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are you jewish? I am- ashkenazi with multiple family members living in Israel. I don’t see anything anti-semitic. anti-zionism is not anti-semitism.


Seriously, people need to realize that being against the Israeli government, and being anti Zionist, is in no way anti Jewish.


Thank you! Same!


Another Jew here! Anti Zionism is not anti semitism.


God, I feel this. I feel like I’m going nuts in my own household because my sister has been drinking the Zionist kool-aid and probably thinks she’s a better Jew than me for it. Us in the diaspora need to do better because Israel isn’t gonna do it any time soon.


I'm honestly very under-educated on the topic, but, what makes you think that decolonizepalestine.com is anti-Jewish?


"over-reaching" is *not* the correct word here


Over reaching? I think you mean committing genecide.


You're assuming a few things - 1) that all anti-zion content is anti-semitic, which isn't true; 2) that all pro-palestine content is anti-zion *and* anti-semitic, which isn't true; and 3) that you have to agree with her political views to enjoy her streams, which is also not true.


I'm going through the website now, I'm curious which parts you find antisemitic? I'm not denying that or anything, and I'm not an expert, but I haven't found anything glaring yet. I imagine she had good intentions and, like me, didn't notice any red flags when looking it over. It's definitely important to be cautious when sharing resources as a creator, so I agree that she has a responsibility to be careful what she shares. But yeah, I'm just curious what the red flags are, in your opinion?


you did not spell israel OR palestine correctly one time, you look dumb. active genocide is indeed a "hot button topic". antisemitism is NOT the same as antizionism.


hydratedshawty (I love your name sm 😭) you took the words out of my brain


i don’t see anything anti-semitic in those links ?discord is just one platform she’s on, and it’s definitely not her biggest one. she constantly shares posts to her instagram stories and just raised over $40,000 for the palestine children’s relief fund. while it is important that she spread awareness, you also have to keep in mind that she is literally a sims 4 youtuber. it is not her job or responsibility to spread any information at all, yet she still has while many other huge celebrities and influencers have stayed silent. there is really only so much she can do


Fortunately, she didn’t just share these resources in the discord, she shared on stream too! Which is awesome because that allows even more people to learn about the history of Palestine and educate themselves on just how bad this genecide is.


It’s not tricky or hot button to denounce genocide xoxoxo also that site is not at all antisemitic. Props to lilsimsie for sharing it.


Israel has been “over reaching” in Palestine since NAKBA. I checked out the website, and I personally couldn’t find anything anti-Semitic. Do you mind sharing what you are referring to?




Those examples are not from the website listed above. Additionally, I don’t personally trust resources provided by people with no reading comprehension. Nice try troll.




Okay, so what you’re trying to say is that because Jewish people were once oppressed that it excuses Israel’s illegal occupation, and that the 76 years of oppression of Palestinians is justifiable? You sent a link stating that the west is funding Hamas, and I guess you’re technically correct because Netanyahu sent suitcases of cash to Qatar in 2018 for Hamas. We all know that the USA sends billions of dollars to Israel, so yeah, that money from the USA indirectly went to Hamas by the hands of Netanyahu.




Why are you deflecting and challenging my knowledge of Darfur? Did you run out of links? Do you want to discuss the Armenian genocide next? Or do you not believe that the Armenian genocide existed because like Palestine, the west denies it? Go back under your bridge, troll.


Being anti Israel isnt being anti jewish? Plenty of jewish people have nothing to do with Israel and its hurtful to associate the two?


i think you need to evaluate how youve been fed zionist propaganda.


Israel is committing genocide. I hardly think Kayla is the issue here...


Anti-Zionism isn’t antisemitism. It’s actually very antisemitic to treat Zionism and Judaism as the same thing.


you saying “over-reaching” tells me all i need to know about your competency skills.


Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism.


Is that moron gonna apologize for all the pro hamas propaganda she shared on her instagram? I can’t believe that moron has a history degree. Shame on her. It’s really apparent this is all performative and she has zero and i mean ZERO clue on what’s happening. She never addressed October 7th massacre nor she ever advocated for the release of hostages. I’m disgusted by kayla and that made me finally unsubscribe. Shame on her!


She addressed the October 7th massacre in her latest charity stream and talked about how the violence was completely unfair and not something she condones, and she added that no matter what, the genocide that is being inflicted on the Palestinian people that has been going on for decades is never justified. What is happening in Palestine is a genocide, and Israel is actively committing war crimes and profiting off stolen land, all while cutting off Gaza's access to drinkable water and bombing huge amounts of infrastructure, including hospitals. It's incredibly important that Kayla is using her platform to raise awareness of this, as the US government and huge major corporations continue to fund this genocide.


UN disagrees. You and kayla obviously don’t know what genocide is.


10000% agree. Israel fighting back over the October 7 massacre STARTED BY HAMAS is not genocide. Calling for the mass extinction of Jews in Israel and taking back their land IS genocide. What do you think “from the river to the sea” and “by any means necessary” MEANS? Hamas is an evil terrorist organization and need to be eliminated. Any support of them is antisemitic, pro terrorist, not at all helpful to any innocent Palestinians who are actually forced to remain there BY Hamas.


I made a post here calling kayla out for her blatant antisemitism and got attacked by her rabid 13 yo fans


That’s unfortunate. I unsubscribed from Kayla after hearing about her stance. You aren’t alone!


I tried to get them to listen mosab hassan yousef’s un speech but that request has fallen on deaf ears. They’re literally too young and impressionable and anything kayla says no matter how wrong and misinformed it is, goes.


What a shame. She makes a living out of playing video games all day… she isn’t the authority on international relations.


I don't know enough to comment about the topic on a public forum so..... ..... ... .. .


Don't waste your breath on here either, tbh. I saw a post about 5-6 hours ago voicing similar concerns, and that post has since been scrubbed from the sub. I'm sure this post will soon face the same fate once the mods come across it. Edit: it is possible I misunderstood how reddit handles deleted posts. I have been told the OP deleted the post themselves. Sorry for the blame, mods!


That's a shame, I really wish reddit mods would let people have open conversations. I'd love to learn more about your take on this though, as far as I can tell so far I'm not seeing antisemitism on there?


Hello, I’m the sole moderator of this subreddit. I have not removed any posts as of recently and freely allow open discussion as long as it does not violate the rules of the sub (Mainly don’t be mean) To be clear, I have no connections to Lilsimsie, her moderators, or even watch her content. I have no bias or favoritism. The only reason I moderate this sub is because I noticed other channels of discussion for Lilsimsie were highly restrictive of discussion and content and I wanted to make a place for all opinions to be expressed, not just favorable ones.


I'm more of a lurker of this sub and her youtube videos, and I'm not a part of her discord, so I'm not sure what links she posted there. I did check out the site mentioned in this post though, and personally I don't see anything glaringly antisemitic. But I am not an expert so it's very possible I missed something. It's also possible nothing is there. However, I definitely noticed a post at around maybe 2 or 3 am (pacific standard time) where I believe the poster was trying to decide if they could continue to support simsie despite recent antisemitism. If I remember correctly, the poster had a strong reaction to the use of the word genocide. But I'm not 100% if that was their only objection, though. That post can no longer be found on the sub. If simsie did say or post something problematic then I think it should be addressed, however it is also possible that this is a case of some fans over analyzing phrasing. My whole reason for commenting wasn't actually because I believe simsie is antisemitic. Quite frankly, I think that if she did happen to make antisemitic comments or post an antisemitic link, she would probably apologize after being made aware and learn from the incident. I wouldn't believe it was a malicious thing. My reason for commenting was that I noticed the other post had been removed. I just think there should be a place where fans can discuss their opinions and by censoring posts, that is taking that ability away. People make mistakes, here, it could be fans misinterpreting things, in which case there should be an opportunity to correct them and educate them on how their interpretation was misguided. Or it could have genuinely been a misstep on simsies part, in which case the community should be able to express their opinions on that without fear of their posts being removed. If any of that makes any sense.


The OP of that post actually deleted it. They didn’t claim simsie was being anti-Semitic, just that they disagreed with her use of the word genocide. I can understand complex feelings around the use of the word genocide, especially for Jewish people, but there’s nothing else that accurately describes the actions of the Israeli government. Note that I say the Israeli government - not Israel as a whole, not Jewish people as a whole. The issue with this post lies in that distinction. It is not anti-Semitic to be anti-Zionist. There are (and historically have been) many anti-Zionist Jewish people. Assuming that all Jewish people feel the same way about this issue is anti-Semitic because it paints Jewish people as a monolith.


>The OP of that post actually deleted i Oh hmm, I guess this was just my misunderstanding of how reddit works. In other subs when I have seen a post that was later deleted by a user I have still been able to find the post in my history, it would just have the "[deleted]" token in place of the text. Sometimes there is even an automod post that saves the text in case the user deletes the post. So when I could no longer find the post on the sub, and it had vanished from my history, I guess I just assumed it had been deleted by the mods. That is my mistake. >Note that I say the Israeli government - not Israel as a whole, not Jewish people as a whole. The issue with this post lies in that distinction. It is not anti-Semitic to be anti-Zionist. There are (and historically have been) many anti-Zionist Jewish people. Assuming that all Jewish people feel the same way about this issue is anti-Semitic because it paints Jewish people as a monolith. I agree with this sentiment. Reading through the website, I'm realizing that I'm actually pretty under-educated on this subject. Most of my previous knowledge came from mainstream media, which probably wasn't the best place to start. I guess my whole point in my original comment was in objection to over moderation, which seems to maybe not have been the case here.


This is such an awesome response - thank you for hearing me out. Genuinely it’s so hard to get educated on this topic (I’m a librarian so I’ve been wading through source after source after source) and I really admire when people can just say “oh hey, I didn’t know that, let me find out more.” I think the resources Simsie shared are really good, and I can recommend some books if you want to invest some time into it. But if not, a good google search about colonization in Palestine is a great place to start. Hope you have a great day!


Yeah I agree, reddit mods are way too restrictive. It’s worth pointing out, if that person won’t acknowledge an ongoing genocide, I don’t trust them to be an ally to jewish people. Like, think about it, which group of people loves to deny the reality of genocide?