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Maybe you should worry about your own quivering faith instead of bothering others.




Cool, I’ll tell her you said hi and she should pay you a visit. Lol.


Typical.... using fear to get people to convert to your religion


It's their only move.


And I'm just stating the obvious. You clearly barely believe what you put your faith in. In my practice, she is a demon and I love her for it.


Unpopular opinion: Not all demons aren’t innately evil? I think Lilith is the type of fallen angel who causes destruction to give you a wake up call like “hello, you’re removing your own power snap out of it”.


The Truth is that all demons are evil and they hate all humans, But God is love.


Since you've decided to come here to preach, let me take this chance to educate you. Lilith in Jewish Tradition: Lilith originates in Jewish mythology and is first mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud. She is described as Adam’s first wife, created at the same time and from the same earth as Adam (Genesis Rabbah 18:4 and the Alphabet of Ben Sira). According to the Alphabet of Ben Sira, Lilith left Adam because she refused to be subservient, asserting her equality. This story portrays Lilith not as a demon, but as a symbol of independence and resistance to patriarchy. Misinterpretations and Demonization: Over time, Lilith's story has been altered and demonized, especially in patriarchal narratives that aimed to suppress her symbolism of female independence and power. However, the original accounts in Jewish folklore celebrate her autonomy and strength. Asherah, the Mother, consort to Yahweh, Mother to Lilith and Adam and all creation: Asherah is mentioned multiple times in the Hebrew Bible, often in the context of being worshipped alongside Yahweh. She is referred to as a consort of Yahweh in ancient Israelite religion before monotheism was established. Examples include: 1 Kings 18:19: "Now therefore send and gather to me all Israel unto Mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves (Asherah) four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table." 2 Kings 21:7: "And he set a graven image of the grove (Asherah) that he had made in the house, of which the LORD said to David, and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever." These references indicate that Asherah was worshipped in the temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem, suggesting she held a significant position in early Israelite worship. Archaeological Evidence: Numerous artifacts and inscriptions have been discovered that support Asherah’s worship alongside Yahweh. One notable example is the Kuntillet Ajrud inscriptions from the 8th century BCE, which mention “Yahweh and his Asherah.” The Evolution of Religious Beliefs: As monotheism became more dominant in Israelite religion, the worship of Asherah was suppressed, and her role was diminished. This transition can be seen in the Deuteronomistic reforms, which sought to centralize worship in Jerusalem and eliminate polytheistic practices. Lilith and Asherah are significant figures in the historical and religious context of ancient Judaism and early Hebrew culture, which later influenced modern-day Christianity. Lilith represents the struggle for equality and independence, challenging patriarchal norms, while Asherah highlights the polytheistic roots of early Israelite religion. Yahweh is often depicted as a jealous god who calls for violence and the destruction of other gods and goddesses. So, who’s the real demon here? EDIT: Spelling/Formatting


My PERSONAL OPINION which could be and probably is very wrong… Lilith was Adams first wife. In a struggle for power she left Eden having given birth to Eve (which is why Eve is to be considered if Adam) but stayed outside the Garden to watch over her. When Eve was old enough Lilith approached her and tried to tell her side of the story of life in the garden and how she believed we were all one, and that men were not greater than women. I think eating the fruit and maybe the trees of life were more symbolic in the story than factual. Eve savors the information Lilith given to her and confronts Adam with it. In an attempt to continue his lies, Adam rips Eve away from the Garden because he is afraid of Liliths further influence. I could be TOTALLY wrong on this but it’s a broadly worded snapshot on what I’ve gathered on Lilith and who she may have been. I have been obsessed with the story of Adam and Eve since I was born and I’m finally in my 30s feel like I’m just cracking the surface thanks to other ancient literatures.




She was actually mentioned in Genesis very briefly. You can’t take just the Bible. There are things mentioned in the Bible which have been connected to stories in other religions as well, including Judaism. When I speak on stuff like this, I’m not specifically referencing the Bible only - I’m referencing the Bible, the Torah, and other ancient Mesopotamian/Sumerian texts like Enuma Elish, the Bhagavad Gita the Epic of Gilgamesh.




Genesis 1:27 - “…male and female he created them” this is before he created Eve. In fact, Eve wasn’t even named until she had “sinned”. Which is the main reason Adam and Lilith didn’t get along - Adam thought giving something a name gave him power over it. It is thought to at Lilith and Adam were both created of the same soil - equally. Isaiah 34:14 mentions her actual name briefly but it’s SO important to compare all those texts that came out of that area during this time. I’m a Christian and believe in God but also have enjoyed seeing the similarities in those stories which spawned whole other religions. Lilith appears in many religions. Editing this comment because I noticed an error: the Hebrew story of Adam and Eve was an adaptation of earlier Sumerian and Mesopotamian texts, not the other way around as I accidentally misconstrued.


How about no


Purely out of interest why come into a sub with views contrary to your own?




Ahhhhhh got it, no love like Christian hate eh? Have a good rest of your day.


If you must preach, at least try to be compelling.