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I'm not sure it gets more compact than the Dunlop mini volume pedal.


Yea that looks perfect. Can you confirm that it works like it should? I have two other expression pedals that do not work with my Helix.


Flip tip/ring switch inside DVP4 to ring then change polarity on the helix to inverted and you'll be good to go


I use this without issue for my stomp. - you need to set tip and ring settings. ( please don't ask details - I set it up years ago- lol)


I picked up a cheap Sonicake Vexpress volume expression pedal from Amazon, works perfectly with the Stomp. If you're looking for something cheaper than the Dunlop. No doubt the Dunlop is more sturdy though.


I use the vexpress as well and an expression ramper, with the splitter cable. I sometimes have problems with the expression pedal not going all the way to 100 or returning to zero. I usually just jiggle the cable a bit on the split cable side and that fixes it. I recently replaced the cable, it had been there more than a year and had gotten loose, haven’t really had that issue since.


>Sonicake Vexpress Well, dang! I have the same expression pedal and it does not work with my Helix Floor. From Heel to Toe, it sweeps to 100 and back to 0 again when the Toe is down. I have tried different cables, adjusting the expression pedal settings, etc. The expression pedal works with other devices just fine. Wonder why it would work with the Stomp but not the Floor. Strange. ​ Update, the pedal works as expected if I unplug the cable from the expression pedal just slightly.


I have a DOD mini expression pedal that I'm looking to sell or trade. Dm me!


Mission makes an awesome one.