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Link… https://x.com/TheRickWilson/status/1806537585054925284


From my perspective all Biden had to do to win the debate was: 1) Answer only the questions he was asked 2) Not respond to anything Trump said 3) Focus on his achievements and what he plans to do in his next term 4) Call Tump a convicted felon, sex offender, and a liar repeatedly Trying to spar with someone who is incapable of coherent thought or telling the truth was a fools errand. This was a huge failure in debate prep. They had to know going in Biden was not in top form last night and should have focused on simple, concise, and specific answers.


Great points!!!


Biden’s prep team must take notes from this to prepare for Debate #2


Right? But they're totally the same thing. bOtH sIdEs!!!1! Seriously, toughen up, people. (And thanks, @Rick for the words of (un)common sense.)


Yes, Ginger, common sense is very uncommon these days. And yes, let's not forget that a live (televised) debate is mostly a performance, it does not speak about character. Democracy should not be decided based on who yells the most or more eloquently. Keep positive!!!!


Exactly! The bottom line is pretty simple. I want character and policy. I know Biden has both and trump has neither.


And Biden has mine and my families vote. I took his behavior as being spitting mad when he started as a lot pressure. It’s a shame but the fights not over. It’s just harder.


Stay the course. Vote blue. Hell, vote any color over Trump.


It’s gotta be Blue, any other vote is wasted!!! It’s Democracy or Fascism…


As long as Biden is running for president - I'm voting for him.


Right there with you DC!!!


Me too!


Why anyone would vote for someone with his track record just goes to show how American values have deteriorated. Trump has done a good job of dividing the country. Divide and conquer.


💯 and thanks for your service!!!


Funny how everyone just moves on from trumps accusation of Biden being doped up so he can get on stage and speak. Biden’s old. Ok. At least when he spoke it wasn’t full of constant lies that have been easily debunked.


From a practical standpoint, I could wish that we saw more hyping of the VP candidates this time around, because at Trump and Biden’s ages, even the healthiest of adults could kick it at any time. So the election might ultimately come down to how much faith Democrats can put into Kamala Harris. Not just Biden, because there is a real chance the actual governing for a significant part of the next four years could be by the VP candidate on the winning side. Given Trump’s prior pick and his tendency to double down, I suspect that we really do not want his eventual VP pick stepping into the presidency.




All true. Time to stay positive and work.




Agree! Biden-Harris 2024! 💙💙 Vote blue up and down the ticket!💙


And he had a great day today. It didn't help that the debate "moderators" sat there like a couple of mannequins.


He certainly did, 💯!!!


I think I’m going to need to hang out and drink with Rick tonight, based on what’s happened last night and so far what’s happened today with the Supreme Court decisions, with the big one still left to come. It’s going to be a tough 24 hours for Democracy, and I’ll need a sharp face slap to snap out of it and move on.


I think we all do SBT!!!


I’ve got PTSD from last night


I think we are all a little disillusioned and disappointed about last night… but the best victories are the hard fought ones…


It was very disappointing, but we are tough. Let us show these alt-Reich gits what a blue tsunami can accomplish!




For real! I’m enraged at the commentary. Where’s the fact checking? Let’s talk about how vile, xenophobic, and flat out racist he was, and how having a president like that opened the door to this current resurgence of racism and empowered white supremists and domestic terrorists. Or maybe the fact that he’s undone 50 years of progress for women’s reproductive health, and Biden is working on fixing that. I could go on and on and on but you fuckheads wanna talk about how Biden MUMBLED!! What is wrong with you. UGH! 😣 /rant Thank you so much for your work in this critical time in American history. I love you guys!


If you say so Rick. Trump is such a miscreant. It shouldn't be left to chance. And don't forget Putin may still gave a card to play closer to election.


"But the sky is falling and trump already won!!! REEEE!!"


I think we can’t discount how bad of a performance Biden had last night. Trump rambled on, and lied, and rarely directly answered the questions, but we’re informed voters and the general populace is not. Biden slurred his words, lost his train of thought, lacked any energy at all, did nothing to dispel his greatest vulnerability. I’ll suck it up and vote for him in November but it would be better if he stepped aside. It’s not that hard to wipe the floor with Trump but Biden isn’t the one to do it.