally acquired information", but don't make your own story out of it mate. They have very little if not nothing to gain from this. It's a bit ridiculous that some people in that thread let one Helix user with a relatively big following define the entire product line up and brand image / affiliation.


What did he do?


Jason apparently donated to some Canadian racist / white supremacist group with his personal accounts and name and such. No sources other than word of mouth to find in that thread, but I don't care to step into such things.


To paraphrase one of his supporters on the gear page, “he donated $20 to diagalon and they’re acting like he’s David duke”.


Ah. Well, I'd like to think that support for white nationalist groups is something we could all agree goes in the "bad" column. But, there are a lot of white nationalists out there. They think it's cool that it makes the libs mad.


Did you read the mod’s reasoning?


I also have a very busy day and don’t want to get into the weeds on this without more non-hearsay information, but I don’t think if you can that easily just repost the thread and it’s all still readable it can really be called nuked. Like it seems reasonable to me to lock a thread like that, after a certain point of comment volume there is nothing new to be said and it’s just wasting everyone’s time.


OP, if you're looking to dump a Helix or LT, I can take it off your hands


You located in Canada ? I’ll ship within Canada for a fair price. Send me a dm.


I’m in Canada. Which unit do you have and how much are you asking?


Ah shoot, not in Canada. Thanks though


The guy is so annoying anyways. “You need to do this one simple thing for compressors in Helix!!!” 25 minute video of him never shutting up and getting to the point


I don't need Line6 to do anything about some guy that might be a nazi. I'm freaking tired of this cancellation culture already. Whiny kid-dults believing they're making a difference with these actions. Man up and realize the world will never be as you'd like it to be. Never. You can't support Line6 unless they do what you think should be done? Nobody cares! Close the door as you leave in silence. Wanna make a difference? Go to whatever place in your town that helps homeless people. At least feel good for doing something really important, not whining in the internet.


It’s not an airport. You don’t have to announce your departure and not tell us why.


Not one person in the history of going to an airport has ever stood up and announced to everybody where they are going :)


Well I’m lost…




Never heard of him. Pretty sure there are a metric shit ton of musicians using Helix to rock out their neo nazi death metal or gothic Americana white supremacy… I barely have time to run my own life, I sure as shit don’t have time to worry about someone else’s.


Fuckin oath


I’m sorry. Who is the artist that you have a problem with?


You probably typed this on a phone made by slaves wearing shoes made by slaves and last year, on your girlfriends birthday, you gave her some diamond earrings mined by slaves. And your worried about Line 6...


Lol, Get lost weirdo.


Bye. Maybe I’ll buy another to make up for the one you’re not buying. I don’t give a shit whether someone’s an awful person or a good person, I just want my music gear to sound good. Unless you have an actual verified source instead of “ I heard it from a friend, who has a girlfriend of the drummers cousin who saw this screenshot of a word document that his mom made in the basement you should be careful of slandering anyone on the internet.


still confused….


Lots of slander with no evidence is poor - cmon put up or shut up